
Adaptation is a way of suiting an organism in the environment/habitat in order to
Different types of adaptation:
1. Morphological/structural adaptation is…….
Note Taking
 Physic
 benefits
 uniqueness
 survival
Note Making
Structural adaptation is an adaptation
an organism has in their physic that has
its own uniqueness and benefit to
survive from danger.
Example: In the dry environment of the dessert plants called cactus adapted by
storing water in their thick stems and leaves. The frog life cycle was first from the
larvae, and then grow tail and was named tadpole that life in the pond. Next as he
grows bigger the tail is gone and they grow 4 legs.
2. Behavioral adaptation is….
Note Taking
 Behavior
 individual
 social or personal
Note Making
Behavioral adaptation is an adaptation
that each individual in an organism
used to adapt whether it’s social or
Example: Before the winter comes polar bear collect the food and hibernated
when it’s winter. When it’s the hot season Teak tree fall their leaves to continue
its life.
3. Physiological/functional adaptation is……
Note Taking
Note Making
Functional adaptation is an adaptation
 function
that an organism has in their cells that
 cells
have an ability to cope with other
 ability to cope
 surroundings
Example: chameleon uses the advantage of their skin to hide away from
predators. They blend their skins with the surrounding so that the predators don’t
chase them. Lithops or called flowering stone is a type of mimic plant. To hide
from the predators they change their body color to the color of stones.
Making a riddle
1. Animal: Frog
Habitat: Frog lives in pond, land and trees. But they can also stay underwater for
long periods of time because they have skin to breathe through their skin. They
mostly like to live in moist regions. Frogs can be found almost all over the world
usually more in the tropical regions.
Adaptation: Structural adaptation
Note taking
- Webbed feet that is use to swim
the water.
- The skin is for helping the frog to
breathe, absorbs water and
control the body temperature.
- Sticky tongue to help them catch
their prey or food.
Note making
Frog adapt with many types of their
body organs. Their webbed feet is use
to swim in the slippery water. The skin
helps them to breathe when they were
swimming, and also to control their
body temperature. To find preys they
use their sticky tongue that has a long
- Croak that help them
communicate with the other
- The life cycle is starting from
larvae, into tadpoles, and finally
range. For communicating they use
their high croak so that they can talk to
each other. Their life cycle is when their
structural adaptation comes out. The
process first is that they are larvae.
Then it becomes tadpoles that look
more like a fish with internal gills and
tail. As they grew bigger the tail
disappears and the feet come out. The
gills disappear and become lungs.
This organism lives in ponds, tropical rainforests and in trees
It has 4 long webbed feet
It has a sticky tongue to help them catch their prey
Some of the species use camouflage to hide away from their predator
They eat insects
It’s life cycle start from the larvae
2. Plants: Cactus
Habitat: Cactus lives in dry condition of the tropics, subtropics, and desert. It was
planted in the sand. This plant likes to live on the hot environment and climate
like dessert.
Adaptation: Structural adaptation
Note taking
Note making
- Stems help them to store the
- The spines or modified leaves is
used to protect them from
herbivorous animals and
sometimes to camouflage
Cactus is a plant that uses a structural
adaptation. Some parts of cactus is
used to adapt in the harsh climate of
the desert. The example is the stems;
its function is to help them store the
water they need. For protection some
species used certain camouflage to trick
their predator or taking advantage of
the spiky spines to protect them from
herbivorous species.
This living thing lives in the dry environment and desert
This plant has spines in order to defend them
They store water in their spiny stem
This plant is categorized as a part of the succulent family
Certain species adapt using camouflage
3. Animal: Polar bear
Habitat: Polar bears are mainly in the Arctic Circle where the temperature is so
cold. Arctic in the warmest month (July) is only 10 degree Celsius. The coldest
recorded temperature is -68 degree celcius, but in averages maybe it’s only -40
degree Celsius. They live and adapt in the cold condition by taking advantage of
their thick fur.
Adaptation: Behavioral adaptation
Note taking
Note making
- Its thick fur helps them to survive
from the cold temperature of
Arctic Circle.
- They use their good sense of
smell to hunt for seals.
- They use their powerful and
sharp jaws to bite the prey.
- The claws are helpful to scratch
or tear the prey.
Polar bears lives in an extremely cold
habitat. Their fur is used to keep them
warm during from the snow. They use
senses to hunt for food, and also using
the paws and jaws to catch seals after
they found it.
This animal lives in the Arctic Circle
It has thick fur to help them survive from the cold temperature
Their jaws and claws is used to attack their prey
They search holes in the bottom of the ice to hunt for their prey
They hibernated during the summer and early autumn
4. Plants: Teak tree
Habitat: Teak tree lives in the tropical and subtropical region mostly in Asia,
mainly India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, and Philippine. In the dry
season they fall off their leave until the rainy season. After that they would grow
the leaves again.
Adaptation: Behavioral adaptation
Note taking
Note making
- Teak tree have big leaves that is
for adapting when they’re old.
Teak tree have a very special
adaptation that is by falling their big
leaves when it’s the dry season.
This plant lives in the tropical and subtropical mostly in Asia
The plant has big greenish leaves
This plant fall out their leaves when it’s dry season
This plant is very rare because of the value
5. Animal: Chameleon
Habitat: Chameleon can live in many different types of habitat. Starting from
tropical regions, rain forests, savannas, and sometimes deserts. They changed
their skins if they were in harmed to the predators.
Adaptation: Functional adaptation
Note taking
- Chameleons has a very sensitive
skin that makes them change
color according to the habitat
- It has long tongues to capture
prey located in a distance.
- They have really good senses of
predators and in harm
Note making
Chameleons use functional adaptation
to adapt to their habitat or
surroundings. It influence from their
sensitive skin that allows some species
to change color only from where they is
located. They also have advantage
because of their long tongue that helps
them to eat their prey. And another
thing is chameleons actually have good
sense danger from predators.
This animal live in tropical regions, rain forests, savannas, and sometimes desserts
The animal can change into many color depends on the habitat
This animal eat insects or young birds or their own species
They have very special eyes that can see a full 360 degree
The animal has great sense of harm from predators
6. Plants: Lithops
Habitat: Lithops live in Africa where then this flower mimics the stones in their
Adaptation: Functional adaptation
Note taking
- Lithops uses mimicry to copy the
rocks in their habitat.
Note making
Lithops uses mimicry to copy the rocks
in their African habitat. They use this
strategy to avoid being eaten by other
This plant live in Africa in stony grounds
This plant is actually a flower
This plant mimics with the stony grounds to avoid being eaten
The plant has a brainish looks because of the influence in the habitat