Investigator - Genotyping Lab

Guihua Bai
4008 Throckmorton Hall
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506
Voice: 785-532-1124; Fax: 785-532-6167; Email:
Mapping wheat genes/QTLs and implementing next generation high-throughput DNA markers
in wheat breeding; profiling gene expression using transcriptome sequencing; and
characterizing and cloning wheat resistance genes to Fusarium head blight, leaf and stem rusts,
soil-borne mosaic virus, pre-harvest sprouting, and aluminum toxicity.
Kansas State University Department of Agronomy, Manhattan KS (2009 - present)
Sequence and Genotyping Facility, Kansas State University, Manhattan KS (2006 - present)
Research Plant Molecular Geneticist /Director
USDA Central Small Grain Genotyping Center, Manhattan KS (2003 - present)
Assistant Professor of Wheat Molecular Genetics and Breeding
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK, 1999-2002
Plant Molecular Biologist
NCAUR/ ARS/ USDA, Peoria IL, 1998-1999
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Crop Science, University of Illinois, Urbana IL, 1997
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Plant and Soil Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, 1996
Visiting Scientist and Research Assistant
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, 1990-1995
Wheat Breeder
Food and Crop Institute, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Science, Nanjing, China, 19851989.
1995 Ph.D. in Plant Pathology, Purdue University, West Lafayette IN.
1985 M.S. in Plant Genetics and Breeding, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China.
1982 B.S. in Agronomy, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China.
2013 Elected Fellow, Crop Science Society of America
Editorial board member, The Crop Journal (2013)
2012 ASA Tengtou Agricultural Science Award, American Society of Agronomy
2011 USDA Secretary’s Honor Award for Excellence.
Honorary Distinguished Professor, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Science, Nanjing,
China (Since 2011).
2010 Elected Fellow, American Society of Agronomy
Associate Editor, BioMed Research International (since 2009)
Editorial board member, PeerJ (since 2012)
Honorary Professorship, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China (2009)
Honorary Professorship, Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University, Shannxi, China
Guest Professor and Adjunct Graduate Faculty, Jilin University, Jilin, China (2009)
2006 National Friendship Award, Chinese Government (highest ranking award to foreign
scientists who made outstanding contributions to scientific research and economic
development in China)
2004 Jiangsu Province Friendship Award, Jiangsu Provincial Government, China.
Member, Gamma Sigma Delta, Honor Society of Agriculture
Member, Sigma Xi
Member, American Phytopathological Society
Member, Crop Science Society of America
Member, Agronomy Society of America
Member, Who is Who in America
Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
1. P. S. Baenziger, R. A. Graybosch, T. Regassa, R. N. Klein, G. R. Kruger, D. K. Santra, ,
L. Xu, D. J. Rose, S. N. Wegulo, Y. Jin, J. Kolmer, G. L. Hein, Ming-Shun Chen, Guihua
Bai, Robert L. Bowden, and Jesse Poland. 2014 “Registration of ‘NE06545’ (Husker
Genetics brand Freeman) hard red winter wheat.” J. Plant Reg. (submitted).
2. Berg, J.E., D.M. Wichman, K.D. Kephart, J.L. Eckhoff, R.N. Stougaard, P.F. Lamb, J.H.
Miller, D.L. Nash, W.E. Grey, M. Johnston, D. Gettel, R. Larson, Y. Jin, J.A. Kolmer, X.
Chen, G. Bai, and P.L. Bruckner. 2014 “Registration of ‘Colter’ wheat.” (submitted). J.
Plant Reg.
3. J.T. Eckard, J.L. Gonzalez-Hernandez, S. Chao, P. St Amand, G. Bai. 2014 “Construction
of dense linkage maps ‘on the fly’ using early generation wheat breeding populations.”
Mol. Breed. (accepted)
4. Scott D. Haley, Jerry J. Johnson, Frank B. Peairs, John A. Stromberger, Emily E. HudsonArns, Scott A. Seifert, Rebecca A. Kottke, Victoria A. Valdez, Jerry J. Nachtman, Jeff B.
Rudolph, Guihua Bai, Xianming Chen, Robert L. Bowden, Yue Jin, James A. Kolmer,
Ming-Shun Chen and Bradford W. Seabourn. 2014 “Registration of ‘Cowboy’ wheat.” J.
Plant Reg. 8: 2: 169-172. doi:10.3198/jpr2013.12.0075crc
5. R. A. Graybosch,* P. S. Baenziger, D. K. Santra, T. Regassa, Y. Jin, J. Kolmer, S. Wegulo,
Guihua Bai, Paul St. Amand, Xianming Chen, B. Seabourn, F. Dowell, R. Bowden, and D.M.
Marshall. 2014 “Registration of ‘Mattern’ Waxy (Amylose-free) winter wheat.” J. Plant
Reg. 8:43–48 doi: 10.3198/jpr2013.08.0045crc
6. Jin Cai and Guihua Bai. 2014 “Quantitative trait loci for Fusarium head blight resistance in
Huangcandou x ‘Jagger’ wheat population.” Crop Sci. Firstlook. doi:
7. Shuyu Liu, Jackie C. Rudd, Guihua Bai, Scott D. Haley, Amir M.H. Ibrahim, Qingwu Xue,
Dirk B. Hays, Robert A. Graybosch, Ravindra N. Devkota, and Paul St. Amand. 2014
“Molecular markers linked to genes important for hard winter wheat production and
marketing in the U.S. Great Plains.” Crop Sci. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2013.08.0564
8. Shubing Liu, Xiping Yang, Dadong Zhang, Guihua Bai, Shiaoman Chao, William Bockus.
2014 “Genome-wide association analysis identified SNPs closely linked to a gene resistant
to Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus.” Theor. Appl. Genet. doi:10.1007/s00122-014-2277-z.
9. J.E. Berg, P.F. Lamb, J.H. Miller, D.M. Wichman, R.N. Stougaard, J.L. Eckhoff, K.D.
Kephart, D.L. Nash, W.E. Grey, D. Gettel, R. Larson, Y. Jin, J.A. Kolmer, X. Chen, G.
Bai, and P.L. Bruckner. 2014 “Registration of ‘Warhorse’ wheat”. J. Plant Reg. 8: 2: 173176. doi:10.3198/jpr2014.01.0001crc
10. Scott D. Haley, Jerry J. Johnson, Frank B. Peairs, John A. Stromberger, Emily E. HudsonArns, Scott A. Seifert, Victoria A. Valdez, Rebecca A. Kottke, Jeff B. Rudolph, Guihua
Bai, Xianming Chen, Robert L. Bowden, Yue Jin, James A. Kolmer, Ming-Shun Chen,
Bradford W. Seabourn, and Floyd E. Dowell. 2014 “Registration of 'Antero' wheat”. J.
Plant Reg. 8: 2: 165-168. doi:10.3198/jpr2013.12.0072crc
11. Feng Jin, Guihua Bai, Dadong Zhang, Yanhong Dong, Lingjian Ma, William Bockus, and
Floyd Dowell. 2014 “Fusarium-Damaged Kernels and Deoxynivalenol in FusariumInfected U.S. Winter Wheat.” Phytopathology 104:5: 472-478 doi:10.1094/PHYTO-07-130187-R
12. Amy Bernardo, Guihua Bai, Jianbin Yu, Fred Kolb, William Bockus, and Yanhong Dong.
2013 “Registration of Near-Isogenic Winter Wheat Germplasm Contrasting in Fhb1 for
Fusarium Head Blight Resistance” J. Plant Reg. 8:1: 106-108.
13. Shubing Liu, Sunish K Sehgal, Jiarui Li, Meng Lin, Harold N Trick, Jianming Yu, Bikram
S Gill and Guihua Bai. 2013 “Two mutations in TaPHS1 switch pre-harvest sprouting
resistance in wheat” Genetics, doi: 10.1534/genetics.113.152330
14. Colin Cavanagh, Shiaoman Chao, Shichen Wang, Bevan Emma Huang, Stuart Stephen,
Seifollah Kiani, Kerrie Forrest, Cyrille Saintenac, Gina Brown-Guedira, Alina Akhunova,
Deven See, Guihua Bai, Michael Pumphrey, Luxmi Tomar, Debbie Wong, Stephan Kong,
Matthew Reynolds, Marta Lopez da Silva, Harold Bockelman, Luther Talbert; James A.
