Data Collection Procedures Before Data Collection: The data

Data Collection Procedures
Before Data Collection:
The data collection for this project started with a series of meetings with the city and utility
officials. Various meetings were conducted by the project team (AU) with the stakeholders to
gain understanding of the needs of those stakeholders. Members from AU project team were
given a tour by city officials to show the most important areas to be covered and the types of
infrastructure facilities the team would encounter. Areas which were critical and likely to get
affected in the event of a hurricane were decided to be mapped first using the GPS units. The
areas selected for mapping were Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, Dauphin Island, Fort Morgan and
Bayou La Batre. After the details of data collection were decided upon, student team leaders
designed an icon list with the pictures of utilities and their iconic representations which are to be
mapped in those cities. The list was verified with the city and utility officials before the actual
data collection process started. Two graduate students, one from Geography and one from
Management were appointed as GRA’s for the project and were made responsible for data
collection process. They reported directly to the project team at AU on a weekly basis.
Permissions letters were obtained from the different city agencies for parking vehicles along the
road, without causing any obstruction to the traffic or other emergency vehicles.
Training on Topcon GMS-2 Units
The project team decided to use Topcon GMS-2 units for data collection. The reason for
choosing Topcon GMS-2 units was:
Use of differential correction in the GPS units
Sub-meter accuracy
Easy to handle and use
Relatively inexpensive compared to other units with similar specifications
Project members got trained on the Topcon units with the help of city and Topcon
representatives. After initial training period, the team members developed a training manual for
the use of Topcon units. The training manual consisted of directions on how to use the Topcon
GMS-2 units, data collection, storage procedures and unit troubleshooting instructions. The
training manual was sent to various stakeholders and was modified on the basis of feedback
Data Collection
40 Auburn University students from Engineering and Management disciplines participated in
data collection process. Students were given a presentation on the project along with hands-on
training on the use of Topcon units before the actual data collection process began. Students
were also provided with the instructions manual and the icon list. Students were divided into
groups of two students each. The benefits of dividing students into groups of two are:
Providing them ample opportunity to learn about the use of technology
Efficient use of resources
One student can be mapping the utilities and the other can help in searching for utilities
thereby increasing the efficiency of the whole process
Decreasing the monotony of data collection
The following criteria were used to measure the effectiveness of the student teams:
Accuracy of data collection
Extent of collection of data
Documentation of data collection process
Critique of process so that future data collection teams can be more effective
Helping others
Making the project a success and community disaster-resilient to the extent possible
Below were the expectations which were anticipated from the student teams
Representing the university positively to the community
On time
Clear understanding of project goals and benefits
Learn & practice effective communication skills
Develop highly-effective teams that work well together & have fun
Schedules were worked out for data collection process with the help of faculty members who
were involved with the class and the project team. Students were asked to make 3 to 4 trips to the
Alabama gulf coast depending on the class structure. The trips were scheduled for weekends to
avoid any conflicts with the student’s university schedule. Students were reimbursed for their
travel, accommodation and food during the weekends they travelled for data collection. Students
were encouraged to stay and travel together as part of a group. Students were given detailed
information about the areas to be mapped and meeting place for the weekend ahead of time.
Students were given two choices of schedule.
Start data collection on Saturday morning and then work all day Saturday (early evening)
and then leave early Sunday afternoon
Start data collection on Saturday afternoon and work all day Saturday (late evening) and
then work till late afternoon on Sunday afternoon
Students were encouraged to choose one of the above schedules depending on travel and
personal arrangements
Once on site, the student team leaders gather up all the students who were involved in data
collection. They were given Topcon units, instruction manuals, icon list, directions to the areas to
be mapped, where to collect data and other pertinent information necessary. Along with these,
they were given brochures which described the project and the different stakeholders involved.
Students were encouraged to talk to and distribute the brochures among the residents of coastal
Alabama. Once students were allocated areas to be mapped, they were directed to start data
collection. The team leaders were always present on site with the students during the whole
weekend. Their main responsibilities were to keep the students collecting data safe and secure
and at the same time help them with any unforeseeable issues such as malfunctions of units,
signal loss, inclement weather, and community outreach.
At the end of the day, students returned the units to the student team leaders. The team leaders
copied the data collected for the day from the GPS unit onto a laptop which had a GIS software
installed on it. Students relayed any important information they had confronted during the day to
the leaders at this time. Team leader also made sure that the units were in good working order
and ready for the next day’s data collection.
The data collected for the weekend was presented to the project team during the weekly meetings
on the GIS system with all the necessary attributes. Along with the data, the synopsis of data
collected during the whole week was presented to the team.