Global Biogeochemical Cycles Supporting Information for Biogenic carbon fluxes from global agricultural production and consumption Julie Wolf1, Tristram O. West1*, Yannick L. Le Page1, G. Page Kyle1, Xuesong Zhang1, G. James Collatz2, Marc L. Imhoff1 1 Joint Global Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, College Park, MD 20740 2 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA Contents of this file Texts S1 - S3 Table S5. Poultry groupings based on reported carcass weight Table S8. Regional per-animal egg productivity per year Table S10. Global food intake by food group in 2011 Table S11. Combined carbon loss and waste from the food supply chain Table S12. Evaluation of observed food supply and food intake data to estimate regional food intake values Table S13. Regional per capita intake of animal-based and crop-based foods Figure S1. Comparison of reported crop harvested area with MODIS and adjusted crop area Figure S2. Net carbon exchange (NCE) of biogenic cropland carbon in year 2009, in g C m-2 yr-1 Additional Supporting Information (Files uploaded separately) Table S1. List of nations included in regional groupings of results Table S2. Crop-specific coefficients to convert harvested biomass to carbon Table S3. Coefficient uncertainty for major crops Table S4. Coefficients to convert livestock feeds to carbon Table S6. Regional groupings of nations for livestock calculations Table S7. Annual feed intake and manure production per animal Table S9. Coefficients to convert food supply quantities to carbon 1 Introduction The auxiliary materials include three sections of text, 13 tables, and two figures containing additional information on the derivation and values of coefficients, data sources and processing, and evaluation of methods. Text S1 includes additional methods for crop calculations, including derivation of crop-specific carbon contents of harvestable biomass, uncertainty ranges of crop coefficients, treatment of moisture content of reported hay and fodder crop harvests, and comparison of MODIS cropland area with FAO reported crop harvested area per geopolitical region. Text S2 includes additional methods for livestock, including derivation of livestock coefficients and uncertainty ranges for livestock coefficients. Text S3 includes additional methods for food calculations, including evaluation of national food intakes derived from reported food supply quantities. Text S1. Derivation of crop-specific carbon contents of harvestable biomass The carbon content of harvestable biomass (CCy) was estimated for groups of similar crops, including fruits, non-fruit vegetables, grains, legumes, and oilseeds, as well as for individual crops that did not fit into clear groups. For several crops within each group, the contents (g 100 g-1) of protein, lipid, complex carbohydrates (e.g., cellulose, starches), simple carbohydrates (i.e. sugars) and water in edible harvested materials were from USDA [2013b]. Crop-specific dry matter carbon contents of harvested biomass were calculated from each harvest item’s content of these components, using carbon content values of 0.53 for proteins [Rouwenhorst et al., 1991]; 0.44 for complex carbohydrates [Rouwenhorst et al., 1991]; and 0.40 and 0.75 for simple carbohydrates 2 and lipids, respectively, based on the molecular mass balances for sugars and vegetable lipids [Stryer, 1988; Kamal-Eldin and Andersson, 1997]. Items with similar resulting carbon contents fractions were grouped. For peanut and seed cotton, the proportion of harvest weight made up by shell or lint was assumed to have carbon content of 0.44. The resulting estimated carbon contents for groups of harvested materials were: 0.41 for all fruits and for beets and potatoes; 0.44 for non-fruit vegetable crops and for cassava; 0.46 for grains and all legumes except soybean and peanut; 0.52 for soybean; 0.54 for seed cotton, including seed plus lint; 0.60 for peanut, including shell; 0.62 for oilcrops and oilseeds excluding soybean, peanut, coconut, and seed cotton; and 0.63 for coconut. The values for crop-specific carbon content of harvested dry matter, harvest index, root to shoot ratio, and dry-matter (DM) content of harvested material, with sources, are provided in Table S2. Comparison of MODIS cropland area with FAO reported harvested crop area Dividing FAO harvested crop area by the MODIS cropland area in each geopolitical region allows for a comparison of the two area estimates