Anderson, Susanne Dreisigacker, Stephen Baenziger, Arron Carter, Viktor Korzun, Peter
L. Morrell, Jorge Dubcovsky, Matthew Morell, Mark Sorrells, Matthew Hayden, Eduard
Akhunov. 2013 “Genome-wide comparative diversity uncovers multiple targets of
selection for improvement in hexaploid wheat landraces and cultivars” PNAS 110:80578062
15. Feng Jin, Dadong Zhang, William Bochus, P. Stephen Baenziger, Brett Carver and Guihua
Bai. 2013 “Fusarium head blight resistance in U.S. winter wheat cultivars and elite
breeding lines” Crop Sci. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2012.09.0531
16. Robert M. Hunger, Jeffrey T. Edwards, Robert L. Bowden, Liuling Yan, Patricia RayasDuarte, Guihua Bai, Gerald W. Horn, James A. Kolmer, Kris L. Giles, Ming-Shun Chen,
Yue Jin, Roger D. Osburn, Melanie B. Bayles, Bradford W. Seabourn, Arthur R. Klatt, and
Brett F. Carver. 2013 “‘Billings’ wheat combines early maturity, disease resistance, and
desirable grain quality for the southern Great Plains of the USA” J Plant Reg. (accepted)
17. Zhengli Liu, Ting Zhang, Cong Li, and Guihua Bai 2013 “Genetic Diversity and
Classification of Cytoplasm of Chinese Elite Foxtail Millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.]
Germplasm” Crop Sci. (minor revision)
18. Chunlian Li, Mingshun Chen, Shiaoman Chao, Jianming Yu and Guihua Bai. 2013
“Identification of a novel gene, H34, in wheat using recombinant inbred lines and single
nucleotide polymorphism markers” Theor Appl Genet. doi: 10.1007/s00122-013-2118-5
19. Ali Bakhsh, Neway Mengistu, P.S. Baenziger, I. Dweikat, S.N. Wegulo, D. Rose, Guihua
Bai, and K.M. Eskridge. 2013 “Effect of Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance gene Fhb1
on agronomic and end-use quality traits of hard red winter wheat” Crop Sci doi:
20. Zhengli Liu, Robert L. Bowden and Guihua Bai. 2013 “Molecular markers for leaf rust
resistance gene Lr42 in wheat” Crop Sci. Firstlook. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2012.09.0532
21. Y-S Xia, R-H Li, Z-X Ning, G-H Bai, KHM. Siddique, G-J Yan, M. Baum, RK. Varshney,
P-G Guo 2013 “Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in HSP17.8 and Their Association with
Agronomic Traits in Barley” PLoS ONE 8: e56816. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056816
22. Amy N. Bernardo, Robert L. Bowden, Matthew N. Rouse, Maria S. Newcomb, David S.
Marshall and Guihua Bai. 2013 “Validation of molecular markers for new stem rust
resistance genes in U.S. hard winter wheat” Crop Sci. 53:755–764.
23. Xiaoqing Yu, Guihua Bai, Shuwei Liu, Na Luo, Ying Wang, Douglas Richmond, Paula
Pijut, Scott Jackson, Jianming Yu and Yiwei Jiang. 2013 “Association of candidate genes
with drought tolerance traits in diverse perennial ryegrass accessions” J Exp Bot.
24. G. R. Carlson, J. E. Berg, R. N. Stougaard, J. L. Eckhoff, P. F. Lamb, K. D. Kephart, D. M.
Wichman, J. H. Miller, N. R. Riveland, D. L. Nash, W. E. Grey, Y. Jin, J. A. Kolmer, X.
Chen, G. Bai, and P.L. Bruckner. 2013 “Registration of ‘Bearpaw’ Wheat” J Plant Reg.
doi: 10.3198/jpr2012.07.0009crc
25. G. R. Carlson, J. E. Berg, K. D. Kephart, D. M. Wichman, P. F. Lamb, J. H. Miller, R. N.
Stougaard, J. L. Eckhoff, N. R. Riveland, D. L. Nash, W. E. Grey, Y. Jin, J. A. Kolmer, X.
Chen, G. Bai, and P. L. Bruckner 2013 “Registration of ‘Judee’ Wheat” J Plant Reg. 7 (2)
doi: 10.3198/jpr2012.07.0015crc
26. R. A. Graybosch, P. S. Baenziger, D. Santra, T. Regassa, Y. Jin, J. Kolmer, S. Wegulo,
Guihua Bai, Xianming Chen, B. Seabourn, F. Dowell, R. Bowden, D.M. Marshall. 2013
“Release of ‘Waxwing” hard winter wheat” J of Plant Registration (submitted).
27. Yanshi Xia, Zhengxiang Ning, Guihua Bai, Ronghua Li, Guijun Yan, Kadambot H.M
Siddique, Michael Baum and Peiguo Guo. 2012. “Allelic variations of a light harvesting
chlorophyll a/b-binding protein gene (Lhcb1) associated with agronomic traits in barley.”
PLoS ONE 7(5): e37573. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037573
28. Jian Dai, Guihua Bai, Dadong Zhang & Delin Hong. 2012. “Validation of quantitative trait
loci for aluminum tolerance in Chinese wheat landrace FSW.” Euphytica
29. Kolmer, J.A., L. Meng, G.-H. Bai. 2012. “Genetics of leaf rust resistance in the winter
wheat line CI13227.” Crop Sci. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2012.02.0136
30. Scott D. Haley, Jerry J. Johnson, Phillip H. Westra, Frank B. Peairs, John A. Stromberger,
Emily E. Hudson, Scott A. Seifert, Rebecca A. Kottke, Victoria A. Valdez, Jeff B.
Rudolph, Guihua Bai, Xianming Chen, Robert L. Bowden, Yue Jin, James A. Kolmer,
Ming-Shun Chen, and Bradford W. Seabourn. 2011. “Registration of 'Brawl CL Plus'
Wheat.” J of Plant Reg. doi: 10.3198/jpr2011.12.0673crc
31. Scott D. Haley, Jerry J. Johnson, Frank B. Peairs, John A. Stromberger, Emily E. Hudson,
Scott A. Seifert, Rebecca A. Kottke, Victoria A. Valdez, Jeff B. Rudolph, Terry J. Martin,
Guihua Bai, Xianming Chen, Robert L. Bowden, Yue Jin, James A. Kolmer, Ming-Shun
Chen, and Bradford W. Seabourn. 2011. “Registration of 'Denali' Wheat.” J of Plant Reg.
doi: 10.3198/jpr2011.12.0675crc
32. Scott D. Haley*, Jerry J. Johnson, Frank B. Peairs, John A. Stromberger, Emily E. Hudson,
Scott A. Seifert, Rebecca A. Kottke, Victoria A. Valdez, Jeff B. Rudolph, Guihua Bai,
Xianming Chen, Robert L. Bowden, Yue Jin, James A. Kolmer, Ming-Shun Chen, and
Bradford W. Seabourn. 2011. “Registration of 'Byrd' Wheat.” J of Plant Reg. doi:
33. Yuye Wu, Xianran Li, Wenwen Xiang, Chengsong Zhu, Zhongwei Lin, Yun Wu, Jiarui Li,
Guihua Bai, Ming L. Wang, Harold N. Trick, Scott R. Bean, Mitchell R. Tuinstra, Tesfaye
T. Tesso, Jianming Yu. 2012. “Presence of tannins in sorghum grains is conditioned by
different natural alleles of Tan1.” PNAS USA 109:10381-10286
34. Graybosch, R.A., St Amand, P., Bai, G. 2012. “Evaluation of genetic markers for
prediction of pre-harvest sprouting tolerance in hard white winter wheats.” Plant Breed
35. XR Li, CS Zhu, CT Yeh, W Wu, KA Petsch, F Tian, GJ Muehlbauer, GH Bai, ES Buckler,
MCP. Timmermans, MJ Scanlon, PS Schnable & JM Yu. 2012. “Genic and non-genic
contributions to quantitative trait variation in Maize as detected via GWAS.” Genome Res.
36. Li Tao, Bai GuiHua & Gu ShiLiang. 2012. “A combination of leaf rust resistance gene
Lr34 and lesion mimic gene lm significantly enhances adult plant resistance to Puccinia
triticina in wheat.” Chinese Science Bulletin doi: 10.1007/s11434-012-5001-x
37. ZW Lin, XR Li, ML. Wang, GH Bai, JR Li, TE. Clemente, HN Trick, MR Tuinstra, TT
Tesso, F White & JM Yu. 2012. “Parallel domestication of SHATTERING1 gene in
crops.” Nature Genet. doi:10.1038/ng.2281.
