Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae
Cynthia Hahn
Portrayed on the Heart: Narrative Effect in Pictorial Lives of the Saints from the
Tenth through the Thirteenth Century. University of California Press, 2001
Passio Kyliani. Pseudo-Theotimus, Passio Margaretae... Hannover Niedersächsische
Landesbibliothek, Ms. I. 189, (Codices Selecti, 83). Graz Akademische Druck-und
Verlaganstalt, 1988
Current Book Projects:
Strange Beauty: Origins and Issues in the Making of Medieval
Reliquaries 400-circa 1204
In production. Penn State University Press. Will appear 2012
“The Spectacle of the Charismatic Body: Patrons, Artists, and Body-Part Reliquaries.”
In M. Bagnoli, et al., eds., Treasures of Heaven: Saints, Relics, and Devotion in
Medieval Europe, exh. cat., Cleveland Museum of Art, Walters Art Museum, British
Museum (Baltimore and London, 2010).
“What do reliquaries do for relics?" Numen (A journal of religious studies,
special issue on relics), 57 (2010) 284–316.
“Inscriptions and Interactions: The Cloisters Ivory Cross and the Titulus of the
Cross,” Inscriptions, Papers from a symposium at the Norwegian Academy, Rome, to
be published.
“Letter and Spirit: The Power of the Letter, the Enlivenment of the Word in
Medieval Art,” Visible Writings: Cultures, Forms, Readings, ed. Marija Dalbello and
Mary Shaw (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2011), 55-76.
“Medieval Treasuries: Imperial Dreams”, Representing History (University of
Pennsylvania, October 2006), in press Princeton U. Press.
"Visuality," A Companion to Medieval Art (Blackwell Historiography of Medieval Art),
ed. Conrad Rudolph, Blackwell, 2006, 45-64.
"Collector and saint: Queen Radegund and devotion to the relic of the True Cross,"
Word and Image, (22) 2006, 268-274.
"Metaphor and Meaning in Early Medieval Reliquaries," Seeing the Invisible in Late
Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, ed. G. de
Nie, K. F. Morrison, and M. Mostert, Utrecht, 2005, 239-263.
"The Meaning of Early Medieval Treasuries," Reliquiare im Mittelalter, ed. B.
Reudenbach and G. Toussaint, Warburg Haus Hamburg, 2005, 1-20.
"The Ringling Reliquary Bust," for the website The Museum Laboratory (Ringling
"The Vitae Offarum, Matthew Paris' Final Project, a Historical Romance," In
Excavating the Medieval Image: Manuscripts, Artists, Audiences. Essays in Honor of
Sandra Hindman, David S. Areford and Nina A. Rowe, Ashgate, 2004, 37-58.
"Valerie's Gift: A Narrative Enamel Chasse from Limoges," Reading Medieval Images:
The Art Historian and the Object, ed. Elizabeth Sears and Thelma K. Thomas,
University of Michigan Press, 2002,187-200.
"Visio Dei: Changes in Medieval Visuality," Visuality Before and Beyond the
Renaissance: Seeing as Others Saw, Cambridge Studies in New Art History and
Criticism, ed. Robert Nelson, Cambridge University Press, 2000, 169-196.
"Narrative on the Golden Altar of Sant' Ambrogio: Presentation and Reception,"
Dumbarton Oaks Papers 53 (1999)167-187.
“Interpictoriality in the Limoges Chasses of Stephen, Martial, and Valerie,” Image and
Belief: Studies in Celebration of the Eightieth Anniversary of the Index of Christian
Art, ed. C. Hourihane, Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999, 109-124.
"Seeing and Believing: The Construction of Sanctity in Early-Medieval Saints’ Shrines,"
Speculum, special volume, 72, 1997, 1079-1106.
reprinted in Approaches to Early Medieval Art, ed. L. Nees,
Cambridge, MA: Medieval Academy of America, 1998.
"The Voices of the Saints, What Do Speaking Reliquaries Say?" Gesta, 36, 1997, 2031.
"Icon and Narrative in the Berlin Life of Saint Lucy" Sacred Image East and West,
Illinois Byzantine Studies, III, ed. R. Ousterhout and L. Brubaker, University of Illinois
Press, 1995, 72-90.
