Behavioural complaint resolution form – Stage 2 – Formal Resolution PRIVACY DECLARATION The information is collected by GOTAFE for the purpose of responding to complaints. The information will be kept confidential to the organisation and will be securely stored. Only people required to know, such as the GOTAFE Contact Officer, Commercial Manager or Team Leader, the person against whom the complaint has been made and any potential witnesses will be provided with details of this complaint. It also may be used as a reference when reviewing other similar complaints lodged after this complaint has been resolved. PROTOCOLS IN RELATION TO ANY PARTY INVOLVED WITH A COMPLAINT PROCESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. True and accurate disclosure and co-operation is essential in establishing the facts. Confidentiality is to be maintained at all times to avoid defamation. No discussion about the fact that there has been an interview or what has been said in the interview should occur. GOTAFE will regard breach of confidentiality as serious misconduct and may take disciplinary action against this person. You will conduct yourself in a professional manner and observe appropriate workplace behaviours. You must not victimise anyone during or after this investigation. You can complete this form yourself or with the assistance of the GOTAFE Contact Officer, a trusted colleague or member of People and Performance. You will need to sign this document, stating that the record is true and correct. Any allegations raised in this interview about another individual will be put to that individual, so that person will have the opportunity to respond to the allegation and ensure procedural fairness. You can contact your support person/union at any stage concerning this process. You have been advised of your right to have a support person/union representative present at this interview and at any further interviews. You confirm that to the best of your knowledge, there exists no actual or perceived conflict of interest that may influence your conduct throughout these proceedings. Steps Taken to Resolve Complaint at Stage 1? Initiators written, signed and dated statement attached as required? Is a Mediator to be appointed? (If Yes, please consult with Executive Manager, People and Performance) Does the incident appear to highlight serious misconduct? (If Yes, please advise the relevant Commercial / Support Manager). Initiators name Initiators position Initiators contact # Initiators signature Date Respondents name Respondents position Respondents contact # Respondents signature Date INCIDENT DETAILS (please circle) Type of Complaint? Physical Non-verbal Verbal Other Gender base of Incident? Male to Female Female to Male Male to Male Female to Female Were there witnesses to the behaviour? Who? Is the Complainant? (please circle) Permanent Employee Contract Worker Casual Worker Team Leader / Commercial Manager Executive Manager Volunteer Student Parent / guardian FHR-97 Is the Respondent? (please circle) Permanent Employee Contract Worker Casual Worker Team Leader / Commercial Manager Executive Manager Volunteer Student Parent / guardian 15/06/2016 © Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE 1 Division (optional) Location Respondent in same Division / Department / Location? If No, please provide. Department (optional) Complaint Detail (Provide specific details about the behavioural/issues of Respondent). Please also attach signed, dated, written complaint. Complaint Detail Date / Time Location Witnesses CHOSEN ACTION / ACTION TAKEN Resolved by Contact Officer / Parties to Complaint Matter escalated to Stage 3: Reason? Matter referred to Executive Manager, People and Performance: Reason? Matter referred to relevant Manager: Reason? Other undertakings for resolution / comments / suggestions: Are you satisfied with the outcome? Yes No (matter to be escalated) By whom has the matter been escalated? Contact Officer / Other: ___________________________ Notes FHR-97 15/06/2016 © Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE 2 INITIATOR / RESPONDENT ACCEPTANCE INITIATOR RESPONDENT Name Position title Work location Copies provided? I hereby sign my acceptance that the matter has now been resolved and required no further action at this time. Signed Date Name Position title Work Location Copies provided? I hereby sign my acceptance that the matter has now been resolved and required no further action at this time. Signed Date CONTACT OFFICER USE ONLY Name Position title Work location Filing date FHR-97 15/06/2016 © Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE 3