38. XH Zhang, HY Pan and GH Bai. 2012. “Quantitative trait loci responsible for Fusarium
head blight resistance in Chinese wheat landrace Baishanyuehuang.” Theor. Appl. Genet.
doi: 10.1007/s00122-012-1848-0
39. Huangjun Lu, Rebecca Kottke, Ravindra Devkota, Paul St. Amand, Amy Bernardo,
Guihua Bai, Patrick Byrne, Joe Martin, Scott Haley, and Jackie Rudd. 2012. “JointMapping and Identification of Markers for Marker-Assisted Selection of Wsm2 in Wheat.”
Crop Sci. 52: doi: 10.2135/cropsci2011.07.0363
40. XH Zhang, HY Pan and GH Bai. 2012. “Quantitative Trait Loci for Fusarium Head Blight
Resistance in U.S. Hard Winter Wheat Cultivar ‘Heyne’.” Crop Sci. doi:
41. Tao Li, Guihua Bai, Shuangye Wu and Shiliang Gu. 2012. “Quantitative Trait Loci for
Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in a Chinese Wheat Landrace Huangfangzhu.”
Euphytica doi: 10.1007/s10681-012-0631-2
42. Victoria A. Valdez, Patrick F. Byrne, Nora L.V. Lapitan, Frank B. Peairs, Amy Bernardo,
Guihua Bai, Scott D. Haley. 2012. “Inheritance and Genetic Mapping of Russian Wheat
Aphid Resistance in Iranian Wheat Landrace Accession PI 626580.” Crop Sci. 52:676-682
43. Baenziger, P. S., R. A. Graybosch, L. T. Regassa, A. Nelson, R. N. Klein, D. K. Santra, D.
D. Baltensperger, J. M. Krall, L. Xu, S. N. Wegulo, Y. Jin, J. Kolmer, Ming-shun Chen,
and Guihua Bai. 2012. “Registration of 'NI04421' hard winter wheat.” J of Plant
Registration 6: 1: 54-59
44. Baenziger, P. S., R. A. Graybosch, L. T. Regassa, A. Nelson, R. N. Klein, D. K. Santra
Baltensperger, J. M. Krall, L. Xu, S. N. Wegulo, Y. Jin, J. Kolmer, Ming-shun Chen, and
Guihua Bai. 2012. “Registration of 'NE01481' (Husker Genetics Brand McGill) Hard Red
Winter Wheat.” J of Plant Registration 6: 1: 49-53
45. Jeffrey T. Edwards, Robert M. Hunger, Edward L. Smith, Gerald W. Horn, Ming-Shun
Chen, Liuling Yan, Guihua Bai, Robert L. Bowden, Patricia Rayas-Duarte, Roger A.
Osburn, James A. Kolmer, Yue Jin, David R. Porter, Kristopher L. Giles, Bradford W.
Seabourn, Melanie, B. Bayles, and Brett F. Carver 2012. “‘Duster’ Wheat: A Durable,
Dual-Purpose Cultivar Adapted to the Southern Great Plains of the USA.” J of Plant
Registration. 6:37-48.
46. S. R. Delwiche, R. A. Graybosch, P. St. Amand, and G. Bai. 2011. “Starch Waxiness in
Hexaploid Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by NIR Reflectance Spectroscopy.” J Agric and
Food Chem. 59:4002-4008
47. Jianling Peng, Jianbin Yu, Hongliang Wang, Yingqing Guo, Guangming Li, Guihua Bai
and Rujin Chen. 2011. “Control of Compound Leaf Development by a Class M KNOX
Gene in Medicago truncatula.” Plant Cell doi: 10.1105/tpc.111.089128
48. S.D. Haley, J.J. Johnson, F.B. Peairs, J.A.Stromberger, E.E. Heaton, S.S. Seifert, and R.A.
Kottke, J.B. Rudolph, T.J. Martin, Guihua Bai, X.M. Chen, R.L. Bowden, Yue Jin, J.A.
Kolmer, D.L. Seifers, M-S. Chen and B.W. Seabourn. 2011. “Registration of Snowmass'
Wheat.” J of Plant Registration 5:87-90
49. Dadong Zhang, Guihua Bai, Robert M. Hunger, William W. Bockus, Jianming Yu, Brett F.
Carver, and Gina Brown-Guedira. 2011. “Association Study of Resistance to Soilborne
Wheat Mosaic Virus (SBWMV) in U.S. Winter Wheat.” Phytopathology 101:1322-1329
50. Z-L Liu, G-H Bai, D-D Zhang, C-S Zhu, X-Y Xia, R-H Cheng, and Z-G Shi. 2011.
“Genetic diversity and population structure of elite foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P.
Beauv.] germplasm in China.” Crop Sci 51:1655-1663
51. Amy N. Bernardo, Hongxiang Ma, Dadong Zhang, and Guihua Bai. 2011. “Single
Nucleotide Polymorphism in Wheat Chromosome Region Harboring Fhb1 for Fusarium
Head Blight Resistance.” Mol Breed. DOI 10.1007/s11032-011-9565-y
52. Tao Li, Guihua Bai, Shuangye Wu and Shiliang Gu. 2011. “Quantitative Trait Loci for
Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in a Chinese Wheat Landrace Haiyanzhong.” Theor
Appl Genet. 122:1497-1502
53. X. Li, C. Zhu, Z. Lin, Y. Wu, D. Zhang, G. Bai, W. Song, J. Ma, G.J. Muehlbauer, M.J.
Scanlon, M. Zhang, and J. Yu. 2011. “A conserved boundary of chromosome size variation
in diploid eukaryotic genomes.” Mol. Biol. and Evol. 28(6). 1901-1911
54. Xiaoqing Yu, Guihua Bai, Na Luo, Jianxiu Liu, and Yiwei Jiang. 2011. “Association
Mapping of Submergence Responses in a Diverse Population of Perennial Ryegrass.” Plant
Sci. 180:391-398
55. Jayatilake DV, Bai GH, and Dong YH. 2011. “A novel quantitative trait locus for Fusarium
head blight resistance in chromosome 7A of wheat.” Theor Appl Genet. 122:1189-1198
56. Angelo Jay Noriel, Xiaochun Sun, Willium Bockus, Guihua Bai. 2011. “Resistance to Tan
Spot and Insensitivity to Ptr ToxA in Wheat.” Crop Sci. 51:1059-1067
57. Baenziger, P. S., R. A. Graybosch, L. A. Nelson, T. Regassa, R. N. Klein, d. D.
Baltensperger, D. K. Santra, A. M. H. Ibrahim, W. Berzonsky, J. M. Krall, L. Xu, S. N.
Wegulo, M. L. Bernards, Y. Jin, J. Kolmer, J. H. Hatchett, Ming-shun Chen, and Guihua
Bai. 2011. “Registration of 'NH03614 CL'.” J of Plant Registration 5:75-80
58. Ji G-S, Bai G-H, Zhang Q-J. 2010. “Diversity of growth habits and their association with
VRN allele of 81 American wheat lines.” Agric. Sci. in China. 9:1705-1712
59. Jianghua Chen, Jianbin Yu, Liangfa Ge, Hongliang Wang, Ana Berbel, Yu Liu, Yuhui
Chen, Guangming Li, Million Tadege, Jiangqi Wen, Viviane Cosson, Kirankumar S.
Mysore, Pascal Ratet, Francisco Madueño, Guihua Bai, and Rujin Chen. 2010.” Control of
dissected leaf morphology by a Cys(2)His(2) zinc finger transcription factor in the model
legume Medicago truncatula.” PNAS USA 107:10754-10759.
60. Shubing Liu, Guihua Bai, Shibin Cai, and Cuixia Chen. 2011. “Dissection of genetic
components of preharvest sprouting resistance in white wheat.” Mol. Breed. 27:511-523
61. Shubing Liu, Guihua Bai. 2010. “Dissection and fine mapping of a major QTL for
preharvest sprouting resistance in white wheat Rio Blanco.” Theor. and Appl. Genet.
62. Dadong Zhang, Guihua Bai, Chengsong Zhu, Jianming Yu, Brett Carver. 2010. “Genetic
diversity, population structure and linkage disequilibrium in U.S. elite winter wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.)” The Plant Genome. 3:117-127
63. Xiaochun Sun, Willium Bockus and Guihua Bai. 2010. “Quantitative trait loci for
resistance to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis race 1 in a Chinese wheat.” Phytopathology
64. Kolluru Vijayalakshmi, Allan K. Fritz, Gary M. Paulsen, Guihua Bai. 2010. “Modeling and
mapping QTL for senescence-related traits in winter wheat under high temperature.” Mol.
Breed. 26:163–175.
