Name:___________________________ Period: __________ How are traits passed from parent to offspring? DIRECTIONS: You will create a FAMILY (2 parents and 6 children) with at least 5 different traits to demonstrate your understanding of the laws of genetics. Your product will be a poster presentation displaying drawings of your family members, charts of phenotypes and genotypes, as well as your Punnett Square predictions. PART 1: Choosing your Creature and Traits 1.) Decide on a creature—real or imaginary that you would like to make your family species. It is best to choose something you can draw or physically represent. 2.) Choose 5 traits that your creatures will express (ex. eye color, # of arms, type of hair, etc…). These traits have to be physically shown on your creatures. At least one trait must show codominance. 3.) Choose the two alleles (forms) of each trait and the genetic symbols you will use to represent each. 4.) Complete the chart displaying your family’s traits, genetic symbols and phenotypes. PART 2: P Generation: Creating the Parents 1.) Using the P Generation Chart (Chart #2) as a guide, flip two coins to find out what allele combination the father will have for your first trait (heads=dominant allele; tails=recessive allele). Fill in his genotype and phenotype for trait#1. 2.) Repeat step 1 for each additional trait of the father (for the codominant trait, you can decide which side of the coin represents each allele). 3.) Repeat steps 2 & 3 for the mother. Fill in the appropriate columns in the chart. 4.) Design/Draw your parents using the correct phenotypes that were created on your chart. PART 3: Offspring Predictions: Punnett Square Complete PART 3 – the Punnett Squares for your offspring: Set up one square per trait. Fill in the parental genotypes and calculate the ratios of genotypes and phenotypes of expected offspring for each trait. PART 4: Create the F1 Generation To determine the allele combinations of the actual pet babies, or offspring, that your parents will have you will toss a coin or two. Tossing pennies will randomly determine which alleles are inherited based on your parental genotypes. Fill out chart#4 completely as you do the coin tosses to determine your children. 1.) For the first trait, label one coin with the father’s genotype (one allele on each side) and another coin with the mother’s genotype. 2.) Toss the two pennies for the first offspring and record the offspring’s genotype and phenotype on Chart #4 3.) Repeat this process for each additional offspring. 4.) Re-label the coins with the parental genotypes of the next trait. 5.) Follow the same procedure described in steps 2 & 3. In the end, you should have genotypes and phenotypes for 5 traits in 6 offspring. PART 5: Family Display Make a family display on construction or poster paper, or make a mobile using a coat hanger. The display should include the following: A family name at the top of your poster Drawings of the parents Drawings of the F1 generation of offspring (all 6) Chart showing trait key/legend Parental genotype/phenotype chart Offspring genotype/phenotype chart Punnett Square predictions PART 6: Class Presentation You should be prepared to present your family to the class. In your presentation include the following: What you learned about genetics and heredity through this assessment. Your presentation should focus on the question “How are traits passed from parents to offspring?” An overview of your poster—traits of the family, the Punnett square predictions, and resulting offspring A brief discussion on how well the Punnett Squares predicted your children (what was accurate to the square and what was not. Give examples.) Name_______________________________________ Per.____ How are traits passed from parent to offspring? Student Worksheets DIRECTIONS: You will create a FAMILY (2 parents and 6 children) with at least 5 different traits to demonstrate your understanding of the laws of genetics. Your product will be a poster presentation displaying drawings of your family members, charts of phenotypes and genotypes, as well as your Punnett Square predictions. Chart 1: TRAITS, GENETIC SYMBOLS & PHENOTYPES Trait Dominant Allele Phenotype Genetic Symbol Recessive Allele Phenotype Genetic Symbol Genetic Symbol Genetic Symbol Codominant trait: Dominant Phenotype Dominant Phenotype Hybrid Pheno/Symbol Chart 2: PARENTAL GENOTYPES AND PHENOTYPES. TRAITS Father’s Father’s Genotype Phenotype Mother’s Genotype Mother’s Phenotype Part 3: Draw all Punnett squares on separate paper to include on your poster presentation. Use the proper format for all Punnett squares. NAME_____________________________________ Per. ___ CHART #4: GENOTYPES & PHENOTYPES OF OFFSPRING (F1 Generation) OFFSPRING 1. NAMES → 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Trait #1: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: _________ Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Trait #2: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: _________ Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Trait #3: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: _________ Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Trait #4: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: _________ Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Trait #5: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: _________ Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: Genotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Phenotype: Name(s):__________________________________________ Date:_____ Period:___ Family Display: Make a family display on construction or poster paper, or make a mobile using a coat hanger. The display should include the following: A family name at the top of your poster Drawings of the parents Drawings of the F1 generation of offspring (all 6) Chart showing trait key/legend Parental genotype/phenotype chart Offspring genotype/phenotype chart Punnett Square predictions Class Presentation: You should be prepared to present your family to the class. In your presentation include the following: What you learned about genetics and heredity through this assessment. Your presentation should focus on the question “How are traits passed from parents to offspring?” An overview of your poster—traits of the family, the Punnett square predictions, and resulting offspring A brief discussion on how well the Punnett Squares predicted your children (what was accurate to the square and what was not. Give examples.) Pet Project Genetics Task Rubric Data Presentation/ Poster o o o Discussion/ Conclusion o o o o 1 Data is unorganized & lacks neatness Some data is missing Some mistakes in genotype and phenotype of creatures Few group members speak clearly and knowledgably on genetic topics Attempted discussion of genetic principles Refers to few examples from poster Supports discussion with little data (Punnett Squares, etc) SCORE:_____ o o o o o o o 2 Data is organized & neat Most data is included No mistakes in genotype and phenotype of creatures Most group members speak clearly and knowledgably on genetic topics Limited discussion of genetic principles Refers to some examples from poster Supports discussion with some data (Punnett Squares, etc) o o o o o o o 3 Data is highly organized & neat All data is included No mistakes and extras included in genotype and phenotype of creatures All group members speak clearly and knowledgably on genetic topics Sophisticated discussion of genetic principles examples from poster Supports discussion with all data (Punnett Squares, etc)