paper - People Server at UNCW - University of North Carolina

Kimberley Parnell, Skylar Freeze, Phillip Smith
University of North Carolina Wilmington
The goal of this project is to design a
variety of algorithms that are capable of solving
standard 9x9 Sudoku puzzles of ranging
difficulties, in order to learn more about Sudoku
solving techniques and to better understand
constraint satisfaction problems as a whole. We
began by using a naïve brute force algorithm to
solve the puzzles. While a brute force approach
is capable of solving any puzzle in a given
amount of time, it has the chance of requiring a
substantial amount runtime to reach the correct
solution. An optimized take on the brute force
algorithm we developed was also produced, and
showed noticeably improvement upon the initial
brute force results. In an attempt to find a more
logical and efficient algorithm, an iterative depth
first search algorithm was also designed and
implemented. This method improved the
average runtime, but could still potentially take
over thirty seconds to solve a difficult problem
and averaged roughly five seconds on the
hardest difficulty. An improvement to this was
the recursive backtracking algorithm, which
solved the hardest puzzles attempted in an
average of less than a second. Also, a stochastic
algorithm was implemented to learn how a
stochastic technique could be applied to a
Sudoku puzzle. All algorithms presented were
written in the Python programming language
and all algorithms, with the exception of the
brute force algorithm, were tested on the same
75 Sudoku puzzles, 25 from each difficulty level
(easy, medium, and hard). The brute force and
optimized brute force puzzles were tested solely
against the 25 easy level puzzles, as well as their
own set of ‘simple’ puzzles, to test their
efficiency and range. Also, the results for the
depth first search and backtracking methods
were further validated using 1000 additional
Sudoku puzzles from each difficulty range.
Key Words: Algorithm, Backtracking, Brute
Force, Stochastic Search, Stochastic Search,
Depth First Search, Constraint Satisfaction
1. Introduction
Our group, Team Sudoku, has created
and implemented five different algorithms that
are capable of solving a standard 9x9 Sudoku
puzzle. To complete a standard Sudoku puzzle
one must fill a 9x9 grid with the digits 1 to 9 so
that each column, row, and subrectangle contain
all digits 1 to 9 within them. A starting grid is
partially filled by a selection of given values that
determine the puzzle difficulty and the
uniqueness of the solution. Our algorithms will
be tested on a 9x9 sized puzzle and we will
analyze how well each of these algorithms
solves a puzzle, based on the depth, speed, and
coverage. Algorithms will be assessed based on
the number of iterations the algorithm has to run
before a solution is returned, the time it takes an
algorithm to run before it returns a solution and
lastly, the range of puzzles an algorithm is able
to handle.
2. Formal Problem Statement
Formally speaking, a standard square
Sudoku puzzle, based on the original,
unmodified game format, is solved by filling an
NxN two-dimensional array with N distinct
symbols in such a way each cell of the array
contains only one symbol and each row, column,
and subrectangle of the array is a permutation of
the N symbols. Each subrectangle is a MxM
two-dimensional array where M is equal to
sqrt(N). The number of sub rectangles within the
array is equal to N.
The solver algorithms will search for a
valid (/unique) solution to the inputted Sudoku
puzzles. Testing will determine which algorithm
solves the puzzles most efficiently. Efficiency
will be determined by time elapsed and number
of attempts needed. The range of puzzles that the
algorithms are able to complete will also be
3. Context
The name Sudoku comes from the
Japanese, who brought the modern Sudoku
puzzle into the mainstream, and consists of the
Japanese characters Su, meaning ‘number’, and
Doku, meaning ‘single’. Sudoku was originated,
however, in Switzerland, by a mathematician
named Leonhard Euler. Euler created the
modern puzzle using the consolidation of the
mathematics pioneered by Isaac Newton. A
major contributor in the study of solving Sudoku
puzzles through the use of computer
programming is Peter Norvig. Norvig wrote an
essay on tackling the problem of solving every
Sudoku puzzle using two ideas: constraint
propagation and search. Constraint propagation
is the process of finding a solution to a set of
constraints that impose conditions that the
variables must satisfy, and idea of searching
involves finding an item with specified
properties among a collection of items which are
coded into a computer program, that look for
clues to return what is wanted. The results from
his essay showed that the average time to solve a
random puzzle was 0.01 seconds, and more than
99.95% took less than 0.1 seconds. His results
were produced from the solving of a million
randomly generated puzzles.
