Supplementary Form A Attachments
Question 3 – Map of Study Area – Australian Territorial Seas
Question 4
A - Equipment and Methods Used to Comply with the EPBC Act
Curt and Micheline Jenner have held federal and state permits to study cetaceans since 1990.
During this time they have developed a thorough and integrated study methodology for various cetacean species and study types, including photo-identification, behavioural observations, passive acoustic studies, biopsy sampling and satellite tagging. State of the art equipment is used at different scales in all study types from the 250 tonne, Ice Class Research Vessel Whale Song down to digital cameras, computer assisted record keeping and analysis. At minimum, all study activities, including number of approaches and whale reactions are thoroughly logged via computer using gps references and either video or photographs so that the researchers can learn from each approach to minimise any potential impacts their activities may incur.
B – What Steps will be Taken to Minimise impacts on Cetaceans?
Approaches for invasive research techniques such as biopsy sampling or satellite tagging are always preceded by a minimum 30 minute observation period of the study animal(s) at 100m distance to ensure that the animals are not engaged in an important life behaviour such as nursing or birthing,
nor are they likely to panic and take flight as the vessel approaches closer. Once the observation period is over, a decision can made by Curt or Micheline to close with the whale to apply the tag/biopsy, or to abort the approach. Approaches are at oblique, non confrontational angles to the whale and at speeds only just sufficient to overtake the animal and position the applicator. Digital photographic and/or video images are taken of the application and result (tag implant or biopsy sample) to understand if the procedure has been undertaken correctly. After application a further
30 minute observation period is used to establish how long it takes the whale to return to normal behaviour patterns (if any effect has been observed).
All equipment that comes into contact with a whale is sterilised in keeping with the highest veterinary standards so that the chances of infection are minimised.
C – The Objectives and Purposes of the Actions
The overarching purpose of all of the Jenners research activities is whale conservation. Our photoidentification studies on humpback whales and pygmy blue whales have measured population size, our biopsy sampling projects have examined sex ratios and inter-relatedness of global stocks, our tagging studies have identified previously undescribed migratory corridors. This work will continue.
As a direct result of our studies, we have successfully identified and instigated a Marine Sanctuary in the Kimberley for the Stock D humpback whale calving grounds and contributed to the creation of a new protected marine area for feeding pygmy blue whales in the Perth Canyon.
Our research actions will continue this vital process of identifying other critical habitats for
Australian cetaceans throughout all of Australia’s territorial seas
Question 5
A –Research Proposal
Principal Investigators
Curt and Micheline Jenner, Centre for Whale Research (Western Australia) Inc.
Scientific Advisors/Collaborators
Robert McCauley, Curtin University/Centre for Whale Research (Western Australia) Inc.
Peter Gill, Blue Whale Study Group
Luciana Moller , Flinders University
Russel Andrews , University of Fairbanks
John Bannister, Western Australian Museum/Centre for Whale Research (Western Australia) Inc.
Chandra Salgado-Kent, Curtin University/Centre for Whale Research (Western Australia) Inc.
Margie Morrice, Blue Whale Study Group
Rebecca Pirzl, Blue Whale Study Group
Maria Garcia, Centre for Whale Research (Western Australia) Inc.
Programme Concept
Cetacean feeding “hotspots” will be located using state of the art military acoustic equipment. This unique system will help the team to passively detect whales from hundreds of kilometres away and allow the teams’ resources to be focussed on the areas that are most important to the whales – their core feeding grounds.
Once high density feeding areas are detected, blue whales and humpback whales will be tagged with low impact tracking and dive recording tags. These areas, where concentrations of whales are found
(ie., “hotspots”), will also be examined with specialised echosounders and oceanographic instruments that will allow the team to quantify the amount of krill, and krill-food (algae), that is sufficient to attract and sustain each species of whale. Dive profiles of the whales in the feeding area hotspots will then be compared to dive profiles generated as the tagged whales move throughout their Antarctic feeding grounds, allowing the two species of whales to inform researchers and managers about the abundance and proximity of feeding hotspots.
