2. Every pilot and ship`s captain must speak English.

“Travelling Round the World of EnglishSpeaking Countries”
Цели урока:
1) познавательная : познакомить учащихся с англо-говорящими странами;
2) развивающая : развитие языковой и контекстуальной догадки, способности к
сравнению, сопоставлению, к репродуктивным и продуктивным действиям;
3) воспитательная : воспитывать у учащихся умение работать в коллективе и
самостоятельно, уважительно относится к собеседнику, чужому мнению.
Учебные задачи:
1. Активизировать лексические и грамматические навыки говорения в диалогической и
монологической речи по теме урока.
2. Совершенствовать навыки аудирования с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
Форма проведения урока: комбинированный урок.
Оборудование: карточки для игры в “BINGO”; карта мира, названия стран, бейджики для
учеников, компьютер, проектор, CD диск к учебнику, выражения согласия/несогласия
вывешены на доску.
Plan of the lesson
1Организационный момент
T.: Hello, boys and girls!
You are the winners of the world teenagers’ competition!
I’m very pleased to meet you.
And I will be responsible for our tour.
Good day our dear guests!
Today we’ll make our imaginary travelling round the world of English-speaking countries. We’ll
remember everything we know about them. We’ll speak about the continents, where these
countries are situated, about the people and the languages they speak. Look at the map. Here is
the rout of our tour. First we’ll visit ….. (Учитель показывает страны на интерактивной
карте, по которым они будут путешествовать)
We’ll travel by plane.
Are you ready? Off we go! Ученики называют страны, которые показывает учитель,
приклеивают названия на карту на доске.
2 Речевая разминка
We’re on board the plane now.
We have time to talk and to play some games. And we’ll begin introducing ourselves. Come up
all of you. Make a circle. Introduce yourself to each other. Ask as many questions as you can.
Change your partner!
Ученики выстраиваются в круг друг напротив друга и знакомятся, у всех на визитках
изображены флаги их стран и написаны имена. По хлопку учителя дети меняют
партнеров, т.е. движутся по кругу, знакомятся со следующим человеком.
.3 Фонетическая зарядка.
Игра в “BINGO”
упр. 12, с. 37 учебника
Now you know each other and we can play “BINGO”. You have the cards with the names of the
countries; you’ll hear the speaker, he’ll read the names of the languages, you should match the
countries and the languages and close the field. The winner should shout “BINGO!”
На карточках написаны названия стран, диктор читает названия языков упр. 12, с.
учебника. Ученики должны соотнести эти названия и закрыть все поле карточки, первый,
выполнивший задание – кричит “BINGO Карточки для игры в “BINGO”, магнитофон с
диском к учебнику.
4. Активизация РО согласия/ несогласия в речи.
I think/I don’t think
I believe/I can’t believe; I’m sure/ I can’t agree; I guess, etc.
Now I’d like to know what you think about English language. Agree or disagree with me.
1. People in 30 countries speak English as a second language.
2. Every pilot and ship’s captain must speak English.
3. In Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad people don’t speak English at all.
4. English is the language of rock and pop music.
5. English is the language of politicians.
6. Most vocabulary in the modern computer science is in English.
Примерные ответы учеников:
P1 - I believe that people in 30 countries speak English as a second language.
P2 – I’m sure that every pilot must speak English.
P3 – I guess that in Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad people speak English.
Etc. На доске прикреплены листы с напечатанными выражения согласия/несогласия
Ex 5 P30 рабочая тетрадь
5. Представление визитной карточки страны с использованием
Дополнительные материалы подготовленные детьми самостоятельно дома.
Учащиеся представляют визитные карточки своей страны. Рассказывают в нескольких
словах о местоположении, населении, языках и некоторых достопримечательностях.
Teacher: Now, you see we are coming to the UK. I know some boys are here from the UK and
they will tell us about their country. (Визитная карточка Великобритании
6 Reading
Now u will read the article about the Queen of England
Look there are some new words here
Rule the country-управлять страной
Fount of Justice-источник правосудия
Head of the Armed Forces-глава вооружённых сил
Established Churches-государственные церкви
text from
The Queen is Head of State in the
United Kingdom. As a constitutional
monarch, Her Majesty does not 'rule'
the country, but fulfils important
ceremonial and formal roles with
respect to Government. She is also
Fount of Justice, Head of the Armed
Forces and has important relationships
with the established Churches of
England and Scotland.
The elder daughter of King George
VI and Queen Elizabeth, she was born
in 1926 and became Queen at the age of 25, and has reigned through more than five decades of
enormous social change and development. Her husband, Prince Philip, comes from the royal
family of Greece and was created Duke of Edinburgh prior to their wedding on 20 November
1947. Elizabeth and Philip had four children: Charles (b. 1948), Anne (b. 1950), Andrew (b.
1960) and Edward (b. 1964); as the eldest, Prince Charles is heir to the throne. The queen
celebrated her Golden Jubilee in 2002, marking 50 years on the throne. The Queen is supported
in her official duties by other working members of the Royal Family who carry out a wide range
of public engagements.
