NHS GRAMPIAN CONSULTANT PHYSICIAN – GENERAL MEDICINE AND DIABETES JOB DESCRIPTION – SS7421 CLOSING DATE: Friday 28th February 2014 GENERAL ABERDEEN With a population of approximately 200,000, Aberdeen is the major centre for Grampian (population 560,000). Strongly influenced by the oil industry over the last 40 years Aberdeen is a cosmopolitan, prosperous modern Northern European city which nevertheless retains its old-fashioned charm and character making it a very attractive place in which to live. Leisure facilities are outstanding with the Cairngorms National Park and some of Britain's most impressive scenery and wild country within an hour's drive. Skiing, hill walking and golf are all well catered for and Aberdeen City and Shire both offer many excellent places in which to live. Aberdeen has excellent communication services with other British cities - eg flying time to London is just over one hour with regular daily flights, road and rail links are also good. Aberdeen offers superb quality of life with first class amenities including His Majesty's Theatre, Music Hall, Art Gallery, Museums, Sports Village and Beach Leisure centre. Education facilities are excellent and in addition to excellent state schools several of which are in the top 20 nationally, there a number of fee paying schools which cater for primary and secondary pupils. To find out more about Aberdeen, visit the tourist website www.aberdeen-grampian.com/ or the City Council website at www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/home/home.asp . THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN The University of Aberdeen is a fusion of two ancient universities: Kings College founded in 1495 and Marischal College which dates from 1592. The University maintains an outstanding record in scholarship and supports a high level of teaching and learning underpinned by a first class portfolio of research. The Institute of Medical Sciences is adjacent to the University Medical School on the Foresterhill site and brings together medical scientists and clinicians in a fully integrated research facility. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/ ROBERT GORDON UNIVERSITY The Robert Gordon University has earned wide recognition for its pragmatic approach to higher education both in Scotland and internationally. For generations it has produced qualified professionals across a broad spectrum of careers in the arts, management, engineering, sciences, pharmacy, health and the professions allied to medicine. Around 9,500 students study almost 100 full-time and part-time courses at undergraduate, post-experience and postgraduate levels. The University is actively involved in applied research in a variety of fields and many short course programmes are being formulated to meet the growing needs of the community. http://www.rgu.ac.uk DESCRIPTION OF HOSPITALS NHS Grampian was formed on 1st April 2004. It incorporates Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital and Aberdeen Maternity Hospital on the Foresterhill site. Other sites include Woodend Hospital in Aberdeen and Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin as well as palliative care facilities at Roxburghe House. Peripheral outpatients clinics are provided at various hospitals throughout the north-east of Scotland and also at the hospitals in the Orkney and Shetland Isles. Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, with a complement of around 900 beds is situated to the north-west of Aberdeen city centre on the teaching hospital site with the Medical School of the University of Aberdeen. This is the principal adult acute hospital in Grampian providing a complete range of medical and surgical specialities including Acute and General Medicine together with allied specialities (Cardiology, Respiratory, Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, Neurology, Medicine for the Elderly, Clinical Pharmacology, Stroke Medicine, Diabetes & Endocrinology, Haematology, Nephrology, Oncology, Dermatology, Blood Transfusion, Rheumatology), General Surgery and allied specialities (Cardiothoracic, Vascular, Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery, Plastics, Dental, ENT, Burns, Ophthalmology, Urology), Gynaecology, ITU, A & E, Radiotherapy and Anaesthetics. The newly built Emergency Care Centre housing most medical specialties and the Medical High Dependency Unit was opened in December 2012. Aberdeen Royal Infirmary is also a tertiary referral centre for the North and North East, Orkney & Shetland in a number of specialities. Woodend Hospital with a complement of around 200 beds is situated 1.5 miles west of Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and includes the provision of elective orthopaedics and Medicine for the Elderly. Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital (RACH), with a complement of around 100 inpatient and 13 day beds together with the Neonatal Unit, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital (AMH) provides all specialist care for children up to the age of 16 years in the Grampian Region and the Orkney and Shetland Islands. The new Children’s Hospital adjoining Aberdeen Royal Infirmary opened in early 2004. Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, with a complement of 120 beds, is the main Maternity Hospital for the area. It has both ante-natal and post-natal beds. Dr Gray’s Hospital, Elgin in Moray has a bed complement of over 100, serving a population of 80,000. In-patient services are provided in the following specialties: Geriatric Assessment, Gynaecology, Medicine, Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics and Surgery. A full range of support services are also provided including Anaesthetics, Dietetics, Laboratories, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy and X-ray. Many specialties, including Respiratory Medicine, provide outpatient services in Elgin, together with an in-patient referral service from Dr Gray’s. CLINICAL DEPARTMENT OF DIABETES Consultant Staff in Diabetes/Endocrinology Unit in NHS Grampian Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Prof D.W.M.Pearson Diabetes (Adolescent & Maternity Diabetes; retiring July 2014) Prof J.S.Bevan GIM & Endocrinology (Endocrinology Clinical Lead) Dr K.C.McHardy Diabetes & Postgrad Education (Clin Lead; retiring May 2015) Dr A.E.Gold GIM & Diabetes (0.6 wte) Dr P Abraham GIM, Endocrinology & Diabetes (Insulin Pump Lead) Dr W A Watson GIM, Diabetes & Undergrad Medical Education (0.6 wte). Dr S Philip GIM, Diabetes & Endocrinology Dr U V Kulkarni GIM. (Locum 0.7 wte) This Post GIM & Diabetes (10 PAs) Dr Gray’s Hospital, Elgin Dr F M Strachan Endocrinology & Diabetes (0.7 wte) Dr C M Park GIM, Endocrinology & Diabetes Diabetes mellitus: The Grampian diabetes service provides a comprehensive consultative, educational and screening care programme for 25,300 patients across the Region. Diabetes services for Grampian are delivered substantially within Primary Care clinics with specialist clinics located in Aberdeen and Elgin, and associated peripheral clinics in Fraserburgh and Stonehaven. There is also a telemedicine clinic held with Orkney. The main outpatient service in Aberdeen has recently relocated to the JJR Macleod Centre (JJRMC)(David Anderson Building) adjacent to the main Aberdeen Royal Infirmary site. It houses a diabetes specialist multidisciplinary team, the Endocrine team and Diabetes Retinal Screening. A suite of consulting, treatment and educational rooms are linked to on-site laboratory and administrative facilities. The central JJRMC, Fraserburgh and Stonehaven clinics are undertaken by medical staff comprising 2 Associate Specialists (1.1 wte) and 5 specialty doctors (1.7 wte) in addition to the Aberdeen Consultants and Specialty Registrars (5.6 wte). Diabetes services for Moray district are supervised and co-ordinated by the consultants based at Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin. Every day there is close co-operation with the necessary specialist support services including dietetics, podiatry, nursing (screening and education) and clinical biochemistry. A team of diabetes specialist nurses works across hospital and community care. There is a welldeveloped Clinical Psychology service, led by Drs A Keen and K Maclennan, embedded within the clinic and excellent links exist with related clinical services including ophthalmology, vascular surgery, paediatrics, renal medicine and obstetrics. Multidisciplinary pregnancy clinics occur weekly at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital and a pre-pregnancy clinic is held monthly at DAB. A joint monthly adolescent clinic is held with Dr A Mayo (Consultant Paediatrician). The joint Cystic fibrosis clinic is held in the Chest Unit. Prof A Avenell (Clinical Biochemistry) does a weekly diabetes clinic. A growing insulin pump service has been established by Dr Abraham. The clinical service is fully computerised (using SCI-Diabetes) and is involved in shared care with all practices in the region. A Diabetes Managed Clinical Network is well established in Grampian; Dr Alasdair Jamieson, a City GP, is the current Clinical Lead. Regional guidelines and a regional diabetes register are in place. All clinic staff participate in audit meetings and clinical management discussions and there are active research interests. General Medicine Acute medical patients admitted to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary are assessed in the Emergency Department or Acute Medical Initial Assessment Unit where a decision is taken within 4 hours as to where the patient should be moved should he / she require admission. Medical patients will then be moved to the HDU, the Short Stay Unit, other speciality wards including the Geriatric Assessment Unit or to a general medical ward. General medical patients are currently admitted to 2 clinical areas in the ECC. One of these is on floor 6 adjacent to the Infection Unit and the second area, where the successful applicant would be based, is a 25 bedded unit on floor 3 – ward 105. Patients who become more unwell may be transferred to the medical high dependency unit where they remain under the care of the 105 team with input from the HDU staff. Endocrinology: The department and associated disciplines