This direct technique for locating feeding hotspots and examining feeding success will be continued each year over 5 feeding seasons in Australian Antarctic waters.
Timing and Research Opportunities
The first survey will be undertaken in early 2014, utilising the ice class Research Vessel Whale Song .
This vessel is purpose built for acoustic tracking and is tasked full time by the Australian Defence
Materiel Organisation who equip it with state of the art underwater acoustic tracking gear (directional sonobuoys, signal defined radio receivers and target tracking computers). They have released the RV
Whale Song for the purpose of these voyages, complete with equipment.
The voyage will proceed from Hobart towards the ice edge to search for blue whales, thence west along the melting ice front boundary before returning to Fremantle.
The survey would gather integrated data on cetacean and other wildlife sightings, patterns of distribution of potential cetacean prey, associated individual whale data (photo-ID, tissue biopsy, behaviour, passive acoustics, tagging), ambient environmental data (e.g. temperature, salinity, fluorescence, remote sensing data), and evidence of potentially detrimental human activities (e.g. illegal fishing). It would allow the determination of the genetic affinities of blue whales using the
The survey would also enable the following objectives based on a comparative assessment of the
Antarctic and other areas:
• comparison of survey and historical distribution data;
• comparison of relative abundance of whales between the Antarctic the Sub Tropical
Convergence (approx 45o South where pygmy blue whales are thought to summer) and
Australian coastal aggregation areas;
• definition and modeling of baleen whale habitat at the Antarctic ice front and habitat comparison with coastal aggregation areas (e.g. PC, BU); this may include identification of specific ‘hot spots’;
• evidence of interchange between areas either by tagging conducted during the survey, or by photo-ID resights.
The survey will direct effort to acoustically detected cetacean “hotspots” balancing fuel economy, expected weather conditions at various latitudes, and the likelihood of maximising whale encounters according to historical distribution and remote sensing data. The Whale Song, a modern 28m ice class vessel certified by American Bureau of Shipping, will be used for this voyage. The trackline for this survey will be developed enroute to the ice edge, and will be largely guided by acoustic detections of both blue whales and humpback whales.
Surveys of blue whale and humpback whale “hotspots” will be conducted during daylight hours, recording all cetaceans and other marine wildlife (fish, seabirds, pinnipeds, invertebrates e.g. salps & jellyfish (taxa of current interest in the context of global warming)) observed on fine scale transects within identified cetacean hotspots. Strategies for night time or stop work weather will be formulated by the research team. While on fine transect effort the survey will be run in passing mode (Hiby and
Hammond, 1989) when whales are close enough to the trackline to confirm species identification.
Closing mode will be adopted for sightings that cannot be reliably identified from the trackline, for more detailed observations, or when deemed appropriate for employing other methods such as photo-
ID, biopsy, prey sampling or tagging.
Measures of physical and biological oceanography will be made throughout the survey to provide a multi-disciplinary basis for studying cetacean distribution. These will be collected at a number of scales. Physical data including measures of time, position, sea surface temperature, wind speed and direction, cloud cover and range of visibility will be recorded on the hour during surveys. Other biophysical oceanographic features such as current shear lines, algal slicks, flotsam,/jetsam and biota and changes in water colour will be recorded when encountered. Conductivity/temperature/depth
(CTD) profiles and acoustic backscatter will be recorded along survey using an adaptive sampling regime specific to the local features and conditions. CTD profiles will be collected at 5 km intervals along transects where cetacean or other wildlife diversity or abundance is high, or where strong SST frontal zones (temperature ± 0.5ºC) are evident. Information on temperature variations with depth will be used to examine the survey area for evidence of thermal layering or coldwater upwelling/mixing often associated with nutrient transport from ocean depths to the shallow photic zone. Fluorescence will be measured as a proxy for chlorophyll-a concentration, which is in turn a commonly used proxy for primary productivity. Acoustic backscatter from single beam sonar is commonly used to assess water column biota biomass (Simmonds & MacLennan 2005) including krill
(Watkins & Brierley 2002). A towed single beam sonar (Biosonics DTX) will provide a measure of secondary productivity, targeting zooplankton (e.g. krill) at 120 kHz as well as fish at 38 kHz.
