Hydraulic Fracturing-Friend or Foe

ENGR0011 Gorr
Group R03
Hydraulic Fracturing: Friend or Foe
Dylan Stow (dfs14@pitt.edu)
Thirty to forty percent of the shale gas resources in the
United States are found in Marcellus Shale. Most of which is
located in the North East [1]. Experts currently debate the
effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing as a method of
extracting these shale gas resources. In the 1990’s, with the
ability to use directional drilling, enabling a drill bit to be
turned ninety degrees and drill horizontally, extracting shale
gas became the means to solve the fossil fuel crisis [1]. At
the origins of fracturing, drillers used explosive measures.
Now these drillers use slick water fracturing, which is the
process of pumping massive amounts of water infused with
certain chemicals to extract the natural gas from the shale.
Such items pumped down the well include proppants, sand
and other chemical additives. Pressure is then reduced and
most of the water, called “flowback,” travels to the surface
[1]. Many chemicals are found in flowback, leading experts
to debate on what to do with the massive amounts of
chemically infused water.
Wells all contain laterals, connecters between two
horizontal well bores. Each lateral needs two to four million
gallons of water and 15,000 to 60,000 gallons of chemicals
in order for it to be effective. By multiplying these quantities
by the number of wells at one site, one may calculate how
much is really being used to fracture the Marcellus shale. To
store the flowback it takes fleets of tankers and large storage
containers [2]. Flowback fluid that returns to the surface
contains down-hole constituents that include dissolved
sands, hydrocarbons, and toxic heavy metals. Untreated
flowback cannot be reused in the hydraulic fracturing
process because of high concentrations of Barium and
Strontium [3]. Flowback is stored on site in ponds and large
tanks before being treated. Some states require this flowback
to be stored in a pit lined with synthetic material [2].
Hydraulic Fracturing shows both benefits and dangers to
society. Experts in the gas industry state that the natural gas
found in Marcellus shale will sustain the United States for at
least two decades; however, if the gas gets into an aquifer, it
will contaminate fresh drinking water. The current process
of hydraulic fracturing illustrates many dangers to society.
The process needs adjustments to make the gas industry
profit and the citizens of the United States safe.
Hydraulic Fracturing poses an ongoing ethical debate.
Should we, society, corrupt our environment to attain more
fossil fuel, or should we stop the fracturing process
altogether which will lead us to an energy crisis? These
question roots the continuing debate. Engineers debate the
topic of hydraulic fracturing every day. As stated in the
National Society for Professional Engineers (NSPE) code of
ethics, “Engineers, in the fulfillment of the professional
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duties, shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare
to the public [4].” The question begging to be answered
should be how to promote the welfare, safety, and health of
the public with hydraulic fracturing.
Educating new engineering students in current problems
in the world shows a high level of importance to the rest of
society. If freshman engineering students do not learn the
problems of the world, then how will they fix the problems
without the basic knowledge? It is good for freshman
engineers to not only learn about current problems the world
is facing, but also to learn how to write properly in a
professional setting. Coming out of college with the skills to
write, interview, learn, and understand are important in the
work force.
Under the current system, hydraulic fracturing produces
only few benefits. For example, shale gas emits lower
carbon dioxide levels than oil [1]. This will reduce the
affects of global warming on the planet. Experts predict that
Marcellus shale contains enough removable gas to fuel the
Untied States for twenty years. Hydraulic fracturing is one
of the best options for creating domestic economic growth
and reducing America’s dependence on foreign energy [3].
Under the current system, the cost of producing shale gas
outweighs the benefit from producing the shale gas.
Hydraulic Fracturing could be a serious potential threat to
the environment and human health. The Environmental
Conservation Department of New York State found several
categories of hydraulic chemicals with harmful affects to
human health, some of which include, petroleum distillates,
aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes, amides, and surfactants
[1]. If any of these chemicals get into the water table, it
could potentially be life threatening to the citizens of the
United States.