"Absent No Longer, The Sign and the Saint in late Medieval Pictorial Hagiography,"
Hagiographie und Kunst:Der Heiligenkult in Schrift, Bild und Architektur, ed. Gottfried
Kerscher, Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1993, 152-178.
"Speaking without Tongues: The Passion of Romanus of Antioch and Augustine's
Theory of Speech in Illustrations of Bern Burgerbibliothek Cod. 264," Images of
Sainthood: Selected Papers From the Ninth Barnard Medieval and Renaissance
Conference, Cornell Univ. Press, 1991, 161-180.
"Picturing the Text: Narrative in the Life of the Saints," Art History, 13, 1990, 1-32.
"Peregrinatio et Natio: The Illustrated Life of Edward, King and Martyr," Gesta, 30,
1991, 119-139.
"Proper Behaviour for Knights and Kings: The Hagiography of Matthew Paris, Monk of
St. Albans," Charles Homer Haskins Society Journal, II, 1990, 237-248.
"Loca Sancta Souvenirs: The Seal of the Pilgrim's Experience,"
Pilgrimage, Illinois Byzantine Studies, I , 1990, 85-96.
The Blessings of
"Purification, Sacred Action, and the Vision of God: Viewing Medieval
Narrative,"Word and Image, V, 1989, 71-84.
"`Mary Will Enlighten, Joseph Perfect, and Jesus Save Thee:' Holy Family and Marriage
Model in the Mérode Triptych," Art Bulletin, 68, 1986, 54-66.
"Joseph as Ambrose's `Artisan of the Soul' in the `Holy Family in Egypt' by Albrecht
Dürer," Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 47, 1984, 515-522.
"The Creation of the Cosmos: Genesis Illustration in the Octateuchs," Cahiers
archéologiques, 28, 1979, 29-40.
Numerous assorted reviews and dictionary entries, including:
online reviews, for ex. at --
Public Talks
“Reliquaries and Devotion,” Medieval Devotion: A Roundtable Discussion Medieval Club
of New York, October 1, 2010.
“The Arm Reliquary of Nicholas at Halberstadt,” Matter for Debate, Interdisiciplinary
Symposium on the Religious Attitudes toward Relics Among Religions.
Organized by
Caroline Bynum and Julia Smith at the Institute for Advance Study, Princeton NJ, July
"Spatial Control in the Vision of Relics" at AAH2010 in Glasgow Scotland, April 2010.
“Reliquaries: Boundaries of Vision,” in Symposium Semantics of Vision. Art Production
and Visual Cultures in the Middle Ages, Bern, Switzerland, May 11, 2010
"Reliquaries: Appealing to the Senses" University of Wisconsin Symposium: Perception
and Experience before and in the wake of the Digital, March 6, 2010
And University of Kentucky, September 2010
“Medieval reliquaries: "Minor arts" of Major importance,” Bard Graduate Center,
January 2010.
“An Excess of Beauty: Artistic Creativity and the Making of Medieval
Reliquaries." Daniel H. Silberberg Memorial Lecture IFA New York, October 2, 2009.
"What do Reliquaries do for Relics?" Comparative Religion Panel. American Academy
of Religion Annual Meeting, Montreal, November 9, 2009.
“Strange Beauty: Relics, Reliquaries, Viewers” University of Akron and Oberlin College
in conjunction with a student symposium on Pilgrimage. February 2009.
“Relics, Reliquaries, and Audiences,” Elizabeth Allen Lecture Series, Northern Illinois
University, DeKalb IL, Feb 2009.
Inscriptions, November 2008.
“Portable Altars” Image and Altar 800-1300, Copenhagen Symposium Altars,
October 2007
And U Penn symposium Light in the Dark Ages, Feb 2008
“Living Letters: the Enlivenment of the Word in Medieval Art,” Visible Writings
(International Symposium at Rutgers University), November 2006.
And U Penn Seminar on the Book November 2007
“Medieval Treasuries: Imperial Dreams”, Representing History, University of
Pennsylvania, October 2006
And Columbia Medieval Seminar Dec 2007
"The Importance of the Concept of Visuality for Medieval Art: An Historiographic
Survey of Issues," College Art Association Meeting, Atlanta, 2005.
