High School Trainers’ Agenda for Day 2 of a 3 day workshop 8:00-4:00 Interactive teacher workshop on using the Engineering Design Process to improve teachers’ effectiveness at teaching science Engineering Design in Oregon Science Classrooms Copyright 2013, Oregon University System, All Rights Reserved Workshop Goals and Objectives To increase understanding of the Oregon Engineering Design Core, Content, and Process Standards; To increase understanding of the Elements of Effective Science Instruction; and To develop understanding of teaching strategies that engage students in “Science as Practice” by incorporating engineering design to learn science content. 1 Day Two – High School Time Total: 10 min 8:00-8:10: Opening (slides 12) (10 min) Activity Unit One – Welcome Back and Overview Introductions – Facilitators/Participants Workshop Goals (on slide and poster) Logistics – description of baskets Expectations (Hopes) Bike Rack Credit Information Workshop and Folder Overview Group Norms Day 2 Agenda review (slide) Explain dots & #s on name tags Facilitator Notes Lead 1) 2) 3) Please share: Your name, Your grade level, Your school, What you hope to get out of the training 4) 5) 6) In Folder: Agenda Welcome participants to the EDP PD. Facilitators Introductions. Participants introduce themselves: 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Facilitator explains the goals of the workshop. Facilitator then discusses the housekeeping includes restroom locations, manage your needs, & site specific information. Expectations (Hopes) – have table groups discuss expectations and share out. Explain the Bike Rack and posters in the room. Credit info Workshop and folder overviews. Basket supplies Facilitator leads discussion to obtain the group agreements (such as cell phones, respecting other opinions/ideas, basic needs, side conversations and comments, respect others and have fun. Agenda review Explain dots & #s on name tags Materials Main Room: Laptop Computer LCD Projector Speakers EDP Facilitator’s Folder Folder: Agenda Training Kit: PPT Agenda Supplies: EDP Posters Agenda Folders Sign-in Roster Name Tags Markers & Chart pack Baskets with highlighters post it notes toys Resource Books Biofuel From Algae Full Lesson Plan Littlefoot’s Ride Full Lesson Plan Posters: Goals Agenda Bike Rack (by coffee) Expectations 2 Set-up Before Session: Hang standards posters, set out participant folders, & baskets Post Workshop Goals & Agenda written on poster Post Bike Rack, Name tag dots & #s, Expectations, and Group Agreements charts Sign in & Name Tags out Resource Books, Primers and Full lesson plans for Biofuel From Algae and Littlefoot’s Ride on Table Breakout Rooms: Laptops, projectors, and speakers Posters, chart packs, and markers Set up a laptop in main room with a timer for us. Time Activity Lead Facilitator Notes Materials Group Agreements/Norms Name tag dots & #s Standards Essential Skills Science Inquiry and the EDP Total: 95 min – 8:10-9:45 8:10-9:00 Commingling Core and Content drawing and carousel (30 min) In Folder: 1) Activity Instructions (Pages 4-5 in Training Materials Day 2 file) 2) HS ED Standards Handout 3) Loose Blank Paper 8:40-9:00 EDP for HS (20 min) 9:00-9:25 What students should learn about the process (20 min) 9:25-9:45 Sharing and Cleanup (20 min) How the engineering-design process applies to teaching and learning science in high school Index Card Chair Activity In Folder: 1) Activity Instructions (Pages 6-8 in Training Materials Day 2 file) 2) HS ED Standards Handout 3) EDP for HS 4) Index Card Chair Challenge Sheets Commingling Core and Content Activity 1) 8:10 - Group participants in groups of 2-3. 2) As a group, participants will draw or sketch a representation of the Core and Content Standards that go along with the high school standards (15 minutes). 3) 8:30 - When each group has finished creating their picture or series of pictures, have them complete a Core and Content Standards Tour (carousel). 4) Each small group will rotate to the 5 other stations (5 minutes each). 5) At each station, participants will review the Core and Content Standards for each grade level. 6) Rotating groups will provide feedback with sticky notes. 7) Groups review feedback (5 minutes). Participant Folder: Loose blank paper HS ED Core and Content Standards EDP Process for HS What the students should learn about the process (9:00) 1) Show the Slide, “The Engineering Design Process for High School” to have a quick reference on the engineering design process. For more detailed descriptions of the process, review the High School Primer. 