1 The official home of the British Royal Family in London is … .
2 The queen has got … children.
3Princess Margaret is the queen’s …
4Elizabeth II was crowned on 2 June …
5 The Queen’s Official Birthday is on …
1. What roles does the Queen of England fulfill?
2. When was Elizabeth II born?
3. When did Elizabeth become the Queen and how
long has she been reigning?
4. Who is her husband? When did Elizabeth and
Philip’s wedding take place?
5. How many children does the royal couple have?
Who will be the next on the throne?
6. Does anybody help Elizabeth to reign?
Writing Practice
Find out the information about the
leader of your country. Prepare a short
story about his life and work.
Read the sentences and say if they are true or false
_ and correct them if it is necessary.
1The Queen is Head of State in the UK and she rules
_ the country.
2She fulfils important ceremonial roles.
3She is the youngest daughter of King George VI.
4She has 4 children 2 sons and 2 daughters.
5The Queen is supported in her official duties.
And now let’s relax and listen to the music.
The next stop will be Scotland with its mysterious
The next stop will be in the most powerful and advanced country in the world. I see girls
want to boast about their country. (Визитная карточка США)
And can you see a green island or а continent? What is it? Yes, it is Australia! Lucky
country! (Австралия)
Thank you, dear children, very much for the wonderful stories about your countries
7. Просмотр фрагментов документального фильма об Индии.
And now we’ll watch a documentary.
You have cards with the task. Work in pairs. What country will this film be about?
Match the name of the region and its description:( Imagine a place
mystic, mysterious and vibrant, framed by mighty and gently willing
hills; the sparkling rivers and secret lakes surrounded with exotic
flowers and amazing animals. Imagine people gentle, crystal,
welcoming, at one with nature, keeping alive their rich heritage.
Imaging paradise unexplored. Welcome to the wonderland that is
North-East of India.
Shilong, the Scotland of the North-East. Set of smoky blue hills, thick
with pine-trees and orchids.
Assam. It is green, very green. The region produces some of the best
teas in the world. It is the tea country. There you can see the old tea
Tripura is a Royal Feast. Magnificent palaces are rising in the middle of
a natural lake Rudrasada.
Sikkim is the oldest and the holiest part of North-East. It is the land of
Buddhist monasteries.
There are some National Parks there. On the South bank of the river
Brahmaputra is the oldest park in Assam, Kazinamba. It is one of the
few remained places where the grey Asiatic one horn rhino lives.
In the other park (Namdapha National Park) the tiger, the leopard, the
snow leopard and the clouded leopard live together.
There live a lot of different tribes. And all of them have their own
customs and traditions.
A journey to North-East is a key to exploring paradise.)
Учащиеся смотрят видео фрагмент и соединяют название региона и
его описание и соотносят с картой.
Ответы a-7,b-6,c-5,d-2,e-3,f-4,g-1
a. North-East of India
1.The tiger, the leopard, the snow
leopard and the clouded leopard
live together.
b. Shilong
2.A Royal Feast. Magnificent
palaces are rising in the middle of
a natural lake Rudrasada.
c. Assam
3.The oldest and the holiest part of
North-East. It is the land of
Buddhist monasteries.
4.On the South bank of the river
Brahmaputra is the oldest park in
Assam. It is one of the few
remained places where the grey
Asiatic one horn rhino lives.
5.It is green, very green. The
region produces some of the best
teas in the world. It is the tea
country. There you can see the old
tea bungalows.
d. Tripura
e. Sikkim
f. Kazinamba
g. Namdapha National Park
6.The Scotland of the North-East.
Set of smoky blue hills, thick with
pine-trees and orchids.
7.There live a lot of different
tribes. And all of them have their
own customs and traditions.
Imagine a place mystic, mysterious
and vibrant, framed by mighty
and gently willing hills; the
sparkling rivers and secret lakes
surrounded with exotic flowers
and amazing animals.
8. Итоги урока.
Well, dear children, our tour comes to the end. Do you like the lesson? Do you
learn something new for you?
And at home you will make a visiting card of Russia.
Agree or disagree with me.
1. People in 30 countries speak English as a second language.
2. Every pilot and ship’s captain must speak English.
3. In Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad people don’t speak English at all.
4. English is the language of rock and pop music.
5. English is the language of politicians.
6. Most vocabulary in the modern computer science is in English.
Bulgaria Germany
The UK
Georgia Denmark
I guess
I’m sure
It’s impossible that
I think.
I believe.
I guess.
I am sure.
It’s impossible