in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary provide a full range of endocrine services for Grampian and the Northern Isles, and is a tertiary referral centre for North Scotland providing endocrine surgery, pituitary surgery, radioiodine administration, gynaecological endocrinology, late effects, paediatric handover and an automated follow-up thyroid register. There are excellent investigative and diagnostic support facilities. The successful candidate will participate in the combined out of hours on-call service for endocrinology and diabetes. Postgraduate Medical Trainees: Ward 105 has 4 FY1, 2 FY2 and 1 Core Medical Training doctors on 4 monthly rotation. There is also a GP Training (GPST) who rotates 6 monthly. There are 6 places in the North Scotland Deanery specialty training programme in General Medicine, Endocrinology & Diabetes with one registrar normally being on secondment to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness at any one time. In addition there is a part-time SpR (0.6 wte) attached to the department. Educational and Clinical supervision of trainees is an ongoing responsibility of consultant staff and there is a regular programme of unit-based educational meetings. Teaching: The department is involved in teaching of medical students throughout the curriculum in out-patient clinics, at the bedside and in the lecture theatre. Departmental staff members are invited to participate in various undergraduate examinations through the year. There are also various commitments in the Aberdeen Hospitals to the teaching of nurses, dieticians, pharmacists, dentists and physician assistants. Research: Aberdeen offers many opportunities for research in Diabetes and there will be opportunities for the successful applicant to develop a research interest which supports and/or complements the present interests of the clinical and associated academic departments including clinical uses of information technology, telemedicine, pregnancy, psychological aspects, education and retinal imaging. There are ongoing projects with the Aberdeen University Departments of Biochemistry (Cell biology/insulin gene expression) and Rowett Institute for Nutrition and Health. Audit and Quality Improvement: All consultants are expected to undertake clinical audit and to participate in the maintenance, development and implementation of quality standards. Major current areas of focus are the improvement of the care pathway for those with type 1 diabetes and the further development of integrated diabetes care across Grampian in collaboration with the Managed Clinical Network. There is a Clinical Effectiveness / Audit Department and a Scottish Office funded Health Services Research Unit at Foresterhill. THE POST of CONSULTANT PHYSICIAN with an interest in DIABETES This is a proleptic replacement post has arisen in anticipation of the retiral of Dr K McHardy in May 2015. Its nature allows for a period of mentoring and progressive transfer of his roles in clinical diabetes and professional education and will also incorporate a significant general medical component arising from departmental restructuring. The notional weekly timetable will incorporate 4.5 PAs in clinical diabetes and 3.5 PAs in general medicine. There will be a weekly general adult diabetes clinic (Monday am) and a twice monthly evening diabetes clinic (2nd and last Wed; 5-8pm). The post holder will be responsible for the Kincardine Diabetes Service (supported by a sessional Specialty Doctor) which involves a mixture of (monthly) outpatient clinics in Kincardine Community Hospital and outreach visits (14 per year) to the 5 Kincardine Practices. The portfolio also includes thrice yearly visits to 3 city practices and 2-monthly videoconference sessions in support of the hospital diabetes service in Shetland. There is a commitment to unscheduled diabetes care on a (1 week in 5) rota which incorporates daily support of the inpatient diabetes team (2wte specialist nurses, 1 specialty doctor and 1 registrar), responsibility for new referrals to the acute services, support for assistance from Primary Care, weekend Diabetes/Endocrinology rounds and 24 hour emergency cover including specialty support for the Medical High Dependency Unit. It is also anticipated the appointee will contribute to the growing insulin pump service. There will be a significant commitment to the provision of patients admitted as part of the Acute General Medical take on a rota which amounts to an average of 3.5 PAs per week. A “consultant of the week” rota is organised running from Monday lunchtime to the following Monday lunchtime. During the week admissions to ward 105 occur both day and night. At night the hospital at night team admits and cares for patients with consultant support provided by the on-call consultant for ward 105. The post holder will be responsible for the overall direction of investigation, care and management of all general medical patients and attending junior medical staff in the 25 bedded step down unit in Ward 105 during times when on-call for medicine. When patients are moved from ward 105 to the HDU they remain under the care