within 399 geopolitical regions worldwide. Results indicate that FAO and MODIS crop areas rarely agreed within ±25% (Fig. S1). Uncertainty in and disagreement among global landcover products is well documented [Fritz et al., 2011; Congalton et al., 2014]. Focusing on cropland areas, Pittman et al. [2010] showed that MODIS cropland area best matched inventory cropland area in regions of intensive corn or soybean cropping, but performed more poorly in regions of wheat, rice, and/or non-intensive cropping. Our findings are in agreement with these previous studies. Reconciling the MODIS data to match the FAO land areas maintains the integrity of the inventory data while spatially distributing the 3 fluxes to the most likely geographic areas. Reconciling the MODIS data in this manner was the approach used by West et al. [2014] and also used here to spatially distribute the carbon fluxes. Uncertainty ranges for crop coefficients For ten crops producing the most NPP, ranges of values for harvest index, root to shoot ratio, harvest material dry matter content, and harvest material dry matter carbon content were compiled from the literature for use in Monte Carlo analysis of uncertainty (Table S3). For remaining crops, coefficient ranges were approximated using relative range around the mode of similar crops. The range in the carbon content of cellulosic materials, used to calculate uncertainty for non-harvested aboveground biomass, roots, and harvested stem and leaf materials, was 0.40 – 0.50, based on carbon contents of stover from several crops [ElTayeb et al., 2012]. The relative range in cellulosic materials (mode − 9.1%, mode + 13.6%) was applied to all fruit and vegetable crops. The range in carbon content of maize grain and soybeans were estimated as the mode ± 3.5% of the mode value, based on reported variability in seed content of fat and protein reported by Reynolds et al. [2005] and Bellaloui et al. [2010]. This uncertainty range was used for all seed harvests. Moisture content of reported hay and fodder crop harvests USDA reports “dry basis” hay and haylage production at 13% moisture [USDA, 2008; Russelle, 2013], whereas FAOSTAT does not indicate moisture content for its reported “forage and silage” crop harvests. To reconcile this difference, total U.S. alfalfa and grass harvest quantities reported for the years 2000 – 2011 by FAOSTAT were compared with harvest quantities reported at 13% moisture by the USDA [2013a], 4 calculated as the sum of all U.S. state-level alfalfa and grasses hay and haylage production. This comparison indicates that FAOSTAT reports “forage and silage” crop harvests at 65% moisture (data not shown), which is an appropriate moisture level for silage and haylage production [Undersander, 2013]. Based on this comparison we consider all FAOSTAT “forage and silage” crop harvest quantities to have 65% moisture. USDA does not report silage crop harvests at standard moisture [Hawthorn, C, personal communication, Sept. 22, 2014]. USDA reports of maize and sorghum harvested for silage were also assumed to have 65% moisture. Text S2. Derivation of livestock coefficients Estimates of per-animal feed intake dry matter (Fdw) were obtained from IPCC [1996] for dairy cattle, meat cattle, swine, buffalo, sheep, goats, horses, mules, and camels. All Fdw values were considered to have the fractional carbon content and uncertainty range of crop stover as described above (CCcell, 0.44). The Fdw values for meat and dairy cattle are provided at the regional level. Sheep and swine Fdw values are provided for developed and developing countries. A new category was implemented for newly industrialized countries (NIC) to represent countries with intermediate development status, where husbandry of these species is likely to be split between traditional and modern methods. Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Phillippines, South Africa, Thailand, and Turkey were classified as NICs based on their economies [Mankiw, 2011]. Swine in NIC nations were assigned Fdw values calculated as weighted 60% - 40% averages of the Fdw values for developed and developing countries based on reported prevalence of industrial vs. low-intensity swine husbandry in 5 China [McOrist et al., 2011]. Sheep Fdw values in NICs were assigned an average value of Fdw values for developed and developing countries. Meat and dairy buffalo Fdw values are provided for animals in the Indian subcontinent and in all other parts of the world [IPCC, 1996]. Values of Fdw given by IPCC [1996] for horses, goats, camels, and mules and asses do not vary across nations or regions, and we did not refine them further. Regional Fdw and Mdw values for meat and laying chickens, and global values for turkeys, ducks, and geese and guinea fowl, were developed as follows. Values for Fdw and Mdw were assembled for U.S. meat (Fdw(broilers)US and Mdw(broilers)US) and laying chickens (Fdw(layers)US and Mdw(layers)US) from reported feed intake and manure production, assuming that commercial poultry feed and manure are 0.85 and 0.25 dry weight, respectively. For meat and laying chickens in other countries, and for the other poultry species globally, feed intake and manure production were estimated based on reported carcass weights. Mean carcass weights of meat chickens for the U.S. and all reporting nations were assembled from FAOSTAT. Nations with similar meat chicken carcass weights were aggregated into 11 poultry “regions” and the mean carcass weight (CW) was calculated for each region (Table S5). These groupings were not based on geographical proximity but on similar carcass weights. Global mean CW for turkeys, ducks, and geese and guinea fowl were also assembled from FAOSTAT; all animals of these species were considered to be raised for meat. Regional estimates of Fdw and Mdw for meat chickens, and global estimates for the other fowl species, were constructed using U.S. meat chicken Fdw and Mdw and the carcass weights (Eq. 16 and 17). Fdw(broilers)i = Fdw(broilers)US × (CWi / CWUS)0.75 Eq. 16 Mdw(broilers)i = Mdw(broilers)US × (CWi / CWUS)0.75 Eq. 17 6 where i refers to the aggregate of nations in consideration for chickens or to the global average for other poultry species, US indicates values for the U.S., and “broilers” indicates values for animals raised for meat. This calculation is based on the observed scaling of basal metabolic rate with body mass0.75 of animals, both within and among species [White and Kearney, 2013]. Body weights of laying chickens were not readily available for comparison among nations, so laying chicken Fdw and Mdw were developed for each of the 11 groups of nations created for meat chickens using the appropriate meat chicken carcass weights (Eq. 18 and 19). Fdw(layers)i= Fdw(layers)US × (CWi / CWUS)0.75 Eq. 18 Mdw(layers)i= Mdw(layers)US × (CWi / CWUS)0.75 Eq. 19 where i refers to the aggregate of nations in consideration for chickens, US indicates values for the U.S., and “layers” indicates values for laying hens. Resulting groupings of nations for poultry are shown in Table S6. Values of Mdw per animal for dairy cattle, meat cattle, and buffalo are provided by IPCC [1996]. Values of Mdw for sheep, goats, and horses were estimated by multiplying the IPCC Fdw of those species by the ratio of Mdw/Fdw for these livestock species in the U.S. given by West et al. [2011]. The ratio of Mdw/Fdw for sheep in the U.S. was also used to estimate Mdw from Fdw for camels, llamas, and alpacas, and the ratio for horses in the U.S. was used to estimate Mdw from Fdw for mules and asses. Feed intake and manure production for llamas and alpacas were estimated from values for camels, based on weight ranges of 130-204 kg for llamas and 48-84 kg for alpacas, using body mass ratios as described above. The carbon content of manure (CCm) was estimated using 7 documented manure nitrogen content and carbon:nitrogen ratios for different livestock species [Cornell University Cooperative Extension, 1992]. Estimated CCm values were 0.50 for dairy cattle and buffalo; 0.46 for meat cattle and buffalo; 0.43 for swine; 0.48 for poultry; 0.43 for sheep, goats, camels, llamas, and alpacas; and 0.48 for horses, asses, and mules. Regional groupings of nations for these livestock types are available in Table S6, and regional values for Fdw and Mdw are given in Table S7. Emissions coefficients for MMCH4 and EFCH4 are from IPCC [1996]. Mean annual temperature is needed to select regional temperature-dependent coefficients for MMCH4 emissions from each livestock species; mean annual temperatures were obtained at the national level for all countries and at the subnational level for large nations from the Global Livestock Production and Health Atlas [FAO Animal Production and Health Division]. Egg and milk production quantities are also needed to complete the livestock carbon budget and to estimate ECO2. Regional, average per-animal milk production