INDIANA UNIVERSITY HEALTH BLOOMINGTON INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD (IRB) CONTINUING REVIEW CLOSED TO ENROLLMENT IRB STUDY NUMBER: Please type only in the gray boxes. To mark a box as checked, double-click the box, select “checked”, and click “OK”. Please see the Continuing Review/Closeout Form Instructions for more information. SECTION I: INVESTIGATOR INFORMATION Principal Investigator: Name (Last, First, Middle Initial): Phone: E-Mail: Additional Study Contact: Name: Phone: E-Mail: Project Title: Sponsor Number. Sponsor/Funding Agency: Sponsor Type: Federal Not-for-Profit Unfunded Internally Funded Funding Status: Pending Funded N/A Federal Pass-Through State Industry SECTION II: CURRENT STUDY STATUS ONGOING – CLOSED TO ENROLLMENT Date study was initiated: Projected date of completion: Re-consenting/re-authorizing NOT re-consenting/re-authorizing (Select one) Participants are still receiving research-related intervention or interaction. Participants have completed research-related interventions; however, long-term follow-up continues. Long term follow-up includes research interactions that involve no more than minimal risk to subjects, or collection of follow-up data from procedures or interventions that would be done as part of routine clinical care. Research interventions which would not be performed for clinical purposes are considered research-related intervention are not considered follow-up. Participants have completed all research-related intervention or interaction and long-term follow-up has been completed. The remaining research activities are limited only to data analysis that may require access to records and/or specimens. Please check here if the study is currently suspended (temporarily) and indicate the reason(s) for the suspension: SECTION III: SUBJECT SUMMARY Check here if your study utilizes records or specimens only, i.e. there is no interaction with human subjects. When the form asks for the number of subjects, document the number of subjects for which data/specimens have been collected. 06/24/2014 RR 403-D 1 Check here if the IRB has approved a waiver of consent for your study. When the form asks for the number of subjects consented, document the number of records that have been reviewed or the number of individuals enrolled. 1. Subject Summary Table On-Site Since last Total number of subjects CONSENTED IRB review Total number of subjects who FAILED SCREENING (e.g. found ineligible to participate) Total number of subjects who have WITHDRAWN from the study Since beginning of study Total number of subjects CONSENTED Total number of subjects who FAILED SCREENING (e.g. found ineligible to participate) Total number of subjects who have WITHDRAWN from the study Number of ACTIVE subjects Number of subjects who have COMPLETED the study If necessary, please provide further explanation regarding the subject summary: 2. Withdrawal. Have any subjects withdrawn from the study since the last IRB review? No Yes, state the reasons for withdrawal: 3. Vulnerable Populations. Are any of the subjects who have consented or enrolled in the study members of a vulnerable population? No. Yes. Has the IRB previously approved enrollment of these subjects? Yes. Continue to Question 5. No. You must submit an amendment to the IRB to request the inclusion of these subjects. Subjects in the following vulnerable populations were enrolled without IRB approval. Children Pregnant Women and Human Fetus Prisoners Economically/Educationally Disadvantaged Cognitively Impaired Students Students 06/24/2014 RR 403-D 2 4, Short Form Consent. Were any subjects consented using the short form written consent document? No. Yes. Please describe the circumstances of each subject enrolled, including language in which the consent process was conducted: Is there a reasonable possibility that additional subjects who speak this language could be enrolled? No. Yes. Please submit a translated version of the IRB-approved consent document for review and approval by the IRB. 5. For studies employing waivers of assent: a. State the number of assent waivers that were employed since the last IRB review: b. Explain the circumstances surrounding each assent waiver employed: SECTION IV: ETHNIC/RACIAL REPORTING REQUIRED FOR FEDERALLY-SPONSORED AND VA STUDIES Ethnic Category SUBJECT ACCRUAL Females Males Unknown or Not Reported Total Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Unknown (Individuals Not Reporting Ethnicity) Ethnic Category Total of All Subjects* Racial Categories American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Black or African American White More Than One Race Unknown or Not Reported Racial Categories Total of All Subjects* If ETHNIC and RACIAL category totals are not equal, please explain: 1. Have there been any unexpected difficulties accruing subjects in a particular category (including children and women)? No. Yes. Please explain: 2. Is this study conducted at, funded by, or recruited from the VA? No. 06/24/2014 RR 403-D 3 Yes. In the table below, please indicate the total number of VA subjects enrolled in the study and indicate in which categories those subjects fall and how many represent each category indicated. Total number of VA subjects: Children: Cognitively Impaired: Economically/Educationally Disadvantaged: Pregnant Women and Fetuses: Prisoners: Students: SECTION V: SUMMARY OF EVENTS 1. Since the last IRB review, did any unanticipated problems, including adverse events, protocol deviations, or subject complaints, or noncompliance occur that required prompt reporting to the IRB? No. Yes. Were these events reported previously to the IRB, if applicable? No. Please explain why these events were not previously reported: Yes. Provide a summary of these events: Check here if the summary is attached. 2. Since the last IRB review, did any related problems, including adverse events, protocol deviations, or subject complaints occur involving an IU IRB-approved performance site that did not require prompt reporting to the IRB? No. Yes. Provide a summary of these events: Check here if the summary is attached. 