St. John the Baptist Parish Liturgy Music – Feast of the Most Holy Trinity to 22nd Sunday in Year A June 15, 2014 The Most Holy Trinity Entrance: All Praise and Glad Thanksgiving (GOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESEN; Farrell, SS, Melvin ) J3-445 Holy, Holy, Holy (NICAEA) J3-448 Glory and Praise to Our God (Schutte, Dan ) J3-574 Alle, Alle, Alleluia (Ho Lung, MOP, Richard ) J3-596 All Praise and Glad Thanksgiving (GOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESEN; Farrell, SS, Melvin ) J3-445 Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER; Nicholson, Sydney H.) J3-500 Sing to the Mountains (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-580 This Day God Gives Me (BUNESSAN; Traditional Gaelic melody; Quinn, SJ, James D.) J3-850 Preparation of the Gifts: Abba! Father (Landry, Carey ) J3-600 Alle, Alle, Alleluia (Ho Lung, MOP, Richard ) J3-596 God Is Love (Joncas, Michael ) J3-723 How Great Thou Art (Hine, Stuart K.) J3-614 Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN; Newton, John ) J3-680 Here I Am (Booth, Tom ) J3-684 This Day God Gives Me (Traditional Gaelic melody; Quinn, SJ, James D.; BUNESSAN) J3-850 Where Charity and Love Prevail (CHRISTIAN LOVE; Benoit, OSB, Paul ) J3-720 Communion: Peace (Norbet, Gregory ; Weston Priory) J3-700 Pan de Vida (Hurd, Bob ; Moriarty, Pia ) J3-784 One Bread, One Body (Foley, SJ, John ) J3-793 Abba! Father (Landry, Carey ) J3-600 Grateful (Tomaszek, Tom ) J3-602 Only a Shadow (Landry, Carey ) J3-676 Rain Down (Cortez, Jaime ) J3-627 Taste and See (Hurd, Bob ) J3-796 Sending: Grateful (Tomaszek, Tom ) J3-602 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (GROSSER GOTT) J3-566 All Creatures of Our God and King (LASST UNS ERFREUEN) J3-578 Now Thank We All Our God (NUN DANKET) J3-603 Faith of Our Fathers (Faber, Fredrick William; ST. CATHERINE; Hemy, Henri F.) J3-667 Thanks Be to God (CHARIS; Dean, Stephen ) J3-605 June 22, 2014 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Entrance: At the Lamb’s High Feast (SALZBURG) J3-407 Praise to the Lord (LOBE DEN HERREN) J3-585 Gather the People (Schutte, Dan ) J3-766 Lord, Who at Thy First Eucharist (Monk, William H.; UNDE ET MEMORES; Turton, William H.) J3-804 Sing a New Song (Brown, Grayson Warren ) J3-592 Jesus, Come to Us (Haas, David ) J3-660 Table of Plenty (Schutte, Dan ) All Glory, Laud, and Honor (ST. THEODULPH) J3-366 The King of Glory (KING OF GLORY) J3-470 Lift High the Cross (Nicholson, Sydney H.; CRUCIFER) J3-500 Preparation of the Gifts: Keep in Mind (Deiss, CSSp, Lucien ) J3-559 Christians, Let Us Love One Another (PICARDY; Foltz, SNJM, Claudia ) J3-717 Jesu, Jesu (CHEREPONI; Colvin, Tom ) J3-371 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (PICARDY) J3-591 Like a Shepherd (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-622 Only a Shadow (Landry, Carey ) J3-676 Our Blessing Cup (Hurd, Bob ) J3-778 This Is My Song (FINLANDIA; Sibelius, Jean ) J3-846 Ubi Caritas (Hurd, Bob ) J3-776 1 Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat (Kreutz, Robert E.; BICENTENNIAL; Westendorf, Omer ) J3-791 I Am the Living Bread (Haas, David ) J3-794 The Supper of the Lord (Rosania, Laurence ) J3-774 Our Blessing Cup (Hurd, Bob ) J3-778 Unless a Grain of Wheat (Hurd, Bob ) J3-801 Keep in Mind (Deiss, CSSp, Lucien ) J3-559 Bread of Life (Fisher, Bobby ) J3-805 Hosea (Norbet, Gregory ; Weston Priory) J3-529 Behold the Lamb (Willett, Martin ) J3-785 Come to the Lord (Angrisano, Steve ; Tomaszek, Tom ) J3-795 One Bread, One Body (Foley, SJ, John ) J3-793 