Terms Classification of Vowels Phonology- study of linguistic rules governing sound system of language; speech sound; sound production; combination of sounds Language semantics content syntax form/ grammar pragmatics use phonology A. Tongue movement a. Front b. Central c. Back d. High e. Mid f. Low linguistic tools PHONETICS Phonetics- deals with individual speech sounds, their production and their representation by written symbols Articulation- actions of the organs of speech in producing the sounds of speech (movement) Articulatory system- system composed of different subsystems (breathing apparatus, larynx, velum, oral and nasal cavities, pharynx, tongue, teeth, lips, mandible, hard palate) Vowel Articulation – produced with an open tract; voiced sounds; sounds are affected by the movement of the lips, tongue and pharynx; 14 vowels in American English B. Labial movement a. Round b. Unround C. Articulatory muscle quality a. Tense (long vowels) b. Lax (short vowels) Dipthongs- DIPTHONGIZATION: shift in resonance and change in vowel quality /e/ - /ei/ Consonant articulation- characterized by the constriction of the vocal tract; vocal tract can be completely or partially closed; can initiate or terminate syllables or both; classified as voiced and voiceless CONSONANT + VOWEL = SYLLABLE SHAPE Eg. /ba/ cv; /cat/ cvc; chat ccvc Classification of consonants A. Place of articulation a. Bilabial /p/ b. Labio-dental /f/ c. Lingua-dental /th/ d. Lingua-alveolar /t/ e. Palatal sh f. Velar /k/ g. Glottal /h/ B. Manner of articulation a. Stops/plosive- oral cavity is completely closed off for a moment and air pressure builds up. Pressure is suddenly released by the opening of the closure /d/ b. Fricatives- flow of air should be strong and constriction of the vocal tract is narrow enough to create a friction sound /f/ c. Affricates- has a combined characteristic of a plosive and a fricative d. Nasals- aside from the oral and pharyngeal tract, the nasal cavity is also included in sound production. Air passes through the nasal cavity e. Semivowels, glides, liquids- vocal tract is relatively open like in vowels and the sound is much like dipthongs