Car Crash Management System - Requirements Model_rl_v2


Car Crash Management System

Requirements Model

Version 2

Conor Hackett

Richard Leland

Douglas Smith



Negotiate Routes

<<includes>> bCMS


Dispatch and Track



Police Station


Fire Station



Coordinate Response


<<extension points>>


Change Lead





Required AND

Authentication of

System Users






(Change Lead)

[Multiple Coordinators

AND Lead opts to

Transfer role AND

Police and Fire

Stations Multiplicity







[Multiple Crises

AND Coordinator

Opts for a



Crisis Multiplicity



Change Lead




Use case name: Coordinate Response

Reuse category: Kernel

Summary: Police Station Coordinator and Fire Station Coordinator coordinate the police and fire vehicle response to a single vehicle crash crisis.

Actors: Police Station Coordinator(PSC)(Primary), Fire Station Coordinator(FSC)(Primary), and


Dependency: Include Negotiate Routes abstract use case, include Dispatch and Track Vehicles abstract use case.

Preconditions: The PSC and the FSC are aware of the crisis and have defined the crisis details within their separate databases, but have not established contact with each other to coordinate the response to the crisis.





The PSC and FSC select the crisis coordination initiation option


System displays “Crash Crisis Coordination” and prompts for the names of the PSC and the FSC on their respective screens.


The PSC and the FSC enter their names


System displays the coordinators’ names and roles and prompts for the crisis details


The PSC and the FSC select the display crisis details option


System displays the police station active crisis details and the fire station active crisis details. A periodic timer is started that refreshes the display of the crisis details and the related vehicle and timeout data every second if the information has changed.


Include Negotiate Routes use case


Include Dispatch and Track Vehicle use case


The PSC or the FSC selects the crisis closure option


System displays “Proposal to Close Crisis(Crisis Identifier)”


The responding coordinator enters agreement with closure request


System displays “Crisis is closed”, updates the status field in the Crisis details record in both databases to Closed, and exits crash crisis coordination mode.


At step 9, the PSC or the FSC selects a reroute option for one of their deployed vehicles which has not reached the crash site by its ETA due to heavy traffic on its planned route

Negotiate Routes 6.a: PCS requests a list of possible routes from the delayed vehicle’s current location to the crash site


Negotiate Routes 6.b: System displays on the PSC’s screen an alternative route to the crash site and sets a route negotiation timer.

Negotiate Routes 7.a: The PSC selects the proposed route for the delayed vehicle

Negotiate Routes 8.a: System displays the proposed route for the blocked vehicle and prompts the FSC for an agreement or disagreement.

Negotiate Routes 9a: FSC agrees to the revised route

Continue with Negotiate Routes step 10

At step 9, the PSC and the FSC become aware that the crisis is more severe than expected

9a: PSC selects the deploy additional vehicles options

Negotiate Routes 1.a: System sets a timer for a fixed time period for negotiations on vehicle routes and prompts for the number of additional police vehicles to be deployed.

Negotiate Routes 2.a: PSC enters a number equal to or greater than zero

Negotiate Routes 3.a: System displays the number of additional police vehicles and creates a deployment record for each vehicle with the vehicle ID and ETA being blank and location set to Station.

System then prompts for the number of additional fire trucks

Negotiate Routes 4.a: FSC enters a number equal to or greater than zero

Negotiate Routes 5.a: System displays the number of additional fire trucks and creates a deployment record for each vehicle with the vehicle ID and ETA being blank and location set to Station.

Continue with Negotiate Routes step 6

At any step when communications have been restored after a period of unavailable communications and the crisis has been resolved

N.a1: Continue with step 10

Step 1 has not yet been completed and communications have been restored after a period of unavailable communications

N.a2: Continue with step 1

Communications have been lost at some step after route agreement had been reached but communications have been restored before all vehicles have completed their objectives.