Sending: I Will Choose Christ (Booth, Tom ) J3-736 Celtic Alleluia: Sending Forth (Walker, Christopher ; O’Carroll, Fintan ) J3-821 All the Ends of the Earth (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-573 Lead Me, Lord (Becker, John D.) J3-733 June 29, 2014 Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles Day Entrance: Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER; Nicholson, Sydney H.) J3-500 Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN; Newton, John ) J3-680 City of God (Schutte, Dan ) J3-813 On Eagle’s Wings/En Sus Alas (Joncas, Michael ) J3-671 This Day God Gives Me (Quinn, SJ, James D.; BUNESSAN; Traditional Gaelic melody) J3-850 Preparation of the Gifts: Only in God (Talbot, John Michael ) J3-679 Only This I Want (Schutte, Dan ) J3-732 Pescador de Hombres / Lord, You Have Come (Gabaráin, Cesáreo ) J3-729 Servant Song (McGargill, OSM, Donna Marie ) J3-820 There Is a Balm in Gilead (BALM IN GILEAD; Spiritual) J3-688 Communion: Unless a Grain of Wheat (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-725 Abba! Father (Landry, Carey ) J3-600 Be Not Afraid(Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-673 Pescador de Hombres / Lord, You Have Come (Gabaráin, Cesáreo ) J3-729 We Will Rise Again (Haas, David ) J3-681 Your Words Are Spirit and Life (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-644 Behold the Lamb (Willett, Martin ) J3-785 One Bread, One Body (Foley, SJ, John ) J3-793 Sending: Celtic Alleluia: Sending Forth (Walker, Christopher ; O’Carroll, Fintan ) J3-821 Go Make a Difference (Angrisano, Steve ; Tomaszek, Tom ) J3-730 Take the Word of God with You (Harrison, James ; Walker, Christopher ) J3-812 July 6, 2014 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance: He Is the Lord (Haas, David ) J3-583 Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem Rise (HOLY ANTHEM) J3-411 Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today (LLANFAIR; Wesley, Charles ; Williams, Robert ) J3-403 Glory and Praise to Our God (Schutte, Dan ) J3-574 Come to the River (Hurd, Bob ) J3-242 Let Heaven Rejoice (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-412 Lord of the Dance (Shaker Melody, 19th cent.; Carter, Sydney B.) J3-636 Preparation of the Gifts: Alle, Alle, Alleluia (Ho Lung, MOP, Richard ) J3-596 Come to the River (Hurd, Bob ) J3-242 Come to the Water (Foley, SJ, John ) J3-626 Unless a Grain of Wheat (Hurd, Bob ) J3-801 Communion: Only a Shadow (Landry, Carey ) J3-676 Your Words Are Spirit and Life (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-644 Keep in Mind (Deiss, CSSp, Lucien ) J3-559 2 Sending: Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem Rise (HOLY ANTHEM) J3-411 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Beethoven, Ludwig van ; HYMN TO JOY) J3-575 The Strife Is O’er (VICTORY; da Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi) J3-408 July 13, 2014 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance: All Creatures of Our God and King (LASST UNS ERFREUEN) J3-578 Rain Down (Cortez, Jaime ) J3-627 Morning Has Broken (Farjeon, Eleanor ; BUNESSAN) J3-851 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (HYMN TO JOY; Beethoven, Ludwig van ) J3-575 Sing to the Mountains (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-580 Table of Plenty (Schutte, Dan ) J3-761 Presentation: Come to the Water (Foley, SJ, John ) J3-626 Taste and See (Hurd, Bob ) J3-796 Gift of Finest Wheat (Kreutz, Robert E.; BICENTENNIAL; Westendorf, Omer ) J3-791 How Great Thou Art (Hine, Stuart K.) J3-614 