2) 9:05 - Tell participants that they’ll be working in pairs to design a chair that can support the weight of an apple, orange or soda can out of index cards only – no tape is allowed. Participant Folder: EDP Process for MS Index Card Chair Challenge Sheet 3 Training Kit: PPT Supplies: Pencils and Markers Tape to hang pics on chart packs Chart Packs Training Kit: PPT Supplies: Pencils and Markers Set-up Time Activity Facilitator Notes Lead 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9:45-10:00 Break (15 min) Total: 105 min 10:00 – 10:40 Presenting and Completing the lesson (40 min) 10:40-11:00 Sharing and Cleanup (20 min) BREAK Unit 2 – Biofuel From Algae Hands-on exercise featuring the Engineering Design process for learning Life Science 1) In Folder: Biofuel From Algae Full Lesson Plan 2) 11:00-11:25 Scientific Inquiry vs the EDP (25 min) 3) 11:25-11:45 Small Group Discussion (20 min) 4) 5) 6) Materials Hand out the Index Card Chair Challenge Sheet. Have participants brainstorm two chair designs. Keep the participants on time. Give a few minutes of warning when the activity is about to end. After the participants have built their chair, line the chairs up side by side on a table and see which chairs can hold the designated object. 9:25 – Have participants reflect on designing their chair and share what they feel students should learn about the engineering design process. Have participants create a list on chart packs and share out Participants take a break Index Cards (6/group) Scissors apple, orange or soda can Chart Packs 10:00 Introduce the lesson, allow participants to read the Algae Article, show them your prototype, and have them sketch it on the Algae Machine Workshop Handout. Within their groups, teachers should identify current problems for the initial prototype. Discuss ideas with the participants using the Algae Machine Design Worksheet for Teachers handout as a reference. Using the Algae Machine Data Worksheet for the initial prototype, participants should study this data and determine the optimal set-up values for an algae machine. Have participants evaluate the validity of the results and determine what kinds of further testing would be useful as they redesign the initial prototype. Have them write down their ideas and discuss answers with all participants using the Algae Machine Design for Teachers handout as a reference. Teachers should identify both the constraints of their redesigns as well as the trade-offs they will need to negotiate in their redesigns. Discuss ideas using the Folder: Biofuel From Algae Handouts (Algae Article, Algae Machine Design Handout for Teachers, and Algae Data Worksheet.) 4 Training Kit: PPT Algae Machine Demo with grown algae Set-up Build your algae machine demonstration/prototype and grow your algae before the workshop Time Activity Facilitator Notes Lead 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Algae Machine Design Worksheet for Teachers handout as a reference. Review the data collection methods available and have participants practice by collecting initial data on up to three bottles. Have participants complete the Algae Machine Design Handout Working in their groups, participants should sketch a redesign of the algae machine prototype in the space provided on their Algae Machine Design Handout. They should label their sketches and in the space to the right, create a list of its design features such as its starting solution ratio of algae to fertilizer as well as the amount of light algae will receive per day. Arrange participants into groups of six. Each pair within the group should share their design sketch with the other two pairs. The entire group should then evaluate the designs using criteria, constraints, and trade-offs and decide which of the three possibilities is the most promising. 10:40 Have participants share what they have learned. Ask about things they will have noticed or had difficulty with Summarize main idea on chart pack (15 min) 11:00 Group Discussion: Scientific Inquiry vs. the Engineering Design Process. Groups use flip charts to answer 3 questions (6 min per question) on p13. (20 min) Summarize the project, and reflect on the discussion questions as well as the overarching messages about using the engineering design process to improve the teaching of science (5 minutes). 