N.a3: System displays the current values for the fire station and police station crisis details

Continue with Route and Dispatch Vehicles step 1

Variation Points:

Name: Primary Coordinator

Type of functionality: Optional

Line numbers: 2

Description of functionality: If more than one PSC or FSC exists, then the crash crisis initiating coordinator for each department will be designated the Lead Coordinator for their department. The first counterpart to respond to the Crisis Initiation Request is designated the Lead Coordinator for that department


1b: The system saves the initiating coordinator for each department as the Lead Coordinator

1c: The system makes the displays of the other FSCs/PSCs in the Lead Coordinator’s department read only

Name: Shared Identifier

Type of functionality: Alternative

Line numbers: 1

Description of functionality: If an active crisis already exists when a new crisis coordination is initiated,

Step 1b: The System displays the message “Additional Crisis Event Coordination” and displays the crisis details from both stations

Step 1c: The initiating coordinator enters a global identifier for each crisis record where no global identifier exists.

Step 1d: The System updates the identifier field in each crisis detail record as well as the Crisis ID field in routing, deployed vehicle and timeout records linked to the crisis detail record.

Step 1e: Continue at step 7

Name: Multiple Crisis Display

Type of functionality: Alternative

Line numbers: 6

Description of functionality: If multiple active crises are being coordinated, the System displays current information related to each crisis

Name: Designated Crisis Closure

Type of functionality: Alternative

Line numbers: 9

Description of functionality: If multiple active crises are being coordinated

9.a: The System prompts the proposing coordinator for the Crisis Identifier of the Crisis to be closed

9.b: The proposing coordinator enters the Crisis Identifier”

9.c: Continue with step 10

Postcondition: The crisis has been closed.


Use case name: Negotiate Routes

Reuse category: kernel

Summary: Police Station Coordinator and Fire Station Coordinator negotiate routes for the police vehicles and fire trucks to the crisis location or agree not to negotiate routes

Actors: Police Station Coordinator (PSC), Fire Station Coordinator (FSC) and Timer

Dependency: None

Preconditions: Crisis Coordination has been initiated



System sets a timer for the fixed time period for negotiations on vehicle routes and prompts for number of police vehicles and fire trucks to be deployed.


PSC and FSC each enter the number of respective vehicles to be deployed


System displays and stores the number of police vehicles and fire trucks to be deployed and creates a deployment record for each vehicle.


The PSC and FSC identify each vehicle by vehicle ID that they wish to deploy


System completes location and status fields with information from the database.


System displays on the police coordinator screen a list of possible routes for the vehicles identified by each coordinator along with an ETA.


PCS selects a proposed route for the police vehicles and a proposed route for the fire trucks.


System displays the selected routes for the police vehicles and for the fire trucks and prompts the FSC for agreement or disagreement.


FSC agrees to both route proposals.


System displays and stores the route agreement for each vehicle as well as the related ETA.

System turns off the negotiation timeout timer.


At steps 2 through 9: If the negotiation time limit is reached, the system creates a route negotiation timeout record with the Crisis ID, timeout time and timeout date and displays a “Negotiation Timeout” message. Negotiations continue at the current step. The PSC and FSC independently enter a reason for timeout as time permits which is recorded in the system.

At step 9: FSC enters a disagreement with the proposed routes.

9.a: System displays a disapproval flag for the proposed routes and displays on the police coordinator’s screen a revised list of possible routes with the disapproved routes removed.

9.b: Continue with step 7.


At step 9.a: System reports to the PSC that there are no more routes to be proposed

9.c: PCS selects a routes not coordinated option.

9.d System displays the following message: “Routes will not be coordinated but updates of vehicle locations and crisis details will still be exchanges” and turns off the timeout timer if no timeout has occurred.

N.a4: Communications have been lost at some step N before a route agreement has been reached

(steps 1 through 8), the negotiation timer has not expired and communications have been restored

Continue at step N

N.a5: Communications have been lost at some step before a route agreement has been reached with the negotiation timer having expired (steps 2 through 8)

N.a5.b: System displays updated crisis detail and Route Plan by vehicle and Timeout Log

N.a5.c: Continue with step 9c

Variation Points:

Name: Multiple Locations

Type of functionality: Alternative

Line numbers: 7

Description of functionality: If multiple Fire and Police Stations exist, the PSC must select routes on a per station basis.