Fly like a Bird (Canedo, Ken ) J3-698 On Eagle’s Wings/En Sus Alas (Joncas, Michael ) J3-671 Only a Shadow (Landry, Carey ) J3-676 Open My Eyes (Manibusan, Jesse ) J3-659 Unless a Grain of Wheat (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-725 Communion: Taste and See (Hurd, Bob ) J3-796 Gift of Finest Wheat (Kreutz, Robert E.; BICENTENNIAL; Westendorf, Omer ) J3-791 How Great Thou Art (Hine, Stuart K.) J3-614 Fly like a Bird (Canedo, Ken ) J3-698 On Eagle’s Wings/En Sus Alas (Joncas, Michael ) J3-671 Only a Shadow (Landry, Carey ) J3-676 Open My Eyes (Manibusan, Jesse ) J3-659 Unless a Grain of Wheat (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-725 Sending: Go Make a Difference (Tomaszek, Tom ; Angrisano, Steve ) J3-730 Sing to the Mountains (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-580 Let All Things Now Living (ASH GROVE; Davis, Katherine K.) J3-608 All the Ends of the Earth (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-573 Sent Forth by God’s Blessing (Westendorf, Omer ; ASH GROVE) J3-740 Take the Word of God with You (Walker, Christopher ; Harrison, James ) J3-812 July 20, 2014 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance: This Day God Gives Me (Quinn, SJ, James D.; BUNESSAN; Traditional Gaelic melody) J3-850 Holy, Holy, Holy (NICAEA) J3-448 River of Glory (Schutte, Dan ) J3-517 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (HYMN TO JOY; Beethoven, Ludwig van ) J3-575 Morning Has Broken (BUNESSAN; Farjeon, Eleanor ) J3-851 Sing a New Song (Schutte, Dan ) J3-598 This Day God Gives Me (Quinn, SJ, James D.; BUNESSAN; Traditional Gaelic melody) J3-850 Your Grace Is Enough (Maher, Matt ) J3-624 Presentation: Turn to Me (Foley, SJ, John ) J3-345 Come, Lord Jesus (Angrisano, Steve ; Tomaszek, Tom ) J3-656 I Will Choose Christ (Booth, Tom ) J3-736 Lord of All Hopefulness (SLANE) J3-647 Loving and Forgiving (Soper, Scott ) J3-532 O God, You Search Me (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-678 You Are Near (Schutte, Dan ) J3-687 Communion: Loving and Forgiving (Soper, Scott ) J3-532 Unless a Grain of Wheat (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-725 I Am the Living Bread (Haas, David ) J3-794 Your Words Are Spirit and Life (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-644 Remember Your Love (Balhoff, Mike ; Ducote, Darryl ; Daigle, Gary ) J3-533 3 Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN; Newton, John ) J3-680 Bread of Life (Fisher, Bobby ) J3-805 Bread of Life (Cooney, Rory ) J3-799 Like a Shepherd (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-622 Only a Shadow (Landry, Carey ) J3-676 The Supper of the Lord (Rosania, Laurence ) J3-774 To Be Your Bread (Haas, David ) J3-787 Sending: This Is the Day (Fisher, Bobby ) J3-421 Blest Be the Lord (Schutte, Dan ) J3-677 Go Make a Difference (Angrisano, Steve ; Tomaszek, Tom ) J3-730 I Will Choose Christ (Booth, Tom ) J3-736 Lead Me, Lord (Becker, John D.) J3-733 Take the Word of God with You (Walker, Christopher ; Harrison, James ) J3-812 Thanks Be to God (Dean, Stephen ; CHARIS) J3-605 July 27, 2014 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance: Praise to the Lord (LOBE DEN HERREN) J3-585 Morning Has Broken (BUNESSAN; Farjeon, Eleanor ) J3-851 All the Ends of the Earth (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-573 Lord of All Hopefulness (SLANE) J3-647 Sing a New Song (Schutte, Dan ) J3-598 O Sacrament Most Holy (FULDA) J3-838 Seek Ye First (Lafferty, Karen ) J3-685 Be Not Afraid/No Temas Más (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-673 