Title: _Reptiles_STEAM Lesson Brief Educators on the team: (for certification max: 4/team) David Andrade, Joelle Bertschy, Laura Hunter, Kara McCulloch__ When & Where you attended a training. Dates _2014-2015___ Town/State Knob Noster Elementary School, Knob Noster, MO Students use knowledge from across the disciplines to strengthen their understanding of each subject’s content and its related careers through topic or theme oriented realistic problem-based activity-rich lessons. Theme that this lesson would tie to: Animals Specific Topic Concept within that theme: Reptiles *Filling out the black items makes this a basic plan, filling out the grey makes it a possible publishable STEAM plan. PLEASE have the notes sheet open on how to fill this out – what is under Science is the basis for filling out each subject and there is subject-specific items in the other category’s notes too. PROJECT IDEA + brief notes & supplies BASIC CONCEPTS Concept: Research and learn about reptiles, construct reptile diorama, measure elapsed time for stages of life, read expository text, summarize and write reports, compare habitats of different animals, identify color contrast, understand how environment can affect circulatory systems and listen to iguana lullaby and identify the culture from which it originates Science – Concepts –identify and describe characteristics of animals specifically reptiles, create their habitat and measure their life cycle The student will read expository text, summarize, and write reports Goal / Objectives – The students will learn the specific characteristics of reptiles and compare and contrast those characteristics to other animal groups. They will also relate those similarities and differences between the animal parents and their offspring. Standards – Characteristics and interactions of living organisms(SC3) Careers – zoologist, herpetologist, zookeeper, pet store owner Project – Students will explore the characteristics of reptiles through compare and contrast with amphibians using a Venn diagram, this project will also use painted handprints to represent each animal, (see example) a power point reptile report, sequence the life cycle of reptiles by constructing a diorama Assessment – power point rubric – the student will accurately compare and contrast reptiles and amphibians and detail similarities and differences Basic Plan: The students will learn the specific characteristics of reptiles and compare and contrast those characteristics to other animal groups. We will bring in reptiles for the students to observe. Hopefully, the state park can help by sending a ranger with some artifacts. CC. 2103 STEAM Education Lesson Brief Skill level (Grade Range):second grade Timing of Lesson: one-two weeks, math lessons are 60 minutes, reading lessons are 90 minutes, music lessons are 50 minutes, art lessons are 50 minutes, physical education lessons are 50 minutes, science and social studies lessons are 30-40 minutes Basic Supplies: books, computers, videos, art supplies All Subjects: science, language arts Individual Subjects: science Science – Research notes, computer Math-Judy clock Technology and Engineeringcomputer, art supplies LA-expository textbooks Social Studies- maps Art-oil pastels Music-song Inanaya P.E.-map of circulatory system IT Resources: websites Pebblego.com, National Geographic for Kids.com Other Resources: books on reptiles videos : Brainpop Jr. Magic Schoolbus Cold Feet Science for Children- Reptiles CC. 2103 between animal parents and offspring Extension - Orally present power point to other classes and answer questions from the audience correctly. Technology & Engineering – Concepts –using internet sources to find information on reptiles and engineer the construction of a diorama reptilian habitat Goal / Objectives - The students will learn the specific characteristics of reptiles and compare and contrast those characteristics to other animal groups. They will also relate those similarities and differences between the animal parents and their offspring. Standards - Characteristics and interactions of living organisms(SC3) Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. (R.CCR.7) Careers - zoologist, herpetologist, zookeeper, pet store owner Project - the student will construct a diorama from construction paper, paper, pipe cleaner, clay or any other type of medium to represent the habitat where the reptile lives, they will include what they have learned to show how they could improve the lives of the reptile Assessment – power point rubric – Detail similarities and differences between animal parents and offspring Extension - Orally present power point to other classes and answer questions from the audience correctly. Math – Concepts –measure elapsed time for stages of the life cycle Goal / Objectives – recognize that animals progress through life cycles of birth, growth and development, reproduction and death Standards – characteristics and interactions of living organisms(SC3) Tell and write time from clocks to nearest 5 minutes(2.MD.7) Careers - zoologist, herpetologist, zookeeper, pet store owner Project – the student will develop a power point about reptiles and their life cycle and what they have STEAM Education Lesson Brief Photos: need chameleon art project picture here sample of handprint Venn diagram of reptile and amphibian LA – SS – CC. 2103 learned, the students will show elapsed time through the stages of the life cycle on different slides Assessment – power point rubric – Detail similarities and differences between animal parents and offspring and check the accuracy of representation of elapsed time Extension - Orally present power point to other classes and answer questions from the audience correctly. Concepts –reading expository text, summarize, writing reports Goal / Objectives – the students will read to find information pertaining to the reptiles in order to compare and contrast characteristics with other animal groups, as well as, find specific information pertaining to