to ESIA Study-consolidated ToR-for Web Site

Vizhinjam International Deepwater Multipurpose Seaport
Consolidated ToR for Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study
1. ToR submitted by VISL to MoEF during April 2011
1.1 Baseline environmental monitoring (terrestrial & marine)
i) Land environment Justification of land availability for the port based on topography
(terrain features, habitations, cropping pattern, forest cover,
environmentally sensitive areas etc.), geology (geological setting,
seismicity, associated hazards, availability of quarry sites etc.), soil
characteristics (types, characteristics etc.)
ii) Water
Assessment of ground and surface water for physic- chemical,
bacteriological and biological parameters
iii) Marine
Assessment of water quality, sediment quality, biological
aspects(planktons/benthos), mangroves, nesting ground of sensitive
marine fauna, fishing, breeding grounds & fishery resources.
iv) Biological
Assessment of marine biological aspects (phytoplankton, zooplankton,
chlorophyll, primary productivity); benthic communities (micro&
macro);terrestrial ecology (flora & fauna)
v) Air environment
Assessment of meteorological data, ambient air quality
vi) Noise
Assessment of the intensity of noise levels in the project area and
vii) Solid waste
Assessment of the current solid waste generation & management
viii) Socio-economic Compilation of data through primary and secondary means including
& occupational
analysis in the project scenario
health environment
1.2 Establishment of baseline environmental conditions ( based on 1.1 )
1.3 Anticipated Environmental impacts on the above baseline parameters (1.1) and their
mitigation measures
i) Construction
Capital dredging, reclamation, cargo berths, cargo storage areas, port
colony, installation of cargo handling equipment, development of
internal infrastructure etc.
ii) Operational
Maintenance dredging, cargo handling, movement of ships calling at
port, movement of tugs and port crafts, cargo storage and inland cargo
1.4 Environmental Monitoring Programme based on (1.3)
1.5 Additional Studies
i) Risk Analysis &
For liquid terminals &storage tanks with onsite management plan
Management Plan
ii) Rehabilitation &
For displaced population based on existing socio economic status with
Resettlement Action implementation schedule
iii) Corporate Social For community development
1.6 Project Benefits
In terms of improvement s in physical infrastructure, social
infrastructure, employment potential and other tangible benefits
1.7 Environmental
Management Plan
For the construction & operation phases with impact mitigation
measures for marine and terrestrial environmental attributes as per
MoEF requirements
Additional ToR (Project specific) by MOEF (issued on 10th June 2011)
(i) Reasons for selecting the site with details of alternative sites examined earlier and
rejected/selected on merits with a comparative statement
(ii) Re-examine in detail all the identified sites with equal weightage/criteria on 0 to 100 scale
including financial implications for dredging/filling of the area and impact on surrounding
development including fishing harbour/fishing habitations with scientific studies with a check
list for selection or rejection
(iii) Submit a map of the shortlisted sites on the latest satellite imagery
Justification of sampling locations
Shore line change study to know erosion status as to whether the site fall in high erosion
Details of dredging, quality and method of disposal
Details of tide gauge and velocity profile (measured simultaneously) to check the model
Details of selection of air sampling locations based on wind rose
Marine traffic should not affect others, submit analysis
Examine and submit details of connectivity to the site through rail/road network
Submit details of type of cargo expected to be handled in the port
Submit recommendations of SCZMA
Study the likely impact of Marine Environment (MEIA) and submit EMP with budgetary
provisions and study the impact on the existing fisheries harbour due to the proposed new
harbour with the following details
(i) Total number, size and type of boats (mechanised/motorised/traditional) engaged and
fishing gear/methods (trawlers, gill netters, purse seiners etc.) practised in the area
surrounding the present fishing harbour
(ii) Number/type of fishing vessels engaged for deep sea fishing-its catch composition
(iii) Economic activity of fishing harbour; viz: (a) Total number and /type of boats using the
harbour (b) Total fish landings of the harbour for the last five years (c) Total value
(iv) Total number of people engaging in fishing/other fisheries related activities in the study
(v) Are the beaches in the proposed area used for landing fish
(vi) What is the major occupation of the people engaged in fishing activities
Study the present environmental condition of the fisheries harbour
Details of maintenance dredging in fishery harbour and origin of the source of material being
silted in the fishery harbour
Impact on the coastal area on the southern side of the fishery harbour (erosion/accretion)
after its construction
Additional ToR (Site specific) by MOEF (issued on 1st July 2011)
The gap between the fishery harbour and the proposed breakwater is less and the wave
movement may cause turbulence in the entrance of fishery harbour. The likely impacts and
mitigation measures shall be examined and be submitted. The mitigation may include the
shifting the breakwater further on southern side
Examine the impacts on marine environment & biological environment at the fisheries
harbour due to the development of proposed harbour
Examination and submission of the details of origin of bed sediments
Examine the tranquillity condition in the fisheries harbour with and without the proposed
commercial harbour on account of wave and tide
Submit details of maintenance dredging at the fisheries harbour, if any
Examine and submit details of wave modelling and siltation analysis
Examine the impact on the fishing activity due to the development of the port
Examine the social impact of the project on the nearby fishing habitations