CITY OF ABERDEEN THIRD SECTOR INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY PLANNING – STATUS AS AT SEPT 2015 PAPER 8 Group and Chair Third sector Rep(s) Name/Orgn. SOA Priorities/Targets Last meeting date Date of feedback to 3rd sector Next meeting date 1 Group and Chair CPA Board (Cllr. Jenny Laing) Third sector Rep(s) Name/Orgn. John Tomlinson (ACVO Board Chair) SOA Priorities/Targets Last meeting date 7th July 2015 Date of feedback to 3rd sector Next meeting date 12th October 2015 Current 3rd sector issues SOA refresh/Comms & Engagement Group/Comm Emp Bill/Neighbourhood planning/Community justice CPA Management Group (Angela Scott) Joyce Duncan (ACVO CEO) 1st June 2015 24th August 5th October Review of thematics/ soa refresh/comm emp bill/northfield total place/ neighbourhood planning/ counteswells place/ Communication & Engagement Sub Group (Joyce Duncan) ACVO Civic Forum Sept 2014 Sept 2014 Theme – Community Safety Currently lead vacant sarah Crombie victim support August 2014 August 2014 all outcomes on target. Emma Bellu Absafe Tracy Mackie SACRO The level of violent crime is reduced to 20 crimes per 10,000 population, based on a five year average. The level of Domestic Abuse does not exceed 1,634 crimes and offences, based on a five year average. Numbers of incidents involving antisocial behaviour are reduced to 409 incidents per 10,000, based on a five year average. The percentage of adult residents stating they feel 'very safe' or 'fairly safe' at home alone at night and 'very safe' or 'fairly safe' when walking alone in the local neighbourhood after dark. The numbers of wilful fires per 100,000 population are reduced by 10% from the previous year. The numbers of accidental dwelling fires per 100,000 population are reduced by 5% from the previous year. The number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road collisions annually do not exceed 117, based on a 1 Current 3rd sector issues Group not operating as it should, JD reported to mgt team in august awaiting results of formal strategic review of CPP for new structure and potential change to group purpose/format. CITY OF ABERDEEN THIRD SECTOR INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY PLANNING – STATUS AS AT SEPT 2015 Group and Chair Third sector Rep(s) Name/Orgn. SOA Priorities/Targets Last meeting date Date of feedback to 3rd sector Next meeting date June 2015 1st October, summer ones cancelled due to holidays PAPER 8 Current 3rd sector issues five year average. Theme – Learning & Workforce AGCC Rep ACVO – joyce duncan or other GREC NESCU The proportion of the working age population in employment will have increased. Economic Inactivity Levels will have reduced. The number of claimants in receipt of Out of Work Benefits will have reduced. The number of unemployed people participating in Council funded or operated Employability Programmes will have increased. The proportion of unemployed people supported into work by Council funded or operated employability programmes will have increased. The number of people who successfully complete Employability Fund provision will have increased. The number of unemployed people supported into work by Employability Fund provision will have increased. The percentage of graduates entering positive destinations in education, employment and training will have increased. The proportion of school leavers with unknown post 11th June Learning partnership workshop 23rd sept CITY OF ABERDEEN THIRD SECTOR INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY PLANNING – STATUS AS AT SEPT 2015 Group and Chair Third sector Rep(s) Name/Orgn. SOA Priorities/Targets Last meeting date PAPER 8 Date of feedback to 3rd sector Next meeting date June 2015 No date set awaiting confirmation Involvement of a wide sector of older people from various groups, ACVO taking action via RCOP follow up project. 16th September 2015 9th December 2015 Review of metrics, action on reducing alcohol consumption, promotion of healthy lifestyles Discussion of group membership from 3rd sector Current 3rd sector issues school destinations will have reduced. The Gross Weekly Earnings for residents who are employed will have improved. The Gross Weekly Earnings for workforce based in the area will have improved. The number of local jobs vacancies advertised via DWP not filled due to skills shortages will have reduced. Theme –Older People (Joyce Duncan) Older People’s Action group? The number of people in Aberdeen with increased independence has risen. June 2015 The number of older people are benefiting from active ageing has increased. The number of carers who report being effectively supported has increased. The % of adults needing