11:25 Small group discussion on implementing the EDP into their lesson plans or grade band level. Total 45 min 11:45 – 12:30 LUNCH Individual Reflection or Team Planning Time 5 Materials Set-up Time Total: 90 min 12:30- 2:00 12:30 – 1:25 Presenting and Completing the lesson (45 min) 1:25-1:45 Discussion and Cleanup (15 min) Activity Unit 3 – Littlefoot’s Ride Hands-on exercise featuring the Engineering Design process for learning Physical Science In Folder: Littlefoot’s Full Lesson Plan Materials Facilitator Notes Lead In groups of 3-4, have participants use the engineering design process to design the fastest car. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 12:30 - Have participants read the Roller Coaster Physics 101 article and show them the pre-established track as well as the prototype cart and both prototype hills. 12:35 - Have them sketch everything in the Littlefoot’s Lil Coaster Workshop Handout. 12:40 - Demonstrate how to calculate PE and have participants practice. 12:45 - Have participants complete the handout. 12:55 - Using the data set, have participants design, build, test and recommend solution prototypes. 1:25 - Have participants share what they have learned. Ask about things they will have noticed or had difficulty with Summarize main ideas on chart pack (10 min) 1:40 - Summarize the project, and reflect on the discussion questions as well as the overarching messages about using the engineering design process to improve the teaching of science (5 minutes). Folder: Handouts (Roller Coaster Physics 101 article, Littlefoot’s Lil’ Coaster Workshop, Littlefoot’s Design Worksheet, Littlefoot’s Data Worksheet, and Lil’ Coaster Initial Data Set) Training Kit: PPT Supplies: Duct tape, masking tape, scissors, glue, cardstock, pennies, sandpaper, handsaws and any other construction tool you want the participants to have the option of using Gram scale Supplies per Group Regular sized and small craft sticks Straws Toothpicks Lego 20 pulley wheel Lego Cross Axels size 4M Thomas & Friends Trackmaster Bridge Expansion Pack - FisherPrice Thomas & Friends 6 Set-up Before the workshop, using the Lil’ Coaster Lesson Setup Instructions create a prototype cart and two hills On a counter or table-top, lay out the materials you have available for the cart and hill prototypes. Also put out masking tape, scissors, glue, cardstock pennies, sandpaper, handsaws and any other construction tool you want the participants to have the option of using. Time Activity Lead Facilitator Notes Materials Set-up Trackmaster Straight & Curved Track Pack – FisherPrice Stop watches or timers 1:45-2:00 Troubleshooting as an opportunity for learning science Short presentation followed by discussion 2:00-2:15 BREAK Formative Assessment of Engineering Design process Participants take a break Total: 60 min 2:15-3:15 2:15-2:20 2:20-2:50 Participants form small groups to go over a set of questions (handout) relating to formative assessment of students understanding of the steps in engineering design. Teachers develop answers to questions on handout. None Training Kit: PPT Handout on formative assessment Distribute Chart pack paper and markers to table groups. Supplies: None Pens Go through slides that have the same questions and ask for input from each group on each question. Encourage discussion 2:50-3:15 Total: 60 minutes 3:15-4:15 Divide participants into groups of 2-4 participants Training Kit: PPT Supplies: None Using Engineering Design in Your Classroom 3:15-3:45 Have teachers break into groups and Choose a lesson that they currently teach using science inquiry or otherwise Discuss how engineering design could be used Use flipchart to capture o Ideas o Issues Take about 30 minutes Training Kit: PPT Supplies Markers & Chart pack Report out – 5 minutes per group Discuss as a group what patterns and issues were observed 3:45-4:05 4:05-4:15 Total 15 Min Closure Activities: Bike Rack (check may share out in the Facilitator reviews items on the bike rack. 7 Supplies: Post it notes Debrief pluses and Wishes at end of the day. Time Activity 4:15-4:30 morning) Goals Review expectations Expense claim forms? Pluses/Wishes Lead Facilitator Notes Review goals and expectations. Have table groups discuss the expectations. See if they are the same now or if they would like to add any. Participants write 2 pluses about the PD that day and 2 wishes that they had on post-it and turn in when they leave. 8 Materials Set-up