65. P. S. Baenziger, R. A. Graybosch, L. A. Nelson, R. N. Klein, D. D. Baltensperger, L. Xu,
S. N. Wegulo, J. E. Watkins, Y. Jin, J. Kolmer, J. H. Hatchett, M.-S. Chen, and G. Bai
2010 “Registration of ‘Camelot’ wheat.” J of Plant Registration 3:256-263
66. Xiaochun Sun, Felix Marza, Hongxiang Ma, Brett F. Carver and Guihua Bai. 2009.
“Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci for Quality Factors in an Inter-Class Cross of U.S. and
Chinese Wheat.” Theor Appl Genet. 120:1041-1051
67. Shusong Zheng, Patrick F. Byrne, Guihua Bai, Xueyan Shana, Scott D. Reid, Scott D.
Haley, and B.W. Seabourn. 2009. “Association analysis reveals effects of wheat glutenin
alleles and rye translocations on dough mixing properties.” Cereal Chemistry 50:283-290
68. Shuangye Wu, Michael Pumphrey, Guihua Bai. 2009. “Molecular mapping of a stem rust
resistance gene Sr40 in wheat.” Crop Sci. 49:1681-1686
69. Jian-Bin Yu, and Gui-Hua Bai. 2009. “Mapping quantitative trait loci for long coleoptile in
Chinese wheat landrace Wangshuibai”. Crop Sci 50: 43-50
70. Xiaochun Sun, Guihua Bai, Brett F. Carver, and Robert Bowden. 2009. “Molecular
Mapping of leaf rust resistance gene Lr42.” Crop Sci 50: 59-66
71. Tao Li, Guihua Bai, Robert Bowden. 2009. “Lesion mimics associate with adult plant
resistance to leaf rust in Wheat.” Theor Appl Genet 119:13-21
72. Amy Bernardo P.J. Bradbury, H-X. Ma, S-W. Hu, R.L. Bowden, E.S. Buckler and G-H.
Bai. 2009. “Discovery and mapping of single feature polymorphisms in wheat (Triticum
aestivum L.) Using Affymetrix Arrays.” BMC Genomics. 10:251
73. Shilpa Sood, Vasu Kuraparthy, Guihua Bai, Bikram S. Gill. 2009. “The soft glume (sog)
gene of Triticum monococcum L. is not an ortholog of Tenacious glume (Tg) gene of
Triticum aestivum L.” Theor Appl Genet 119:341-351
74. Peiguo Guo, Michael Baum, Stefania Grando, Salvatore Ceccarelli, Guihua Bai, Ronghua
Li, Maria von Korff , Rajeev K. Varshney, Andreas Graner, Jan Valkoun. 2009.
“Differentially Expressed Genes between Drought-tolerant and -sensitive Barley
Genotypes in Response to Drought Stress during the Reproductive Stage.” J. Exp. Bot.
75. Xiaochun Sun, Guihua Bai, Brett F. Carver, and Robert Bowden. 2009. “Molecular
markers for wheat leaf rust resistance gene Lr41.” Mol Breed. 23:311-321
76. B. Prasad, M.A. Babar, X.Y. Xu, G.H. Bai, and A.R. Klatt. 2009. “Genetic diversity in the
U.S. hard red winter wheat cultivars as revealed by microsatellite markers.” Crop Pasture
Sci. 60:16-24
77. Liu S-B, Cai S-B, Graybosch R, Chen C-X, Bai G-H. 2008. “Quantitative trait loci for
resistance to pre-harvest sprouting in U.S. hard white winter wheat Rio Blanco.” Theor
Appl Genet 117:691-699.
78. Hu S-W, Bai G-H, Carver B F, Zhang D-D. 2008. “Diverse Origins of Aluminum-resistant
Sources in Wheat.” Theor Appl Genet. 118:29–41
79. Yu GH, Ma HX, Bai GH, Tang KX. 2008.“ SSCP markers associated with a major QTL
for Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat.” Mol. Biol. 42(4):504-513
80. Scott D. Haley, Jerry J. Johnson, Frank B. Peairs, James S. Quick, John A. Stromberger,
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Seabourn, Guihua Bai, Yue Jin, James A. Kolmer, and Xianming Chen. 2008.
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81. Cai S-B, Bai G-H, and Zhang D-D. 2008. “Quantitative trait loci for aluminum resistance
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84. Chen C-X, Cai S-B, and Bai G-H. 2008 “A major QTL controlling seed dormancy and preharvest sprouting resistance on chromosome 4A in a Chinese wheat landrace.” Mol Breed.
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1. Bai G-H, Chen L-F and Shaner G. 2003. Breeding for resistance to head blight of wheat in
China. In: Wheat Fusarium Head Blight. Kurt Leonard (ed). APS Press. Pp. 296-317
2. Bai G-H. Zhou C-F, Qian C-M, Ge Y-F. 1990. Genetic analysis on resistance genes to scab
spread in wheat cultivars. Pp. 171-177. In L-H. Zhu (ed) Advances in Researches on
Inheritance to Diseases in Major Crops. Jiangsu Sci-Tech Publ House, Nanjing. China.
Chen L-F, Bai G-H, and Desjardins AE. 2000. Recent advances in wheat head scab
research in China. National Agricultural Library Internet publication, USDA. Online at
A.N. Bernardo, S. Chao and G-H. Bai. 2012. Fine mapping of wheat Fhb1 using
Sequenom MassArray SNP genotyping platform. P46. Proceedings of 2012 National
Fusarium Head Blight Forum, December 2012, Orlando, FL.
W.A. Berzonsky, A. Bakhsh, P.S. Baenziger and G. Bai. 2012. Grain yield performance of
Wesley backcross Fhb1 HRWW germplasm. P47. Proceedings of 2012 National Fusarium
Head Blight Forum, December 2012, Orlando, FL.
Jin Cai, Guihua Bai and Xiaofei Wang. 2012. Meta analysis of Fusarium head blight
resistance QTL in Chinese wheat landraces. P54. Proceedings of 2012 National Fusarium
Head Blight Forum, December 2012, Orlando, FL.
Feng Jin, Dadong Zhang, Chengsong Zhu, William Bockus. 2012. Association mapping of
FHB resistance in US hard winter wheat. P61. Proceedings of 2012 National Fusarium
Head Blight Forum, December 2012, Orlando, FL.
Li, X., C. Zhu, Z. Lin, Y. Wu, D. Zhang, J. Ma, W. Song, G. Bai, G.J. Muehlbauer, M.J.
Scanlon, M. Zhang, and J. Yu. 2011. Comparative analysis of genome and chromosome
evolution across 128 species with sequenced genomes. Plant and Animal Genome XIX
Conference, Jan. 15-19, 2011, San Diego, CA.
Guihua Bai, P. Stephen Baenziger William Berzonsky, Amy Bernardo, Paul St Amand,
Dadong Zhang, Jin Cai, Feng Jin, Tao Li, Jianbin Yu, William Bockus and Fred Kolb.
2011. Using Maker-Assisted Selection to Improve Fusarium Head Blight (FHB)
Resistance in Hard Winter Wheat. Proceedings of the 2011 National Fusarium Head
Blight Form. Dec. 4-6, 2011, St. Louis, MO.
A.N. Bernardo, J-B Yu, H-X. Ma, F. Kolb and G-H. Bai. 2011. Clark Near-Isogenic Lines
Contrasting in Fhb1 for FHB Resistance did not Show Significant Reduction in Grain
Yield. Proceedings of the 2011 National Fusarium Head Blight Form. Dec. 4-6, 2011, St.
Louis, MO.
Jin Cai and Guihua Bai. 2011. Mapping QTL for Fusarium Head Blight Resistance to
Chinese Wheat Landrace Huangcandou (HCD). Proceedings of the 2011 National
Fusarium Head Blight Form. Dec. 4-6, 2011, St. Louis, MO.
Feng Jin, Dadong Zhang, William Bockus, P. Stephen Baenziger and Guihua Bai. 2011.
Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in US Hard Winter Wheat. Proceedings of the 2011
National Fusarium Head Blight Form. Dec. 4-6, 2011, St. Louis, MO.
10. Shubing Liu, Guihua Bai, Sunish K Sehgal3, Bikram S Gill, Edward Akhonv. 2010. Fine
Mapping a Major QTL for Pre-Harvest Sprouting (PHS) Resistance by Comparative
Analysis in White Wheat. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2010 Annual Meeting, Oct 31-Nov 4, Long
Beach, CA
11. Dadong Zhang, Guihua Bai, Robert L. Bowden, Yue Jin, Brett F. Carver, Chengsong Zhu,
and Jianming Yu 2010. Discovery and Validation of Marker Alleles for Stem Rust
Resistance in U.S. Wheat. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2010 Annual Meeting, Oct 31-Nov 4, Long
Beach, CA
12. G.H. Bai, B.F. Carver, C.S. Zhu, and J.M. Yu. Wheat tolerance to aluminum toxicity in
Asian and U.S. Wheat. 2010. Zhang DD, US Hard Winter Wheat Workers Workshop.
