Ch 10,section 3 Review - Closter Public Schools

Ch 10 – section 3 Review
=A loose mixture of small mineral fragments,
organic material, water, and air that can support
the growth of vegetation
Parent rock
- the rock formation that is the source of mineral
fragments in the soil
- the layer of rock beneath the soil
Soil texture
- caused by the amount of different sized
particles in the soil
Soil structure
- caused by the arrangement of the soil particles
- dark, organic material formed in soil from the
remains of plants and animals
- removal of substances that are dissolved from
rock because water passed through
Tropical rain forest
- heavy rain leaches nutrients from topsoil. Crops
grow year round because the soil is warn and
plants use nutrients form the soil year round
-gets some water from under the ground, but it
evaporates leaving salts and can kill plants
Temperate forest/grassland
- frequent changes in temperature leads to frost
which lets thick fertile soil develop. This soil is
very productive for farming
- low soil temperature and little rain causes soil
to form slowly. Decomposition of plants and
animals slows or stops and limits the amount of