Your Words Are Spirit and Life (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-644 Fly like a Bird (Canedo, Ken ) J3-698 Preparation of the Gifts: Seek Ye First (Lafferty, Karen ) J3-685 Jesu, Joy of Our Desiring (WERDE MUNTER; Bach, Johann Sebastian ) J3-638 Be Thou My Vision (SLANE) J3-646 I, the Lord (Kendzia, Tom ) J3-552 Your Grace Is Enough (Maher, Matt ) J3-624 Your Words Are Spirit and Life (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-644 Communion: Be Not Afraid/No Temas Más (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-673 Your Words Are Spirit and Life (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-644 Fly like a Bird (Canedo, Ken ) J3-698 O Sacrament Most Holy (FULDA) J3-838 Seek Ye First (Lafferty, Karen ) J3-685 Sending: I Am the Light of the World (Hayakawa, Greg ) J3-630 Lead Me, Lord (Becker, John D.) J3-733 Blest Be the Lord (Schutte, Dan ) J3-677 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (HYMN TO JOY; Beethoven, Ludwig van ) J3-575 Your Grace Is Enough (Maher, Matt ) J3-624 August 3rd 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance: Table of Plenty (Schutte, Dan ) J3-761 Come to the River (Hurd, Bob ) J3-242 Gather the People (Schutte, Dan ) J3-766 Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN; Newton, John ) J3-680 Gather Your People (Hurd, Bob ) J3-768 Preparation of the Gifts: Come to the Water (Foley, SJ, John ) J3-626 Lord of the Dance (Carter, Sydney B.; Shaker Melody, 19th cent.) J3-636 Christians, Let Us Love One Another (PICARDY; Foltz, SNJM, Claudia ) J3-717 Come to the Lord (Tomaszek, Tom ; Angrisano, Steve ) J3-795 Come to the River (Hurd, Bob ) J3-242 Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat (Westendorf, Omer ; Kreutz, Robert E.; BICENTENNIAL) J3-791 Pescador de Hombres / Lord, You Have Come (Gabaráin, Cesáreo ) J3-729 4 Bread of Life (Fisher, Bobby ) J3-805 Bread of Life (Cooney, Rory ) J3-799 Be Not Afraid/No Temas Más (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-673 Behold the Lamb (Willett, Martin ) J3-785 Your Words Are Spirit and Life (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-644 Our Blessing-Cup (Psalm 116) (Soper, Scott ) J3-93 Pan de Vida (Moriarty, Pia ; Hurd, Bob ) J3-784 Taste and See (Dean, Stephen ) J3-42 Sending: Go Make a Difference (Tomaszek, Tom ; Angrisano, Steve ) J3-730 Sent Forth by God’s Blessing (Westendorf, Omer ; ASH GROVE) J3-740 Behold the Lamb of God (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-386 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (CORONATION) J3-462 How Can I Keep from Singing (ENDLESS SONG; Lowry, Robert ) J3-686 Come to the River (Hurd, Bob ) J3-242 Companions on the Journey (Landry, Carey ) J3-835 Glory and Praise to Our God (Schutte, Dan ) J3-574 Though the Mountains May Fall (Schutte, Dan ) J3-682 August 10th 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance: He Is the Lord (Haas, David ) J3-583 Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN; Newton, John ) J3-680 Be Not Afraid/No Temas Más (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-673 Companions on the Journey (Landry, Carey ) J3-835 Glory and Praise to Our God (Schutte, Dan ) J3-574 Morning Has Broken (Farjeon, Eleanor ; BUNESSAN) J3-851 Pescador de Hombres / Lord, You Have Come (Gabaráin, Cesáreo ) J3-729 Sing to the Mountains (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-580 This Day God Gives Me (Quinn, SJ, James D.; BUNESSAN; Traditional Gaelic melody) J3-850 Your Grace Is Enough (Maher, Matt ) J3-624 Preparation of the Gifts: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (PICARDY) J3-591 Sacred Silence (Kuner, Anthony ; Booth, Tom ; Pixler, Jenny ) J3-657 Only a Shadow (Landry, Carey ) J3-676 What Wondrous Love Is This (WONDROUS LOVE) J3-719 Here I Am (Booth, Tom ) J3-684 Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN; Newton, John ) J3-680 Only in God (Talbot, John Michael ) J3-679 You Are Near (Schutte, Dan ) J3-687 Communion: Be Not Afraid/No Temas Más (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-673 You Are Near (Schutte, Dan ) J3-687 I Have Loved You (Joncas, Michael ) J3-623 The Cry of the Poor (Foley, SJ, John ) J3-829 Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN; Newton, John ) J3-680 Come to the Lord (Angrisano, Steve ; Tomaszek, Tom ) J3-795 Gift of Finest Wheat (Kreutz, Robert E.; BICENTENNIAL; Westendorf, Omer ) J3-791 Pescador de Hombres / Lord, You Have Come (Gabaráin, Cesáreo ) J3-729 Sending: How Can I Keep from Singing (ENDLESS SONG; Lowry, Robert ) J3-686 Blest Be the Lord (Schutte, Dan ) J3-677 Sing to the Mountains (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-580 Lead Me, Lord (Becker, John D.) J3-733 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Entrance: Song of Mary (Schutte, Dan ; SONG OF MARY) J3-482 Sing a New Song (Brown, Grayson Warren ) J3-592 Glory and Praise to Our God (Schutte, Dan ) J3-574 Hail Mary: Gentle Woman (Landry, Carey ) J3-481 Immaculate Mary (LOURDES HYMN) J3-512 Mary’s Song (Rieth, Millie ) J3-480 My Soul Rejoices (Alstott, Owen ) J3-120 Sing of Mary (PLEADING SAVIOR) J3-472 5 Preparation of the Gifts: Servant Song (McGargill, OSM, Donna Marie ) J3-820 Regina Caeli/O Queen of Heaven (Chant, Mode VI; REGINA CAELI LAETARE) J3-416 Ave Maria (Norbet, Gregory ) J3-483 Mary’s Song (Rieth, Millie ) J3-480 Mary’s Song (NEW BRITAIN) J3-474 Hail Mary: Gentle Woman (Landry, Carey ) J3-481 Holy Is His Name (Talbot, John Michael ) J3-487 My Soul Rejoices (Alstott, Owen ) J3-120 Salve, Regina/Hail, Mary, Mother and Queen (Chant, Mode V) J3-485 Communion: Hail Mary: Gentle Woman (Landry, Carey ) J3-481 Holy Is His Name (Talbot, John Michael ) J3-487 The Cry of the Poor (Foley, SJ, John ) J3-829 Lead Me, Lord (Becker, John D.) J3-733 Mary’s Song (NEW BRITAIN) J3-474 My Soul Rejoices (Alstott, Owen ) J3-120 Taste and See (Dean, Stephen ) J3-42 Sending: Hail, Holy Queen (SALVE REGINA COELITUM) J3-498 Lord of the Dance (Carter, Sydney B.; Shaker Melody, 19th cent.) J3-636 The Strife Is O’er (da Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi; VICTORY) J3-408 Sing of Mary (PLEADING SAVIOR) J3-472 Immaculate Mary (LOURDES HYMN) J3-512 August 17th 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance: I Will Choose Christ (Booth, Tom ) J3-736 All Creatures of Our God and King (LASST UNS ERFREUEN) J3-578 Christ, Be Our Light (Original and Easter Vigil Verses) (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-824 Holy, Holy, Holy (NICAEA) J3-448 Preparation of the Gifts: Come to Me (Norbet, Gregory ) J3-695 Like a Shepherd (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-622 Communion: One Bread, One Body (Foley, SJ, John ) J3-793 The Cry of the Poor (Foley, SJ, John ) J3-829 Pan de Vida (Hurd, Bob ; Moriarty, Pia ) J3-784 Sending: In Christ There Is No East or West (Dunkerley, William A.; McKEE) J3-831 Lead Me, Lord (Becker, John D.) J3-733 Go Make a Difference (Tomaszek, Tom ; Angrisano, Steve ) J3-730 Sing a New Song (Schutte, Dan ) J3-598 There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy (IN