of the ward consultant. Full participation in the support and development of medical ward activities including staff policy and management meetings, protocol revisions and case reviews will be expected. The remaining 2 programmed activities will allow the post holder to engage in continuing personal professional development, appraisal and revalidation, to contribute to research and audit activities, and to make substantial, specified contributions to undergraduate teaching, postgraduate training and specialty management: i) There will be lead responsibility for organising unit clinical teaching for Year 2 students as well as assistance with departmental and faculty teaching and examination through the year. ii) The post holder will assume the role of Educational Supervisor for 11 trainees per year (4 at any one time) in the junior middle grade on Ward 105 (2 FY2, 1 GPST, 1 Core Medical Trainee). iii) The post will include the duties of Unit Rota Master overseeing production of FY1, middle grade and registrar duty rosters. iv) The post holder will be primarily responsible on behalf of the diabetes service for links with pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry. This will include consultation and preparation of applications for amendments to the Grampian Joint Formulary, maintenance of the treatments section of the Grampian Diabetes Guidelines and ongoing promotion of evidence-informed, cost-effective prescribing for diabetes across the region. LOCATION OF DUTIES The main hospital base is Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. General Medical inpatient beds are located in ward 105 in the Emergency Care Centre which opened in the hospital in December 2012. Diabetes Clinics moved in may 2013 to the refurbished David Anderson Building across Foresterhill Road from ARI. The peripheral clinic in Stonehaven is held in Kincardine Community Hospital approximately 15 miles south of ARI and the Kincardine practices are between 8 and 30 miles south of ARI. PERSON SPECIFICATION A detailed Person Specification is provided separately. The person appointed will hold, or be within 6 months of obtaining, a CCT in General Medicine, Diabetes and Endocrinology, and will have demonstrated an appropriate breadth of training and experience in each specialty. The successful applicant will be keen to contribute creatively and flexibly to ongoing service developments and organizational support in keeping with NHSG and Grampian Diabetes Managed Clinical Network strategies. A commitment to professional training and education are considered to be an important aspect of this proleptic post. CLINICAL MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE The clinical areas are under management of the acute services sector WITH General Medicine and Diabetes/Endocrinology lying in separate divisions. Specialties are represented by a Clinical Lead who works closely with the Unit Operational Manager, Associate Medical Director and Divisional General Manager. NHS GRAMPIAN CONSULTANT PHYSICIAN/DIABETOLOGIST REF: POST SS7421 CONDITIONS OF APPOINTMENT 1. The appointment will be made by the Trust on the recommendation of an Advisory Appointments Committee, constituted in terms of the National Health Service (Appointment of Consultants) (Scotland) Regulations, 1993 - NHS Circular 1993 No 994 (S.140) which will include University representatives. Any person suitably qualified and experienced who is unable for personal reasons to work full-time, will be eligible to be considered for the post. 2. (a) The full-time salary, exclusive of any distinction award, will be on the scale of £75,249 to £101,451 per annum with scale placing as appropriate. The appointment will be on a full-time or maximum part-time basis. If the person appointed chooses to contract on a whole-time basis, his or her gross income from private practice must not exceed 10% of gross NHS income (including distinction award if applicable). It is agreed that any private practice you may undertake will in no way diminish the level of service that may be expected from you by the Trust in carrying out the duties specified above. It is also agreed that the duties specified above are regarded as requiring substantially the whole of your professional time and that this will involve a minimum work commitment equivalent to 10 notional half days a week. (b) Job plans must be agreed in association with the appropriate Associate Medical Director and your Lead Consultant and submitted to the Medical Director for approval. Changes will be discussed and agreed by these officers and yourself in line with Clinical Grouping service needs and changes in service requirements as well as at annual review. 3. The person appointed will be expected to take part in the undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programmes. It is likely that the University of Aberdeen will grant the status of Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer. 4. Consultants are expected to undertake research and development in their own field and to link with the University research areas. 