The vessel will carry a fast RHIB that can be quickly deployed in BSS <3 so that blue and humpback whales can be approached for photo-ID, biopsy or tagging. Photo-ID will utilise DSLR cameras with
300/400mm lenses, and will be undertaken opportunistically to improve chances of establishing resights with other areas, using protocols established by the Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale
Catalogue (SHBWC). Biopsy will be conducted opportunistically according to established protocols,
using the Dan Inject system, and is applicable not only to blues, but may help to resolve phylogenetic relationships between sei, Omura’s and Bryde’s whales. Where possible Limpet satellite tags equipped with depth loggers will be applied to blue and humpback whales as described in Andrews et al.
Satellite imagery will be collected via a satellite broadband (Iridium Open Port) data link for underway correlations with whale sightings, oceanographic features and in-water zooplankton and fish biomass observed on the sonar system. This will enable a predictive capability for the vessels track (ie. target specific oceanographic features if they turn out to increase the probability of locating blue whales).
Data collection will be complex and multidisciplinary, as described above. Additional information is given below.
5.1 Visual Survey procedures
Three observers located 7.5 m above sea level (height of eye) will scan from the vessel to the horizon
(estimated range 12.8 km) while steaming at a constant speed of 7–8 knots. Searches will use both binoculars and the naked eye. A hand-held compass will be used to determine the bearing of each sighting. Distance from the vessel will be measured using an inverted sextant to provide a vertical sighting angle. Observers will search a 180º arc ahead of the vessel track using a zigzag search technique from the side of the vessel out to the horizon.
All observations will be recorded using specialised data-logging software. Cetaceans sighted will be recorded to species level only when absolutely certain of identification. If any doubt over identification exists, the most suitable category will be chosen (e.g. ‘unidentified minke’ rather than
‘dwarf minke’ if not sure). Species identification can be validated later if sufficient quality photos are taken.
Wildlife other than cetaceans (e.g. seabirds, pinnipeds, fish at the surface, invertebrates) is recorded as individual sightings when their abundance is relatively low. If seen regularly and too often to record individually, observations are changed to 'density mode' which involves recording densities of animals sighted per five minute time bins (100/min., 200/min., etc.). This provides a biodiversity index of relative abundance for the area without compromising the search effort for cetaceans.
The visual detection methods designed for cetaceans are also considered reasonably effective for seabirds. Individual birds and flocks (mixed and single species) of birds will be identified to species level when possible, particularly when sighted within 500 m of the track-line. In addition to wildlife sightings, marine debris and the presence and position of other vessels will be recorded.
Photos will be taken of all sightings (particularly seabirds and cetaceans) that are near or approach the vessel. The photos will be used for species identification and confirmation post sighting and, in the case of cetaceans, to identify individual animals.
5.2 Oceanographic survey procedures
Water column temperatures, salinity, and chlorophyll-a concentrations will be recorded using a
Seabird 19plus CTD profiler deployed to 300m, the effective limit of the 120kHz echosounder used to map krill distribution and abundance. Chlorophyll maxima will be calculated from CTD fluorescence measures to compare maximum chlorophyll-a levels at depth across the study area.
Telemetry derived chlor-a maps will be ground-truthed in this manner so that areas where deep
chlorophyll maxima (DCM) are prevalent can also be correlated with cetacean distribution. In using fluorescence as a proxy for chlorophyll-a levels, it is important to note that un-calibrated fluorescence values can alter with changes in species composition and health as well as with changes in chlorophyll-a concentration. As such water samples will be collected for post analysis at depths associated with chlorophyll-a maxima.