Many other chemicals are used during this process as
well. Methanol was the most widely used chemical between
2005 and 2009. It classifies as a hazardous air pollutant and
is a candidate for regulation under the Safe Drinking Water
Act (SDWA) [5]. Members of the House of Representatives
report that twenty-nine different chemicals in hydraulic
fracturing fluid are known possible human carcinogens and
are classified as hazardous air pollutants under the clean air
act [1]. People should show concern for the proper treatment
of these hazardous chemicals that include benzene, toluene,
xylene, and ethyl benzene. Under the SDWA, they are
classified as hazardous air pollutants [5]. The health risks
Dylan Stow
outweigh the benefit of natural gas. Some hydraulic
fracturing fluids contain chemicals named “proprietary” or
“trade secrets.” In most cases, companies themselves have
trouble identifying what chemicals they pump into the
ground [5]. If the companies cannot identify what is going
into the ground, they show no respect to the general welfare
of the people.
Many cases show how failure to follow the right
procedure leads to problems. In Pennsylvania, regulators
confirm that methane migrates into water wells from drilling
sites [5]. If the flowback is not stored properly, it could seep
through the ground and contaminate many water wells [5]. If
the right storage procedure happened from the beginning, the
wells would not have become contaminated. After the
hydraulic fracturing process completes, the vertical pipe
should be cemented shut to stop the threat of potential
leakage. The most suspected source of possible
contamination is faulty cementation of the vertical pipe.
Another potentially bad occurrence is casing failure. If the
case fails, then the chemical infused flowback, which is at
high pressure, could leak out. Yet another source of
contamination could potentially be from pre-existing fissures
in the well connecting to the fissures being created [2]. The
potential for disaster is greater than the overall gains.
Many government agencies use their authorities to
conduct research and gather data. The Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), under the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Cleanup and Liability Act
(CERCLA), measured the quantity and quality of water from
wells near a gas development. The EPA found several wells
contained a compound used in hydraulic fracturing [5].
Under the current process of hydraulic fracturing, health
risks for both humans and the environment continue to grow,
proving that the costs out weigh the benefits.
Hydraulic fracturing raises an ethical argument among
engineers. The process of hydraulic fracturing produces few
benefits and many costs for society. As stated in the
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) code of
ethics, “Members of the American Institute of Chemical
Engineers shall uphold and advance the integrity, honor and
dignity of the engineering profession by using their
knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare.
[7]” One could argue that hydraulic fracturing breaches this
ethical code. Engineers who are involved in the hydraulic
fracturing process know about the adverse affects the
process brings. Many of the chemicals involved in the
fracturing process are known cancer-causing substances. At
any point in time, these chemicals can travel through cement
casings in the wells and contaminate aquifers. Knowing
these dangers and going forward with the fracturing process
breaches the AIChE code of ethics.
The NSPE code of ethics also states that engineers need
to hold above everything else the safety, health, and welfare
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of the public [4]. The process of hydraulic fracturing
especially breaks this ethical code. In order to extract the gas
from the ground, many companies use chemicals that are
classified as hazardous air pollutants. If people come into
contact with these pollutants, their safety is jeopardized.
Although the welfare of the people would be improved by
attaining the natural gas to sustain the United States for two
decades, the possibility of the loss of fresh water aquifers
dwarfs sustainability. Both fossil fuels and fresh water are
limited resources. In order to live, people need to have fresh
drinking water; however, fossil fuels are not a necessity.
Therefore, hydraulic fracturing could be a violation in the
NSPE code of ethics.
Educating freshman engineering students on the current
problems in today’s world is important. Research, like this
paper, is key to the development of learning how to analyze
and interpret information. Tingting Liu and Haibin Sun
interpret the concept of constructivism for students,
including engineering students, to attain information
literacy. Their argument states that students positively
construct knowledge based on existing concepts. Teachers,
society, and other outside sources all contribute to the
student’s gain of knowledge [8]. We, as engineers, can use
the knowledge from the outside sources to interpret what is
best for mankind.
For future freshman engineering students, this paper
shows vital importance to learning about the current world
problems. Being exposed to these problems at the start of
one’s career allows for one to become more enthralled in a
certain topic. This research paper allows one to find a focus
on which type of engineering one wants to major in the
future. If one is not excited about what he learned, then he is
in the wrong major. This paper allows freshman engineers to
dive head first into the problems of the world and begin to
allow them to think of possible solutions.
Hope for the future motivates. Companies challenge
themselves to find an approach for water treatment that will
contribute to the long-term sustainability of natural gas
development in the Marcellus shale [3]. Treating the
flowback is one of the many concerns that many people
have. Another alternative could be the use of greener
chemicals. Halliburton markets a CleanStim fracturing fluid
formation for onshore hydraulic fracturing. CleanStim is
made from ingredients sourced from the food industry. Dow
Chemical also markets environmentally friendly fracturing
surfactants [1]. Surfactants are the chemicals that break
fissure the shale to allow the gas to escape into the well. If
they are green, there would be no need to treat the flowback.
