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Savannah Chatham County
Public School System
2015-2016 District Goals
To Improve Academic Achievement by
increasing the percentage of students
meeting or exceeding standards in all
core content areas as measured by
assessments and state standards.
2015-2016 School Goals
To increase the percentage of students
meeting or exceeding standard in the core
content areas as measured by Scholastic
Reading Inventory (SRI) and Measures of
Academic Progress (MAP) and Georgia
Milestones Assessment System (GMAS).
School-Parent Compacts
A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an
agreement that parents, students, and teachers will
work together to make sure all our students reach
grade-level standards. We will share the responsibility
for improved student academic achievement and the
means by which the school and parents will build and
develop a partnership to help students achieve this
In May 24, 2015, a Parent Forum was held to
develop our school compacts with parents,
we sent our Annual Spring Survey for parent
input, teachers worked with our Title I
Program Manager to revise the compacts
In August 2015, compacts were sent home to
gain parent signatures.
In support of strengthening student
academic achievement, Hubert Middle
School receives Title 1 funds and we
must develop and distribute to
parents a written parental
involvement policy. The policy
establishes the school’s expectations
for parental involve ment and
describes how the school will
implement a number of specific
parental involvement activities. Our
Parental Involvement Policy is
incorporated into our school wide
Title 1 plan.
Dis c retio na ry S chool Pa r ental
Invol vem ent Poli cy Com p onents t he
schoo l wi ll im pl em ent to im pr ove
par enta l in volv em ent .
Train parents to enhance the
involvement of other parents
conducted by Parent Facilitator and
other staff
To maximize parental involvement &
participation in their child’s education,
arrange school meetings at a variety
of times to accommodate parent’s
schedule, such as before, during and
after school
Develop appropriate roles for
community-based organizations and
businesses to become an integral part
in parental involvement activities by
having them actively participate in
cultural understanding, academic
outcomes and Parents as Partners
(i.e., Career day, Boy’s Night Out,
PBIS, School Council)
Hubert Middle School
Parental Involvement
Revised 10/13/15
What is Title 1?
Hubert Middle School is a Title 1 High Progress School as
part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
1965 (ESEA). Title I is designed to support State and local
school reform efforts tied to challenging state academic
standards in reinforce and enhance efforts to improve
teaching and learning for students. Title I programs must be
based on effective means of improving student
achievement and include strategies to support parental
involvement. All Title I schools must jointly develop with all
parents a written parental involvement policy.
Wilhelmenia Manning
Kera Grant
(Asst. Principal)
Hubert Middle School
768 Grant Street
Savannah, GA 31401
Hubert Middle School will
take the following actions
Involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and
timely manner in the planning, review, and
improvement of Title 1 Programs, including
involvement in the decisions regarding how
funds for parental involvement will be used.
Parent Surveys will be conducted
so that parents may share their
thoughts on what improvements
need to be made at the school as
well as what they like
Parents involved in the planning,
review, and improvement of the
school wide program plan by
including parent representative(s)
on the Title 1 School Improvement
The School Accountability Plan is
shared with parents and includes a
parent representative(s) in the
development of plan. Parent
representatives are members of our
School Council which reviews the
School Accountability Plan
Provide support for parental
involvement activities under
Section 1118
Title 1 Annual meeting was held on
September 24, 2015
Fliers were sent home, school wide call-outs,
and emails sent to remind parents of
Offer flexible number of meetings, such as
meetings during school day and/or in the
May provide transportation, child care or
home visits, as such services relate to
parental involvement.
We will schedule Title 1 meetings on
multiple dates and at multiple times to better
accommodate parent attendance
Certified teachers will provide activities in
designated classrooms to allow parents child
care while attending meetings
Coordinated by school Title 1 Parent
Contact, Principal, Parent Facilitator and
teachers: timely information about Title 1
programs sent home at least 2 weeks in
advance of the event
Opportunities for regular meetings, if
requested by parents, to formulate
suggestions and to participate as appropriate,
in decisions relating to the education of their
child and respond to any such suggestions
as soon as practicably possible
Explaining the expectations for student
learning & the results of school
improvement efforts is fostered through
parent-teacher conferences, Parent/Student
Handbook, test score reports, home visits,
phone calls, emails, school website,
newsletter, & report cards
Support a partnership among the school involved,
parents, and the community to improve student
academic achievement through:
Understanding topics such as State’s
academic content standards and student
academic achievement standards, the
State and local academic assessments
including alternate assessments, how to
monitor child’s progress, and how to work
with educators
Hubert Middle School will
take the following actions
Provide Literacy and Math Parent
Workshops to provide information
and strategies to help improve
reading at home. Information and
expectations will be shared, SRI,
and GMAS Sessions will be
offered about the various
technology resources that parents
can use
Host Schools and Community
Events( STEM at Bartlett,
P.T.A.,Parent Workshops)
Provide materials and training to help parents to
work with their child to improve their child’s
achievement, such as literacy training and using
technology, as appropriate, to foster parental
involvement by:
Daily Operations of the Parent
Resource Center( it is equipped with
two computers and resource books)
that parents may check out
Monthly websites and links that
parents may utilize at home with their
child (posted on our school website)
Monthly calendars sent home
21st Century Program
Daily tutorials offered by Teachers
Hubert Middle School will provide training to educate the
teachers, pupil services personnel, principal, and other staff
in how to reach out to communicate and work with parents as
equal partners, in the value and utility of contributions of
parents and in how to implement and coordinate parent
programs and build ties between parents and the school by:
Again, assistance will be provided in the following
Training all school personnel in how to
communicate and relate to parents as
partners in education ( Webinars on
Parental Engagement, Do’s and Don’ts of
Parent Communication, And
Understanding Poverty
Trainings will be conducted through minipresentations at staff meetings throughout
the year
Hubert Middle will coordinate and integrate parental
involvement programs by:
 Providing academic monthly Parent
 Promote Parents as Partners
 Students transitioning to the 9th grade will visit
selected High schools and a meeting will be
held for parents explaining what to expect with the
Site based Parent Resource Center
M-F 7:30 a.m. – 3:00p.m. daily
which includes educational
resources & material that will assist
parents in working with their
children at home
District-wide parent workshops
Advertise our Parent Resource
Center & materials available for
parents to check out
All communications sent in an
understand-able format, simple, and
friendly language for parents. Also,
automatic call outs, emails, fliers
and personal calls from Teachers
Provide trainings/workshops:
October 29, 2015
Lexile Scores/MAP/Reading Tips
November 19, 2015
Navigating On-line Resources
December 17, 2015
How to
Prevent Bullying?
January 21, 2016
Eating Healthy
February 25, 2016 Having Fun With
April 21, 2016
Title I Annual
Parent Survey Meeting