
STANDARD: LS4.B Natural Selection
Essential question(s): How does genetic variation among organisms affect survival and reproduction?
Evidence: *Assignment, Date, Initial
MS-LS4.4 Use evidence to describe how
genetic variation in traits of a population
increase some individual’s probability of
surviving and reproducing.
 Explain how some traits are better suited
to the environment than others.
 Model how organisms suited to their
environment are more likely to
reproduce, while those least suited to
their environment will likely not
 Demonstrate how variation in a
population leads to increase chances of
surviving and reproducing.
Evidence: *Assignment, Date, Initial
I can…
I can…
MS-LS4.5 Gather information about how
humans influenced the inheritance of desired
traits in organisms.
 Find examples of organism that humans
practice artificial selection with.
 Model how artificial selection creates
desired traits in organism.
 Explain how artificial selection is different
than natural selection.
Next steps:
Partially Meeting areas to correct:
 P.- I need to explain how some traits are better
suited to the environment than others.
 P.- I need to model how organisms suited to
their environment have a better chance at
reproducing, while those least suited have a
lower chance of surviving and reproducing.
 P.- I need to demonstrate how variation in a
population leads to increasing the chances of
survival and reproduction.
Way(s) to Exceed:
 E.- I include examples of asexual and sexual
reproduction as having better or worse
chances of surviving in an environment.
Next steps:
Partially Meeting areas to correct:
 P.- I need to find examples of organisms that
humans practice artificial selection with.
 P.- I need to model how artificial selection
creates desired traits in organisms.
 P.- I need to explain how artificial selection is
different than natural selection.
Way(s) to Exceed:
 E.- Compare artificial and natural selection,
using evidence to argue which is better and