Boards of Management Cluster Meeting in Four Seasons (3)

Boards of Management Cluster Meeting in Four Seasons, Monaghan
7 April 2014
Participating Boards of Management/Governors: Cavan, Coleraine, Letterkenny,
Mullingar and Omagh
Group Feedback
Professional Development initiative for teachers in a Loreto School
Key reflections:
What Board considers central to such a programme
How do you support the teacher in role, in community, in person?
CPD/induction very available to teachers outside
Responsibility on school to induct in Loreto way
What is important to teachers –as individuals,
In classroom
society – contributor
as Loreto
 Core values - tradition and history of Loreto
 Revisit with more experienced teachers – history, philosophy, network, role of LEC
 Get staff to identify core values of Loreto school
 Loreto Model – openness, truth, respect, equality, team work, sense of belonging
 Practice, reflection, discernment
How? Cluster groups/Think Tank
Practical Aspects
 induction through other teachers – using their experience
 Create links/teams with other departments ‘Buddy System’/mentoring
 Network Loreto teachers through technology
 Continued involvement of the sisters with the school- even when retired.
 Mutual trust, Staff go beyond the call of duty
 Identify significant events e.g. Opening Mass, Mission Day, Prize giving etc
 Highlight pastoral care – e.g. support weak student, troublesome student, the better
 Safeguard against insularity
 Highlight standards and expectations
‘Looking out for one another’
Students’ contribution
 Harness the student experience, trust the students
 Identify characteristics of Loreto pupil – delivered by pupils
Delivery of Programme
 consult with teachers
Role of Board:
 Discuss structure of induction – look for plan/proposal
 Maybe get outside support
 Give time to staff
 INSET DAY – a variety of resources from within and out of school eg current
teachers, Board members, Loreto sisters, pupils, past pupils, past teachers
 Mixed experiences of Presentation, Workshops, Drama
Programme ongoing led by, Pupils, Buddy (teacher of similar background), mentor
Other support
– Financial, resources available, Board support and commitment e.g. (time for teachers)
pupils, past teachers.
Listen to teachers - How did you experience Loreto
Voice of Students – Exit Interview
 What would you ask students help you plan?
 What is meant by leaving your school – in any year.
 Give students opportunity to define Loreto
Clusters of students in conversation.
We wanted to know what they would tell us
 Break down assumptions
 To create happiness and sense of belonging
 Give voice to students
 To give values to their opinion
How would we use information?
To improve
To show we are listening
To be open (not Insular)
To hear what we might not want to hear e.g. people with hidden difficulties or
negative experiences
Voice of Past-pupils – network and belonging
Idea of community even when you leave school
Honouring the voice of the student – moving beyond the superficial
Students have solutions
Catholic School
Faith fostered directly and indirectly
Rituals and routines
Teachers e.g. Prayer before class
Parents – Participation e.g. Mass 1st Year and 6th Year
Gospel values – underpinning how we manage our relationships
Faith in action – how we live it and how we live values
Loreto identity – whole person educated not just academic.
Timetable – re working to accommodate
Context Head girl interviews