5.3 Prey field studies
A towed single beam sonar (Biosonics DTX mounted on a sled) will provide a measure of secondary productivity, targeting zooplankton (e.g. krill) at 120 kHz or fish at 38 kHz. The Biosonics DTX system is calibrated and will be used to assess the comparative density of the deep scattering layer
(DSL) which can be compared with measures from other ocean basins and satellite imagery (SST and
Chl-A) for correlation of the DSL biomass with oceanographic features. Curtin has extensive experience at processing single beam sonar data and has written a suite of software for presenting and analysing raw Biosonics data streams, which will be utilised aboard the vessel whilst underway for immediate feedback. There is a possibility that Curtin can provide a multibeam sonar (Reson 7125) for in-water biomass assessment or to directly image feeding whales, but the availability of this system is currently in discussion. The system will be deployed using a lifting gantry near the stern or over the side and towed off a stern quarter. It will be mounted on a sled and towed at 4 m depth behind the vessel throughout the survey. Prey near the surface will be collected opportunistically by hand nets and towed bongo nets and if a need is established for nets that can be triggered at depth to capture prey, facilities to incorporate this technique will be considered for future voyages. Prey will be stored in ethanol.
5.4 Towed array and Sonobuoys
Passive acoustic tools will be used to locate whale species and in particular high density hotspots with multiple calling whales. A large towed array may be available and would be continually streamed off the vessel’s quarter and used to monitor and log multiple hydrophone data. The monitoring software will allow tracking capability within the constraints of a single towed array, such as: a left / right ambiguity in source bearing; high low frequency flow noise limiting the system below a few hundred
Hz (the system low frequency capability will be specific to the vessel and tow configuration) and the short aperture of the array limiting the lowest frequency which can be tracked to a few hundred Hz. It is expected that the towed system will detect and localise nearby odontocete signals and the components of most great whale calls (for example sperm, blue, humpback and minke whales) at a range of at least 20 nautical miles for most species in the open ocean and under some conditions may be considerably more (to hundreds of nautical miles). The towed array opens the way for censusing oceanic whales by locating all calling individuals along survey tracks..
To allow long range directional detection of low frequency great whale signals (< 100 Hz, such as blue whale signals) drifting sonobuoy receivers will be deployed. Modern submarine warfare sonobuoys with target tracking will be used to detect, and close, with blue whale and humpback whale singers. Military software programs SONIX and PASOR will be used for tracking and MAST and
OSPREY for realtime processing.
5.5 Biopsy samples
Biopsy samples will be collected using a Dan Inject system, which is a biopsy rifle modified to deliver darts (Krutzen et al. 2002). This is today a standard technique in cetacean studies (e.g. Möller et al. 2007, Bilgmann et al. 2008). Sub-samples, whenever possible, will be sent to the Australian
Antarctic Division to be archived in a tissue bank for Australian Blue Whales. DNA samples will be used to generate a genetic profile of each individual sampled whale, including sex, maternal lineage based on mitochondrial DNA control region ( Möller et al. 2007, Attard et al. press), and a nuclear
DNA profile based on 32 variable microsatellite markers already optimised for blue whales (Attard and Möller unpublished data). These microsatellite markers consist of loci developed for other cetaceans that we successfully tested for cross-amplification and polymorphism with blue whales
(Rosel et al. 2005; Coughlan et al. 2006; Huebinger et al. 2008; Nater et al. 2009) and other novel blue whale microsatellite loci that were developed and found to be polymorphic in these whales. This powerful multiloci genetic profile will reliably identify individuals, migrants and subspecific status.
5.6 Photo- Identification
Photo-identification images will be collected from the research vessels using digital SLR cameras with telephoto 300/400mm lenses. Images of lateral body pigmentation particularly focused on the area immediately surrounding and ahead of the dorsal fin will be used to identify individual whales
(Sears et al. 1990).