4. Difficultly in Sudoku
In Sudoku, a standard 9x9 grid, as we
have focused on for the purposes of this project,
must have at least 17 given values to be deemed
‘solvable.’ A ‘solvable’ Sudoku puzzle is one
that has a unique solution. A puzzle with 16 or
fewer given values will have more than one
possible solution, preventing it from being a
‘true’ Sudoku puzzle. This statistic was
determined by a study completed and published
in 2012 by a student at University College
Dublin, which was later supported at a
Massachusetts. The average puzzle one can find
in a newspaper has approximately 25 give
values, with the number tending to decrease as
the puzzle difficulty grows.
In Sudoku, there are five levels of
difficulty, ranging from Easy (level 1) to Master
(level 5). The level of difficulty of a given
puzzle is determined by the manner in which a
player is required to go about solving the puzzle.
The difficulty levels are broken down in a way
such that:
• Level 1 - The puzzle is solvable by
reducing possibilities of square to a single value.
• Level 2 – Player must locate the
occurrence of number pairs within the puzzle.
• Level 3 – The player must utilize
special techniques such as ‘X-Wing’1 or ‘Ywing’2 techniques, requiring the player to take a
more tactical approach.
• Level 4 – Requires the use of ‘Forcing
Chains’ where the Sudoku player must make a
guess of a possible solution, then trace that guess
to determine if it can fit and produce a valid
solution (aka ‘Guess and Check’)
• Level 5 – Requires the Sudoku player
to use trial and error to map out a possible
solution, or to make use of lookup tables. These
puzzles cannot be solved by logic alone.
Difficulty can also be affected by how the given
values are placed within the grid.
5. Backtracking
The backtracking algorithm solves each
unassigned/empty space (represented by a ‘0’ in
this algorithm) one at a time, the order
determined by its current row and column. It
then searches through a list of numbers ranging
from 1 to 9, to check if the constraints were
satisfied. The three constraints that need to be
satisfied to find the unique solution of the puzzle
are that no two of the same numbers are
presented in the current row, column or 3x3
subrectangle. The algorithm continues to the
next blank space to do this same process so long
as the constraints are satisfied and until the
Sudoku puzzle is solved. If it is determined that
the space that was previously solved will not
solve the Sudoku puzzle, the algorithm backs up
1The X-Wing Technique is described as a technique in which a
player “take(s) two rows (the base sets). If (they) can find two
columns, such that all candidates of a specific digit in both rows
are contained in the columns, all…candidates (for the digit) in the
columns that are not part of the rows can be eliminated. The result
is called an X-Wing in the rows. If (one) exchange(s) the terms
rows and columns in the description above, (the result is) an XWing in the columns” (Hobiger).
2 The Y-Wing Technique follows the same methodology as the XWing Technique, the difference being in that the player utilizes
three instances of the digit to narrow down potential positions for
the candidate digit, rather than the two used in the X-Wing
from its current state and finds other valid
solutions which will satisfy all constraints.
Figure 5.1
Figure 5.1 shows the data after running
25 puzzles, ranging with the level of difficulties
of easy, medium and hard. Puzzles that were
easy resulted in the least of amount of average
time. The average time for easy, medium and
hard puzzles were recorded as 0.1903, 0.2171
and 0.2052 seconds, respectively. There was no
distinct correlation between puzzles with the
difficulty of medium and hard, and the
backtracking algorithm was able to successfully
solve all three difficulties.
To further analyze the correlation
between ranging difficulties of Sudoku puzzles
based on computational time, data from a
sample size of 1000 Sudoku puzzles, ranging
from the same level of difficulties was recorded.
With a larger sample size than previously
recorded, the data shows a correlation between
the level of difficulty and time, as it takes the
backtracking algorithm the most time to solve
the hardest level of difficulty. The number of
recorded iterations the backtracking algorithm
implemented had a correlation with the ranging
level of difficulties, as well. The algorithm
tended to require more instances of backtracking
the harder the difficulty of the puzzle, because
there would be a larger set of numbers that
would satisfy the constraints, therefore requiring
more recursions.