3. Is there a data safety monitoring plan for this study? No. This study is minimal risk (exempt or expedited). Yes. Does the plan include a data safety monitoring board? No. Yes. Please provide the most recent monitoring report if it has not already been provided to the IRB or explain why one cannot be provided: 4. Based on the above information, do you feel the validity of the data is affected? No. Yes. Explain: 5. Based on the above information, do you feel there is an increase in risk to subjects or others or in the frequency or severity of adverse events, protocol deviations, problems, complaints, etc. since the last IRB review? No. Yes. Explain: 06/24/2014 RR 403-D 4 SECTION VI: SUMMARY 1. Describe the progress of the research, including any preliminary observations and information about study results or trends: 2. Have subjects experienced any direct benefit(s) from their participation in the study? No. Yes. Please explain: 3. If any recent literature has been published or presented by you or others since the last IRB review, has it demonstrated a significant impact on the conduct of the study or the well-being of subjects? N/A. There has not been any recent literature published or presented since the last IRB review. No. Yes. Attach a copy or explain: 4. Have there been any audits from federal agencies conducted since the last IRB review that identified unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others or noncompliance? No. Yes. Attach the report(s). 5. Do you believe the risk/benefit ratio has changed based on all of the information provided on this form and any attachments? No. Yes. Explain: SECTION VII: CO-INVESTIGATOR UPDATE This submission does NOT include additions or removals to the Investigator List. Proceed to section VIII. This submission includes additions or removals to the Investigator List. The updated Investigator List is attached. The following investigators are being added to the current Investigator List: The following investigators are being removed from the Investigator List and will no longer be participating in this research: 06/24/2014 RR 403-D 5 SECTION VIII: REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS All current study documents must be included with your continuing review submission. Please check the appropriate boxes as they apply to your study. Clinical Investigator’s Brochure, dated: Drug or Biological Products Form, dated: Recruitment materials (please list and date): Request form(s) for vulnerable population(s) (please list and date); Expedited Research Checklist, dated: Surveys, questionnaires (please list and date): Study Summary Statement or HUD Form, dated: Study Information Sheet Test Article Supplement, dated: Other (please list and date): Exempt Research Checklist, dated: HIPAA & Recruitment Checklist, dated: Informed Consent, dated: Number of consent documents: Investigator List, dated: Medical Device Form, dated: Protocol, dated: If reconsenting/reauthorizing: Informed Consent, dated: Number of consent documents: Assent, dated: Number of assent documents: Authorization, dated: Number of authorizations: Include the following documents, as applicable: Publications, if you answered YES to VI.3 above Audit reports, if you answered YES to VI.4 above Summaries, if you indicated in Section V that summaries are attached DSMB report, if the study includes a DSMB and you are submitting the most recent DSMB report Interim findings, if there are any to report Multi-center trial reports, if there are any available NOTES: No changes to previously approved study documents are allowed at the time of continuing review unless requested by the IRB. Incomplete submissions will result in a processing delay, which could result in study expiration. VA Requirements: For studies conducted at the VA, utilizing VA funding or VA patients, you must provide a copy of the approved continuing review form to the VA Research Service Office. 06/24/2014 RR 403-D 6 SECTION IX: INVESTIGATOR STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE By submitting this form, the Principal Investigator assures that all information provided is accurate. He/she assures that procedures performed under this project will be conducted in strict accordance with federal regulations and Indiana University Health Bloomington policies and procedures that govern research involving human subjects. He/she acknowledges that he/she has the resources required to conduct research in a way that will protect the rights and welfare of participants and that he/she will employ sound study design which minimizes risks to subjects. He/she agrees to submit any change to the project (e.g. change in principal investigator, research methodology, subject recruitment procedures, etc.) to the Board in the form of an amendment for IRB approval prior to implementation. SECTION X: IRB APPROVAL For IU Health Bloomington IRB Office Use Only Type of review: Full Board Expedited: Category: STATUS OF STUDY: ONGOING, Closed to Enrollment This continuing review has been reviewed and approved as meeting the criteria for IRB approval as outlined in 45 CFR 46.111(a) by the Indiana University Health Bloomington IRB. Based on the criteria for determining the frequency of continuing review and the level of risk, this study will expire on:___________________. If the study is not re-approved prior to that date all research activities must cease on that date, including enrollment of new subjects, intervention/interaction with current participants, and analysis of identified data. Authorized IRB Signature: IRB Approval Date: Printed Name of IRB Member: For IU Health Bloomington IRB Office Use Only. Recorded in the Minutes of: This form must be electronically signed by the Principal Investigator or designee. The electronic signature certifies that the information provided above is accurate, current and complete. 06/24/2014 RR 403-D 7