Smallton Disease Outbreak section Town Council We go to the depths of the ocean to find your information Smallton Smalltonshire SM23 69F I am writing to you as the Smallton council, in conclusion of the Smallton disease outbreaks. I have researched into the data you have provided me with and found the cause of each disease. I have also found the costs for the treatment of patients and how we can prevent the outbreak in the future. Deep Sea I nvestigations Deep Sea I nvestigations Dear Sir/Madam, I have found the cause of each disease using the database information and the map provided I was able to come to a conclusion on the cause of each disease. The first disease I looked into was funny bone. It is water borne viral disease infected mainly in those living near the Curlew Crescent well, the Back lane well and the Falcon Avenue well. I came to this conclusion by filtering through the database provided and finding where the people that are most infected is living. The evidence provided in where they live corresponding with where the wells are tells me that the wells are contaminated and are the cause of the disease. This is because the residents get their water from the wells so to prevent the disease from out braking in the town again; I propose that you place a filter in the wells to clean the water so it is safe for residents. The next disease I look into was Hop Scotch. The disease is caught from fleas on animals. I found the cause to be the scrubland near Beverly Crescent. I know this as I used the database to see where most people were living that had the disease and it was near the scrubland. This shows that the disease is most likely to be from animals with fleas so, to prevent the disease from out braking again, I propose you as the council should treat all the animals to rid them of the fleas. Next I researched I looked into Killer Bees. This disease is caused by unsterilized medical equipment so I immediately looked into who the people with this disease were registered with as their doctors. I found that when I filtered the doctors the people diseased were registered with into a-z Doctor James was the doctor that came up most. This shows he is not sterilising medical equipment properly. To prevent the disease I propose you, as the council, should send him on a training course to make sure he knows what to do properly and if he refuses to go, prevent him from working as a doctor or any jobs linked to the profession. Next I looked into Soap Dish. This disease is caused by a bacterium that flourishes in sewage. This shows me that there is a sewage leak in one of the sources of water to the town. I then went on to find out which places around town were most infected using the filters on the database that was provided. I found that the most infected areas in smallton were down the riverbank and high street near the river. So, from this information, I gathered there must be a sewage leak in the River Ank. To Deep Sea I nvestigations prevent this from happening again in the future I propose that you, as the council, invest in a sewage plant on the river. It may sound like a lot of money to build, but it will repay you in the end when you do not have to pay for treatment for infected soap dish patients. Next I looked into the cause of readers digest. Because readers digests caused by food poisoning I immediately looked to the pubs around the town where you could contract food poisoning from. Using the data on the database I filtered to where people live. I did this because you are more likely to visit the local pub than one further away. The places where people where most affected were: dove road and marshal road. Anyone else infected could have visited the pub from far away or merely caught the disease from poor cooking in the household, however for the majority; the pub closest was the Kings Head. So, as the council, I propose you either send the staff on training courses about food hygiene so they don’t make the same mistake and if it continues shut down the pub, or shut it down immediately. After I had found all the causes of each disease, then pondered and figured out how to prevent them, I immediately turned my attention to the costs of treatment for the people already infected. I used the price of each of the disease treatment for male times the amount of males to find the total for males, then the same for females, and added them together to find the total price. Here is the table with the results: Total for each disease = gender amount X cost of treatment Total cost for male’s = Add all disease totals for male together = £3,924.60 Total cost for females = Add all disease totals for females together = £5,885.39 Total cost for all treatments = Total for male + total for female = £9,809.99 The total cost for all the treatments comes to £9,809.99 Above are the final costs for each area. The males, females and all treatment. You have asked me to find out who is more susceptible to soap dish men or women, and which disease over 65’s are more susceptible to as well. Using the results from the costs I was able to find out who was more susceptible to soap dish: It was the women as the amount of people infected that were women was 21 and for men it was 18. Deep Sea I nvestigations Soapdish 21.5 21 20.5 20 19.5 19 18.5 18 17.5 17 16.5 Male Female Male Female However I could not use the data I had already used from the database to find the costs, to find which disease affected over 65’s the most. So I used the database and advance filter, I then changed the date of birth to <1947 to find the over 65’s.This meant I could see which disease the most over 65’s were susceptible to and it came up as Funny Bone. Disease that effects Over 65's most Funny Bone Hop Scotch Killer Bees Soap Dish Readers Digest Deep Sea I nvestigations Map of disease causes in Smallton Light Blue = Funny Bone Pink = Hop scotch Dr James = Killer Bees Sewage Leak = Soap Dish Dark Green = Readers Digest Mail Merge I have also created each letter to send to the different recipients of each of these three cases. I have shown pictures of each one below and which case they go to: Deep Sea I nvestigations Case 1 The Patients of Dr James are to be told that they should go to the general hospital in Smallton, tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. and receive vaccinations against Killerbees. Without this injection they stand a very high risk of contracting a secondary infection called “Fuscia Syndrome”. Patients who currently have Killerbees already cannot receive the inoculation. Case 2 The very elderly and the very young are particularly vulnerable to Hopscotch. They must be told to report to their nearest emergency clinic as soon as possible to receive their treatment. The addresses for each clinic are given below: Clinic A 21 The High Street Clinic B 17 Back Lane Clinic C 16 Falcon Avenue Deep Sea I nvestigations You must write to every inhabitant of Smallton who is below the age of 12 and above the age of 60 and warn them! Again, if they already have the disease they need not have the treatment. Case 3 Sufferers of Soap Dish do not realise that they are ill and think that they are living in a soap opera. The over 50’s and the under 18’s are the most susceptible for the worst reaction and need to be cured by an inoculation. However they will not allow the health professionals into their house. Write them a letter saying that HELLO magazine want to do a Photo spread and article about them and need to visit them in their houses, so that the doctors can gain access to them. Deep Sea I nvestigations Things used to find the information Filter. To filter to each disease, age, doctor etc. Sort a-z. So you can see the most common places that people live, doctors, diseases etc. Deep Sea I nvestigations Creating a new query. For creating the mail merges. The amount of people’s data on the current page. For counting how many women, male, hopscotch etc. Filter by form. For seeing what disease over 65’s are affected by most. Charts. On excel for creating graphs for different data. I Hope that this report covers everything Yours Sincerley, Claire Fletcher Claire Fletcher