Supplemental material Mapping the Magnetic and Crystal Structure in Cobalt Nanowires Jesus Cantu-Valle1, Israel Betancourt11, John E. Sanchez1, Francisco Ruiz-Zepeda1, Mazin M. Maqableh2, Fernando Mendoza-Santoyo12, Bethanie J.H. Stadler2and Arturo Ponce1* 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Texas at San Antonio. One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249, USA. 2 Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, 4-174 EE/CSci Bldg., 200 Union St. SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA. *Corresponding author: University of Texas at San Antonio, One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249 Office: 210-458-8267 E-mail: 1 2 On Sabbatical leave from Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, C.P., D.F 04510 México. On Sabbatical leave from Centro de Investigaciones en Optica, A.C., León, Guanajuato, México. S1 I. Electron holography An additional hologram for a different Co nanowire (respect to Figure 1, main text) is shown in Figure S1a. The corresponding unwrapped phase is displayed in Figure S1b, from which is possible to distinguish the magnetic contours following a predominant axial direction as a consequence of the prevailing influence of the shape anisotropy over the magnetocrystalline contribution. As in the original sample of Figure 1, no extra nanowires are nearby and thus, no inter-wire interaction of magnetostatic nature is present. The magnetic contours of Figure S1b amplified by three times the cosine of the magnetic phase image is shown in Figure S1c. For this nanowire, the stray field arising around the tip as leaking magnetic flux clearly suggest the formation of an uncompensated vortex structure, which causes the asymmetric flux lines observed in Figure S1. In order to calibrate the magnetic contribution inside the TEM due to the main objective lens, an analytical commercial holder was modified by adapting a Hall effect sensor (Figure S2). The holder outputs were connected directly to the Gaussmeter (model GM-700) to register the field measurements. The Hall effect sensor is a transducer that varies its output voltage in reponse to a magnetic field. As a transducer the sensor converts the magnetic energy to a voltage. The output is then sent to a Gaussmeter that reads out the magnetic field measured. S2 Figure S1. a) Electron hologram for an additional Co nanowire b) Unwrapped phase image, displaying the phase variations associated to magnetic contours c) magnetic contours amplified by three times the cosine of the magnetic phase image, showing the asymmetric flux arising around the tip. S3 Figure S2. (a) Hall effect sensor welded to the commercial sensor. (b) Chip mounted in the holder, the cap of the holder provides the electrical contacts. (c) Wiring the holder outputs through the Gaussmeter. (d) Picture of the mounted experimental setup in the microscope. After inserting The Hall efffect sensor into the JEOL ARM 200F, the objective lens voltage was varied, and a measured with a Gaussmeter to see how the magnetic field changed. Before inserting the probe into the microscope we zeroed it measuring at -14.3 Gauss (G). Magnetization reversal in single nanowires was experimentally induced by the manipulation of the TEM objective lens as external field source. The magnetic field at the sample position was measured as the excitation voltage of the objective lens was swept from zero to the maximum value (10V), Figure S3. The field had a remnant value of 45 Oe, and it appeared to saturate as it approached 18 kOe. S4 Figure S3. Calibration of the lens magnetic contribution versus the excitation voltage of the objective lens. The configuration of the off-axis electron holography in the microscope is shown in Figure S4. In this diagram a magnetic sample is placed in a position that covers the wavefront interfering with the sample (object hologram) and the vacuum. In addition a reference hologram (no sample) is recorded separately for a precise phase reconstruction. Both holograms, reference and object, are combined and the modulated phase shift caused by electric and magnetic fields into the sample can be recovered. S5 Figure S4. Schematic illustration of the off-axis electron holography setup using a Lorentz lens for a magnetic sample. This microscope is equipped with a pole piece model UHR22, which possesses a remanent field of 45 Oe. The magnetic contribution of the objective lens excitation was quantified by adapting a Hall effect sensor into a commercial holder. Electron holograms were recorded with Gatan’s Digital Micrograph (DM) software and reconstructed by HoloWorks 5.0.7. The nanowire had been oriented longitudinally in a parallel direction of the interference fringes. The holograms shown in this work, were numerically reconstructed using a reference hologram and the object hologram to S6 remove the influence of the perturbed reference wave and using an average fringe spacing, σ = 5 nm and a fringe contrast of µ = 18%. For the recovered phase maps, a series of 10 holograms was averaged to enhance the phase resolution, which was measured in reference phase regions as the standard deviation of the phase image. Figure S5, the left column (Figures S5 a-b) represents the unwrapped phase images and the phase contours of the initial state of the nanowire. It is important to remark that this phase image has the complete information, electric and magnetic contribution from the nanowire. However, it is possible to identify the magnetization direction (represented by the