
Mathematics: Personal Finance Award
The Personal finance Award at SCQF Level 4 is jointly awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority
and the ‘ ifs’ School of Finance. It equips candidates with skills to understand and manage money
throughout their lives
Why deliver this qualification
The importance of financial education in schools is now widely recognised as an important and
necessary life skill for young people. The Personal Finance Award will equip candidates with the skills
to be able to cope confidently and effectively with basic financial encounters as well as managing
The Personal Finance Award consists of two 40 hour Units set at SCQF Level 4:
 The Principles of Money – candidates will gain an understanding of what ‘money’ is and
where is comes from
 Money Management – it will prepare candidates to deal with bills and budgeting
Who should study the qualification
National 3 or 4 in S4
The qualification is designed for online testing via SQA SOLAR. A paper for each unit will also be
Money Management end of unit test is an outline objective test of 20 questions, candidates
must achieve 60% to pass the Unit
The Principles of Money end of unit test is an outline objective test of 25 questions
candidates must achieve 60% to pass the unit.
Mathematics: National 4
Course Outline
In this course you will build on your previous mathematical experience. You will learn to interpret
information and solve problems relevant to real life and mathematical situations. You will use, explore
and manage mathematical language and ideas, which are all important in scientific and research work.
The course has three compulsory units, plus an added value unit that assesses your practical skills
Expressions and Formulae
use mathematical operational skills linked to expressions and formulae, such as manipulating
abstract terms, simplifying expressions and evaluating formulae
cover aspects of algebra, geometry, statistics and reasoning
solve equations, understand graphs and work with trigonometric ratios
cover aspects of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics and reasoning
use numerical skills to solve straightforward real life problems involving
interpret graphical data and situations involving probability to solve straightforward real life
problems involving money/time/measurement
Added Value Unit: Mathematics Test
sit one question paper testing your mathematical operational skills, without the aid of a
sit one question paper testing your reasoning skills, where you can use a calculator
Work is assessed on a regular basis throughout the course. Items of work might include:
practical work – working with real life plans or drawings, or using technology
written work – investigative or project based tasks such as data collection or organisation
class-based exams
You must pass all units plus the added value unit to gain the course qualification
Mathematics: National 5
Course Outline
In this course you will build on your previous mathematical experience. You will learn and apply operational
skills you need to develop mathematical ideas through symbolic representation and diagrams. You will select
and apply mathematical techniques, and learn about the interdependencies within mathematics. You will
develop your mathematical reasoning and problem solving skills. And you will get experienced in making
informed decisions.
The course has three compulsory units. The units are similar to those for National 4 but you will be expected to
produce a higher standard of work.
Expressions and Formulae
develop skills linked to mathematical expressions and formulae, such as manipulating abstract terms,
simplifying expressions and evaluating formulae
learn aspects of number, algebra, geometry and reasoning.
develop skills linked to mathematical relationships, including solving and manipulating equations,
working with graphs and carrying out calculations on the lengths and angles of shapes
learn aspects of algebra, geometry, trigonometry and reasoning.
develop skills linked to applications of mathematics, including trigonometry, geometry, number
processes and statistics within real life contexts
learn aspects of trigonometry, geometry, number processes, statistics and reasoning
Units will be assessed internally as 'pass' or 'fail'. Your work will be assessed on an ongoing basis throughout the
course. Items of work might include:
projects or investigations
problem solving tasks and activities
short or extended response tests.
Units do not contribute to your overall grade but to achieve the course qualification, you must pass all units plus
a course assessment.
Prior Qualification Required: Level 4 in S3 or National 4 in S5
Life Skills Mathematics: National 3/4
Why Life Skills Mathematics?
Mathematics is important in everyday life, allowing us to make sense of the world and manage our lives. You will learn how
to model real-life situations and make connections and informed predictions. You will develop the skills to interpret and
analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk, and make informed decisions. These skills will make you
valuable to future employers.
The course has three compulsory units, plus an added value unit that assesses your practical skills.
Managing Finance and Statistics
learn how to use reasoning and financial skills to manage finance and statistics in real-life situations
learn how to budget, and how to organise and present data.