Postcondition: Coordinated routes have been agreed upon for the police vehicle and the fire trucks or an agreement is reached not to coordinate routes.

Outstanding questions:


Use case name: Dispatch and Track Vehicles

Reuse category: Kernel

Summary: The Police Station Coordinator and the Fire Station Coordinator dispatch police vehicles and fire trucks respectively to and from the crisis location and continually update the vehicle location status for each vehicle

Actors: Police Station Coordinator (PSC), Fire Station Coordinator (FSC) and Timer

Dependency: None

Preconditions: The routes to the crisis location for the police vehicles and the fire trucks have been agree to by the PSC and the FSC or the PSC and the FSC have agreed not to coordinate routes





<Change Lead>


As each planned vehicle departs the station, responsible coordinator modifies the location from

Station to enrouteToLocation.


<Change Lead>


. PSC and FSC update location status by vehicle for police vehicles and fire trucks respectively from enrouteToLocation to atLocation as each vehicle arrives at the crash location.




<Change Lead>


. PSC and FSC update location status by vehicle for police vehicles and fire trucks respectively from atLocation to enrouteReturn as each vehicle completes its objective and leaves the crash location.


<Change Lead>


At step 2 a police vehicle or a fire truck does not reach its destination by its ETA because of the vehicle breakdown.

2.a: If the broken down vehicle can be repaired quickly enough, the PSC for a police vehicle or the FSC for a fire truck updates the vehicle’s ETA. If a replacement vehicle is sent, the PSC or the FSC modifies the record of the broken down vehicle to reflect the vehicle ID of the replacement vehicle and updates the ETA value.

At step 4 the crisis is less severe than expected so a police vehicle and a fire truck are recalled

4.a: PSC sets the location status of the specific vehicles being recalled to enrouteReturn and the FSC sets


the location status of the specific fire trucks being recalled to enrouteReturn.

4.b: Continue with step 4

At step 2, when a police or fire vehicle does not reach the crisis location with the ETA because of traffic or a blocked route, include Negotiate Routes use case and continue with step 3.

At step 4, when the crisis is more severe than expected, include Negotiate Routes use case and continue with steps 1, 2 and 3 as needed.

Variation Points

Name: FSC to Fire Truck

Type of functionality: Optional

Line numbers: 3, 5,6, 8

Description of functionality: FSC sends and receives messages with fire department vehicles.

Name: PSC to Civilian Car

Type of functionality: Optional

Line numbers: 3, 5, 8

Description of functionality: PSC sends and receives messages with civilian vehicles

Name: PSC to Police Vehicle

Type of functionality: Optional

Line numbers: 3, 5, 6, 8

Description of functionality: PSC sends and receives messages with police vehicles.

Postcondition: All dispatched vehicles have departed the crash location having completed their objective or having been recalled as not needed.

Outstanding questions:


Use case name: Validate Authentication

Reuse category: Optional


Actors: Police Station Coordinator(PSC), Fire Station Coordinator(FSC), Police Vehicle, Fire Truck

Dependency: None

Precondition: The actor is required to authenticate to the system but has not yet done so


1. A PSC, FSC, Police Vehicle, or Fire Truck requests a system function

2. System determines that an authentication is required, prompts for an authentication and sets an authentication timer and set the authentication attempt value to 1

3. Requesting user provides an authentication within the authentication time limit

4. System determines the authentication is valid


At step 4, system determines the authentication is not valid and authentication attempt limit has not been reached.

2.a: System prompts an authentication, sets an authentication timer and increments the authentication attempt value.