solid arrow in Figure S5a) and the phase contours give us an insight of the magnetic behavior since they are related to magnetic flux distribution. The column in the middle (Figures. S5 c-d), represents the corresponding phase and contours of the nanowire after it was tilted +20° and a Hfield of 10.5 kOe was applied perpendicular to the specimen stage. The parallel component of H is represented by the dashed arrow in the phase image. Finally, the last column shows the magnetization reversal by tilting the sample by -20° and turning on OL in order to revert the magnetization. From the phase contour images in Figure 4, it can be observed that parallel component of H, aligned the leakage field in the tip of the nanowire. Usually we will hope the nanowire to form a typical dipole shape, in where each tip of the nanowire will be a magnetic pole. Nevertheless, the dipole seems not to be completely aligned along the nanowire, i.e., the flux leakage is not symmetric. In the initial magnetic state (Figure 5b), it seems that there are 2 points from where the field is leaking, one aside from the other. In Figure 5d, after being magnetized, one of these points have disappear, and two more appear on the other side of the nanowire. In Figure 5f, when reversing the magnetization, a closure appears resembling a vortex state at the tip and the asymmetry of the flux leakage. S7 Figure S5. (a) - (b) Unwrapped phase image of the Co nanowire in its remanent state, and its phase contours by 1.5 x phase, respectively. (c) – (d) Unwrapped phase image of the Co nanowire in its remanent state, and its phase contours by 1.5 x phase, respectively, after +20° tilt (e) – (f) Unwrapped phase image of the Co nanowire in its remanent state, and its phase contours by 1.5 x phase, respectively, after -20° tilt. Solid arrows represent the magnetization direction and dashed arrows represent the direction of the applied magnetic field H. II. Precession electron diffraction and orientation mapping In Figure S6 is depicted a diagram of the PED- assisted orientation mapping in TEM. The beam is scanned along the sample while precessing at each step according to the selected frequency and angle of precession. S8 Figure S6. (a) Schematic representation of the precession geometry in a TEM. The incident electron beam is tilted and rotated in a conical hollow surface around the optical axis using the beam tilt coils. The diffracted intensities are then de-scanned in a complementary way, with the image shift coils, so that the diffraction pattern appears as a stationary spot pattern. (b) Probe size diameter around 2 nm as measured in the analysis. The off-line data processing software uses template matching by calculating the correlation index between the experimental and the calculated spot pattern. The template database considered for the matching was generated from the hexagonal structure of Co with lattice parameters a = b = 2.507 and c = 4.096 with space group p63/mmc; 5151 templates were used for the matching with angular resolution of around 1°. To estimate the confidence of the pattern matching, a reliability map is generated from the two maximum values obtained from the correlation index. The lower values in the reliability map appear as dark pixels due to poor quality of the recording intensity of S9 the diffraction spots or due to multiple solutions of the matching due to different superimposed diffraction spot patterns. In Figure 4 from the text some of the grains boundaries are denoted by black pixels. The studied Co nanowire shows an hcp structure with polycrystalline growth. This information is extracted from the crystal orientation map obtained after indexing and matching the recorded diffraction patterns with the calculated templates, confirming the hcp structure in the nanowire. The step size and probe size used in this analysis was set to 2 nm and 1.1 nm, respectively (Figure S6b). However due to beam broadening when precessing the beam the final measured spot size was 2 nm. In addition, a representation of the geometry of the disorientations in the nanowire is show in Figure S7. In the region near the tip, the grains were smaller than the nanowire diameter such that the diffraction patterns show multiple orientations. It is important to note that the crystal orientation map does not display a 3D orientation structure when two or more diffraction patterns overlap, since the indexing algorithm can only display one of the possible solutions in the orientation map. This makes the indexation of small grains difficult. To address this issue, a reliability map can be obtained displaying areas where two or more solutions are almost equally possible. Figure S8 shows measurements of grain disorientation in different areas of the nanowire. A disorientation is the smallest possible rotation between two orientations taking the crystal symmetry into account. In bigger grains the disorientation is of around 21.5° as shown in Figure S8e. In Figure S8d the disorientation is around 70° which is the area where the small polycrystalline grains begin to grow. The disorientation between the small grains ranges between 35° and 45° (Figures S8a, S8b and S8c). S10 Figure S7. Pole figures representing the different orientation of crystal grains in the nanowire and stereogram of poles for the hexagonal system. S11 Figure S8. Disorientations measured across different grains in the Co nanowire indicated by the arrows and the letters a, b, c, d, and e. The largest disorientation measured was around 70° in (d). S12