Course Guide Majors Level IV

Course Guide—Majors Level IV
(See page 3 for assignment details)
Private Lesson 01
 Submit required information to instructor via Individual Forum.
 Enter information required for Private Lesson 01 in Reflective Practice Journal, record practice of any assigned material, and submit updated document to Private Lesson 02 at
least 12 hours prior.
 Post two (2) class announcements: 1) direct students to course resources found in Student Success Center; 2) specify Master Class and Concert Attendance requirements.
 Activate (un-hide) the following three (3) Practice Assignments by setting Attempt Start and End dates with End date at least 7 days in advance of departmental juries: 1)
Advanced Standing Application, 2) Repertoire List, 3) Instrumental/Vocal Proficiency Verification.
 Activate (un-hide) Practice Assignment for Semester Repertoire and Technique and set Attempt Start and End dates (applicable only if in-progress evaluation will occur)
 Confirm Private Lesson day/time, taking into account student's schedule. 13 studio lessons MUST be given.
 Apply pass/fail LMS auto rubric for Private Lesson 01 by end of instructional week.
Private Lesson 02
 Perform during Private Lesson.
 Begin tracking development in Semester Repertoire and Technique form.
 Record lesson summary, practice details, reflections in Reflective Practice Journal and submit updated document to Private Lesson 03 at least 12 hours prior.
 Apply Performance rubric (print/screen-friendly ONLY) to studio performance for pre-assessment ONLY (score does NOT affect lesson grade) and return copy via LMS.
 Apply Private Lesson LMS auto rubric within 24 hours of Private Lesson 02. Optional: Add comments to Reflective Practice Journal and return updated copy via LMS.
Private Lessons 03 – 12
 Continue tracking development in Semester Repertoire and Technique; if required, submit in-progress draft to Practice Assignment by due date.
 Attend Master Classes and Concerts, as required by instructor, and have attendance verified according to instructions.
 Schedule and complete 1 Master Class performance prior to Private Lesson 14, in fulfillment of Mid-Term Exam requirements.
 Complete Mid-Term Exam entry in Reflective Practice Journal (entry located between Private Lessons 07 and 08).
 Record lesson summary, practice details, reflections in Reflective Practice Journal and submit updated document to upcoming Private Lesson at least 12 hours prior.
 Evaluate Semester Repertoire and Technique form as Practice Assignment, if in-progress submission has been required.
 Ensure student schedules and completes 1 Master Class performance prior to Private Lesson 14.
 Apply Performance rubric (screen/print-friendly ONLY) to student's Mid-Term Master Class performance and return copy via LMS.
 Apply Private Lesson LMS auto rubric within 24 hours of each Private Lesson. Optional: Add comments to Reflective Practice Journal and return updated copies via LMS.
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Majors Level IV
Private Lesson 13
 Sign up for Final Exam jury performance to occur following Private Lesson 14.
 Demonstrate proficiencies as required by instructor according to applicable rubric.
 Complete and submit to corresponding Assignments the following 4 items at least 7 days in advance of the first day of departmental juries, regardless of instrument: 1)
Semester Repertoire and Technique (Graded), 2) Advanced Standing Application, 3) Repertoire List; 4) Instrumental/Vocal Proficiency Verification.
 Record lesson summary, practice details, reflections in Reflective Practice Journal and submit updated document to Private Lesson 14 at least 12 hours prior.
 Ensure student has scheduled Final Exam jury performance to occur following Private Lesson 14.
 Apply Proficiency rubric (screen/print-friendly ONLY) to appropriate/relevant competencies; forward as indicated below.
 Confirm receipt of Repertoire List by marking appropriate check box on Advanced Standing Application.
 Forward student's Proficiency Rubric, Semester Repertoire and Technique, Advanced Standing Application, and Instrumental/Vocal Proficiency Verification to departmental
jury coordinator at least 7 days in advance of the first day of departmental juries, regardless of instrument.
 Apply Private Lesson LMS auto rubric within 24 hours of Private Lesson. Optional: Add comments to Reflective Practice Journal and return updated copy via LMS.
Private Lesson 14
 Polish Final Exam jury performance selections.
 Record lesson summary, details of any practice that follows, and final reflections before Final Exam jury performance.
 Direct polishing of Final Exam jury performance selections.
 Apply Private Lesson LMS auto rubric within 24 hours of Private Lesson. Optional: Add comments to Reflective Practice Journal and return updated copy via LMS.