March 7-9, Lincoln, NE.
13. Rebecca A. Kottke , Guihua Bai , Allan Fritz , Victoria Valdez, Maria Mendoza , Scott D.
Haley 2010. Validation Of Molecular Markers Associated With Pre-Harvest Sprouting
Tolerance In A Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Doubled Haploid Population. Plant
& Animal Genomes XVIII Conference January 9-13, 2010
. San Diego, CA
14. Shubing Liu , Guihua Bai. 2010. Fine Mapping Of The Major QTL For Pre-Harvest
Sprouting (PHS) Resistance In Wheat. Plant & Animal Genomes XVIII Conference
January 9-13, 2010
. San Diego, CA
15. Yiwei Jiang, Guihua Bai, Shuwei Liu, Ying Wang, Scott E. Warnke , Jianming Yu. 2010.
Genetic Diversity And Population Structure Of Perennial Ryegrass Accessions Assessed
By Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers. Plant & Animal Genomes XVIII Conference
January 9-13, 2010
. San Diego, CA
16. Sarah E Harmer , Paul St. Amand , Guihua Bai , Bradford W Seabourn Effects Of
Glutenin Loci Allelic Diversity And Rye Translocations On Dough And Bread-Making
Properties Within U.S. Hard Winter Wheat Breeding Programs. Plant & Animal Genomes
XVIII Conference January 9-13, 2010
. San Diego, CA
Marcelo A. Soria, Jamie Sherman, Jim A. Anderson, P. Stephen Baenziger, Guihua Bai,
Bill Berzonsky, Gina Brown-Guedira, Kim Campbell, Brett F. Carver, Shiaoman Chao8 ,
Allan Fritz, Carl Griffey, Scott D. Haley, Jerry W. Johnson, Shahryar F. Kianian,
Kimberlee K Kidwell, Dave E. Matthews, Mohamed Mergoum, Herbert Ohm, Jim
Peterson, Oscar Riera Lizarazu, Jackie Rudd, Luther Talbert, Mark E. Sorrells, Edward
Souza, Liuling Yan, Robert Zemetra. 2010. The WheatCAP Project: Creating Public
Long-Term Tools And Capabilities For Wheat Improvement. Plant & Animal Genomes
XVIII Conference January 9-13, 2010
. San Diego, CA
Sundeep Kumar, Sunish K Sehgal, PVV Prasad, G Bai , AK Joshi, BS Gill. QTL Mapping
For Traits Associated With Drought Tolerance In Spring Wheat. Plant & Animal
Genomes XVII Conference January 10-14, 2009
. San Diego, CA
D.D. Zhang, G. H. Bai, C.S. Zhu, J.M. Yu, W. Bockus , S. Baenziger. 2009. Association
Mapping of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Asian and U.S.A. Wheat. 2009 National
Fusarium Head Blight Forum, December 2 - 4, 2009. Orlando, FL.
A.N. Bernardo, D-D. Zhang, H-X. Ma and G-H. Bai. 2009 Development, Mapping and
Haplotype Analysis of EST-based SNPs in the Wheat Fhb1 Region. 2009 National
Fusarium Head Blight Forum, December 2 - 4, 2009. Orlando, FL.
D.V. Jayatilake and G-H. Bai, 2009. Mapping QTL for Fusarium Head Blight Resistance
in Wheat Chromosome 7A. 2009 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, December 2 - 4,
2009. Orlando, FL.
A Bernardo, G-H Bai H-X Ma. 2008. Single nucleotide polymorphim markers for
fusarium head blight resistance in wheat. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2008 International Annual
Meeting, Oct 5-9, Houston, TX.
Neway Mengistu, P. Stephen Baenziger, Stephen Wegulo, Janelle Counsell Millhouse and
Guihua Bai. 2009. Integration of 3BS (Fhb1) FHB QTL using Marker-Assisted Breeding
into Hard Red Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) of Nebraska
Tao Li and Guihua Bai. 2008. HR-like lesion mimic contributes to improved resistance to
Fusarium graminearum in wheat. 2008 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, December
2 - 4, 2008. Indianapolis, IN.
Amy Bernardo,PJ Bradbury, H Ma, SW Hu, RL Bowden, ES Buckler and Guihua Bai.
2008. Discover and mapping of SNP in wheat using Affymetrix Arrays. 2008 National
Fusarium Head Blight Forum, December 2 - 4, 2008. Indianapolis, IN.
A Bernardo, G-H Bai, H-X Ma. 2008. Single nucleotide polymorphism markers for
Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat. 2008 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum,
December 2 - 4, 2008. Indianapolis, IN.
Tao Li, Guihua Bai and Robert Bowden. 2008. Lesion mimic in wheat is associated with
elevated adult plant resistance to leaf rust. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2008 International Annual
Meeting, Oct 5-9, Houston, TX.
A Bernardo, G-H Bai H-X Ma. 2008. Single nucleotide polymorphim markers for
fusarium head blight resistance in wheat. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2008 International Annual
Meeting, Oct 5-9, Houston, TX.
29. X-C Sun, W Bockus G-H Bai 2008. Molecular mapping of resistance to Pyrenophora
tritici-repentis race 1 in wheat. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2008 International Annual Meeting,
Oct 5-9, Houston, TX.
30. S-B Liu, S-B Cai, Guihua Bai. 2008. QTLs for pre-harvest sprouting and seed dormancy
in Chinese white wheat landrace Tutoumai. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2008 International Annual
Meeting, Oct 5-9, Houston, TX.
31. S-Y Wu, M Pumphery, G-H Bai. 2008. Molecular mapping of a stem rust resistance gene
Sr40 in wheat. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2008 International Annual Meeting, Oct 5-9, Houston,
32. D-D Zhang, G-H Bai, J-M Yu and B.F. Carver. 2008. Association Mapping of Wheat
Genes Resistant to Aluminum Toxicity ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2008 International Annual
Meeting, Oct 5-9, Houston, TX.
33. MA. Soria, JA. Anderson, PS Baenziger, B Berzonsky, G Brown-Guedira, K Campbell, B
F. Carver, S Chao, J Dubcovsky, A Fritz, CA. Griffey, G Bai, S Haley, JW. Johnson, SF.
Kianian, K Kidwell, M Mergoum, H Ohm, J Peterson, OR Lizarazu, J Rudd, L Talbert,
ME. Sorrells, E Souza, R Zemetra. 2008. WheatCAP: empowering wheat farmers with
new breeding technologies. Genome XVI, January 12 - 16, 2008 San Diego, CA.
34. A.N. Bernardo, S-W. Hu, P.J. Bradbury, R.L. Bowden, E.S. Buckler and G-H. Bai. 2008.
Using Affymetrix array to discover single nucleotide polymorphisms in wheat. 2008
Genome XVI, January 12 - 16, 2008 San Diego, CA.
35. A.N. Bernardo, S-W. Hu, P.J. Bradbury, R.L. Bowden, E.S. Buckler and G-H. Bai. 2007.
Using Affymetrix array to discover single nucleotide polymorphisms in wheat. 2007
National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, December 2 - 4, 2006. Kansas City, KS.
36. G Bai, P St. Amand, D Zhang, A Ibrahim, SP Baenziger, B Bockus, and A Fritz. 2007.
Marker-assisted Transfer of 3BS QTL for FHB Resistance into Hard Winter Wheat. 2007
National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, December 2 - 4, 2006. Kansas City, KS.
37. S Liu, S Cai, C Chen, R Graybosch, and G Bai. 2007.Mapping QTLs for Pre-Harvest
Sprouting Resistance in a U.S. White Winter Wheat Rio Blanco. Wheat Genomics
Conference Nov 31-Dec 2. Kansas City, KS.
38. A.N. Bernardo, S-W. Hu, P.J. Bradbury, R.L. Bowden, E.S. Buckler and G-H. Bai. 2007.
Using Affymetrix array to discover single nucleotide polymorphisms in wheat. Wheat
Genomics Conference Nov 31-Dec 2. Kansas City, KS.
39. Xiaochun Sun, Guihua Bai, and Brett Carver. 2007. Molecular mapping of leaf rust
resistance genes Lr41 and Lr42 in wheat. Wheat Genomics Conference Nov 31-Dec 2.
Kansas City, KS.
40. S Zheng, X Shan, P Byrne, S Reid, G Bai, and SD Haley. 2007. Association Mapping
Reveals Effects of Allelic Variation at the Wheat Glu-B3 Locus on Dough Properties.
ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2007 International Annual Meeting, Nov 4-8, New Orleans Louisiana
41. J S. Roth, S.D. Haley, J. Peng, N.L.V. Lapitan, G Bai, and B Bockus. 2007.
Characterization of Wheat Lines Derived through MAS for Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus
Resistance and High Grain Protein Content. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2007 International Annual
Meeting, Nov 4-8, New Orleans Louisiana
42. G Bai, P St. Amand, D Zhang, A Ibrahim, SP Baenziger, B Bockus, and A Fritz. 2007.
Improvement of FHB Resistance of Hard Winter Wheat through Marker-assisted
Backcross. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2007 International Annual Meeting, Nov 4-8, New Orleans
43. S Liu, S Cai, C Chen, R Graybosch, and G Bai. 2007. Mapping QTLs for Pre-Harvest
Sprouting Resistance in a U.S. White Winter Wheat. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2007
International Annual Meeting, Nov 4-8, New Orleans LA
44. X Sun, G Bai, and BCarver. 2007. Molecular mapping of leaf rust resistance genes Lr41
and Lr42 in wheat. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2007 International Annual Meeting, Nov 4-8, New
Orleans LA
45. MA. Soria, JA. Anderson, PS Baenziger, B Berzonsky, G Brown-Guedira, K Campbell, B
F. Carver, S Chao, J Dubcovsky, A Fritz, CA. Griffey, G Bai, S Haley, JW. Johnson, SF.
Kianian, K Kidwell, M Mergoum, H Ohm, J Peterson, OR Lizarazu, J Rudd, L Talbert,
ME. Sorrells, E Souza, R Zemetra. 2007. The Wheat-CAP Project. Applying genomics to
wheat breeding. The 2nd International Conference on Plant Molecular Breeding. Sanya,
China, March 23-27, 2007
46. AN Bernardo, PJ Bradbury, S-W Hu, RL Bowden, ES Buckler and G-H. Bai. 2007 Using
Affymetrix Array to identify Single Feature Polymorphisms in Wheat. The 2nd
International Conference on Plant Molecular Breeding. Sanya, China, March 23-27, 2007
47. Roles of USDA Genotyping Center in molecular breeding for hard winter wheat in the
USA. The 2nd International Conference on Plant Molecular Breeding. Sanya, China,
March 23-27, 2007.
48. G Bai, P St. Amand, D Zhang, A Ibrahim, S Baenziger, B Bockus, H Ma, A Fritz. 2007
Use of marker-assisted backcross to transfer a FHB-resistance QTL into US hard winter
wheat. The 2nd International Conference on Plant Molecular Breeding. Sanya, China,
March 23-27, 2007.
49. S Sood, V Kuraparthy, G Bai, HS Dhaliwal and BS. Gill. 2007. Molecular Mapping of
soft glume Gene (sog) in Diploid Wheat Plant and Animal Genome XV, January 13 - 17,
2007 San Diego, CA.
50. MA. Soria, JA. Anderson, PS Baenziger, B Berzonsky, G Brown-Guedira, K Campbell, B
F. Carver, S Chao, J Dubcovsky, A Fritz, CA. Griffey, G Bai, S Haley, JW. Johnson, SF.
Kianian, K Kidwell, M Mergoum, H Ohm, J Peterson, OR Lizarazu, J Rudd, L Talbert,
ME. Sorrells, E Souza, R Zemetra. 2007. The Wheat-CAP Project. Applying genomics to
wheat breeding. Genome XV, January 13 - 17, 2007 San Diego, CA.
51. J. Yu, G. Bai, W. Zhou, F. Kolb, Y. Dong, P. Hart 2006 Mapping QTLs for Three Types
of Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in Wangshuibai. 2006 National Fusarium Head
Blight Forum, December 10 - 12, 2006, Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina
52. Amy Bernardo, Peter Bradbury, Robert Bowden, Ed Buckler and Guihua Bai 2006 Using
Gene Expression Array to Discover Single Feature Polymorphisms for Mapping of FHB
Resistance in Wheat. 2006 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, December 10 - 12,
2006, Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina USA.
53. Guihua Bai, Paul St. Amand, Amir Ibrahim, Stephen Baenziger, Bill Bockus, Allan Fritz.
2006 Transfer of a QTL for FHB Resistance into Hard Winter Wheat Using Markerassisted Backcross. 2006 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, December 10 - 12, 2006,
Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina USA.
54. N Mengistu, P. S Baenziger, S Wegulo, J Breathnach, J Cousell, G Bai, and F Dowell.
2006 Breeding for Fusarium Head Blight Tolerance: Incorporating Technology. 2006
National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, December 10 - 12, 2006, Research Triangle Park
(RTP), North Carolina USA.
55. Lili Zhou, Guihua Bai, Brett Carver. 2006. Expression of ALMT1 Gene in Al-resistant
and Sensitive Wheat Cultivars from USA and Asia. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International
Meetings. Nov 12-16, 2006. Indianapolis, IN
56. Al Ajlouni, Z., P.S. Baenziger, K. Eskridge, L. Nelson, B. Guihua, and I. Dweikat 2006
The Effect of Semi-dwarfing Genes in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on Plant Height in
Diverse Environment in Nebraska ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meetings. Nov 12-16,
2006. Indianapolis, In
57. Guihua Bai. 2006. Implementation of Marker-Assisted Selection in the US Wheat
Breeding Programs. Plant and Animal Genome IX, January 15 - 19, 2006 San Diego, CA.
58. Cuixia Chen, Shibin Cai, Guihua Bai. 2006. A Major QTL Controlling Wheat Seed
Dormancy and Preharvest Sprouting on Chromosome 4A. Plant and Animal Genome IX,
January 15 - 19, 2006 San Diego, CA.
59. Bernardo, Amy, Guihua Bai and Harold N. Trick. 2005. Functional analysis of putative
genes for FHB-resistance/susceptibility in wheat using RNAi. Proceedings of the 2005
National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. P101.Milwaukee, WI, Dec 11-13, 2005.
60. Yu, J-B, G-H. Bai, W-C. Zhou, F.L. Kolb, Y-H. Dong, P. Hart, 2005. Mapping QTLs for
different types of resistance to Fusarium head blight in Wangshuibai. Proceedings of the
2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. P101. Milwaukee, WI, Dec 11-13, 2005.
61. H-X. Ma G-H. Bai W-Z. Lu and X. Zhang Main Effects, Epistasis and environmental
interactions of QTLs for Fusarium head blight resistance in CS-SM3-DS7A/Annong 8455.
Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. P101. Milwaukee, WI,
Dec 11-13, 2005.
62. Zhou, L-L, G-H. Bai and B.F. Carver Marker-assisted identification of new sources of
Aluminum tolerance in Wheat. ASA-CSSA-SSSA. 69th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City,
Utah, Nov 6-10 2005.
63. Zhou Li-Li., Gui-Hua Bai, Hong-Xiang Ma. 2005. QTLs for Aluminum tolerance in
wheat recombinant inbred population Atlas 66 x Chisholm. ASA-CSSA-SSSA. 69th
Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov 6-10 2005.
64. Yang J, Shaner GE, Bai G-H. 2005. Identifying new QTLs for wheat resistance to
Fusarium head blight using SSR and TRIP markers. Plant and Animal Genome XIII,
January 15 - 19, 2005 San Diego, CA.
65. H-X. Ma G-H. Bai W-Z. Lu and X. Zhang. 2005. Main Effects, Epistasis and
environmental interactions of QTLs for Fusarium head blight resistance in CS-SM3DS7A/Annong 8455. ASA-CSSA-SSSA. 69th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov
6-10 2005.
66. Yu J-B, Bai G-H, Zhou W-C, Kolb FL, Dong Y-H, and Hart P. 2005. Fine mapping of
wheat QTL for resistance to FHB and DON in Chinese landrace Wangshuibai. Plant and
Animal Genome XIII, January 15 - 19, 2005 San Diego, CA.
67. Yang J, Shaner GE, Bai G-H. 2004. Identifying new QTs for wheat resistance to Fusarium
head blight using SSR and TRIP markers. 2nd International Symposium on Fusarium
Head Blight. Dec. 11-15. Orlando, FL. P213.
68. Ma H-X, Bai G-H, BS Gill. 2004. Deletion of a chromosome arm altered wheat resistance
to by Fusarium head blight in Chinese Spring. 2nd International Symposium on Fusarium
Head Blight. Dec. 11-15. Orlando, FL. P100
69. Yu J-B, Bai G-H, Zhou W-C, Kolb FL, Dong Y-H, and Hart P. 2004. Fine mapping of
wheat QTL for resistance to FHB and DON in Chinese landrace Wangshuibai. 2nd
International Symposium on Fusarium Head Blight. Dec. 11-15. Orlando, FL. P218.