from IPCC [1996] and per-animal egg production derived from FAOSTAT [2013] were converted to units carbon using dry matter contents of 0.12 for milk and 0.24 for eggs, and dry weight carbon contents of 0.52 for milk and 0.60 for eggs. Derived egg production carbon quantities are shown in Table S8. Uncertainty ranges for livestock coefficients A literature review was undertaken to derive ranges for livestock intake and emissions coefficients for use in Monte Carlo analysis. A number of factors can introduce variability to feed intake for different livestock species, such as feed quality, amount of work done, housed vs. free-ranging status, temperature, space allotment, and other stressors. Intakes for all cattle and buffalo were given a range of the mode value 8 ±43% of the mode value, based on the variability introduced by different feed types to intake quality and quantity [Subcommittee on Feed Intake, Committee on Animal Nutrition, National Research Council, 1987]. Intakes for all swine were given a range of the mode value ± 25%, based on variability introduced by temperature [Subcommittee on Feed Intake, Committee on Animal Nutrition, National Research Council, 1987]. The intake range for meat chickens was the mode value ±7%, for laying chickens was mode ± 13%, and for other poultry species was the mode ± 11%, based on observed ranges of flock intakes [Naber and Bermudez, 1990]. Feed intake for sheep was given an asymmetric range of mode − 25% to mode + 10%, based on variability introduced by feed quality [Subcommittee on Feed Intake, Committee on Animal Nutrition, National Research Council, 1987], and intakes of goats, camels, horses, mules and asses, and other camelids were also assigned this range. Ranges for manure production for all livestock types were the same as for intake. Based on values from the literature, asymmetric ranges for manure carbon content were mode − 33% to mode + 26% for meat cattle and meat buffalo, mode − 38% to mode + 16% for dairy cattle and buffalo, mode − 38% to mode + 3% for swine, mode − 40% to mode + 8% for sheep, mode − 25% to mode + 47% for all poultry, mode − 61% to mode + 5% for horses, mules, and asses, and mode − 57% to mode + 17% for goats, camels, and other camelids. Uncertainty ranges of mode ± 30% were used for enteric fermentation and manure management methane coefficients [IPCC, 2006]. Variability in milk production was mode ± 25% based on reported variability among milk production per cow reported for 38 nations [Hagemann et al., 2012]. Variability in egg production per laying hen was mode ± 22% based on reported variability in annual productivity of one- and two-year-old hens [Fukumoto, 2009]. 9 Text S3. Evaluation of national food intakes derived from food supplies To estimate food intake, national food supplies reported by FAOSTAT were adjusted to better reflect self-reported food intake in national surveys (see main text). These adjustments were applied to broad regions, some of which encompass countries with contrasting food supply characteristics (e.g., North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa [World Health Organization, 2003]). In the U.S., self-reported food intake surveys have known issues, particularly the underreporting of consumption. In the U.S. in recent years, adult men and women were found to underreport total daily caloric intake by respective averages of 10% and 18% of their expected total energy expenditures [Archer et al., 2013]. The adjustments we made to reported food supply yielded estimated U.S. food intake carbon quantities that were 115% - 120% of self-reported quantities (Table S12); these may be good approximations of actual intake based on the findings of the authors above. In contrast, the adjustments to food supply resulted in estimated intakes that were slightly too low relative to reported intake in Bangladesh, the Czech Republic, and the United Kingdom (Table S12). Because each food intake survey study was conducted at the national level and employed unique methodologies [European Food Safety Authority, 2011], we gave precedence to matching the well-characterized U.S. trends in self-reported intake. 