"Sacred Treasure: Early Medieval Relic Collections"
Branner Forum, Columbia University November 2004
Princeton Medieval Studies April 2004
University of Pennsylvania Art History Colloquium April 2004
University of Illinois, October 2005
University of Delaware, April 2006
"Reliquaries in Treasuries" for the International symposium Reliquiare im Mittelalter:
Kunst, Kult, Kontext, Hamburg 30 April-2 May 2004
"Reliquaries and the Invisible"
International symposium: Verbal and pictorial
imaging: representing and accessing experience of the invisible, 400-1000, Utrecht
Dec. 2003.
"The Construction of Meaning in Medieval Reliquaries," Institute for Advanced Study,
Princeton NJ, November 2003.
"The Lives of Early Medieval Reliquaries" Pennsylvania State University Alumni
Achievement Award Address
April 2003.
"Narrative Persuasion in Roman Ivories," Johns Hopkins University April 2003.
"For the Love of the Saints: The Production of Meaning in Early Medieval Reliquaries,"
Daniel H. Silberberg Lecture Series, Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, Feb.2003.
"All that Glitters is not Gold: Materials and Value in Medieval Reliquaries"
International Medieval Conference at Kalamazoo, MI, May 2002
"Matthew Paris' Illustrated Manuscripts" Delaware Valley Medieval Conference, March
"Relics and a Narrative of the Senses" University of Edinburgh, Medieval Seminar,
May, 2000.
"Do not Touch me: Relics and Medieval Presentation"
Courtauld Institute of Art,
London, Jan 2000
"The Power of Pictorial Narrative: The Evidence of Saints' Lives," International
Medieval Conference at Kalamazoo, MI, May 1999
"The Narratives of Saints' Lives," International Word and Image Society, Claremont
CA, March 1999.
"Reliquaries and the Senses" Smith College, October 1998.
"'As if Wrapped in a Covering and Kept under Seal:' The Rhetoric of Reliquaries,"
University of Maryland, November 1998.
"Saints Stories and the Sacred: The Rhetoric of Reliquaries," Rosemary Coffey Annual
Lecture, University of Illinois, March 1998.
International Medieval
Conference at Kalamazoo, MI, May 1998
"Saints on the Index: The Case of Stephen, Martial, and Valerie, Saints of Limoges,"
Index of Christian Art, Princeton--80th Anniversary Symposium, October 1997
"Saints, Stories and the Sacred: The Rhetoric of Reliquaries," Dumbarton Oaks
Symposium, May 1996
also at Rutgers University, September 1996; and University of Illinois, March 1998.
"Valerie's Gift"
Symposium for Limoges Exhibit, Metropolitan Museum of Art, May
"The Voice of the Saints: Medieval Body Part Reliquaries" CAA Meeting, San Antonio
TX, Feb 1995
"Seeing is Believing: The Early Medieval Saint's Tomb" Medieval Academy meetings,
Boston MA, March 1995
"Visio Dei: From Glance to Gaze," Other Ways of Seeing:Visuality before the
Renaissance, UCLA, May 1995
"The Structuring of Medieval Vision," Invited lecture for "Medieval Art History--Now"
Northwestern Universtiy, April 1994
"The Powers of Gesture in Illustrated Saints' Lives," Invited lecture for Sewanee
Medieval Colloquium, April 1993.
"Absent No Longer: The Sign in the Illustrated Lives of the Saints," Keynote Address,
Colloquium on Hagiography and Narrative, University of Marburg, Germany, October
"Peering through the Window into the Life of the Saints: Matthew Paris Hagiography,"
Daniel H. Silberberg Lecture Series, Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, Feb. 1992
"The Image of Sanctity in Monastic Illustrated Saints' Lives," Invited lecture, New
England Medieval Conference, Burlington VT, October 1991
Conference at Kalamazoo, MI, May 1990.
And University of Michigan, September 1991
"Matthew Paris: Historian, Artist, Hagiographer" Rutgers University, February 1990.
"Proper Behaviour for Knights and Kings: The Pictorial Hagiography of Matthew Paris,"
Charles Homer Haskins Society Meeting, Houston, November 1989.
"Monks and their Patrons in Illustrated Lives of the Saints," The Cult of the Saints in
the Middle Ages and Early Renaissance: Formation and Transformation, Twenty-third
Annual Conference CEMERS, Binghamton, October, 1989.