For its complexity, the backtracking
algorithm has a Big-O notation of O(n!)n, where
n factorial represents the number of possible
values within a Sudoku puzzle. The algorithm
will go through each number from 1-9 to see if it
satisfies the constraints, this is represented by
the n factorial in the Big O. Once it finds the
value or values that could be a possible solution
it pushes the value or values into an ordered
stack and pops the first value that into the
unassigned space. The algorithm will go to the
next unassigned space and do this same process
again. If the algorithm is at an unassigned space
where there are no possible numbers that can
satisfy the constraints, it will then keep the
unassigned space as a ‘0’ and backtrack to the
last assigned space. Once it goes back to the last
assigned space, the algorithm will assign the
current space to the next popped number from
the stack. The number of times the algorithm
would backtrack, to show that it requires another
number from the stack of possible values, is
represented as the nth power.
6. Brute Force
The brute force algorithm created for
this project was completely randomized and
given minimal logic. It featured no optimization
in order to distinctly differentiate itself from the
backtracking algorithm developed for this same
problem. Our algorithm represented an
extremely naïve solving system in contrast to the
different logic-based algorithms that we
The algorithm begins by reading
through each value in the array, one row at a
time. When it lands upon a ‘0’ (the symbol in
our programming for an empty cell), the
algorithm sends two lists to an outside method: a
list of all the integers in that value’s row and a
list of all of the integers in that value’s column.
The outside method, genRandom, then
continuously generates a value between 1 and N
until it finds one that does not already exist in
the given row or column. If the generator runs
through all N integers it will return its state as
broken, recognizing that the current randomized
solution is incorrect and does not fit within the
constraints of a valid Sudoku solution.
After a random value has been
generated, it will be returned to the main
algorithm and replace the ‘0’ value at its index.
The algorithm will then continue through the
rest of the array until it reaches the end, having
found a valid solution. The algorithm will also
run an outside method after finishing each set of
sub rectangles to ensure no repeated values
within the sub rectangles, verifying that the
generated solution is remaining within the
constraints of a valid and correct solution.
While effective on the smallest tested
puzzle size (4x4), the brute force algorithm
becomes exponentially less efficient as the
puzzle size increases. As the algorithm is
randomized and does not utilize any
optimization, it relies solely on luck. The range
of attempts needed to solve the solution using
the brute force algorithm was highly variant and
had no distinguishable correlation. In relation to
that, there was also a high variance in runtime
needed to solve the puzzles. Because of this, the
brute force algorithm developed is a very
inefficient and ineffective method of solving the
Sudoku problem.
Figure 6.1
the basic algorithm we developed for a brute
force approach was unable to solve any puzzles
in the easy set of 25 puzzles in under 2 million
attempts, the algorithm in its optimized form had
approximately 60% coverage of the same
puzzles, the majority of which were solvable in
half a million attempts or less.
The optimized algorithm was also run
against the previously presented puzzle for one
hundred attempts. Adding the additional
constraint in regards to the subrectangles greatly
reduced the needed attempts and the variance of
Figure 6.2
Optimized Brute Force Variation
The variance for the times and attempts
needed for our brute force algorithm to solve a
given puzzle was tested by running the same
puzzle through the algorithm one-hundred times.
The results (as seen in Figure 6.1 above) were
highly inconsistent and relied solely on the luck
of the draw from the random number generator.
In addition to a very basic brute force
algorithm, we also created an optimized brute
force algorithm. The optimized form of the
algorithm utilizes the same general process as
the original, however it takes the subrectangles
into account when generating a randomized
number. This optimized algorithm has increased
effectiveness, though it is still limited in contrast
to the backtracking and DFS algorithms we
developed. The optimized brute force algorithm
we developed improved the randomized
algorithm’s ability to solve the puzzles. While
While the original brute force algorithm
we developed took an average of approximately
eleven-thousand attempts to solve (minimum of
154, maximum of 51,735), the optimized
algorithm took an average of approximately 60
attempts (minimum of 3, maximum of 247). The
average runtime was also decreased, with an
initial average of 2.65 seconds, and an average
of .06 seconds in the optimized form. In
decreasing the chances of error coming from the
random generator, the effectiveness and
efficiency of the solver was increased.
