Virtual Artist Statement Hesper Wolfe ARTE 543: Technology and Art Education In my Virtual Art project, I focused on two sources of inspiration, realistic abstract sculptures created by well known artists and the four elements of nature. I looked to abstract sculpture artists, such as Trevor J. Askin, William Hunter, and the team of Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein for insight into the world of realistic sculpture design. Each artist creates organic sculptures with direct connections to the four elements of nature. Trevor has a unique style which he has called ‘curvilinear’ as his works are flowing with only curves, no real hard lines. Each piece is a unique, organic art piece that has no master mould. Askin enjoys creating art that is uplifting to the spirit through his one-of-a-kind organic abstract sculptures. William Hunter is an abstract artist who creates beautiful , organic sculptures through manipulation of wood, commonly referred to as woodturning. His current art vessels have evolved to abstract interlocking forms. Lastly, the team of Dodson and Moerlein have developed artistic sculptures with the usage of fire and metal. In their well known art piece, Rosebud of a Reflection Nebula, a connection is created between chemistry, color, energy, and flame, revealing an inner most connection to the four natural elements. Hoping to create an art piece based in reality, yet taking it one step further in virtual reality, I created my virtual art piece that was organic in form, revealing its close connection to the elements of the world. However, pushing the limits of interactivity, I made my virtual art piece move and change the way it could not in the natural world. Throughout history and around the world, the traditional four elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire are believed to represent the essentials to living. Hindus believe that all of creation, including humans, are made up of these essential elements. Upon death, the body along with all other life forms, are dissolved back into the four basic elements and return to balance the cycles of our natural world, flowing downward through the earth. Water is often seen as a symbol for life, offering fluidity, calmness, strength, and health. In my virtual art piece, I included an organic shape that flowed like water, rotating around all the other sculptural pieces and other elemental ingredients. Fire, with its close connection to the sun, is believed to have powers of change and purification. In contrast to water, fire moves upward, revealing the rise of energy, assertiveness, and passion. Next in my virtual art piece, I included an organic shape that burned like fire, rotating around all the other sculptural pieces, in contrast to the element of water. Earth is an element that symbolizes the manifestation of matter, connected to one’s physical sensation, sustenance, and stability. In opposition to fire, its qualities are cold in opposition to the blazing heat, always steady, solid, and unmoving. I imported and uploaded this imagery after participating in tutorial from the blackboard. Within my virtual art piece, I created earth with a texture found in Second Life, slightly changing the coloration to make it more rich and alive. Lastly, the element of air is the most pure substance, commonly thought to hold the most universal power. The Native Americans of North America considered air and the wind to be a living force in and of itself. It is also rotating around all the other organic, elemental representative shapes. As a metaphor for nature and life, it is interpreted to symbolize unity, freedom, eternity, and balance. For my virtual art piece, I included a transparent layer to symbolize air and it power within our world. Utilizing the traditional four elements of nature gave me a starting point for my virtual art piece; however, to advance it towards contemporary times, I included additional elements like oil, steel, and even consumerism. I first included oil because our globalized economy is so dependent on this resource. It has been used as a positive and negative force within our nation, creating transportation and electricity while causing natural disasters and wars. I imported and uploaded this imagery to show it spilling, moving, and overtaking our environment. I also created the additional steel organic shape to symbolize the modern day steel structures that envelope our landscape throughout the nation. Lastly, I created a consumer driven organic shaped wrapped in advertising logos. Within our visual cultural, mass media obsessed world, we see 1000s of advertisements every single day. They affect how we think and act in our everyday lives. Therefore, I included them as an essential element within our society. With the upload of this image and creating a movement script within it, I hoped to make it look like the information highway, with ads and consumeristic imagery flying past us at the speed of light. Through this virtual art piece, I hope to create a sculpture that was reminiscent of something we could see in the real world, yet take it to a whole new level, revealing more about the inner and outer workings of our contemporary universe. Elements of the Environment Virtual Art Piece ABSTRACT ARTIST EXAMPLES Trevor J. Askin William Hunter Donna Dodson & Andy Moerlein