5.7 Satellite Tagging
If available, LIMPET satellite tags using argos transmitters for tracking purposes and depth sensors will be attached to blue whales and humpback whales using standardised techniques (Andrews et al.
2008). Strategies for duty cycles will be decided immediately prior to the voyage.
Andrews, R. D., R. L. Pitman and L. T. Ballance. 2008. Satellite tracking reveals distinct movement patterns for Type B and Type C killer whales in the southern Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology
Attard, C., L.B. Beheregaray, C. Jenner, P. Gill, N. Kanda, M. Jenner. M.Morrice, J. Bannister, R.
LeDuc and L. Möller. In press. Genetic structure of blue whales (
Balaenoptera musculus ) in
Australian feeding aggregations.
Berzin, A.A. and N.V. Doroshenko. 2000. Commercial catch of sei whales ( Balaenoptera borealis ) in subtropical regions of the Indian Ocean by the Sovetskaya Rossiya Antarctic whaling fleet in 1963-
1971. Pp 131-140 in Soviet Whaling Data (1949-1979), eds A.V. Yablokov and V.A. Zemsky. Center for Russian Environmental Policy, Moscow.
Best, P.B., Rademeyer, R.A., Burton, C., Ljungblad, D., Sekiguchi, K., Shimada, H., Thiele, D., Reeb,
D., and Butterworth, D.S. 2003. The abundance of blue whales on the Madagascar Plateau, December
1996. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 5(3): 253-260.
Bilgmann, K., R.G. Harcourt, R. Gales and L.B. Beheregaray. 2008. Common dolphins subject to fisheries impacts in southern Australia are genetically differentiated: implications for conservation.
Animal Conservation 11: 518-528.
Branch, T.A., Stafford, K.M., Palacios, D.M., Allison, C., Bannister, J.L., Burton, C.L.K., Cabrera,
E., Carlson, C.A., Galletti Vernazzani, B., Gill, P.C., Hucke-Gaete, R., Jenner, K.C.S., Jenner, M.-
N.M., Matsuoka, K., Mikhalev, Y.A., Miyashita, T., Morrice, M.G., Nishiwaki, S., Sturrock, V.J.,
Tormosov, D., Anderson, R.C., Baker, A.N., Best, P.B., Borsa, P., Brownell Jr, R.L., Childerhouse,
S., Findlay, K.P., Gerrodette, T., Ilangakoon, A.D., Joergensen, M., Kahn, B., Ljungblad, D.K.,
Maughan, B., McCauley, R.D., McKay, S., Norris, T.F., Oman Whale and Dolphin Research Group,
Rankin, S., Samaran, F., Thiele, D., Van Waerebeek, K. and Warneke, R.M. 2007. Past and present distribution, densities and movements of blue whales Balaenoptera musculus in the Southern
Hemisphere and northern Indian Ocean. Mammal Rev iew 37:116-175.
Coughlan, J., Mirimin, L. Dillane, E., Rogan, E., Cross, T. F. (2006) Isolation and characterization of novel microsatellite loci for the short-beaked common dolphin ( Delphinus delphis ) and crossamplification in other cetacean species. Molecular Ecology Notes 6:490-492
Gales, N., M.C. Double, S. Robinson, C. Jenner, M. Jenner, E. King, J. Gedamke, D. Paton, B.
Raymond. 2009. Satellite tracking of southbound East Australian humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ): challenging the feast or famine model for migrating whales. Reports of the
International Whaling Commission SC/61/SH17, pp-12.
Gilson, A., Sylvanen, M., Levine, K. F., Banks, J. D. (1998) Deer gender determination by polymerase chain reaction: validation study and application to tissues, bloodstains, and hair forensic samples from California. California Fish and Game 84:159-169
Godfrey JS, Ridgeway KR. 1985. The large-scale environment of the poleward-flowing Leeuwin
Current, Western Australia: longshore steric height gradients, wind stresses and geostrophic flow.