In regards to complexity, both
algorithms share a Big-O notation of O(n), n
being the number of unknown values in the
puzzle. For each unknown value, there are a
maximum of nine possible solutions, depending
on givens. For each additional unknown value n,
the runtime of the program increases. The
algorithm does not attempt to make corrections
to detected errors, and instead breaks out of the
grid and ends the algorithm upon finding an
incorrect guess. This means that the longest
runtime of the algorithm will be a correctly
guessed solution which makes it to the end of
the grid rather than breaking out of the algorithm
early. Since the algorithm is completely
randomized, it keeps no record of guessed
solutions, making it potentially infinite, as it can
continue to make the same errors repeatedly
without correcting itself. Because of this, the
algorithm is NP, nondeterministic.
7. Stochastic Search
The other randomized algorithm
developed for solving the Sudoku problem was a
stochastic search algorithm. The stochastic
search algorithm runs through the given puzzle
array and locates all empty ‘0’ cells. For each
empty cell, it generates a random number that
does not already correctly exist in the row and
column for that given cell. After creating a
randomized solution for the puzzle, the
generated solution is then checked against the
correct solution. All correct guesses are saved to
the puzzle being solved, while all incorrect
guesses are reset back to zero.
This algorithm was run against a series
of easy, medium, and hard level puzzles. While
there was a minor positive correlation between
the difficulty of the puzzle and the time and
attempts needed, the increase was minimal.
There was also enough variance in the results
that a lower difficulty puzzle might not
consistently run more efficiently than a higher
level puzzle.
Stochastic Search Results
The complexity for the Stochastic
Search algorithm that we developed is also O(n).
It also depends on random generation of
numbers, and while it is unlikely, there is a
worst case scenario in which the generator will
continue to guess an incorrect solution infinitely.
Because of this, the algorithm is also NP,
nondeterministic, though less obviously so than
the Brute Force algorithm.
This algorithm is much more efficient
than the brute force form of randomized search
we developed, however, due the requirement of
having a solution to compare the generated
solution to, this algorithm is not very practical.
A user would need to supply the puzzle’s
solution, making this algorithm obsolete in real
world and practical application.
8. Iterative DFS (Depth First Search)
The iterative DFS algorithm begins by
creating a fixed list that holds the placement of
the initially provided Sudoku entries and an
empty list to hold what values were attempted
for each empty square. It then starts iterating
over the Sudoku squares, stepping over squares
that are in the fixed list. When it finds a blank
square it calls an outside method to determine
the first possible entry that does not violate any
constraints provided. That entry is returned,
placed in the blank square, and that value is
added to the tried list for that square. This is
controlled by a while loop whose exit condition
is the puzzle being solved. If the algorithm
reaches a blank square ‘X’ which has no
possible moves it will reset the previous entry
‘Y’ to blank, empty the tired entries for X and
every entry past it, and start again from Y. This
algorithm uses a depth first search technique to
choose which values will be entered into the
blank squares first. A tree is created whose
branches are the possible entries for each blank
square sorted in ascending order and the lowest
possible entry is always chosen first.
This algorithm was able to solve the
easiest Sudoku puzzles in an average of
0.049123 seconds with an average of 2146.76
steps. However, when presented with medium or
hard puzzles this algorithm performed much
slower than the recursive backtracking algorithm
requiring an average of 3.924969 seconds for the
medium difficulty and 3.874782 for the hardest
difficulty. This indicates that the algorithm’s
runtime is not affected by the difficulty of the
puzzle and rather the number of blank entries
and location of the given entries. With a
correlation between runtime and the number of
fixed entries at the beginning of the puzzle. The
time complexity of this algorithm has a worst
case of O(∑𝑚
0 𝑚^𝑛) where n is the number of
blank entries in a given Sudoku puzzle and m is
the number of possible entries for a blank
square. Each entry can have a maximum of nine
possible values. However, repetition is not
allowed so the sum will go from zero to m.
