Tools & Resources


Medication Adverse Events – Medication Reconciliation Tools and Resources

Title Source Description

“How-to Guide: Prevent

Adverse Drug Events

(Medication Reconciliation)”

(Institute for Healthcare

Improvement [IHI])

“How-to Guide: Prevent

Adverse Drug Events

(Medication Reconciliation) —

Pediatric Supplement” (IHI)

“Preventing Adverse Drug

Events (Medication

Reconciliation): Patient and

Family Fact Sheet” (IHI) ventAdverseDrugEvents.aspx ventAdverseDrugEventsPediatricSupplement.aspx


This how-to guide describes key evidence-based care components to prevent adverse drug events (ADEs) by implementing medication reconciliation at all transitions in care (at admission, transfer, and discharge), describes how to implement these interventions, and recommends measures to gauge improvement.

This how-to guide specifically tailored for pediatrics describes key evidence-based care components to prevent adverse drug events (ADEs) by implementing medication reconciliation at all transitions in care (at admission, transfer, and discharge), describes how to implement these interventions, and recommends measures to gauge improvement.

This resource for patients and families provides an overview of how to prevent adverse drug events by reconciling medications at all transitions in care (at admission, transfer, and discharge). Available in English and Spanish.

“Reducing Medication Errors”

(Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical


“MATCH Medication

Reconciliation Toolkit” (IHI)


A Web site listing initiatives to reduce medication errors in anticoagulation medicine, ambulatory settings, acute care facilities, long-term care facilities, and consumer safety.

“Reducing and Preventing

Adverse Drug Events to

Decrease Hospital Costs” (U.S.

Department of Health &

Human Services, Agency for

Healthcare Research and

Quality [AHRQ]) ionReconciliationToolkit.aspx

The medication reconciliation initiative at Northwestern

Memorial Hospital, called MATCH, included development of a toolkit to help hospital and outpatient practice staff.

Many ADE injuries and resulting hospital costs can be reduced if hospitals make changes to their systems for preventing and detecting ADEs. Some approaches found to be successful are summarized in this Web site.

Medication Adverse Events – Medication Reconciliation Tools and Resources

“Preventable Adverse Drug

Reactions: A Focus on Drug

Interactions” (U.S.

Department of Health &

Human Services, U.S. Food and

Drug Administration [FDA])

“Safe Use Initiative:

Collaborating to Reduce

Preventable Harm from

Medications” (FDA) velopmentresources/druginteractionslabeling/ucm110632.h

tm ault.htm

“ISMP” (Institute for Safe

Medication Practices)

This learning module was developed based on a needs survey sent to all third-year medicine clerkship directors and all medicine residency program directors in the United


The mission of the Safe Use Initiative is to create and facilitate public and private collaborations within the healthcare community. The goal of the Safe Use Initiative is to reduce preventable harm by identifying specific, preventable medication risks and developing, implementing and evaluating cross-sector interventions with partners who are committed to safe medication use.

A comprehensive Web site with medication safety tools, reports, resources, products, alerts, and videos.

“NCC MERP” (The National

Coordinating Council for

Medication Error Reporting and Prevention)

“Adverse Drug Reaction

Surveillance: Practical

Methods for Developing a

Successful Monitoring

Program” (Medscape from


“Incidence of Adverse Drug

Events and Potential Adverse

Drug Events: Implications for

Prevention” (Journal of the

American Medical Association)

“MedWatch: The FDA Safety

Information and Adverse

Event Reporting Program”



Founded by the United States Pharmacopeia, the mission of

NCC MERP is to maximize the safe use of medications and to increase awareness of medication errors through open communication, increased reporting, and promotion of medication error prevention strategies.

Article. Barriers to improved reporting of adverse drug events (ADEs) are evaluated and mechanisms to overcome these barriers are presented. The impact of ADR surveillance on the evaluation and modification of the medication-use system at Northeast Health to improve patient quality of care is described.

Article. Assessment of the incidence and preventability of adverse drug events (ADEs) and potential ADEs, with analysis of preventable events to develop prevention strategies.

FDA gateway for clinically important safety information and for reporting serious problems with human medical products.

Medication Adverse Events – Medication Reconciliation Tools and Resources

“Adverse Event Reporting

System (AERS)” (FDA)

“Preventing Medication

Errors: Quality Chasm Series”

(Institute of Medicine of the

National Academies)

“Trigger Tool for Measuring

Adverse Drug Events” (IHI)

Medication-Related Adverse

Outcomes in U.S. Hospitals and Emergency Departments,

2008 (AHRQ, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project)

Hospital Incident Reporting

Systems Do Not Capture Most

Patient Harm (U.S.