Journal of Physical Oceanography 15:481–495.
Hanson CE, Pesant S, Waite AM, Pattiaratchi CB. 2007. Assessing the magnitude and significance of deep clorophyll maxima of the coastal eastern Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Reseach II 54:884–901.
Hiby, A.R. and P.S. Hammond. 1989. Survey techniques for estimating abundance of cetaceans.
Reports of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 11): 47-80.
Huebinger, R. M., Patton, J. C., George, J. C., Suydam, R., Louis, E. E., Bickham, J. W. (2008)
Characterization of 25 microsatellite loci in bowhead whales ( Balaena mysticetus ). Molecular
Ecology Resources 8: 612-615
Krutzen, M., Barre, L. M., Moller, L., Heithaus, M. R., Simms, C., Sherwin, W. B. (2002) A biopsy system for small cetaceans: darting success and wound healing in Tursiops spp. Marine Mammal
Science 18:863-878.
Möller, L. M., Wiszniewski, J., Allen, S. J., Beheregaray, L. B. (2007) Habitat type promotes rapid and localized genetic differentiation in dolphins. Marine and Freshwater Research 58:640-648.
Nater, A., Kopps, A. M., Krutzen, M. (2009) New polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellites improve scoring accuracy in the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops aduncus. Molecular Ecology Resources
Parnum, I. 2009. Analysis of Biosonics DT-X echosounder data collected from Scott Reef, Western
Australia. Prepared for Centre for Whale Research WA Inc by Curtin University Centre for Marine
Science and Technology, (unpublished).
Rosel, P. E., Forgetta, V., Dewar, K. (2005) Isolation and characterization of twelve polymorphic microsatellite markers in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Molecular Ecology Notes, 5:830-
Schuelke, M. (2000) An economic method for the fluorescent labeling of PCR fragments. Nature
Biotechnology 18:233-234
Sears, R., J.M. Williamson, F.W. Wenzel, M. Bérubé, D. Gendron and P. Jones. 1990. Photographic identification of the blue whale ( Balaenoptera musculus ) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada.
Reports of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 12): 335-342.
Simmonds, MacLennan. 2005. Fisheries Acoustics Theory and Practice.
Sunnucks, P., Hales, D. F. (1996) Numerous transposed sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I-II in aphids of the genus Sitobion (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Molecular Biology and Evolution
Watkins JL, Brierley S. 2002. Verification of the acoustic techniques used to identify Antarctic krill.
ICES Journal of Marine Science 59:1326–1336.
5B –Names of the Researchers and Institutions Supporting the Research
Robert McCauley, Curtin University/Centre for Whale Research (Western Australia) Inc.
Peter Gill, Blue Whale Study Group
Luciana Moller , Flinders University
Russel Andrews , University of Fairbanks
John Bannister, Western Australian Museum/Centre for Whale Research (Western Australia) Inc.
Chandra Salgado-Kent, Curtin University/Centre for Whale Research (Western Australia) Inc.
Margie Morrice, Blue Whale Study Group
Rebecca Pirzl, Blue Whale Study Group
Maria Garcia, Centre for Whale Research (Western Australia) Inc.
5C - Relationship of the Researchers to Permit Applicant (Including funding)
Robert McCauley, Scientific Committee member for Centre for Whale Research – no funding link
Peter Gill, Science Advisor – no funding link
Luciana Moller , Science Advisor – no funding link
Russel Andrews , Science Advisor – no funding link
John Bannister, Scientific Committee member for Centre for Whale Research – no funding link
Chandra Salgado-Kent, Scientific Committee member for Centre for Whale Research – no funding link
Margie Morrice, Science Advisor – no funding link
Rebecca Pirzl, Science Advisor – no funding link
Maria Garcia, Centre for Whale Research employee – no funding link
Question 13 – not applicable