User Survey HMDS reply to users

RE: Summary of 2013 HMDS User Satisfaction Survey
Thank you to all who responded and provided comments.
The response rate was 59.3% (similar to previously) and the overall level of
satisfaction excellent/very good
Comments made, together with our responses were:
Reporting times generally acceptable. Comments on delays in reporting
referred to
Cytogenetics - outside the scope of the department. However, this
has been addressed by allowing cytogenetics to have direct access to
HILIS to input results
follow up samples - no clear reason or evidence that delays present
molecular - changes in working practice occurring & further
developments to happen including individual working time, extended
training and rotation of staff and development of molecular
techniques. Basically more staff will be trained to do the work so no
delays due to annual leave/other duties etc. FISH - delays in
diagnosis of Burkitt lymphoma, unique issue, generally FISH set up
on Monday, therefore if sample misses this set up, potentially result
delayed by a week. However, we have now started to introduce a
second weekly FISH set up to catch any urgent cases.
recent delays - staffing/resource issues, have been resolved at junior
level, in process of resolution at senior level
Priority tickbox suggested - HMDS works as efficiently as possible, ie vast
majority of samples processed as they arrive, some batched to reduce
consumable costs and staffing time, there is no backlog in work performed.
Therefore having a priority selection is unlikely to change the speed at which
a sample is processed
Test repertoire - The introduction of sequencing and other new tests into
routine clinical practice to enhance the management of patients with
haematological disorders will be as swift as possible
Out of hours samples - some concerns regarding samples sent on Saturdays
- A clear email address & phone no. is provided and it has been made
increasingly obvious. The functionality & purpose of the HILIS messaging
service has been highlighted so more users are aware of this and reasons for
its use, eg querying results, highlighting urgency, clarification of results
There is an established plan within HMDS for out of hours services - the
procedure for the transfer of specimens outside normal working hours & at
weekends has been clarified. Business cards are to be distributed to drivers to
provide delivery details for HMDS. Important to highlight that we are open on
Saturday mornings and that users should notify HMDS of any cases being
HD HMDS1626 v1.0
sent on Saturday, especially if an urgent diagnosis is required. Any samples
sent on Saturday should be delivered to HMDS as soon as possible.
Paper reports - only 2 responders rely on them but several users want them
to continue. Reasons for this not fully clear but seemed to be threefold,
i) reliably uploading HILIS results to regional Trust electronic results systems,
ii) patients where diagnosis made in HMDS but referral process not occurred,
iii) paper copies can easily be inserted into notes - Edict from DoH dissemination of information should be paperless
Currently we continue to use paper reports but moving to paperless is
desirable. It is possible to upload results onto Trust servers, this happens
within Leeds Trust & may be possible elsewhere. Although it is acknowledged
that paper reports may be useful where no referral has been made, there
should be alternative and more reliable ways to be notified of a potential
patient. It is possible to print off reports to be inserted into notes. Realise
access to a printer may be difficult for some users.
Recent change in report style criticised, particularly level of detail and lack of
formality of report - Report style to be revisited and revised to be made more
legible. There will be increased emphasis & clarification of the diagnostic
conclusion. It is clear that many users are unaware of the link to prognostic
data via HMRN and enhanced clarification of prognostic significance will
occur, especially with respect to the interpretation of clonality studies. The
addition of new data to the report will be made clear.
MDTs - HMDS input regarded as essential, more visual input requested - The
demand for MDT involvement is high in HMDS. We do more than 40 MDTs a
month which is a huge commitment of senior staff time. Generally the HMDS
involvement was felt to be vital. Therefore this is likely to continue in the
current format. Unfortunately time restraints do not allow the demonstration of
HD HMDS1626 v1.0