Essay Structure Comparison TA2 vs Tut 7

Essay Structure Comparison
Tutorial 7 EQ1:
Discuss whether the combined effect of the rise in
incomes and the rise in GST is likely to cause the
quantities of different types of goods sold to rise or
fall. [15]
Introduction: KIA
Supply side: Rise in GST , fall in cost of production,
supply falls.
Discuss how the combined effect of a global
economic downturn and an advancement in
technology in production is likely to affect the
quantities of different types of digital cameras.[15]
Introduction: KIA
Supply side:
Demand side:
 Interpretation of ‘different types of goods’:
Normal goods YED>0
Necessities, 0<YED<1
Luxury) and Inferior goods
Demand side:
 Interpretation of ‘different types of digital cameras’:
 Apply YED to each market:
 Apply YED to each market:
Necessities market:
Income inelastic (explain: 0<YED<1)
Give egs
Contextualise (rise in income, less than
proportionate rise in demand for goods)
Combined effect with fall in supply, Qe is
indeterminate due to relative shift of curves
Discuss: Possible Qe will increase if S<D
(elaborate on when this might happen)
However, Qe might fall if S>D
Necessities market for Digital Cameras:
Luxury Market:
Income elastic (explain: YED>1)
Give egs
Contextualise (rise in income, more than
proportionate rise in demand)
Combined effect with fall in supply, Qe is
indeterminate due to relative shift of curves.
Discuss: Possible Qe will increase if S<D
(elaborate on when this might happen)
However, Qe might fall if S>D
Luxury Market for Digital Cameras:
Inferior Goods Market:
Explain relationship between income and demand
Give egs
Contextualize why demand will fall.
Combined effect with fall in supply, Qe definitely
Evaluation: Discursive aspect for Necessities & Luxury
Markets for goods (What could determine Δ in Qe?)
- Relative shifts of demand & supply for goods: What
are the possibilities for Qe? What is your stand?
- What are some other conditions that could possibly
ΔQe ? Or what information would help you come to
an informed conclusion? (Could consider PED)
- What assumptions are made? And what if these
assumptions were lifted?
Conclusion: Summarise your observations
Inferior Digital Cameras Market:
Conclusion: Summarise your observations
Essay Structure Comparison
Tutorial 7 EQ1:
Discuss whether the combined effect of the rise in
incomes and the rise in GST is likely to cause the
quantities of different types of goods sold to rise or
fall. [15]
Introduction: KIA
Supply side: Rise in GST , fall in cost of production,
supply falls.
Discuss how the combined effect of a global
economic downturn and an advancement in
technology in production is likely to affect the
quantities of different types of digital cameras.[15]
Introduction: KIA
Supply side: Advancement in technology, fall in cost of
production, supply for digital cameras increases.
Demand side:
 Interpretation of ‘different types of goods’:
Normal goods YED>0
Necessities, 0<YED<1
Luxury) and Inferior goods
Demand side:
 Interpretation of ‘different types of digital cameras’:
Normal DCs YED>0 (Necessities, Luxury)
Necessities, 0<YED<1(e.g. DCs with minimal
Luxury (e.g. DSLR cameras)
Inferior DCs YED<0
 Apply YED to each market:
Necessities market:
Income inelastic (explain: 0<YED<1)
Give egs
Contextualise (rise in income, less than
proportionate rise in demand for goods)
Combined effect with fall in supply, Qe is
indeterminate due to relative shift of curves
Discuss: Possible Qe will increase if S<D
(elaborate on when this might happen)
However, Qe might fall if S>D
Luxury Market:
Income elastic (explain: YED>1)
Give egs
Contextualise (rise in income, more than
proportionate rise in demand)
Combined effect with fall in supply, Qe is
indeterminate due to relative shift of curves.
Discuss: Possible Qe will increase if S<D
(elaborate on when this might happen)
However, Qe might fall if S>D
Inferior Goods Market:
Explain relationship between income and demand
Give egs
Contextualize why demand will fall.
Combined effect with fall in supply, Qe definitely
Evaluation: Discursive aspect for Necessities & Luxury
Markets for goods (What could determine Δ in Qe?)
- Relative shifts of demand & supply for goods: What
are the possibilities for Qe? What is your stand?
- What are some other conditions that could possibly
ΔQe ? Or what information would help you come to
an informed conclusion? (Could consider PED)
- What assumptions are made? And what if these
assumptions were lifted?
 Apply YED to each market:
Necessities market :
Income inelastic (explain: 0<YED<1)
Contextualise concept (fall in income, less than
proportionate fall in demand for DCs)
Make reference to diagram
Combined effect with increase in supply, Qe is
indeterminate due to relative shift of curves
Discuss: Possible Qe will increase if S<D
However, Qe might fall if S>D
Luxury Market:
Income elastic (explain: YED>1)
Contextualise concept (fall in income, more than
proportionate fall in demand for DCs)
Make reference to diagram
Combined effect with fall in supply, Qe is
indeterminate due to relative shift of curves
Discuss: Possible Qe will increase if S<D
(elaborate on when this might happen)
However, Qe might fall if S>D (elaborate)
Inferior Goods Market:
Explain relationship between income and demand
Give egs
Contextualise why demand will fall.
Combined effect with fall in supply, Qe definitely
Evaluation: Discursive aspect for Necessities & Luxury
Markets for DCs (What could determine Δ in Qe?)
- Relative shifts of demand and supply for DCs: What
are the possibilities for Qe? What is your stand?
- PED values for DCs as necessities & luxury DCs
Essay Structure Comparison
Conclusion: Summarise your observations