"The Illustrated Life of Romanus of Antioch, Christian Rhetor," Images of Sainthood in
Medieval and Renaissance Europe. The Ninth Annual Barnard Medieval and
Renaissance Conference, New York, Nov. 1987.
Charles Homer Haskins Society
"Rex Peregrinorum: Edmund, King and Martyr."
Meeting, Houston, November 1986.
"Loca sancta Souvenirs: Impression and Memory." Byzantine Studies Conference, Bryn
Mawr, PA, October 1986.
"Peregrinatio et Natio: the Illustrated Life of Edmund, King and Martyr." International
Medieval Conference at Kalamazoo, MI, 1986
"Picturing the Text: Narrative in Saint's Lives,"
Criticism Colloquium, Florida State
University, November 1984
"The Sisterhood of Sanctity: The Lives of Saints as Medieval Woman's Model and
Mirror," University of Miami at Oxford, Ohio, November, 1984
"Narrative in the Life of the Saints," College Art Association Annual Meeting, Toronto,
"Stairway to Paradise: The Life of Margaret of Antioch, Virgin Martyr," International
Medieval Conference at Kalamazoo, MI, May, 1982
"Joseph as the Good Artisan of the Soul: The Mérode Triptych and Related Images,"
The Baltimore Medieval Colloquium, April, 1979.
"Cosmography in the Octateuchs," Middle Atlantic Symposium at the National Gallery,
Wash. D.C., 1977.
Grants and Honors
PSCuny grant to support publication of Strange Beauty
George William Cottrell, Jr. Membership at the Institute for Advanced
Study, Princeton NJ
Alumni Award Pennsylvania State University
Camargo Foundation Fellowship, Cassis France
Council on Faculty Research Summer Grant, Florida State
Florida State University Study Center, London
TIPS teaching award, Florida State University
Council on Faculty Research Summer Grant, Florida State
Florida State University, Small Grants for Faculty
National Endowment for the Humanities, Fellowship for University
Fulbright Grant for Research in Western Europe
National Humanities Center Fellowship (declined)
UCLA Humanities Fellowship (declined)
Council on Faculty Research Summer Grant, Florida State University
Dumbarton Oaks Research Fellowship, Washington, D. C.
Florida State University Educational Council Grant
Florida State University Study Center, Florence
Lilly Fellow, University of Pennsylvania Medieval Colloquium
Samuel H. Kress Fellowship
The Adolf Katzenellenbogen Memorial Prize for an Outstanding
Paper in the History of Art, The Johns Hopkins University
Gilman Fellowship and Teaching Assistantship, The Johns Hopkins
Samuel H. Kress travel grant
Tuition Grants, The University of Chicago
Graduated with Highest Honors, Pennsylvania State University
Co-Symposiarch for D umbarton Oaks Symposium on the Study of Relics and
Reliquaries, 2011.
Advisory Board, Center for the Advanced Study of the Visual Arts, National
Gallery of Art, 2001-2005
Executive Committee CAA Online Reviews 2001-2005
NEH Selection Panel, Individual Grants in the Humanities, Washington DC August,
2001 (asked to repeat 2002, but had to decline)
Acting Chair, Art History Department FSU 2000-2001
Editor for Western Medieval for CAA Online Reviews 1999-2005
Second term commenced
Program Committee for Medieval Academy at Kalamazoo 2000Board of Directors, International Center of Medieval Art 1993-1999
Advisor, International Center of Medieval Art, 1990-93
Local Sponsor and Organizer for H-Net (Internet) Workshop Oct. 1994
Outside Reader, Ph.D. committee for Dorothy Verkerk, Rutgers University, 1992.
Outside Reader, Ph. D. committee for Jane Chung, University of Michigan.
Graduate Policy Committee, Florida State University, 1987-90.
National Endowment for the Humanities, Museum Grants selection committee, 1986.
Member CAA, ICMA, Medieval Academy, Hagiography Society,
Dumbarton Oaks Alumni.
other assorted tasks: frequent reader for journals (including Art Bulletin, Gesta, Studies
in Iconography, Traditio), presses (Yale, Cambridge, California, etc), and tenure files.
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