Word Doc - North Thurston Education Foundation

P.O. Box 3312
Lacey, Washington 98509-3312
Message Phone 360-951-4365
The North Thurston Education Foundation offers scholarships to graduating seniors from district high schools to assist
them in financing their post-high school education. In addition to graduating from a North Thurston Public School high
school, applicants must have demonstrated (1) the skills necessary to succeed in their chosen post-secondary school; (2)
good citizenship and leadership qualities; and (3) a need for financial assistance to meet their educational goals. Full
details about the scholarships and the criteria for selection are available on the Foundation’s website at
http://www.ntef.org/scholarships/. Graduating seniors who would like to apply for one or more of these scholarships
must complete the attached application, sign it and submit it to their high school counseling office or by mail to the
Foundation no later than April 17, 2015, along with the following required attachments:
1. An official signed transcript of their high school courses and grades through the first semester of their senior year;
2. Two letters of recommendation, as follows:
a. One from a teacher or counselor which documents scholarship, leadership and citizenship qualities and
potential for success in post-high school education; and
b. One from a member of the community who is not a member of your family or an employee of the school
NOTE: To be considered for the Lisa Corwin Memorial Scholarship, applicants must submit a third letter of
recommendation, also from a teacher or counselor, which documents scholarship, leadership and citizenship
qualities and potential for success in post-high school education;
3. A short essay (no more than 500 words) responding to one or more of the topics below. Please note that the
scholarships offered by the North Thurston Education Foundation require that specific topics be addressed in the
essay, and they are identified below. In order to be considered for more than one scholarship applicants must
submit an additional essay for each scholarship for which they are applying, but only need to submit one application
form. All essays must include the applicant’s name, the name of the scholarship for which they are applying, and the
topic that the essay addresses at the top of each page. Applicants should check the criteria for each scholarship to
make sure that they are eligible before applying. The required essay topics are as follows:
1. Davies Vocational-Technical Scholarship -- What is the most important invention or technological advance in
your area of vocational-technical education and why?
2. John Gott Educational Scholarship - What do you consider to be the most difficult challenge that teachers will
face in the next 10 years and why?
3. Roy Pedersen Memorial Scholarship and Foundation Scholarships - How will your college education help you
accomplish your goals for your life? (NOTE: applicants for both need only submit one essay.)
4. Jeannette Hostetter Ford Memorial Scholarship - What do you consider to be the most important event of the
century and why?
5. Lisa Corwin Memorial Scholarship - Why do you wish to attend the chosen institution named above, and how
do your personal goals relate to the choice of institution?
6. Frank Parker Memorial Scholarship - How does your pursuit of math or science contribute to your creativity and
your ability to accomplish your life goals?
7. Alex Ward Memorial Scholarship (NTHS seniors only)- How do you think your involvement with sports has
helped you develop the qualities of leadership, self-discipline and decision-making necessary to be successful?
Last name:
First name:
Street address:
P.O. Box:
High School Name:
Mother’s Name:
Father’s Name:
ZIP Code:
Number of siblings:
If NO, please list the name, address, and relationship of your guardian:
Do you live with your parents?
Please enter the adjusted gross income (AGI) from the 2014 Federal Income Tax return filed by your parent(s) or guardian(s). If
your parents did not file a joint return, their individual AGI should be combined. The AGI is found on Line 4 of IRS Form 1040EZ,
Line 21 of IRS Form 1040A, or Line 37 of IRS Form 1040. Enter the correct amount here: __________________
What is the name and address of the college, university, or technical school that you plan to attend if you receive this
Have you already been accepted for admission?
No If yes when will you begin (MM/YY)?
What course of study will you most likely pursue (intended major)?
Please list all other scholarships and/or financial aid you have received or expect to receive:
List the activities you have been involved in through the school, including community activities that have been
sponsored by the school program.
School Activities
Grade level of year of
Approximate number
of hours per week
Position held or honors won
Outside Activities
Grade level of year of
Approximate number
of hours per week
Position held or honors won
Briefly summarize any employment experiences you have had, including the name of the employer, how long you
worked for the employer, the average hours per week worked and a description of your duties.
Employer Name
How long you worked here
Average hours worked per
Brief Description of your duties
I certify that all information on this application and the other documents submitted with it are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge. If I am awarded a scholarship, I agree to submit a copy of my senior picture or a similar photograph and consent to the
Foundation’s use of the photograph to promote the Foundation’s Scholarship Program.
Signature of applicant ____________________________________