Los Angeles Pierce College Animal Nutrition Final Exam Review Terms dietary energy requirements for an average (60 lb./day) producing dairy cow nutritional requirement for work parakeratosis enterotoxemia ketosis milk fever selective grazer species acetonemia Period nutrient requirements of a sow are highest Triticale Period which supplemental protein source provided to beef cattle on range supplemental protein source in swine cottonseed meal linseed meal feather meal meat and bone meal soybean meal thumb rule for feeding concentrates to dairy cattle flushing thumb rule for using urea in beef feedlot rations taurine proline glycine lysine histidine Cereal grain unpalatable to swine nutritional cause reproductive failure in beef cattle barley corn rye milo wheat sorghum acidosis urinary calculi bloat depressed fat test displaced abomasum carotene alpha tocopherol 7-dehydrocholesterol tryptophan cobalt insulin Se Co Si Cu Zn dairy, beef cows consume ____% and ____ % of their body weight a day in dry matter. Vitamin A, K. C, D, E, B-complex biotin gossypol EDTA avidin e thiaminase DNA ATP RNA BV NFE limiting amino acid for horses highest biological value cow and water:milk ratio glycogen amylose glucagon maltose amylopectin use of As in feed Cr Si As Ca Thiamin B12 Folic acid P Mg Na S Mn Fe soft pork (un)saturated fatty acids cholesterol tannins nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism fatty liver rickets big head founder Polysaccharides lignin plant starch cellulose hemicellulose gums Pectin proventriculus rumen gizzard abomasum Gastric enzyme kg to lb. pepsin amylase lipase cellulase bile rennin chyme HCl hepatitis hay belly ketonuria polydipsia Forages hay silage haylage soilage stillage mastitis laminitis cystitis Legume grasses anaerobically low moisture silage slipped tendon perosis blind staggers alkali disease Hypocalcemia grass tetany Wheat pasture poisoning Alpha tocopherol blood clotting stiff-lamb disease curled toe paralysis pellagra niacin riboflavin pantothenic acid NE ME GE DE HI rennin DM to % moisture, %N to %CP, %NFE, lbs to kg, ton, % of anything, price per unit of, weighted averages, person square, Urea to %CP, Mcal to calories to kcal and back most extensively produced or fed feed grain crop, NPN, oil meal, hay, cereal grain hay, silage in the U.S. and CA DIP UIP BCP digestion speed in equine vs. ruminants vs. poultry % fat is horse’s diet antibiotic fed to foals Horses and Sudan grass Wheat bran Phytate Cats & fish Antibiotics fed to hogs Full-fed finishing hogs consume ______ lb. of feed/day/100 lb. liveweight Anemia in piglets Creep Stockers MUN feeder final ration for a finishing steer Muscular dystrophy in calves Rules of thumb feeding each specie water consumption/day peanut oil meal copra Calcitonin PTH liver thyroid pancreas kidneys parathyroid spleen small intestines threshing combining fodder straw stover Osteomalacia mg mcg kg gram riboflavin folacin niacin iodine number lactase goiter zoonoses sorghum essential amino acids Trace minerals hemoglobin myoglobin %N in proteins feed grain roughage % moisture in hay implants ADG BST BSE EDTA Ralgro Compudose Lipids vs. carbohydrates in energy urea uric acid monogastric nitrates oxalates Gossypol Synovex MGA TDN/acre greenchop tankage ash bone meal Oyster shells ears husks mill by-products millet Table 3-1 Sulfur containing amino acids browse forbs photosynthesis lactose glucose mannose cattle llamas pigs sheep goats overeating disease Sudan turnips prussic acid poisoning Clostridium botulinum enterotoxemia Taurine starting ration for beef cattle in the feed lot emulsifier hydrolysis VFA’s cloaca vent proventriculus ceca gizzard fructose lipase bile acetic butyric propionic linoleic pseudoruminant and why maltose sucrase maltase amylase colic milk fat depression displaced abomasum glandular stomach crop gallbladder pH Appetite Hunger ergosterol hypothalamus feed consumption cow/year in hay vs. silage breeding age of livestock abomasum omasum rumen pylorus reticulum duodenum ileum jejunum methionine chlorophyll xerophthalmia monosaccharide galactose vitamins and their names mastication eructation regurgitation homeostasis anorexia pica emaciation fluid balance osmotic pressure excretion electrolytes PST bomb calorimeter chelater dicoumarol coprophagy zelephant balance rations villi C0 CH4 C02 pyloric sphincter cardiac sphincter esophageal groove osteochondrosis osteomalacia rickets laminitis Big Head disease founder hydrogenated absorption digestion crude protein requirement of adult dogs and cats groats gluten bran hominy middlings carnivore ionophores coccidiostat hypocalcemia Urinary calculi thyroxin guinea pigs herbivore omnivore ascorbic acid pyrimidine pantothenic acid balance ration of working horse oat hay timothy hay native hay wheat hay bean hay animal protein supplement Biuret soybean oil meal urea bloat trocar/cannula stomach tube + surfactant dried whey NPN products fish meal meat and bone scraps feather meal birdsfoot trefoil Sudan grass husklage stalklage carrots feeds high/low in Mcal/kg feeds high/low in water