Figure 8.1
Runtime of Iterative DFS
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25
Puzzle Number
Easy Times
Med Times
Hard Times
Iterative DFS Results
8. Interpretation and conclusions
All of our algorithms succeeded in
meeting the goal of our problem statement,
which was to solve a standard 9x9 Sudoku
puzzle. The brute force algorithm was the most
naïve and was written directly from the problem
statement. It is capable of solving any puzzle,
but it is a NP solution and the least efficient
algorithm we designed and implemented. It
doesn’t keep up with any information about
previous attempts it has made as it solves a
puzzle. In contrast, the iterative DFS algorithm
does a lot of book-keeping, tracking both
possible moves for an entry and tried moves for
that entry in the form of Python lists. The
Iterative DFS algorithm also offers a structured
approach to solving the puzzle, attempting
entries in a DFS branching style. This
improvement allowed for solving medium and
hard level Sudoku puzzles, which the brute force
algorithm was incapable of doing in a reasonable
amount of time. The recursive backtracking
algorithm was the overall most effective, solving
hard level puzzles in an average of 0.2052
seconds, compared to the Iterative DFS
algorithm which solved hard level puzzles in an
average of 3.874782 seconds. This is because
the recursive backtracking algorithm did no
book keeping, other than the current layout of
the board and was unencumbered by the lists the
iterative DFS algorithm kept up with. It
managed to iterate over the possible entries and
did not require a list to store entries that were
previously tried. The Stochastic algorithm was
very effective at solving any level Sudoku
puzzle. However, it had the advantage of using
the solution to solve the problem. All of our
algorithms we affected more by the number of
given entries and the placement on the board of
those givens rather than the difficulty of the
puzzle. The more blank squares there were the
more our algorithms iterate to fill them in. Also,
the more blank entries towards the beginning of
the puzzle resulted in longer runtimes which
required more backtracking.
This leads us to believe, in conclusion,
that (at least in regards to a computer program,)
the difficulty of a Sudoku puzzle to be
computationally solved is directly correlated to
the placement and number of provided entries,
rather than the human techniques required solve
said puzzle. This causes some easy puzzles to
require less time to solve than some medium
puzzles and some medium puzzles taking less
time than certain hard puzzles.
9. Future Work
Our project handled the most standard
and universally known puzzle size, which is the
9x9 Sudoku puzzle. In future efforts towards this
problem, we would aim to have our algorithms
be applicable to a greater variety of puzzle sizes,
such as 16x16 or 25x25 puzzles. We could use
this information to study the impact that puzzle
size has on the efficiency of the solver
algorithms. We could also potentially look at
solving modified, non-standard puzzles which
do not require the square approach of an equal
number of columns and rows.
In regards to our testing, another
addition we could also look into would be to add
more factors to analyze the efficiency of our
algorithms, such as measuring CPU usage. With
this data we could then determine the correlation
between CPU memory usage, algorithm runtime,
and the puzzle’s given level of difficulty.
For additional algorithms, we could
work to apply more techniques, such as
analyzing a more ‘human’ approach. One such
example of this would be the grid (i.e. if in a 9x9
grid the number ‘3’ exists at grid positions (0,1)
and (2, 7), through examination, the algorithm
could determine that the last instance of ‘3’
within that column of subrectangles must be at
index ‘1’ for the middle subrectangle, limiting
the field of possibilities for the final ‘3’ to (1, 35)). There are a number of mathematical
approaches and logic-based techniques that
could be studied as possible algorithmic
approaches in the future.
11. Questions
 For an MxM subrectangle of a Sudoku
puzzle that is NxN, what is the value of
M in relation to N?
o M = sqrt(N)
 Why does our Brute Force method of
solving Sudoku result in such greatly
varied runtimes and needed attempts?
o It uses minimal logic and
depends entirely on the luck of
the random generator’s guesses.
 What is the meaning of Stochastic?
o Stochastic means “randomly
 What solving technique do most humans
used when faced with a “difficult”
Sudoku puzzle?
o Brute Force.
What is the Big-O notation of a DepthFirst Search?
o O(V + E): V stands for the
vertex’s and E represents the
edges between them.
11. Sources