Even with these new innovations, drawbacks still occur. One
Dylan Stow
drawback being that some green fracturing fluids cannot be
used in earth with high clay content [1].
The state governments continue to find a compromise
between the companies and the people. New York State
Environmental Conservation Department proposes that
applicants for shale gas permits use as many alternative
chemicals as possible to reduce the environmental risk [1].
By using alternatives, permit holders will be able to earn a
profit off of the gas, while allowing the people to continue to
consume fresh drinking water. Using less water could be
another alternative. Liquid carbon dioxide vaporizes, and
nitrogen gas mingles with shale gas, leaving only proppant
in the fractures [1].
Companies face the challenge of treating massive
amounts of flowback. Many are trying to reduce that by
engineering a way to treat the flowback and reuse it in the
fracturing process again. Krof Well Servies Inc. and
Superior Well Servies Inc. collaborated to engineer a method
to reuse flowback water in the process [3]. This technique
addresses two problems with the fracturing process, the need
for consumption of fresh water and the disposal of flowback.
When water is reused, no fresh water is used in the
fracturing process. If the water is treated after the fracturing
process is over, the contaminants will not be in an aquifer.
When the product was put on production, selected wells
were projected to produce at higher rates than that of
traditional wells using fresh water for the fracturing process
Under the current system, hydraulic fracturing could not
work. The health risks are more numerous than the benefit of
being able to fuel the United States for two decades. The use
of toxic chemicals should be outlawed to protect the rights
of the people. Greener chemicals should be used to reduce
the environmental impact.
Ethics play a key role in the profession of engineering. It
is the duty of engineers to keep the health, welfare, and
safety of the public at the highest priority. The current
process of hydraulic fracturing shows a potential danger to
the health and safety of the public. If certain hazardous
chemicals seep into fresh water aquifers and become
contaminated, the public loses drinking water that is
necessary for life. It is the duty of engineers to find a better
way to reduce the hazards of hydraulic fracturing and keep
the welfare of the people above everything else.
The engineering code of ethics also states that engineers
have to strive to increase proficiency and reputation in the
profession of engineering. This means that education is an
important role in the engineering community. In order to
stay sharp in the engineering field and to protect the welfare
of the public, engineers must be current in their thought
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process. This research paper shows importance in a
freshman level college class by making freshman
engineering students practice this vital code right from the
beginning. It also prepares students, at a beginner level, to
look at current issues in depth. Learning more about
controversial topics, like hydraulic fracturing, allows
freshman engineering students to formulate the best possible
outcomes for the future of the profession. Having a research
paper in the freshman curriculum also allows new
engineering students to re-evaluate why they want to
become an engineer. If research into current engineering
problems does not interest the student, then the engineering
profession is probably not for them.
[1] P. Heyword. (2012). “Fracking Safer and Greener.”
TCE: The Chemical Engineer. (Online article). Issue 850, pp
[2] C. Mooney. (November 2011). “The Truth About
Fracking.” Scientific American. (Online Article). Vol. 305
Issue 5, pp 80-85
[3] D. Grottenthaler. (2011). “Recycling Water for
Hydraulic Fracturing.” Mechanical Engineering. (Online
article) Vol. 133 Issue 12, pp 21-24
[4]NSPE code of ethics.
[5] B. Knickerbocker. (2011, April 17). “New Warning of
Poisonous Chemicals in Natural Gas ‘Hydrofracking’.”
Christian Science Monitor. (Online Article). p 1
[6] (2012). “Hydraulic Fracturing Overview: Growth of the
Process and Safe Drinking Water Concerns.” Congressional
Digest. (Online article). Vol. 93 Issue 3, pp 71-75
[7]AIChE code of ethics. http://www.aiche.org/about/codeethics
[8]H. Sun and T. Liu. (October 2011). “Analysis of
Information Literacy Education Strategies for College
Students Majoring in Science and Engineering.” Modern
Applied Science. (Online article). Vol. 5 Issue 5, p227-231
I would like to thank Carissa Vyhonsky for proof reading
my paper. I would also like to thank Amanda (Mandy) Kelly
for being a there for me while writing my paper. Many
thanks go out to Professor Heather Gorr for being the best
Engineering Analysis professor at the University of