Department of Health &

Human Services, Office of

Inspector General)

“WHO Programme for

International Drug

Monitoring” (World Health


“Safe Medication: Your

Trusted Source of Drug

Information” (American nformation/Surveillance/AdverseDrugEffects/default.htm



The Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) is a computerized information database designed to support the

FDA’s post-marketing safety surveillance program for all approved drug and therapeutic biologic products. The FDA uses AERS to monitor for new adverse events and medication errors that might occur with these marketed products.

The Institute of Medicine Report Preventing Medication

Errors puts forward a national agenda for reducing medication errors based on estimates of the incidence and cost of such errors and evidence on the efficacy of various prevention strategies.

This tool includes a list of known ADE triggers and instructions for measuring the number and degree of harmful medication events. The tool provides instructions and forms for collecting the data you need to measure ADEs per 1,000 Doses and Percent of Admissions with an ADE. This AHRQ Statistical Brief presents data from the Healthcare

Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) on medication - or drugrelated adverse outcomes that were seen in hospitals in

2008. In addition, data are also presented on treat-andrelease emergency department visits. A summary of the January 2012 Office of the Inspector

General (OIG) report on the state of hospital incident reporting. The conclusion (concurred with by AHRQ and

CMS) is that strengthening hospital reporting systems and practices is essential. efficacy/National_PV_Centres_Map/en/index.html

The aims of the WHO Pharmacovigilence Programme are to enhance patient care and patient safety in relation to the use of medicines, and to support public health programs by providing reliable, balanced information for the effective assessment of the risk-benefit profile of medicines.

A database and resource gateway to help patients use medicines safely and effectively.

Medication Adverse Events – Medication Reconciliation Tools and Resources

Society of Health-System

Pharmacists [ASHP])

“Videos and Podcasts — Speak

Up: Take Medication Safely”

(The Joint Commission)

“Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 39:

Preventing pediatric medication errors” (The Joint


“Speak Up: Help Avoid

Mistakes With Your

Medicines” (The Joint


“Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 35:

Using medication reconciliation to prevent errors” (The Joint Commission)

“Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 23:

Medication errors related to potentially dangerous abbreviations” (The Joint





_23_medication_errors_related_to_potentially_dangerous_ abbreviations/

“Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 19:

Look-alike, sound-alike drug names” (The Joint


“Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 16:

Mix-up Leads to a Medication

Error” (The Joint Commission)



Third in The Joint Commission’s series of animated Speak

Up™ videos, this one is about taking medication safely. The cast of characters encounter everyday situations where they have to read instructions, ask for directions, and inspect labels, just like you do for medications to make sure you take them safely. Available in English and Spanish.

Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert. A report showing that children are more prone than adults to medication errors and resulting harm, and listing strategies and suggested actions to reduce medication errors.

Joint Commission Patient Education Tools designed to help patients avoid mistakes with their medicines. Brochure, poster, and wallet card with questions and answers. All are available in English and Spanish.

Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert. A report recommending the use of medication reconciliation to prevent medication errors. The process is defined, and strategies and actions are suggested for implementation.

Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert. Because medication safety and the identification, prevention and timely reporting of medication errors are of primary importance to the Joint Commission, this issue of Sentinel Event Alert specifically addresses medication errors related to the use of dangerous abbreviations and dose expressions used in prescribing medications.

This issue of The Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert focuses specifically on medication errors resulting from confusing look-alike or sound-alike drug names and makes recommendations for minimizing risk and preventing potential errors.

Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert. In 1995, a 7-year-old boy died when he was injected with what was later discovered to be the wrong medication during routine,

Medication Adverse Events – Medication Reconciliation Tools and Resources

“Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 11:

High-Alert Medications and

Patient Safety” (The Joint



“Medication Reconciliation”

(Safer Healthcare Now!)

“How-to Guide: Prevent Harm from High-Alert Medications”


“Anticoagulant Toolkit:

Reducing Adverse Drug

Events” (IHI)

“Reducing Anticoagulant-

Related Adverse Events:

Improving Hospital Safety

Infrastructures and the Impact of Pharmacist Anticoagulation

Services” (ASHP) ec/Pages/default.aspx ventHarmfromHighAlertMedications.aspx oolkitReducingADEs.aspx

/2006_mcm_posters/Kentucky_Rv2.pdf elective ear surgery. While this case is remembered for many reasons, most especially for the tragic and unnecessary loss of the young boy's life, it is also remembered within the health care community for the organization’s — Martin Memorial Medical Center in Stuart,

FL — immediate response and openness in sharing with the boy's family and, later, other health care organizations, the steps taken following the event to prevent such medication administration errors from occurring in the future

Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert. Medications that have the highest risk of causing injury when misused are known as high-alert medications. This report identifies the five most dangerous, and lists risk factors and suggested strategies for increasing patient safety with respect to these high-alert medications.