5. Day to day arrangements for undertaking the specified duties of the post will be made in consultation with the Lead Consultant, other consultants in the department and with NHSG Management. 6. The person appointed will have a continuing responsibility for the care of patients in his or her charge and will undertake the administrative duties associated with the care of his or her patients and an appropriate share in the running of the clinical department. 7. The person appointed will act as an adviser to NHSG in General Medicine and Diabetes. 8. The person appointed will be expected to undertake domiciliary consultations as may be required by the employer. 9. The person appointed will be expected to undertake advisory ("pastoral") visits to hospitals in the Area. 10. You may exceptionally be required to undertake duties at other hospitals in the Grampian Area or other Health Board areas and at hospitals in Orkney, Shetland and elsewhere for which service agreements would be arranged. 11. The person appointed may undertake the diagnosis and treatment of patients occupying accommodation made available under Sections 57(1), 57(2) and 58 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978 at the above hospitals insofar as the patients have not made private arrangements for such treatment. 12 NHSG, in partnership with the BMA Local Negotiating Committee has a study leave policy for all Career Grade Medical and Dental staff. The Policy is available on request from Medical Recruitment and Administrative section. 13. The appointment will be superannuable if the person appointed so chooses. He or she will be subject to the regulations of the National Health Service Superannuation Scheme and the remuneration will be subject to deduction of contributions accordingly, unless he or she opts out of the Scheme. 14. The private residence of the person appointed, which shall be maintained in contact with the public telephone service, shall not be more than 10 miles by road from Aberdeen Royal Infirmary unless specific approval is given by the Medical Director. 15. Grampian University Hospitals NHS Trust is legally liable for the negligent acts or omissions of employees in the course of their NHS employment. Medical staff are however advised to ensure that they have defence cover for activities not covered by the Trust’s indemnity. 16. The officer appointed will be required to be registered on the General Medical Council’s Specialist Register. **17. The appointment is made subject to production of a certificate issued by an institute or person competent to award degrees or diplomas confirming you have completed a course designed to satisfy the training requirements of the Ionising Radiation (Protection of Persons Undergoing Medical Examination or Treatment) Regulations 1988. **18 As a result of guidance issued by the Scottish Office on "Protecting Health Care Workers and Patients from Hepatitis B" the Grampian University Hospitals NHS Trust is required to:Ensure health care workers who may be at risk of acquiring hepatitis B from a patient are protected by immunisation. Protect patients against the risk of acquiring hepatitis B from an infected health care worker. Due to the nature of this post, any offer of appointment will be conditional upon the successful applicant either:Undergoing a process of screening/immunisation/monitoring in accordance with the Trust's Policy and Procedure, or Producing acceptable documentary evidence that he/she is not an infective risk to others. In the event that he/she is an infective risk to others or if he/she fails to comply with the above requirements, the conditional offer of appointment will be withdrawn. As a condition of his/her subsequent employment in this post he/she is also required to undergo further immunisation and monitoring at the intervals specified by the Trust's Occupational Health Service in order to boost/maintain his/her level of immunity. Should he/she become hepatitis B e antigen positive and therefore an infective risk to others at any stage in the future the appointment will be subject to review in accordance with the Trust's agreed Procedure for dealing with such situations where the postholder is involved in "Exposure Prone Procedures". This review may result in the postholder having to alter his/her clinical exposure to remove risk to patients and others. In circumstances where this is not a practical option, it will be necessary to provide industrial compensation for this prescribed industrial disease prior to the postholder leaving the Trust's employment. **19 The Trust is required to instigate a check to be made with Disclosure Scotland Office for any convictions recorded before an offer of appointment can be made (rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 amended 1985 and 1986) and (Disclosure of Criminal Convictions of NHS Staff with Substantial Access to Children 1989). 20 The appointment is made subject to satisfactory fitness for employment. The successful candidate will therefore be required to complete a pre-employment health screening questionnaire and may subsequently be required to attend for health screening. 