Private Lesson 15 No studio meeting
 Perform before jury panel and complete Private Lesson 15 entry in Reflective Practice Journal; submit to Graded Assignment by due date.
 Submit Master Class and Concert Attendance with supporting documentation to Graded Assignment by due date.
 Apply Performance and Proficiency rubrics (screen/print-friendly ONLY) to student's performance before jury panel.
 Review jurors' scores/comments and determine student's score for Benchmark (V) Key Assessment (IV) - Final Exam, Part I; enter single score in Gradebook and return all
rubrics via LMS.
 Return Advanced Standing Application with authorized signatures via LMS.
 Returned Proficiency Rubric with authorized signatures via LMS.
 Apply LMS auto rubric for Final Exam, Part II: Growth in Musicianship.
 Apply LMS auto rubric for final draft of Semester Repertoire and Technique, add required summative comments to document, and return updated copy via LMS.
 Apply LMS auto rubric for final draft of Reflective Practice Journal.
 Apply pass/fail LMS auto rubric for Master Class and Concert Attendance.
 Apply pass/fail LMS auto rubric for Private Lesson 15 by end of instructional week.
Majors Level IV
Private Lessons
Student: Arrive at Private Lessons 02 – 14 having submitted the most up-to-date copy of your Reflective Practice Journal to the corresponding Graded Assignment within the
expected time frame, with your materials organized, and early enough to warm up and start on time (i.e., instructional time should not be used for warming up).
Instructor: Within 24 hours of each Private Lesson, issue a score using the associated LMS auto rubric.
Related Resources (see Student Success Center):
 Private Lesson rubric (screen/print-friendly and LMS auto)
Reflective Practice Journal
Student: Submit an updated version of this document to the Graded Assignments for Private Lessons 02 – 14 at least 12 hours prior to each lesson. Complete the Mid-Term
section following your Mid-Term performance. Complete the Private Lesson 14 and 15 sections before submitting the final copy to this Graded Assignment by the due date.
Instructor: Evaluate the document on a weekly basis as part of the overall grade for each Private Lesson, using the LMS auto rubric for that Private Lesson. As applicable, add
comments during and/or after the Private Lesson and the document via the LMS. Evaluate the final draft using the summative rubric associated with this Graded Assignment in
the LMS.
Related Resources (see Student Success Center):
 Reflective Practice Journal
 Reflective Practice Journal exemplar
 Private Lesson rubric (screen/print-friendly and LMS auto)
 Reflective Practice Journal rubric (screen/print-friendly and LMS auto)
Master Class and Concert Attendance
Student: Note the attendance requirement specified by your instructor; submit to the Graded Assignment by due date. Be sure to have your attendance verified according to the
instructions on the form.
Instructor: Post a first-day announcement notifying students of your specific attendance requirements. Set Attempt Start and End dates. Evaluate completion of the assignment
using the associated pass/fail LMS auto rubric.
Related Resources (see Student Success Center):
 Master Class and Concert Attendance
 Master Class and Concert Attendance rubric (screen/print-friendly and LMS auto)
Majors Level IV
Semester Repertoire and Technique (Practice and Graded)
Student: The instructor may require submission of this document as a Practice Assignment for the purposes of checking your progress. Submit it to the Practice Assignment
accordingly. Then submit the final draft to the Graded Assignment at least 7 days in advance of the first day of departmental juries, regardless of instrument.
Instructor: There are two versions of this assignment, Practice and Graded.
Practice: Determine whether or not to conduct a progress check of this document. If so, activate (un-hide) the associated Practice Assignment by setting Attempt Start and End
dates. Use the screen/print-friendly rubric for formative evaluation ONLY (this score does NOT affect the course grade). Re-set the assignment as needed.
Graded: Activate (un-hide) the Practice Assignment Semester Repertoire and Technique by setting Attempt Start and End dates, with End date at least 7 days in advance of
departmental juries, regardless of instrument. Forward a copy of the student's final draft to the departmental jury coordinator at least 7 days in advance of the first day of
departmental juries, regardless of instrument. By the end of the last instructional week, evaluate the student's final draft using the summative rubric associated with the Graded
Assignment in the LMS. Then add required summative comments to the document and return it via the LMS.
Related Resources (see Student Success Center):
 Semester Repertoire and Technique
 Semester Repertoire and Technique rubric (screen/print-friendly and LMS auto)
Mid-Term Exam—Master Class/Open Recital Performance
Student: Sign up for a Master Class performance, and confirm your performance selections prior to the actual performance, which must occur prior to Private Lesson 14.
