Grade Level: 2 Marking Period: 1 Standard 1: Media Techniques and Processes Differentiate between a variety of media techniques and processes. Demonstrate how to use media to create different visual effects and meaning. Art Unit: Self Portrait E- Exceeds Expectations M- Meets Expectations A- Approaching Expectations N- Not Meeting Expectations Drawing consistently demonstrates extensive use of color blending techniques, beyond lesson requirements. Drawing consistently demonstrates color blending techniques, according to lesson requirements. Drawing demonstrates some color blending techniques. Drawing demonstrates minimal color blending or color blending is not observable. Needs some teacher reminders and prompting in order to use media and tools appropriately Has difficulty following directions and needs frequent teacher reminders in order to use media and tools appropriately. Independently explores media and tools appropriately. Consistently follows directions using media and tools appropriately. E- Exceeds Expectations M- Meets Expectations A- Approaching Expectations N- Not Meeting Expectations Drawing demonstrates creative use of repetition, patterns and symbols Drawing demonstrates repetition and patterns and symbols. Drawing demonstrates some repetition and patterns and symbol. Drawing’s repetition, patterning and symbols are not clearly observable. Use Media and tools in a appropriate manner. Standard 2: Elements and Organizational Principles Analyze, evaluate artwork for intended visual effect Grade Level: 2 Marking Period: 1 Standard 3: Content: Selection of Subject Matter, Symbols and Ideas Participation Focus is on art project and learning. Art Unit: Self Portrait Student can clearly and independently express ideas and symbols shown in their pattern details. Student can clearly express ideas and symbols shown in their pattern details. Student can express some ideas and symbols shown in their pattern details, with teacher prompting. Student has some difficulty identifying ideas and symbols in their pattern details, with teacher prompting. E- Exceeds Expectations M- Meets Expectations A- Approaching Expectations N- Not Meeting Expectations Student is consistently and independently focused on daily work, and contributes to class discussions. Student is consistently focused on daily work and contributes to class discussions. Student is focused and contributes to class discussion with some teacher prompting and reminders. Student rarely contributes to class discussion. and/or Needs frequent reminders and prompting to focus on daily work. Follows rules and Procedures Demonstrates respect for self, classmates, staff, classroom and materials Uses media and tools in a safe and responsible manner E- Exceeds Expectations M- Meets Expectations A- Approaching Expectations N- Not Meeting Expectations Thoughtful, responsible and respectful in ways that extend classroom expectations. Independently assists others with classroom procedures. Consistently thoughtful, responsible and respectful in ways that meet classroom expectations. Can be depended on to assist others when asked. Working towards following rules and classroom procedures. Has difficulty following rules and classroom procedures. and/ or and/or Needs some reminders to use media and tools in a safe and responsible manner. Has difficulty using media and tools in a safe and responsible manner Uses media and tools in a safe and responsible manner. Takes extra care of art room property. Uses media and tools in a safe and responsible manner.