10 References Archer, E., G. A. Hand, and S. N. Blair (2013), Validity of US Nutritional Surveillance: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Caloric Energy Intake Data, 1971-2010, Plos One, 8(10), e76632, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076632. Bellaloui, N., H. Bruns, A. Gillen, H. Abbas, R. Zablotowicz, A. Mengistu, and R. Paris (2010), Soybean seed protein, oil, fatty acids, and mineral composition as influenced by soybean-corn rotation, Agric. Sci., 1(3), 102–109. Congalton, R. G., J. Gu, K. Yadav, P. Thenkabail, and M. Ozdogan (2014), Global Land Cover Mapping: A Review and Uncertainty Analysis, Remote Sens., 6(12), 12070–12093, doi:10.3390/rs61212070. Cornell University Cooperative Extension (1992), On-farm composting handbook, Table A-1, Characteristics of Raw Materials, Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service, Ithaca, NY. El-Tayeb, T. S., A. A. Abdelhafez, S. H. Ali, and E. M. Ramadan (2012), Effect of acid hydrolysis and fungal biotreatment on agro-industrial wastes for obtainment of free sugars for bioethanol production, Braz. J. Microbiol., 43(4), 1523–1535, doi:10.1590/S1517-83822012000400037. European Food Safety Authority (2011), Use of the EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database in Exposure Assessment, EFSA J., 9(3): 2097. FAO (2013), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Statistics Division (FAOSTAT), Available from: (Accessed 2 December 2013) 11 FAO (2014), Global Livestock Production and Health Atlas (GLiPHA), Food Agric. Organ. U. N. Anim. Prod. Health Div. Glob. Livest. Prod. Health Atlas GLiPHA. Available from: (Accessed 1 January 2014) Fritz, S., L. See, I. McCallum, C. Schill, M. Obersteiner, M. van der Velde, H. Boettcher, P. Havlik, and F. Achard (2011), Highlighting continued uncertainty in global land cover maps for the user community, Environ. Res. Lett., 6(4), 044005, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/044005. 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Scheffers, and J. P. van Dijken (1991), Determination of protein concentration by total organic carbon analysis, J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods, 22(2), 119–128. Russelle, M. (2013), The Alfalfa Yield Gap: A Review of the Evidence, Forage Grazinglands, doi:10.1094/FG-2013-0002-RV. Stryer, L. (1988), Biochemistry, 3rd ed., WH Freeman and Company, New York. Subcommittee on Feed Intake, Committee on Animal Nutrition, National Research Council (1987), Predicting Feed Intake of Food-Producing Animals, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. Undersander, D. (2013), Drying Forage for Hay and Haylage, University of Wisconsin Extension, Madison, WI. 13 USDA (2008), Hay forage production, National Agricultural Statistical Service New England Agricultural Statistics. USDA (2013a), Quickstats 2.0, Natl. Agric. Stat. Serv. Available from: (Accessed 26 November 2013) USDA (2013b), USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 26., Natl. Nutr. Database Stand. Ref. Release 26. Available from: West, T. O., V. Bandaru, C. C. Brandt, A. E. Schuh, and S. M. Ogle (2011), Regional uptake and release of crop carbon in the United States, Biogeosciences, 8(8), 2037–2046, doi:10.5194/bg-8-2037-2011. West, T. O., Y. L. Page, M. Huang, J. Wolf, and A. M. Thomson (2014), Downscaling global land cover projections from an integrated assessment model for use in regional analyses: results and evaluation for the US from 2005 to 2095, Environ. Res. Lett., 9(6), 064004, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/6/064004. White, C. R., and M. R. Kearney (2013), Determinants of inter-specific variation in basal metabolic rate, J. Comp. Physiol. B, 183(1), 1–26, doi:10.1007/s00360-012-06765. World Health Organization (2003), Global and regional food consumption patterns and trends (Chapter 3), in Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases: Report of a Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation, World Health Organization, Geneva. 14 Table S1. List of nations included in regional groupings for results Table S2. Crop-specific coefficients to convert harvested biomass to carbon Table S3. Coefficient uncertainty for major crops Table S4. Coefficients to convert livestock feeds to carbon Table S5. Poultry groupings based on reported carcass weight Approx. carcass Nations/regions weight (kg) U.S., Brazil, and Argentina 2.0 Mexico and Central America 1.7 Caribbean 1.3 Western Europe 1.4 Eastern Europe and Canada 1.6 Oceania 1.8 Southeast Asia 1.1 India 1.2 West Asia 1.3 China, East Asia and Central Asia 1.5 Africa 1.2 Turkeys (all nations) 9.3 Ducks (all nations) 1.9 Geese and guinea fowl (all nations) 3.5 Table S6. Regional groupings of nations for livestock