2.b: Continue at step 3

At step 4, system determines the authentication is not valid and the authentication limit has been reach

4.a: Terminate user session

At step 3, system determines that the authentication time limit has been reached

3.a: System displays the message “Authentication timeout” and the user session is terminated

Variation Points:

Postcondition: The actor successfully authenticates to the system or the user session has been terminated

Outstanding questions:


Use case name: Change Lead Coordinator

Reuse category: Optional

Summary: The Lead PSC/FSC wishes to transfer their authority to a different PSC/FSC

Actors: Lead PSC/FSC(Primary), New Lead PSC/FSC(Secondary)

Dependency: Extends Coordinate Response

Preconditions: There are multiple PSCs and/or FSCs, a crisis has initiated, and a Lead Coordinator exists



The Lead Coordinator indicates they wish to transfer responsibility to another coordinator in their department


System provides a list of suitable replacements and prompts the Lead Coordinator for a selection


The Lead Coordinator makes a selection


The system notifies the selected coordinator, starts a timer and waits for a response.


The newly nominated coordinator accepts the nomination


The system changes the designation of Lead Coordinator to the new nominated coordinator and notifies all other coordinators within the department as well as the lead coordinator for the counterpart department


Step 5- The newly nominated coordinator does not accept the nomination in time. The transfer request is cancelled. The system notifies the Lead Coordinator that they are still in charge. End use case.

Postcondition: The Lead Coordinator has transferred authority or a timeout has occurred

Outstanding questions:


Use case name: Vehicle Redeployment

Reuse category: Optional

Summary: In a multiple crisis situation, if the PSC or FSC needs to reroute a police vehicle or fire truck respectively from one crisis location to another

Actors: PSC/FSC(Primary)

Dependency: Extends Coordinate Response

Preconditions: Multiple crises exist



The responsible coordinator selects a redeployment option for the vehicle to be redeployed


The System provides a list of other ongoing crises and prompts a crisis selection, a route and



The responsible coordinator selects the crisis and enters the route and ETA.


The System modifies the Crisis ID, route plan and ETA fields within the vehicle record and changes the location from atLocation to enrouteToLocation.


Postcondition: Vehicle has been redeployed

Outstanding questions:


Feature Name

Car Crash Coordination Product Line Feature List

Feature Category Use Case Name

Car Crash


Kernel common

Crisis Multiplicity alternative



Use Case



Point(vp) kernel vp

Authentication of

System’s Users

Police and Fire


Multiplicity optional alternative












Response vp vp optional optional vp


Management optional

Change Lead


Dispatch and Track

Vehicles optional vp vp Dispatch and Track


Dispatch and Track

Vehicles vp

Variation Point


Shared Identifier

Multiple Crisis


Designated Crisis




FSC to Fire Truck

PSC to Civilian Car

PSC to Police



Car Crash Coordination Product Line Feature Diagram

<<optional feature>>


<<optional feature>>


<<optional feature>>


<<optional feature>>

RSA Secured ID

<<optional feature>>

Challenge Response

<<alternative feature>>

Multiple PS & FS

<<default feature>>

Single PS & FS

{mutually exclusive feature}

<<zero-or-more-of feature group>>

Authentication System

<<optional feature>>


<<optional feature>>


<<exactly-on-of feature group>>

Station Multiplicity requires

<<common feature>> bCMS kernel requires requires

<<exactly-one-of feature group>> requires

Communication Layer


Feature group>>


{mutually exclusive feature}

<<default feature>>


<<exactly-on-of feature group>>

Crisis Multiplicity

{mutually exclusive feature}

<<alternative feature>>

Multiple Crisis

<<default feature>>

Single Crisis

<<exactly-one-of feature group>>

Data Confidentiality

<<zero-or-more-of feature group>>

Vehicle Management

{mutually exclusive feature}

<<default feature>>

No Encryption

<<alternative feature>>



<<optional feature>>

FSC to Fire Truck


Feature group>>

Vehicle Communication

Protocol requires

<<optional feature>>

PSC to Citizen Car requires

<<optional feature>>

PSC to Police Car

<<optional feature>>


<<optional feature>>