the reptile they are reporting on Standards – read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently(R.CCR.10) Speaking and Listening standard-Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media(SL.2.2) Speaking and Listening standard -Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue. (SL.2.3) Careers - zoologist, herpetologist, zookeeper, pet store owner Project - the student will take notes on information learned from research from expository text and the internet to develop a power point about reptiles and what they have learned Assessment – students will complete a four square graphic organizer using the notes taken, this will be graded for detail of reptile characteristics and similarities and differences between animal parents and offspring Extension - Orally present power point to other classes and answer questions from the audience correctly. Concepts –habitats of reptiles Goal / Objectives – the students will compare the habitats and land areas of different reptiles STEAM Education Lesson Brief Standards – define regions as places that have common characteristics, climate and physical (SS5) Careers - zoologist, herpetologist, zookeeper, pet store owner Project - - the student will develop a power point about reptiles including where they live and why, the students will use a map and color in two regions that have the same characteristics for the reptilian habitat Assessment – the power point should detail the regions as a places that have characteristics and climate necessary for reptilian life Extension - Orally present power point to other classes and answer questions from the audience correctly. Art – Concepts – warm and cold color families Goal / Objectives - We talked about color families, warm and cool. We also examined how to combine shapes such as triangles, squares and ovals to draw/create a chameleon. Standards - Identify and use color contrast (VA2) Careers - zoologist, herpetologist, zookeeper, pet store owner Project - We looked at a PowerPoint presentation about the artist Franz Marc. We learned that he lived in Germany and we found Germany on a world map. We examined his paintings and we learned that he liked to paint animals and he used nonrealistic color and he combined shapes to create animals. Together we read "Chameleons are Cool" by Martin Jenkins. We learned that chameleons are reptiles and discussed chameleon facts such as: There are 148 kinds of chameleons. The largest chameleon is the size of a small cat, the smallest fits on the tip of a finger. Chameleons change color when they are angry, too cold or hot, or when they are sick. Chameleons’ eyes move separately from each other, unlike our eyes which work together. We used oil pastels to color the chameleon, thinking about colors that would show contrast when used side by side. We will use watercolor paint to fill in the background, discussing how the oil pastel will resist the watercolor because oil and water do not mix. PE – CC. 2103 Assessment – orally identify the color contrast in their picture and describe the color families used Extension –displayed art work in the hallway Concepts –circulatory system Goal / Objectives – to understand how environment STEAM Education Lesson Brief can affect the circulatory system of some living organisms Standards - Identify the parts of the circulatory and respiratory systems of the body (circulatory heart, blood, veins, arteries; respiratory - lungs, mouth, nose, bronchial tubes, trachea) (NH1) Careers - - zoologist, herpetologist, zookeeper, pet store owner Project – students act like a reptile through movement, moving slowly during the fall to winter hibernating, then begin moving again in spring, and actively moving fast in summer representing the blood in the circulatory system Assessment – explain why they are moving as they are relating the temperature to the effect of the circulatory system Extension –compare the circulatory systems of other animal groups and discuss how this would affect reptiles Music – Concepts –listening to an Australian lullaby about an iguana Inanaya (South Pacific)And Kangaroo Played His Didgeridoo; Author: Nigel Gray Goal / Objectives – the students will understand that this lullaby originates from the Aborigine culture Echo sing melodic and rhythmic patterns using chest and head voice. Sing from memory a variety of songs representing diverse genres, styles and cultures, including partner songs and two-part. Sing in groups demonstrating characteristic timber, dynamics and rhythmic accuracy in time, interpreting cues of the conductor. Describe the elements and function of music in various settings and cultural events. Identify and describe the roles for musicians in various music settings and cultures Standards – Singing or playing games to listen for historical, cultural context (FA5) Listening for musical characteristics. events or descriptors (FA3) Careers - - zoologist, herpetologist, zookeeper, pet store owner Project – The students will listen to the Australian lullaby and the story of the iguana that sneaks into the Aborigine home to wake the children. They will learn the words and sing the song. o CC. 2103 Show Australia on a world map. Read story. STEAM Education Lesson Brief o o o Discuss Australian Aboriginal Music. Used for ceremonies Sounds represent nature Didgeridoo and clapsticks main instruments Didgeridoo is one of the oldest instruments that we know of, accompanies ceremonies and singing; played only by men Teach song by rote. Add movement: Sway in a rocking motion. At the refrain, move hands in a “shoo away” motion. CC. 2103 Assessment – students explain where the song comes from and why it was told Teacher listens for proper singing voices and part independence Extension –Find Australia on the map and pictures from the Aborigine culture, as well as, pictures of the reptile; the iguana and students discuss how reptiles live all over the world and are a part of the ecosystem and cultures of these areas. STEAM Education Lesson Brief