Instructor: Attend the scheduled Master Class performance and evaluate using the applicable Performance rubric (screen/print-friendly ONLY). Transfer the score to the
Gradebook, and return the rubric via the LMS.
Related Resources (see Student Success Center):
 Sign-up sheets (located outside Assistant Dean's office)
 Performance rubric (screen/print-friendly ONLY)
Final Exam—Advanced Standing Jury
Student: Sign up for a jury performance slot no later than Private Lesson 13, and confirm your performance selections during Private Lesson 14. Dress appropriately, and arrive
having already submitted applicable forms and early enough to warm up and start when called.
Instructor: As a juror, evaluate using the applicable Performance and Proficiency rubrics (screen/print-friendly ONLY), and save copies for the departmental jury coordinator:
EvaluatorInstructorLastName_CourseInstructorLastName_StudentLastName_DocumentTitle (Instructor name appears twice in filename when evaluating one's student). These
copies, along with those of other jurors, the Advanced Standing Application, and Instrumental/Vocal Proficiency Verification will be returned to you. Use these documents to
determine a score for Benchmark (V) Key Assessment (IV) - Final Exam, Part I. Enter the score in the Gradebook, and return all documents via the LMS. Then evaluate Growth in
Musicianship as Graded Assignment Final Exam, Part II, referencing the Private Lesson 02 pre-assessment and using the associated LMS auto rubric.
Related Resources (see Student Success Center):
 Sign-up sheets (located outside Assistant Dean's office)
 Advanced Standing Application
 Performance rubric (screen/print-friendly ONLY)
 Proficiency rubric (screen/print-friendly ONLY)
 Growth in Musicianship rubric (screen/print-friendly and LMS auto)
Majors Level IV
Advanced Standing Application
Student: Submit the Advanced Standing Application to the Practice Assignment at least 7 days in advance of the first day of departmental juries, regardless of instrument.
Instructor: Activate (un-hide) the Practice Assignment Advanced Standing Application by setting Attempt Start and End dates, with End date at least 7 days in advance of
departmental juries, regardless of instrument. Open the student's application, indicate receipt of the Repertoire List by checking the appropriate box on the form, and re-save:
InstructorLastName_StudentLastName_DocumentTitle. Forward the completed form to the departmental jury coordinator at least 7 days in advance of the first day of
departmental juries, regardless of instrument.
Related Resources (see Student Success Center):
 Advanced Standing Application
Repertoire List
Student: Submit a Repertoire List to the Practice Assignment at least 7 days in advance of the first day of departmental juries, regardless of instrument.
Instructor: Activate (un-hide) the Practice Assignment Repertoire List by setting Attempt Start and End dates, with End date at least 7 days in advance of departmental juries,
regardless of instrument. Indicate receipt of the Repertoire List by checking the appropriate box on the student's Advanced Standing Application.
Related Resources (see Student Success Center):
 Repertoire List exemplar
 Repertoire List template
Instrumental/Vocal Proficiency Verification
Student: Submit the Instrumental/Vocal Proficiency Verification form to the Practice Assignment at least 7 days in advance of the first day of departmental juries, regardless of
Instructor: Activate (un-hide) the Practice Assignment Instrumental/Vocal Proficiency Verification by setting Attempt Start and End dates, with End date at least 7 days in
advance of departmental juries, regardless of instrument. Open the student's form, indicate level/semester of evaluation by checking the appropriate box on the form, and resave it: InstructorLastName_StudentLastName_DocumentTitle. Forward the student's form to the departmental jury coordinator at least 7 days in advance of the first day of
department juries, regardless of instrument.
Related Resources (see Student Success Center):
 Instrumental/Vocal Proficiency Verification
Song Interpretation (Optional)
Student (Voice ONLY): Submit Song Interpretations to the Practice Assignment, as assigned by your instructor.
Instructor (Voice ONLY): Activate (un-hide) the Practice Assignment Song Interpretation by setting Attempt Start and End Dates. Use the screen/print-friendly rubric for
formative evaluation ONLY (this score does NOT affect the course grade). Re-set the assignment for grading as needed.
Related Resources (see Student Success Center):
 Song Interpretation exemplar
 Song Interpretation rubric (screen/print-friendly ONLY)
 Song Interpretation template