21 Termination of the appointment is subject to six months' notice on either side. This job description serves to indicate the range of duties of the post but is not intended to be exhaustive. NOTES TO CANDIDATES Canvassing in connection with appointments is not permitted but this does not debar candidates who wish from visiting the hospitals concerned. Further information can be obtained and an appointment to view the Department arranged by contacting Dr Ann Gold, Consultant in Diabetes & General Medicine, Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, Aberdeen Tel: (01224) 559180/550588 or 0845 456 6000 bleep 3525. When visiting NHS Grampian prospective candidates may make an appointment with the following: Dr P Strachan General Manager Acute Sector NHS Grampian Foresterhill House Contact: Personal Assistant Tel: (01224) 553711 Dr R Dijkhuizen Acting Medical Director Foresterhill House Tel: (01224) 553714 Dr S Wilkinson Associate Medical Director Foresterhill House Tel: (01224) 554514 Professor David Reid Director of Research & Development Westburn House, Foresterhill Tel: (01224) 551121 The Trust are obliged to bring to your notice that the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 provides for many people who have been convicted of certain criminal offences, the opportunity to have no need to refer to any conviction or circumstances relating to it in the course of daily lives. Certain convictions can, therefore, be regarded as “spent” after the lapse of a period of years under the terms of the Act. The National Health Service employment for which you are applying, however, has been excluded from the provisions of the Act and you are, therefore, required not to withhold information about convictions which for other purposes are “spent” under the provisions of the Act. In the event of employment, any failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by the Trust. Any information given, however, will be completely confidential and will be considered only in relation to the post for which you are now making application. There are a number of Day Nursing facilities for children of staff employed by Grampian University Hospitals NHS Trust. These have been specially designed to accommodate children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. Please contact the Nursery Manager on (01224) 552684 (Foresterhill), (01224) 556008 (Woodend) or (01343) 549244 (Elgin) for further details. In The Interest Of Health Promotion We Operate A No Smoking Policy NHS Grampian Person Specification Form REF: SS7421 Consultant Physician in Diabetes & General Medicine REQUIREMENTS Qualifications B Experience ESSENTIAL Within 6 months of having CCT in General Medicine & Diabetes/Endocrinology Extensive Clinical Experience in Adult Diabetes including perioperative care. Experience of collaborative working with colleagues managing diabetes in primary care. DESIRABLE Higher degree (M.D. or PhD) Experience of obstetric and adolescent diabetes care. Involvement in collaborative developments in diabetes service delivery across primary and secondary care. Extensive experience in Acute/General Medicine. C Knowledge of pharmaceutical regulation in Scotland Core skills required for CCT. Familiarity with formulary application processes Familiarity with insulin pump technology and usage. Highly motivated. Committed to collaborative and integrated, multi-disciplinary service development and improvement. Driven. Ability to inspire and motivate, and to remain constructive and calm under pressure. D Ability Clinical Skills and Technical Skills Motivation E Personality F Audit G Research Some achievement in areas of research and publication. H Management Ability I Training and Teaching Experience Awareness of role of consultants in NHS management and an interest in developing management skills and profile. Experience of delivering undergraduate teaching and postgraduate training. J Other requirements Enthusiasm. Prepared by Dr Ann Gold Willingness to work hard. Natural disposition to working co-operatively and inclusively with fellow team members. Compassionate, considerate and with a sense of humour. Experience of audit. Completion of audit cycle to drive meaningful change. Useful contribution to medical literature. Ambition to undertake or support future research in the department. Enthusiasm for service change and development. Prior experience of service change. Interest in pursuing formal qualification in medical education. Knowledge and interest in current training systems. Creativity. Date September 2013 MODEL JOB PLAN FORMAT a) APPENDIX 4 Consultant Contract Details Name: Specialty: Diabetes and General Medicine Principal Place of Work Contract : Availability Supplement: Ward 105 ARI and Diabetes Clinic PAs 10 EPA 0 Full Time 8% (Delete as appt ) Level 1 OOH at Premium Rate worked: 6.2 Managerially Accountable to: S Wilkinson, Clinical Director, Medical Specialties Unit Responsible for : b) Gen Med, Diabetes clinical duties for NHSG and associated management, service development, research, audit, teaching and trainee supervision etc Timetable of activities which have a specific location and time Outwith fixed activities there is a