Summer Professional Development Opportunities From ADK Abilities

Professional Development
From ADK Abilities
This summer, ADK Abilities will be offering three 1-day training opportunities at our
facility in Tupper Lake! Sign up for one, two, or all three sessions.
Registration is $75 for the first session, and $50 for each additional session. Register
online at or complete the registration
form at the bottom of this page and return with a check or purchase order.
About the instructor:
These trainings are provided by Lisa Tebo, OTR/L, ATP. Lisa has 26 years of
experience in pediatrics and has specialized in assistive technology for over 10 years.
She is certified as an “Assistive Technology Professional” by the Rehab Engineering
Society of North America, and has provided extensive training and support in school
districts and agencies across the North Country.
Meeting the Assistive Technology Challenge in Today’s Educational Setting
Thursday, August 8, 2013; 8:30 – 3:30
ADK Abilities, Tupper Lake, NY 12986
Under IDEA, assistive technology consideration is required for all students with
disabilities as part of their access to a free and appropriate education. In this workshop,
we will review the legislation and identify resources, strategies, and readily available
tools to help districts facilitate this process effectively and efficiently. Participants will
discuss the value of developing and using district-wide assistive technology teams to
ensure that assistive technology recommendations are appropriate and effective. The
workshop will culminate with strategies for training, implementation and follow up that
will help ensure that the AT recommended will serve its intended purpose on a long
term basis.
Intended Audience: This presentation is intended for existing AT teams or
providers, related service providers, special or general education teachers, and
administrators who have an interest in improving the efficacy of their district or
school’s existing AT program, or who wish to develop consistent AT policies and
Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will be familiar with LEA requirements for considering and
providing assistive technology to students under current IDEA regulations.
2. Participants will be familiar with readily available (and often free)
resources for facilitating AT consideration, assessment and
3. Participants will be familiar with components of an effective district AT
4. Participants will be familiar with sources (most free) for ongoing training
and professional development for AT Team Members as well as school
staff and administrators.
Selecting the Best Assistive Technology Tools to Level the Playing Field
Friday, August 9, 2013; 8:30 – 3:30
ADK Abilities, 36 High Street, Tupper Lake, NY
In this workshop we will review AT tools commonly utilized to address reading, writing,
math, organization, and participation in the educational setting. We will explore
commercially available tools as well as free or low-cost resources, many of which can
benefit an entire classroom. Time will be allowed for some hands-on exploration of
tools. (Participation in first session is not a pre-requisite for this session.)
Intended Audience: This presentation is intended for special or general
education teachers, related service providers, administrators, parents, advocates
or service coordinators who are interested in expanding their awareness of AT
strategies and tools available. Content can also be applied to adult populations.
Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will understand the process involved in selecting the most
appropriate AT tools based on individual needs, the environment, and the
task required.
2. Participants will become familiar with a range of AT tools (including lowtech to high-tech) to address academic, organizational, and functional
skills for the educational environment.
3. Participants will become familiar with a variety of sources for obtaining AT
tools, including both commercial vendors as well as sources for adapting
and modifying your own tools.
Back to Basics – A Look at Developmental Skills and Their Impact in the Primary
Thursday, August 15, 2013; 8:30 – 3:30
ADK Abilities, 36 High Street, Tupper Lake, NY 12986
In today’s fast-paced primary classrooms, it may be difficult to determine how to meet
the needs of students who struggle with motor, sensory, and perceptual skills. In this
workshop, we will look at how these skills build the foundation for learning, and explore
activities that can be easily incorporated into the classroom setting to promote skill
development, in turn facilitating greater student success! We’ll also review common
accommodations to classroom materials and activities that can help compensate for
delays in these areas. This will be a hands-on workshop – come prepared to move and
Intended Audience: This presentation is intended for special and general
education teachers, related service providers or parents interested in helping all
students become more successful in the classroom.
Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will be familiar with principals of typical development in
children, and recognize the role that developmental skills play in a
classroom setting.
2. Participants will be familiar with activities and strategies that can be
incorporated into classroom activities to foster and reinforce
developmental skills.
3. Participants will become familiar with common adaptations and
accommodations that can be utilized in the classroom setting to help
students who struggle with developmental skills become more successful.
Please indicate which trainings you would like to register for:
Meeting the Assistive Tech Challenge in Today’s Educational Settings
Thursday, August 8, 2013
8:30 – 3:30
Selecting the Best Assistive Tech Tools to Level the Playing Field
Friday, August 9, 2013
8:30 – 3:30
Back to Basics: A Look at Developmental Skills and Their Impact in the
Primary Classroom
Thursday, August 15, 2013
8:30 – 3:30
Registration Fee:
$75 – One Training
$125 – Two Trainings
$150 – Three Trainings
Payment Method:
Check Enclosed (Check Number:
Agency Purchase Order (P.O. Number:
Payment made online via PayPal (Confirmation Number:
Return completed registration forms by:
 US Postal Service to ADK Abilities, P.O. Box 1145, Tupper Lake, NY 12986
 Fax to 518-359-5084
 Or e-mail to
Checks or purchase orders should be payable to ADK Abilities.
ADK Abilities is located at:
36 High Street #2
Tupper Lake, NY
Contact us at 518-637-1828!