70. Yu J-B, Bai G-H, Dong Y-H, Cai S-B, and Hart P. 2004. Identification of new FHB
resistance sources from Asian wheat germplasm. 2nd International Symposium on
Fusarium Head Blight. Dec. 11-15. Orlando, FL. P224.
71. Bernardo, A.N., Ayoubi P., and Guenzi A. Bai G-H . 2004. Expression of defense related
genes during early wheat-F. graminearum interaction. 2nd International Symposium on
Fusarium Head Blight. Dec. 11-15. Orlando, FL. P15
72. Ma H-X, Bai G-H, Carver BF, Zhou L-L. 2004. Molecular Mapping of a Quantitative
Trait Locus for Aluminum Tolerance in Wheat. ASA, Seattle, WA. Oct31-Nov 4
73. Bernardo, A.N., Bai G-H , Ayoubi P., and Guenzi A. 2003. Using cDNA microarray to
monitor the transcriptional response of wheat cultivars to infection by Fusarium
graminearum. Dec. 13-15, Proceedings of the 2003 National Fusarium Head Blight
Forum, Bloomington, MN. W. C.
75. Zhou, F. L. Kolb, G. H. Bai, 2003. Marker-assisted backcrossing selection of near
isogenic lines for 3BS Fusarium head blight resistance QTL in hexaploid wheat.
November 2-6, 2003, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, Denver, Colorado
76. Guihua Bai. 2003. Role of USDA Regional Genotyping Centers. Dec. 13-15, Proceedings
of the 2003 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Bloomington, MN.
77. Yang J, Bai, G-H, Yu, J-B Sood S., Bernardo A. 2003. High-throughput genotyping
facility for marker-assisted breeding and molecular marker development. Dec. 13-15,
Proceedings of the 2003 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Bloomington, MN.
78. Wu Y-Q, Taliaferro, C.M., Bai, G-H, Anderson M.P. 2003. AFLP analysis of common
bermudagrass genetic variation. Dec. 13-15, 2003, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings,
Denver, Colorado
79. J-B Yu, G-H Bai, S-B Cai and T Ban. 2003. Genetic relationship among Asian Wheat
germplasm resistant to Fusarium head blight. Dec. 13-15, Proceedings of the 2003
National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Bloomington, MN.
80. Marza F., Carver, B.F. and Bai G.H. 2003.Intergreted QTL mapping for agronomic traits
in winter wheat. November 2-6, 2003, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, Denver, CO.
81. Bai G-H, Das MK, Carver BF, Xu X-Y, Krenzer EG. 2003. Allelic variation of a
microsatellite marker associated with dwarfing gene Rht8 and its relationship with
coleoptile length in wheat. November 2-6, 2003, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings,
Denver, Colorado
82. P. G. Guo, G. H. Bai, P. Ayoubi, B. F. Carver. 2003. Microarray Analysis of Aluminum
Induced Gene Expression in Wheat. November 2-6, 2003, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual
Meetings, Denver, Colorado
83. W. C. Zhou, F. L. Kolb, G. H. Bai, L. K. Boze, L. L. Domier, 2003. Molecular mapping of
scab resistance QTL in Wangshuibai. November 2-6, 2003, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual
Meetings, Denver, Colorado
84. J-B Yu, G-H Bai, S-B Cai and T Ban. 2003. AFLP Analysis of Asian Wheat Cultivars
Resistant to Fusarium Head Blight. November 2-6, 2003, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual
Meetings, Denver, Colorado
85. Bernardo A.N., Bai G-H and Guenzi A. 2003.Microarray analysis of gene expression in
wheat infected with Fusarium graminearum. Genome XI. Jan 10-16, San Diego. CA
86. Guo P-G, Bai G-H, Carver B.F. 2003. Profiling expression of Aluminum-tolerance genes
in wheat through microarrays. Genome XI. Jan 10-16, San Diego. CA
87. Bai, G-H, Amy Bernardo, P-G Guo, K Xiao, M Das X-Y Xu and S R. Gaddam. 2002
Molecular characterization of scab resistance QTL in wheat. National Fusariun Head
Blight Proceeding. P14-15 December 7- 9 2002 Cincinnati Erlanger KY
88. Zhou W-C, FL. Kolb L. K. Boze N.J Smith G-H Bai , LL Domier and J-B Yao. 2002
Effect of Sumai 3 chromosome on Type II and Type V scab resistance in wheat. 2002
National Fusariun Head Blight Proceeding. P274 P14-15 December 7- 9 2002 Cincinnati
Erlanger KY
89. Bai G-H, Guo P-G, Xiao K., Zhou W-C, Kolb F.L., Xu X-Y, Gaddam S.R., Bernado A.N.
2002 Development of high-throughput markers for improvement of scab resistance in
wheat. 2002 Annual Meetings of ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Nov 10-14, Indianapolis, IN
90. Xu X-Y, Bai G-H, Carver B.F, Shaner G.E. Molecular characterization of QTL for slow
leaf rusting traits in wheat. 2002 Annual Meetings of ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Nov 10-14,
Indianapolis, IN
91. Zhou W-C, Kolb F.L., Bai G-H, Yao J-B, Domier L.L. 2002 Effect of Sumai3
chromosomes on scab resistance and Deoxynivalenal accumulation within wheat spikes.
2002 Annual Meetings of ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Nov 10-14, Indianapolis, IN
92. Bai G-H, Xiao K., and Carver BF. 2002. Expression profile of ESTs induced by
Aluminum in wheat. Genome X. Jan 12-17, San Diego. CA
93. Zhou W-C, Kolb FL, Bai G-H, Shaner GE, and Domier LL. 2002. Molecular mapping of
Fusarium head blight resistance QTL in wheat with microsatellite and AFLP markers.
Genome X. Jan 12-17, San Diego. CA
94. Guo P-G and Bai G-H. 2002. A STS Marker for Scab Resistance QTL in Wheat Derived
from Pst I-AFLP. Genome X. Jan 12-17, San Diego. CA
95. Bai G-H, Guo P-G and Kolb FL. 2002. Genetic Relationship among Scab-resistant
Cultivars of Wheat as Revealed by Molecular Markers. Genome X. Jan 12-17, San Diego.
96. Guo P-G, Bai G-H and Shaner G. E.. 2001. A STS Marker for Scab Resistance QTL in
Wheat Derived from Pst I-AFLP. 2001 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Dec. 8-10,
2001. Cincinnati, OH.
97. Bernardo A, Bai G-H and Guenzi A. 2001. Identification of Differentially Expressed
Sequence Tags for Scab Resistance in Wheat Using BSA and SSH. 2001 National
Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Dec. 8-10, 2001, Cincinnati, OH.
98. Zhou W-C, Kolb FL, Bai G-H, Domier LL, Boze LK, Smith NJ. 2001. Validation and
marker-assisted selection of a major scab resistance QTL with SSR markers in wheat.
2001 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Dec. 8-102, 2001, Cincinnati, OH.
99. Bai G-H, Guo P-G, Kolb F.L. 2001. Genetic relationship among scab-resistant cultivars
of wheat as revealed by molecular markers. 2001 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual meeting,
Charlotte, NC Oct 21-25, 2001
100. Xiao K., Bai G.-H. and Carver B.F. 2001. Differentially expressed sequence tags for
Aluminum tolerance in wheat. 2001 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual meeting, Charlotte, NC
Oct 21-25, 2001
101. Gaddam SR., Bai G-H., Carver BF., and Shaver JM. 2001. Identification of molecular
markers associated with the leaf rust resistance gene Lr42 of bread wheat (Triticum
aestivum L.). 2001 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual meeting, Charlotte, NC Oct 21-25, 2001
102. Bai G-H, Plattner R., Shaner G. and Kolb F. 2000. Molecular mapping of a QTL for DON
tolerance in wheat. 2000 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Dec. 10-12, 2000,
Cincinnati, OH.
103. Guo P-G., Bai G-H, and Shaner G. 2000. Fine mapping of a QTL for wheat scab
resistance using PstI-AFLP. 2000 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Dec. 10-12,
2000, Cincinnati, OH.
104. Zhang X., Bai G., Guo P., and Lu W. 2000. Creation of an AFLP map for identification of
scab resistance genes from wheat cultivar Wangshuibai. 2000 National Fusarium Head
Blight Forum. Dec. 10-12, 2000. Cincinnati, OH.