degree of flexibility in days worked to enable attendance at various meetings etc. The table below is therefore only an indication of the usual days worked but this varies week to week. DAY Monday From / To HOSPITAL/ LOCATION AM – Diabetes clinic (weekly) TYPE OF WORK Routine review of diabetes patients and assessment of new patients AM - Kincardine diabetes clinic (3rd Wed of the month) Routine review of diabetes patients and assessment of new patients Tuesday From / To Wednesday From / To Routine review of diabetes patients 5pm to 8pm Evening diabetes clinic (twice monthly) Thursday From / To Friday From / To Saturday From / To Sunday Direct clinical care 8 PAs SPA 2 PAs (Up to 10 days of special leave per year have been agreed with management to undertake additional and external duties as agreed with Dr N Fluck previously) b) Activities which are not undertaken at specific locations or times General Medicine – Consultant of the week for ward 105 for 0.3 of weeks Educational supervisor work of junior middle grade trainees (4 at any one time) Patient administration / signing clinic letters Other clinical and non-clinical administration Primary care diabetes support meetings (usually held at GP surgeries) Research Year 2 clinical teaching coordinator Links with pharmacy for formulary approval of diabetes medicines Rota-master for specialist registrars c) Activities during Premium Rate Hours of Work e.g. hours outwith 8am-8pm Monday to Friday (In order to ensure payment, please ensure these hours are detailed in both Job Plan Pro-Forma and Section A above) Number of out of hours hours per year: Weekend GIM cover 5.5hrs x 2 x 10.4 times per year =114 hours Diabetes /endocrinology cover weekday out of hrs (2 hours per week x 10.4) =20.8 hours Weekend diabetes /endocrinology cover (8 x 10.4 hours) (assumes 4 hour weekend ward rounds) Weekday GIM out of hours (assumes 4 phone calls/ callouts of 30 mins per week on call) Approx Total = 260 hours/ year =83.2 hours = 40 hours MODEL JOB PLAN Type of activity Description of activity including when and where activity is conducted. Average number of hours spent on each activity per week including travel where appropriate Direct Clinical Care Emergency duties (including emergency work carried out during or arising from on-call). Operating sessions Pre and post operative care Outpatient Clinics General medicine Medical emergency work in ward 105. Covering just under one third of the total number of days. Diabetes / Endocrine 1:5 weekly rota including weekend diabetes/endocrinology cover (4 hours per day) plus weekday diabetes/endocrinology cover including inpatient diabetes meeting (3 hours per day) plus 2 hours per week out of hours = 20 hours / on-call week Diabetes clinics (5.3 per month) Evening clinics – 2 per month (includes dictation of letters) Ward rounds Included in emergency care for GIM and DME Clinical Administration directly related to patient care (e.g. referrals, notes complaints, correspondence with other practitioners) Included in out-patient clinics where directly related to clinic lists. Additional work resulting from clinical enquiries/referrals/ OGTT interpretation /correspondence concerning diabetes patients now managed predominantly in primary care and general clinical advice for GPs and Practice Nurses. Some included in emergency work. Primary care diabetes meetings Multi-disciplinary meetings about direct patient care. Type of activity Description of activity including when and where activity is conducted 13.5 4 9.25 1.25 4 Average number of hours spent on each activity per week including travel where appropriate Direct Clinical Care (contd) Clinical Diagnostic duties : See above Public health duties : Community Duties : Mental Health Act duties : Any other work directly linked to the direct clinical care of NHS patients Total Direct Clinical Care Activities 32 Hours per week Type of activity Description of activity including when and where activity is conducted. Average number of hours spent on each activity per week including travel where appropriate Supporting Professional Activities Continuing professional development Journal reading and postgraduate Lectures, educational meetings 1.5 Teaching and training Undergraduate and postgraduate lectures 1 Management of doctors in training Educational supervision of middle grade junior doctors Organisation and delivery of year 2 teaching 2.5 1.5 Audit Assisting in design, execution and analysis of audit projects and present at diabetes meetings and ward medical meetings 0.2 Job Planning Approximately 4 hours per year 0.1 Appraisal Approximately 8 sessions per year required to prepare and attend personal appraisal 0.2 Revalidation Research 0.5 Type of activity Description of activity including when and where activity is conducted. Average number of hours spent on each activity per week including travel where appropriate Supporting Professional Activities (contd) Contribution to service management and planning Attendance at senior staff and ward meetings 0.5 Clinical governance activities Any other supporting professional activities 8 Total Supporting Professional Activities