Geometry and Measures
learn how to apply reasoning skills and geometric skills in real-life situations
learn how to use mathematical reasoning to interpret and use shape, space and measures.
develop your numerical and information-handling skills to solve real-life problems involving number, money, time
and measurement
learn how to interpret graphical data and use probability to solve real-life problems involving money, time and
Life Skills Mathematics Test
complete a test that assesses your ability to organise and plan aspects of personal life, the workplace and the
wider world using mathematical ideas and strategies
use reasoning to apply and integrate financial, measurement, geometric and statistical skills in real-life contexts
be assessed on your ability to use your numerical skills without the aid of a calculator.
Your work will be assessed by your teacher on an ongoing basis throughout the course. Items of work might include:
practical work - handling money
written work - spreadsheets and worksheets
class-based exams.
You must pass all the units including the test to gain the qualification.
Mathematics: Higher
Why Mathematics?
This course enables you to build on your previous mathematical experience in the areas of algebra,
geometry and trigonometry and introduces you to elementary calculus. The study of Mathematics
provides you with many valuable skills. It is often very important when seeking employment or entry
to further or higher education and is an important part of your general education.
What does the course involve?
The course is made up of three units.
Mathematics : Expressions and Functions (Higher)
The general aim of this Unit is to develop knowledge and skills that involve the manipulation of
expressions, the use of vectors and the study of mathematical functions. The Outcomes cover aspects
of algebra, geometry and trigonometry, and also skills in mathematical reasoning and modelling.
Mathematics: Relationships and Calculus (Higher)
The general aim of this Unit is to develop knowledge and skills that involve solving equations and to
introduce both differential calculus and intergral calculus. The Outcomes cover aspects of algebra,
trigonometry, calculus, and also skills in mathematical reasoning and modelling.
Mathematics: Applications (Higher)
The general aim of this Unit is to develop knowledge and skills that involve geometric applications,
applications of sequences and applications of calculus. The Outcomes cover aspects of algebra,
calculus, and also skills in mathematical reasoning and modelling.
How is your work assessed?
This course is assessed by a combination of internal assessment by the teacher and an external
examination set and marked by the SQA
What prior qualifications do I need, if any, for entry to this course?
 ‘A’ or ‘B’ pass at National 5 in S4
 ‘A’ pass at Intermediate 2 in S5
or entry at discretion of the Principal Teacher Maths
Mathematics: Advanced Higher
Why Mathematics?
Advanced Higher Mathematics builds on your mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding and
enables you to integrate your knowledge of different aspects of the subject. The course offers depth
and breadth of mathematical experience and provides a sound basis for progression to further study
of employment in the areas of mathematical and physical sciences, computer science engineering,
biological and social sciences, medicine, accounting, business and management.
What does the course involve?
The basic course is made up of three units.
The units build on the mathematical knowledge and skills gained at Higher Level.
At the moment we offer Advanced Higher Pure Maths Units 1,2 and 3.
Methods in Algebra and Calculus (Advances Higher)
The general aim of the Unit is to develop advanced knowledge and skills in algebra and calculus that
can be used in practical and abstract situations to manage information in mathematical form. The
Outcomes cover partial fractions, standard procedures for both differential calculus and integral
calculus, as well as methods for solving both first order and second order differential equations. The
importance of logical thinking and proof is emphasised throughout.
Applications of Algebra and Calculus (Advanced Higher)
The general aim of the Unit is to develop advanced knowledge and skills that involve the application of
algebra and calculus to real life and mathematical situations, including applications to geometry.
Learners will acquire skills in interpreting and binomial theorem, the algebra of complex numbers,
properties of functions, and rates of change. Aspects of sequences and series are introduced,
including summations, proved by induction.
Geometry, Proof and Systems of Equations (Advanced Higher)
The general aim of the Unit is to develop advanced knowledge and skills that involve geometry,
number and algebra, and to examine the close relationship between them. Learners will develop skills
in logical thinking. The Outcomes cover matrices, vectors, solving systems of equations, the geometry
of complex numbers, as well as processes of rigorous proof.
How is your work assessed?
Units are assessed internally by your teacher/lecturer in accordance with SQA guidelines.
This course is assessed by a combination of internal assessment by the teacher and an external
examination set and marked by the SQA.
What prior qualifications do I need, if any, for entry to this course?
 A or B pass at Higher
or entry at discretion of the Principal Teacher Maths