105. Bi I, Kolb F., Boze L., Bai G. and Domier L.. 2000. Development of STSs and SNPs
linked to Fusarium head blight resistance of wheat using AFLPs and antifungal gene
analogs. 2000 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Dec. 10-12, 2000. Cincinnati, OH.
106. Zhou W, Kolb F., Bai G, Shaner G. and Domier L. 2000. SSR mapping and subarm
physical location of a major scab resistance QTL in wheat. 2000 National Fusarium Head
Blight Forum. Dec. 10-12, 2000. Cincinnati, OH.
107. Bai G-H, Plattner R., Shaner G. and Kolb F. 2000. A QTL for deoxynivalenol tolerance in
wheat. Phytopathology. 90(6):S4.
108. Bai G-H., Kolb F., Shaner G., and Domier L. 1999. Using an AFLP map to identify scab
resistance QTL in wheat. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstract of American Society of
Agronomy. Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 31-Nov. 4. 1999. P.159.
109. Desjardins AE., Bai G-H., and Plattner RD. 1999. Genetic analysis of a Gibberella zeae
mutant with altered morphology, reproduction, and virulence. In: 1999 Proceedings of
National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. December 5-7, 1999. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. P
110. Kolb FL., Bai G-H., Muehlbauer GJ., Anderson JA., Smith KP., and Fedak G.. 1999. Host
plant resistance genes for FHB: mapping and manipulation with molecular markers. 1999
Annual Meeting Abstract of American Society of Agronomy. Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct.
31-Nov. 4. 1999. P.83.
111. Bai G-H., Kolb F., Shaner G., and Domier L. 1998. Mapping QTL for wheat scab
resistance using AFLP. In ASA 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. Pp 75. October 18-22,
1998, Baltimore, Maryland
112. Bai G-H., Plattner R., Desjardins A. and Kolb F. 1998. Relationship between DON and
scab ratings in wheat cultivars. In: Proceeding of National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
October 26-27, 1998. East Lansing, Michigan.
113. Bai G-H., Kolb F., Shaner G., and Domier L. 1998. AFLP markers for QTL controlling
scab resistance in wheat. In: Proceeding of National Fusarium Head Blight Forum.
October 26-27, 1998. East Lansing, Michigan.
114. Bai G-H., Kolb F., Shaner G., and Domier L. 1997. Mapping QTL for scab resistance
using AFLP. Pp 27. In: National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. November. 10-12, 1997.
St Paul, MN.
115. Zheng H-G, Bai G-H, & Nguyen H.T. 1996. Application of molecular markers to rice
improvement. In: The Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Agric. Biotechnology: Issues and
Choices. November 10-15, 1996, Prachuakhirikhan, Thailand. pp. 5.
116. Bai G-H, Dweikat I., and Shaner G. 1995. Identifying QTLs for scab resistance in wheat
by means of RAPD markers. Phytopathology 85:1201.
117. Bai G-H & Shaner G. 1994. Variation in Fusarium graminearum and stability of
resistance to wheat scab. Phytopathology 84:1099.
118. Bai G-H, Shaner G., and Ohm HW. 1993. Inheritance of resistance to Fusarium
graminearum in eight wheat cultivars. Phytopathology 83:1414.
119. Bai G-H, Shaner G., and Ohm HM. 1991. Effect of moist period on response of wheat
cultivars to infection by Fusarium graminearum. Phytopathology 81:1145-1146.
Application of SNP marker in breeding: perspective and challenge. Plant Biotechnology
Institute, Jiansu Academy of Agric. Sci. Oct 2, 2010.
Use of DNA marker in improvement of germplasm and cultivars. Institute of Food Crop,
Plant Biotechnology Institute, Jiansu Academy of Agric. Sci. Oct 4, 2010.
Molecular Breeding: perspective and challenge. Tianjin Academy of Agric. Sci. Sept 27,
New generation markers for plant breeding. Small Grain Crop Institute, Hebei Academy
of Agric. Sci. Sept 25, 2010.
Wheat Resistance to Scab: Research Progress and Prospective. Jilin University,
Chanchun, Jilin Province, China, Sept 12, 2010
Wheat Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight: from Genomics to Breeding. Shangdong
Agricultural University, Taian, Shangdong Province, China, Sept 10, 2010
Using genomics approach to improve Al tolerance in wheat. The Symposium on Plant
Stress-Resistant Biology 2009. Guangzhou University, Guangdong China, Nov 1, 2009
Application of high-throughput genotyping and association mapping in wheat rust
research. Shanxi Agricultural and Forestry University, Shanxi, China. Oct 26, 2009.
Application of high-throughput genotyping and association mapping in scab research.
Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing China, Oct 22, 2009.
10. High-throughput genotyping and association mapping for genetic improvement of scab
resistance in wheat. Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Science, Jiangsu, China. Oct 19,
11. Implement high-throughput genotyping and association mapping in plant breeding.
Yangzhou University, Yangzhou China. Oct 15, 2009.
12. Using high throughput genotyping in wheat breeding. Hebei Academy of Agricultural
Science, Hebei, China. Oct 3, 2009
13. Toward cloning of wheat gene resistance to pre-harvest sprouting in wheat. Chinese
Academy of Agricultural Science, Beijing China, Nov 28, 2009.
14. Genomic research on Al tolerance in wheat. Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China.
March 19, 2007.
15. Roles of USDA Genotyping Center in Molecular Breeding for Hard Winter Wheat in the
USA. The 2nd International Conference on Plant Molecular Breeding. Sanya, China,
March 23-27, 2007.
16. Mapping QTLs for resistance to Fusarium head blight in Asian wheat. CIMMYT
Workshop on the Global Fusarium Initiative for International Collaboration, El Batan,
Mexico, March 14-17th, 2006
17. Implementation of marker-assisted selection in the US wheat breeding programs. Plant
and Animal Genomes XIV Conference, San Diego, CA. January 14-18, 2006.
18. “Wheat breeding in USA”. Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Science, Nanjing China.
June 20, 2005.
19. Invited seminar: “Wheat resistance to FHB” Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Science,
Nanjing China. June 21, 2005.
Genomics of Aluminum tolerance in wheat, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Science,
Nanjing China. June 22, 2005.
21. “Use genomics approach to improve wheat resistance to FHB” Chinese Academy of
Agricultural Science, Beijing, China. July 5, 2005.
“Marker-assisted selection to improve wheat resistance to FHB” Hebai Academy of
Agricultural Science, Baoding, China. July 7, 2005.
23. Use genomics approach to improve wheat resistance to FHB”. “Nanjing Agricultural
University Crop Genetics and New Germplasm Creation Workshop”. July 2, 2005.
Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China.
“Aluminum tolerance in wheat” Departmental Seminar. Dept. of Plant Pathology,
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. October 27, 2006,
“Genomics from lab to field”. Departmental Seminar. Dept. of Agronomy, Kansas State
University, Manhattan, KS. March 2, 2005.
26. Update on USDA regional genotyping center in Manhattan, KS. National Wheat Worker
Meeting, Kansas City, KS. Feb 5-6, 2004.
27. Role of USDA Regional Genotyping Centers. National Fusarium Head Blight Forum,
Bloomington, MN. Dec. 13-15, 2003
28. Molecular analysis of quantitative traits in wheat. Mini-symposium on Model Organisms
and Lessons Learned from DNA. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. July 20-21,
29. A QTL for scab resistance and low DON level in wheat. Department Seminar of
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,
Oklahoma. Sept 6, 2000.
30. Wheat molecular genetics and Breeding. Molecular Plant Biology Conference. Oklahoma
City, OK. October 7, 2000.
31. Identification of QTL for scab resistance and low DON level in wheat. Great Plain Cereal
Biotech Consortium. Kansas City, KS. Sept 13-16, 2000.
32. Deoxynivalenol-nonproducing Fusarium graminearum causes initial infection, but does
not cause disease spread in wheat spikes. International Symposium on Wheat
Improvement for Scab Resistance. Suzhou and Nanjing, China. May 5-10, 2000.
33. Molecular breeding: a new tool for old science. Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing,
China. May 13, 2000.
34. Use molecular approaches to improve plant resistance to disease. 1998. Institute of Plant
Physiology, Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai, China. December 21, 1998.
35. Molecular mapping of wheat resistance to scab. 1998. Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural
Sciences, Nanjing, China. Dec. 22, 1998.
36. Fusarium head blight: inheritance and epidemiology. 1998. Jiangsu Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing, China. Dec. 24, 1998
37. Breed wheat for scab resistance. 1999. Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China.
January 4, 1999 (Invited speaker).
38. Method for screening wheat scab resistance. 1995. American Phytopathological Society.
August 1995, Pittsburgh. PA