BABILONE; Faber, Fredrick William) J3-712 Though the Mountains May Fall (Schutte, Dan ) J3-682 August 24th 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance: Behold the Lamb of God (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-386 All Creatures of Our God and King (LASST UNS ERFREUEN) J3-578 He Is the Lord (Haas, David ) J3-583 On Eagle’s Wings/En Sus Alas (Joncas, Michael ) J3-671 Seek Ye First (Lafferty, Karen ) J3-685 Sing to the Mountains (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-580 Preparation of the Gifts: Prayer of St. Francis/Oración de San Francisco (Temple, Sebastian ) J3-702 Lord, Who at Thy First Eucharist (UNDE ET MEMORES; Turton, William H.; Monk, William H.) J3-804 Bread of Life (Fisher, Bobby ) J3-805 God Is Love (Joncas, Michael ) J3-723 Here I Am, Lord (Schutte, Dan ) J3-818 Only a Shadow (Landry, Carey ) J3-676 Your Words Are Spirit and Life (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-644 6 Communion: Love One Another (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-718 Ubi Caritas (Hurd, Bob ) J3-776 Behold the Lamb (Willett, Martin ) J3-785 The Supper of the Lord (Rosania, Laurence ) J3-774 Pescador de Hombres / Lord, You Have Come (Gabaráin, Cesáreo ) J3-729 Change Our Hearts (Cooney, Rory ) J3-535 Fly like a Bird (Canedo, Ken ) J3-698 I Am the Living Bread (Haas, David ) J3-794 Only This I Want (Schutte, Dan ) J3-732 You Are Near (Schutte, Dan ) J3-687 Love One Another (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-718 Sending: How Can I Keep from Singing (ENDLESS SONG; Lowry, Robert ) J3-686 The Church’s One Foundation (AURELIA) J3-746 Let All Things Now Living (ASH GROVE; Davis, Katherine K.) J3-608 Grateful (Tomaszek, Tom ) J3-602 Lead Me, Lord (Becker, John D.) J3-733 We Are the Light of the World (Greif, Jean Anthony; GREIF) J3-629 August 31st 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance: Loving and Forgiving (Soper, Scott ) J3-532 Be Not Afraid/No Temas Más (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-673 Gather the People (Schutte, Dan ) J3-766 Preparation of the Gifts: O God, You Search Me (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-678 Abba! Father (Landry, Carey ) J3-600 Change Our Hearts (Cooney, Rory ) J3-535 Christ, Be Our Light (Original and Easter Vigil Verses) (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-824 I Have Loved You (Joncas, Michael ) J3-623 Prayer of St. Francis/Oración de San Francisco (Temple, Sebastian ) J3-702 Communion: Unless a Grain of Wheat (Farrell, Bernadette ) J3-725 Keep in Mind (Deiss, CSSp, Lucien ) J3-559 Be Not Afraid/No Temas Más (Dufford, SJ, Bob ) J3-673 Taste and See (Angrisano, Steve ) J3-782 Unless a Grain of Wheat (Hurd, Bob ) J3-801 Whatsoever You Do (Jabusch, Willard F.) J3-828 Only This I Want (Schutte, Dan ) J3-732 Bread of Life (Fisher, Bobby ) J3-805 Center of My Life (Inwood, Paul ) J3-665 Fly like a Bird (Canedo, Ken ) J3-698 Give Me Jesus (Hansen, James ; Spiritual) J3-554 Here I Am (Booth, Tom ) J3-684 Here I Am, Lord (Schutte, Dan ) J3-818 Pescador de Hombres / Lord, You Have Come (Gabaráin, Cesáreo ) J3-729 To Be Your Bread (Haas, David ) J3-787 Sending: Lead Me, Lord (Becker, John D.) J3-733 I Will Choose Christ (Booth, Tom ) J3-736 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (HYMN TO JOY; Beethoven, Ludwig van ) J3-575 Lord of the Dance (Shaker Melody, 19th cent.; Carter, Sydney B.) J3-636 Rain Down (Cortez, Jaime ) J3-627 Thanks Be to God (CHARIS; Dean, Stephen ) J3-605 The Church’s One Foundation (AURELIA) J3-746 7