This Web site provides kits, measures, mentor profiles, resources, and contacts to help caregivers reduce ADEs by following the Medication Reconciliation process.

This how-to guide describes key evidence-based care components for preventing harm from high-alert medications, describes how to implement these interventions, and recommends measures to gauge improvement.

This toolkit outlines common risks and suggested safe practices and resources to reduce or eliminate risks that could lead to adverse drug events from anticoagulants such as unfractionated heparin, low molecular weight heparins, and warfarin.

The primary focus of this project was to reduce medication errors with anticoagulants to reduce harmful ADE. The secondary focus was to evaluate the impact of clinical pharmacists providing patient-centered anticoagulation therapy.

Medication Adverse Events – Medication Reconciliation Tools and Resources


Adverse Drug Events” (AHRQ)

“ Reduction in Anticoagulation-

Related Adverse Drug Events

Using a Trigger-Based

Methodology” (National

Institutes of Health,


National Library of



National Center for Biotechnology



Preventing Errors Relating to

Commonly Used

Anticoagulants (The Joint


This retrospective analysis of anticoagulant-related ADEs at an academic medical center identified the underlying cause of these events and found evidence that a large proportion should be preventable.

An article describing an initiative undertaken by Novant

Health System to address warfarin-related adverse drug events (ADEs) using lab-based patient-specific International

Normalized Ratio (INR) triggers and pharmacy-based patientspecific Vitamin K triggers.

“Adverse Drug Events in

Intensive Care Units: A Cross-

Sectional Study of Prevalence and Risk Factors” (American

Association of Critical-Care

Nurses, American Journal of

Critical Care)

“Clinical Excellence Series:

Eliminating Adverse Drug

Events at Ascension Health”

(The Joint Commission, Journal

on Quality and Patient Safety) verseDrugEventsatAscensionHealth.pdf

Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert. These guidelines stress improving staff communication and access to information; implementing close pharmacy oversight and involvement; and enhancing patient education. Research shows there is a significant reduction in the risk of thromboembolic events and death among patients who manage their anticoagulation therapy compared with those who rely solely on their doctor to monitor their treatment.

An article assessing the characteristics of adverse drug events in patients admitted to an intensive care unit and determine the impact of severity of illness and nursing workload on the prevalence of the events.

Case study: Ascension Health’s efforts to eliminate ADEs utilizing the IHI Trigger Tool. In 2003, as part of its

“Healthcare That Is Safe” strategy, Ascension Health sought to concentrate and expand the existing adverse drug event

(ADE) reduction goals at each hospital to discover pockets of success in harm reduction that could be deployed to the other hospitals.

Medication Adverse Events – Medication Reconciliation Tools and Resources

“Innovations Exchange:

Medication Safety

Reconciliation Toolkit” (AHRQ)

“Innovations Exchange:

Medication Reconciliation

Process Results in Anecdotal

Reports of Improved Safety in

Inpatient Setting” (AHRQ)

“Innovations Exchange:

Intravenous Infusion Safety

Initiative Prevents Medication

Errors, Leading to Cost Savings and High Nurse Satisfaction”


“Innovations Exchange:

Collaborative Medication

Reconciliation Significantly

Reduces Errors and

Readmissions in Patients

Discharged to Nursing Homes”


“Innovations Exchange: Low-

Tech Medication

Reconciliation Process

Emphasizing Standardized,

Easy-to-Execute Roles

Significantly Reduces Rate of

Unreconciled Medications”


An AHRQ “quality tool,” this Medication Reconciliation

Toolkit helps hospitals establish and implement a standardized medication reconciliation process. The toolkit provides guidance, sample forms, and tips.

Case study: Onslow Memorial Hospital implemented a medication reconciliation process, the cornerstone of which is a one-page structured form that nurses, physicians, and pharmacists use to list all medications taken by the patient at home.

Case study: St. Joseph’s/Candler Health System implemented an Intravenous Infusion Safety Initiative to reduce the incidence of infusion administration errors. The program included standardization of medication nomenclature, concentration, and dosing; implementation of medication safety technology and monitoring systems; and expanding the role of respiratory therapists for patients on patientcontrolled analgesia.

Case study: Hennepin County Medical Center implemented a multidisciplinary medication reconciliation process for patients discharged to skilled nursing facilities, with the goal of ensuring that multiple reviews occur in a timely manner.

The program virtually eliminated medication errors and reduced readmissions by nearly half, leading to significant cost savings.

Case study: Contra Costa Health Services launched a medication reconciliation process at its county-owned hospital based on Institute for Healthcare Improvement concepts for redesigning work to achieve a high degree of reliability. Contra Costa Health Services uses a process in which providers, pharmacy, and nursing staff have standardized, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-execute roles related to medication reconciliation.
