policy for adapted examination arrangements and assessments


Policy and Procedures For

Adapted Examination

Arrangements and Assessments

For Disabled Students

January 2015

Student Support and Wellbeing

Student Services Directorate



1. Aims of the Policy

1.1 This policy aims to ensure that equitable and uniform practices are followed in the assessment of disabled students throughout the University. The document acknowledges that it is not possible to draw up a set of specific arrangements appropriate to all disabled students

’. Examination and assessments will depend on the individual circumstances of the exam/assessment and of the student’s disability.

1.2 Applications must be supported by appropriate documentation. For example, students requesting extra time because of dyslexia must provide a recent assessment carried out by an Educational Psychologist or Specialist Teacher.

Students requiring advice on such matters should consult Student Support and

Wellbeing. These special arrangements do not preclude the use of concessionary procedures, regarding which advice may be sought from the student’s tutor.

1.3 We have in place special arrangements for disabled students The Student

Records and Examinations Office provides information for candidates on their website: http://www.kent.ac.uk/student-records/exams/students/?tab=special-arrangements

1.4 It is important to distinguish between students with disabilities recorded well in advance of assessment, and those students whose assessment performance is impaired by temporary circumstances such as illness, accident, bereavement etc.

In cases of the latter, action can be implemented as defined in 4 .

1.5 This Policy will apply to all students with ongoing disabilities attending courses at the University, and is the recommended policy for students studying University of

Kent accredited courses at partner institutions.

1.6 Where the assessment of students on a particular course is governed by an external professional body, then any alternative assessment strategy may require the approval of that body .

2. Implementation

2.1 To ensure that any alternative or adapted examination/assessment arrangement selected is effective, it is imperative that the student’s individual needs are accommodated. This can only be achieved by involving the student in the decisionmaking process. The recommended procedure for establishing arrangements is outlined below.

2.2 Pre-Admission

The Recruitment and Admissions Office will advise disabled applicants to contact Student Support and Wellbeing to discuss adapted examination / assessment arrangements available within the University.

Applicants will be informed of the procedure for implementing these arrangements .

2.3 Enrolment/Induction

Students must be informed of this Policy at enrolment/induction.

Programme/Module leaders must also ensure that the procedure for implementing adapted examination and assessment arrangements is clearly outlined in any Programme/Module Handbooks.

Students whose particular needs have already been identified prior to enrolment will be expected to discuss these further with appropriate staff (e.g. Student Support

Officer (Academic School) or Senior Tutor) within six weeks following enrolment.


Post Enrolment / Induction

Opportunities should also be made for students who identify particular needs after enrolment to meet with the appropriate member of staff to identify aspects of course assessment methods that might require adaptation and to implement the most appropriate arrangements to be made with respect to coursework, formal examinations and other assignments. These arrangements must be included in the

Inclusive Learning Plan (ILP), produced by Student Support and Wellbeing

3. Applications for Adapted Examinations & Assessments

3.1 Students are responsible for ensuring they notify Student Support and Wellbeing if they wish to be considered for adapted examinations and assessments by the end of Week 23.

When students register with Student Support and Wellbeing and provide supporting evidence, the adapted examination arrangements are written into the Inclusive

Learning Plan (ILP).

Students can register with Student Support and Wellbeing throughout the academic year. However, if students require adapted examinations arrangements they must register with Student Support and Wellbeing by the end of Week 23.

Once the ILP has been created, and the adapted examination arrangements confirmed, students do not have to apply again before the end of Week 23.

3.2 A disability which has not been declared prior to an assessment cannot be taken into account retrospectively with regard to that assessment unless the student can show valid reasons for not having declared it.

3.3 Student Support and Wellbeing may wish to contact a student ’s previous school or college where adapted examination / assessment arrangements have been agreed and proved appropriate in the past.


Any adapted examination and assessment arrangements made must be agreed with advice from Student Support and Wellbeing, and included in the ILP.

3.5 Student Support and Wellbeing must satisfy themselves that all necessary documentary evidence has been provided. Any recommendations for adapted examinations / assessments will be written into students’ ILPs and made available to the Student Records and Examinations Office.

4. Accidents or Sudden Illnesses

4.1 Students who require special arrangements due to an accident or sudden illness can normally be accommodated.

We will endeavour to put the requirements of the temporary ILP in place, but if the submission is received after the Monday before the examination period begins we will not be able to make adjustments and suggest that candidates submit concessionary evidence to the relevant Examination Board.

Students must take any medical evidence to Student Support and Wellbeing, to make arrangements for a temporary ILP to be created.

5. Appeals

5.1 Any appeals from students against the adaptations for examinations / assessments must be made in writing to the Head of Student Support and

Wellbeing, in the first instance.

6. Adapted Examination Arrangements

6.1 The procedure outlined below applies where assessment is by formal examination.

6.2 The Student Records and Examinations Office will be responsible for arranging any additional rooms and invigilation necessary for formal examinations. Academic

Schools will be responsible for arranging rooms and invigilation for informal examinations such as Class Tests.

6.3 Academic Schools and the Student Records and Examinations Office should consult with Student Support and Wellbeing to discuss any specialist furniture and IT facilities that might be required.

6.4 Academic Schools and the Student Records and Examinations Office must also liaise with Student Support and Wellbeing to ensure that any necessary human support is in place (e.g. amanuenses, readers, sign language interpreters etc.) and, where necessary, ensure that examination papers prepared in large print, Braille or adapted by a teacher of the deaf are available. Sufficient advance notice will be required for the provision of examination papers in alternate formats. Requests must be submitted by the end of Week 22.

7. Day of Examinations

7.1 The Student Records and Examinations Office will ensure that invigilators are fully briefed on the arrangements agreed for individual candidates.

7.2 When the Student Records and Examinations Office organise the exam timetable they should ensure that any candidate with adapted examination

/assessment arrangements sits only one examination per day (irrespective of exam length), unless adapted examination / assessment arrangements are put in place after the exam timetable has been released.

Graham Gorvett (GG) 11.09.14, 30.10.14, 29.01.15, 13.02.15, 25.03.15