calculations Table S7. Annual feed intake and manure production per animal Table S8. Regional annual egg production per animal Egg production Region (kg C animal-1 yr-1) Africa 0.73 Asia (all) 1.28 Oceania 1.51 Central and South America and Caribbean 1.56 Europe (all) 1.86 North America 2.23 Table S9. Coefficients to convert fresh-weight food supplies to carbon 15 Table S10. Global food intake by food group in 2011 Food group Food Intake Beer, wine, and other fermented beverages 8.1 ± 4.1 Cassava 32.2 ± 7.5 Cheese 5.0 ± 1.1 Distilled alcoholic beverages 4.2 ± 2.0 Eggs 6.1 ± 1.7 Fats (vegetable and animal) 57.8 ± 9.4 Fruits 14.5 ± 8.3 Grains 278.8 ± 30.0 Honey, molasses, other sweeteners 6.3 ± 1.6 Legumes and pulses 23.9 ± 4.0 Meat 32.9 ± 6.0 Milk 16.3 ± 3.6 Starchy roots excl. cassava 14.5 ± 2.8 Sugars 44.6 ± 10.8 Vegetables 22.2 ± 8.6 a Units are Tg C yr-1 ± 1 standard deviation. 16 Table S11. Combined carbon loss and waste from the food supply chain* 2005 2006 2007 Africa 26.3 27.3 27.7 Ctr. America/Caribbean 5.4 5.6 5.7 E. Europe, W. Asia and Ctrl. Asia 28.5 28.8 28.9 N. America 22.3 22.3 22.4 Oceania 1.4 1.4 1.5 S., S.E., and E. Asia 117.5 118.9 121.3 S. America 11.4 11.6 11.8 W. Europe 25.4 25.5 25.7 2008 28.5 5.6 29 22.2 1.5 123.5 12.1 25.9 2009 29.1 5.6 29.2 22.2 1.6 124.9 12.2 25.9 2010 30 5.8 29.4 22.3 1.6 127.9 12.5 26 2011 31.2 5.9 29.7 22.4 1.6 130.2 12.7 25.9 Globe 238.2 241.3 245 248.4 250.6 255.5 259.7 -1 *Units are Tg C yr . Food intake and food supply chain losses together comprise total food supply as reported by FAOSTAT. See main text for details. 0 Table S12. Evaluation of observed food supply and food intake data to estimate regional food intake valuesa FAO Survey Estimated Estimated % of Reported intake Food food food survey food Nation Year(s) Food survey source quantities supply Cb intake C intake C intake C 1995Fat, protein, and Bangladesh 1996 Hels et al., 2003 carbohydratesc 0.081 0.074 0.067 90% EFSA: SISP04 Food commodity Czech Republic 2004 Survey categoriesd 0.135 0.089 0.076 86% 2003Food commodity U.S. 2004 Bowman et al. 2013 categoriesd 0.154 0.075 0.087 115% 2007Food commodity U.S. 2008 Bowman et al. 2013 categoriesd 0.150 0.070 0.084 120% EFSA: NDNS Food commodity U.K. 2005 Survey categoriesd 0.129 0.076 0.072 95% a -1 Excluding fish, seafood, and orchard products. Units are Mg C yr per capita except where otherwise indicated. b Calculated by converting all FAO reported food supplies to units carbon using our water and carbon content coefficients. c Converted to units carbon year using C contents of 75%, 53%, and 44% by weight for fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. d Food commodity groups (e.g. milk, cheese, fats, fruit, grains, meat) converted to carbon using our water and carbon content coefficients. 1 Table S13. Regional per capita intake of animal-based and crop-based foods 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Per capita animal-based food intake (kg C yr-1) Africa 5.1 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.7 5.8 5.8 Ctrl. America and Caribb. 12.6 12.9 13.3 13.2 13.6 13.7 13.7 14.2 14.0 E. Europe, W. and Ctrl. Asia 14.0 13.9 14.4 14.6 14.6 14.9 15.1 15.5 15.4 N. America 23.6 23.9 23.8 23.8 24.4 23.9 23.8 23.9 23.1 Oceania 17.8 17.8 17.7 18.1 17.5 18.6 18.5 19.1 18.6 S., S.E., and E. Asia 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.7 7.0 7.2 7.4 S. America 16.6 16.3 16.3 16.2 16.4 16.3 16.9 17.4 18.2 W. Europe 24.7 24.8 25.0 24.7 24.3 24.2 24.2 24.4 24.1 Africa Ctrl. America and Caribb. E. Europe, W. and Ctrl. Asia N. America Oceania S., S.E., and E. Asia S. America W. Europe 89.5 73.1 89.9 74.0 89.0 74.3 Per capita crop-based food intake (kg C yr-1) 88.8 89.0 90.0 90.7 90.3 90.5 74.6 74.0 73.0 74.0 74.1 73.0 62.6 62.6 38.4 64.7 74.6 50.2 63.8 61.2 39.3 64.3 75.5 50.7 64.1 62.1 39.2 63.8 74.0 50.9 64.1 62.0 39.3 63.5 76.6 50.3 65.3 62.1 39.1 63.5 77.0 50.7 65.9 62.8 38.9 63.8 77.9 50.9 66.4 61.5 39.1 64.3 77.7 50.7 66.5 60.7 39.4 65.3 78.0 50.7 66.0 60.0 40.0 65.8 78.9 51.0 2009 2010 2011 5.7 14.2 5.9 14.0 6.0 13.8 15.6 22.7 18.0 7.5 18.2 23.8 15.7 22.6 18.1 7.8 18.7 23.9 15.9 22.3 19.4 7.8 19.2 23.7 90.7 72.6 91.2 73.5 92.3 74.0 65.9 59.5 40.2 65.9 78.3 51.2 66.3 59.5 40.0 67.0 78.8 50.9 66.5 59.7 39.6 67.2 79.1 50.6 2 Figure S1. Ratio of FAO cropland area to MODIS cropland area per geopolitical region. 3 Figure S2. Net carbon exchange (NCE) of biogenic cropland carbon in year 2009, in g C m-2 yr-1. 4