care receiving personal care at home or direct payments for personal care has increased. The % of discharges from hospital that meet the 4 week standard has increased. The number of unplanned admissions to hospital will have reduced. Theme – Health & Wellbeing ACVO Next Stage Now DA The number of people attending Accident and Emergency due to alcohol 17th June CITY OF ABERDEEN THIRD SECTOR INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY PLANNING – STATUS AS AT SEPT 2015 Group and Chair Third sector Rep(s) Name/Orgn. SOA Priorities/Targets Last meeting date Date of feedback to 3rd sector PAPER 8 Next meeting date Current 3rd sector issues related admission is reduced. The rate of alcohol related admission to hospital per 100,000 of the population is reduced. Reduction in death rates per 100,000 for people under the age of 75 is reduced. Increased proportion of the population reporting to be physically active. Proportion of the population reporting to least active become more active, e.g. young girls; older people; people in areas of deprivation. Average score on the WEMWBS scale for people aged 16+ increases. The number of Life Sciences companies has doubled from 18 in 2006 to 36 in 2012. Theme – Economic Growth Energy industry employment will be maintained at 40,000. Tourism revenues will have grown by 50% to £750m by 2015. ASEN The turnover of food and drink companies will have grown by 30% to £1.1bn by 2017. Gross Value Added has increased. Employment Rates increase. Aberdeen City and No info CITY OF ABERDEEN THIRD SECTOR INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY PLANNING – STATUS AS AT SEPT 2015 Group and Chair Third sector Rep(s) Name/Orgn. SOA Priorities/Targets Last meeting date Date of feedback to 3rd sector Next meeting date Regular feedback to sector throughout June /July Monday 7 September Monday 2 November Monday 14 December PAPER 8 Current 3rd sector issues Aberdeenshire improve the Regions position within the top 15 EU Regions by improving the rate of growth by 2.5%. . Theme – Children & Young People The percentage of mothers who have good maternal attachment will increase. laurence alfred camphill Froya Rossvoll children 1st Gette Cobban homestart Sheila Erskin Action for Children claire paterson sacro Mary Annal Foyer Murray DawsonShmu Anna Garden VSA Mary Crear Aberlour Futures Elaine Crawford Aberlour Futures Vicki Carter SSPA Elaine Herron SCMA JenniferBrownlie Play forum Kathy Henwood children 1st The percentage of children who are physically, emotionally, behaviourally and cognitively ready for school at Primary 1 has increased. Women experience positive pregnancies which result in the birth of more healthy babies as evidenced by the reduction in the rates of still births and infant mortality. An increase in the number of children who have reached all expected developmental milestones at the time of the child's 27-30 month review. 8th June ICS meeting ICA post inspection plan action plan Possible PSP with 3rd sector providers Implications of Reclaiming Social work and vulnerable families operational activities on 3rd sector providers CITY OF ABERDEEN THIRD SECTOR INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY PLANNING – STATUS AS AT SEPT 2015 Group and Chair Third sector Rep(s) Name/Orgn. SOA Priorities/Targets Last meeting date Date of feedback to 3rd sector Next meeting date PAPER 8 Current 3rd sector issues An increase in the number of children who have reached all expected developmental milestones at the time the child starts Primary 1. Children receive timely, proportionate and appropriate access to services coordinated by a Named Person or Lead Professionals within the time interval standards and guidance e.g. PRS, LAC Review or CPCC, or Children's Hearing Systems. Integration Joint Board ACVO Kenneth Simpson July 25th August Localities, delayed discharge, innovation and transformation Localilties, continuing support for modernising primany care, community links worker programmes, locality reference groups Strategic group looking at issues of localities, and top strategic areas for involvement in plan Integration Executive Group ACVO Joyce Duncan June 27th August Integration Strategic Group ACVO jane Russell Inspire DA CASPA Sue Ryder Also on own behalf 15th july 12th august CITY OF ABERDEEN THIRD SECTOR INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY PLANNING – STATUS AS AT SEPT 2015 Group and Chair Third sector Rep(s) Name/Orgn. SOA Priorities/Targets VSA RSL’s DPHS NOTES: 1. ACC is leading a review of the thematic groups – scheduled to report on XX 2. … Last meeting date Date of feedback to 3rd sector Next meeting date PAPER 8 Current 3rd sector issues