Social Studies Lesson Plan - Class III - Independence of Pakistan

Lesson Plan
Topic: Independence of Pakistan 1947
Students will be able
to read historical text
and artefacts to
derive historical
Students will be able
to understand the
difficulties Muslims
faced moving to
Students will be able
to write a story about
a family travelling to
Pakistan in 1947
after independence.
Date: ________
Week: ___________
Activity Plan / Methodology
Preparation: Study the text given in the resource pack pg. 124-127 to prepare before
conducting this lesson. Collect photographs of events around 1947 from workbooks, magazines
and personal collection.
Introduction: Students will be told that they would be studying time after the independence of
Pakistan using artefacts. A precise recap of the information learnt in gr II should be given.
Activity 1; Class discussion
Make the class sit in groups. Begin by showing students the map of Indo-Pak subcontinent.
Initiate class discussion by telling them about India as a huge country in which Hindus, Muslims
and Sikhs were living together. Then it was divided because Muslims wanted to live in a
separate country where they could freely practice their religion. Trace your hand on the map to
show which parts of subcontinents were included in Pakistan. Show them the flag of Pakistan
and newspaper front pages. Help them to read these as few of them are in Urdu. Talk about
how people were excited to leave India and come and live in a free country. Introduce the word
migration. Describe its meaning. Ask them what they should have done if they were in a part of
subcontinent which was not included in Pakistan.
Guide them to answer by thinking aloud (I would have tried to migrate to Pakistan as soon as
possible.) Accept reasonable responses from students and help them understand that travelling
at that time was not easy. Tell them a short story about difficulties people faced migrating to
Pakistan. Show them photographs in workbook p 40-43. Ask them to describe pictures. Add
your opinion as well.
Activity 2; Written work
Ask them to imagine a family or someone left in India at the time of independence. Tell them to
write a story of how that family or person migrated to Pakistan. Describe some of the difficulties
they faced. Tell them to discuss their stories in groups and write in their copies later. Encourage
students who finish their work first, to help others.
H.W Paste pictures of migration and Quiad-e-Azam from old newspapers, magazines or the
internet. Draw the flag of Pakistan and colour it.
Wrap up the lesson by recapping the key concepts.
Pakistan became an independent country in 1947.
Quiad-e-Azam was the first governor of Pakistan.
Muslims living in India migrated to Pakistan after independence. They faced many difficulties.
Grade: III
of events
A large map
Flag of
Learn to read
historical text and
artefacts to derive
historical knowledge.
(class discussion
through exploring
text and artefacts)
Understand the
difficulties Muslims
faced moving to
Pakistan. (class
discussion through
exploring text and
Write a story about a
family moving to
Pakistan after
work )
Assessment of Student Learning
What did the children learn in this lesson?
What did they actually do?
What were they not able to do / understand?
Evaluation of Teaching
If you were to teach this lesson again, what
would you do differently?
(Comment on any ONE aspect of your
or planning)