Child Abuse

Child Abuse: Detection; Prevention & Treatment
Note: Please look through resources very carefully. This is a controversial issue so some sources may have bias. Check
carefully for the expertise or background of the writer or contributor.
1. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: factsheet on Child Sexual abuse
2. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children - Addresses all facets of the professional response to child
maltreatment: prevention, assessment, intervention, and treatment.
3. CNN - Abused Children Fall Through Bureaucratic Cracks - In 40 percent of child abuse cases nationwide, the threat
was already known to the child welfare system, but it failed to protect the victims.
4. Child Abuse Prevention Network - Cornell University's child abuse network with access to nationwide news on child
abuse and neglect and several active mailing lists on child abuse for professionals and researchers.
5. Child Abuse Referral and Education - A summary of concepts for the diagnosis, investigation, and reporting of
suspected Child Abuse. Includes radiologic imaging and references.
6. Child Abuse Reported to the Police - Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention report. [PDF]
7. Child Abuse and Neglect - An international, multidisciplinary journal on all aspects, including sexual abuse, with
special emphasis on prevention and treatment.
8. Child Abuse and Neglect Database Instrument System - Developed by the National Crime Victims Research and
Treatment Center with funding from the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect and containing information on
numerous standardized assessment instruments that have been used in child abuse and neglect research.
9. Child Abuse: Statistics, Research, and Resources - Information on statistics, effects and healing, for survivors,
partners and caregivers. By Jim Hopper, Ph.D.
10. Child Maltreatment 2003 - Presents national data about child abuse and neglect reported to child protective services
(CPS) agencies in the United States. [PDF]
11. FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community Based Family Resource and Support Programs - Provides technical
assistance and information to help States in their efforts to reduce child abuse and neglect.
12. First Witness - A child abuse resource center that trains professionals on how to conduct child-friendly, nontraumatic, forensic interviews.
13. Help for Victims of Child Abuse - guide provides resources for victims of child abuse.
14. - Signs and Types of Child Abuse - Provides resources for identifying and reporting child abuse. From
the Rotary Club of Santa Monica and Center for Healthy Aging.
15. ICAN National Center on Child Fatality Review - NCFR promotes a nation wide system of child review teams to
improve health, safety, and well being of children and reduce preventable child fatalities and severe injuries.
16. Jim Hopper - Articles and resources about child abuse and how to seek help. By researcher and therapist, Dr Jim
17. Law Enforcement Response to Child Abuse - This guide arms law enforcement professionals with the information
needed to ensure consistency in their investigation of child abuse.
18. Leadership Council on Child Abuse & Interpersonal Violence - Academic research and articles critiqueing Parental
Alientation Sydrome, The Rind Report (on child sexual abuse), Chilhood Trauma, and Trauma and Memory.
19. Maltreatment and Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Program - Field-tested and research-based materials about
violence in the lives of pregnant and parenting teens
20. MedlinePlus: Child Abuse - The National Library of Medicine's authoritative and current database of information on
child abuse. Overview, diagnosis/symptoms, treatment, prevention, research and statistics, organizations and
21. Munchausen By Proxy - Information on factitious disorders by Louisa J. Lasher. Its arguments include harm to
children by a parent.
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Child Abuse: Detection; Prevention & Treatment
22. NIS-4 - The fourth National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (the NIS-4) gathers information from multiple
sources to estimate the number of children who are abused or neglected children, providing information about the
nature and severity of the maltreatment, the characteristics of the children, perpetrators, and families, and the
extent of changes in the incidence or distribution of child maltreatment since the time of the last national incidence
23. National Council on Crime and Delinquency - Children's Research Center - A nonprofit organization promoting
effective, humane, fair and economically sound solutions to family, community and justice problems. NCCD
conducts research, promotes reform, and works to reduce crime and delinquency. Contains research findings,
publications and internet resources on child victimization.
24. National Foundation for Abused and Neglected Children - A nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the
administration of juvenile justice, research into the incidence, cause, and the prevention of child abuse and neglect.
25. Safe From the Start - Reducing Children's Exposure to Violence - Report from the California Attorney General's Office
on strategies and best practices to reduce exposure of children to violence in homes and communities. [PDF]
26. Support Center for Child Advocates - The Support Center for Child Advocates offers free legal and social services to
Philadelphia's abused and neglected children, with the goal of securing a permanent, nurturing environment for
every child.
27. Terrell Peterson Articles - Terrell's death by starvation and beating is the basis for a lawsuit against the state of
Georgia. As seen on 60 Minutes and in the New York Times.
28. The Ray Helfer Society - An honorary society of physicians seeking to provide leadership to enhance the prevention,
diagnosis, and treatment of child abuse and neglect.
29. Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (1993) - National Academy Press - Online Book
30. Virtual Global Taskforce - An international alliance of law enforcement agencies working together to prevent and
deter online child abuse. News, partners, and initiatives.
31. World Childhood Foundation--USA - An international charity founded by Queen Silvia of Sweden to raise awareness
of and lend aide to sexually abused or trafficked women and children. Programs and news.
32. You Carry the Cure In Your Own Heart - Emotional abuse of children can lead, in adulthood, to addiction, rage, a
severely damaged sense of self and an inability to truly bond with others. But-if it happened to you-there is a way
33. Child Maltreatment and Substance Abuse - Topics cover the relationship between types of unfavorable treatments
and drug and alcohol abuse problems in the United States and Australia. By Adam M. Tomison
34. "The Battle and the Backlash" by David Hechler - "The Battle and the Backlash, The Child Sexual Abuse War" is the
first book on this volatile subject written by an investigative reporter. Read excerpts from the book online.
35. An Update on Don't! Buy! Thai! (12/20/00) - An update on the Don't! Buy! Thai! (D!B!T!) boycott of products made
in Thailand. The Don't Buy Thai boycott was originally started to protest the widespread child sex tourism and child
prostitution in Thailand.
36. Child Centre for Children at Risk in the Baltic Sea Region - Contains reports, programmes and research within the five
areas prioritised in the Baltic Sea regional co-operation on children at risk: Child sexual abuse, children in the street,
children in institutions, young perpetrators and child trafficking.
37. Child Lures - Award-winning Child Lures program has been keeping children safe from sexual abuse and abduction
for over fifteen years; information for parents, children and educators.
38. Child Protection - Describes stages of grief observed in most parents who are dealing with the sexual abuse of their
child. Provides suggestions for reacting to disclosures of abuse, lists avenues of help, and outlines a few of the longterm issues victims and their families face.
39. Child Sexual Exploitation: Improving Investigations and Protecting Victims - A blueprint for action is the product of
the knowledge, experience, and expertise of professionals sharing a common concern for the victims of child sexual
40. Circle of Trust Abuse Resources - Articles, agencies, organizations and websites, to find information about and help
for circle of trust sexual abuse of children by clergy, priests, teachers, and coaches.
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Child Abuse: Detection; Prevention & Treatment
41. Joshua Children's Foundation - Information and resources for both adults and children who have suffered from
sexual child abuse. Healing resources, suggestions, and lending library.
42. Let Kids Be Kids - North Carolina Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect's position paper and brochure on sexual
exploitation of children in advertising.
43. Mothers Against Sexual Abuse - Established to educate society about the reality and the debilitating effects of child
sexual abuse, design and support legislation that will protect children, provide a national resource referral network
to help victims and families experiencing this tragedy.
44. Protect Our Kidz - Child Molestation and Awareness - Child molestation statistics, indications of abuse, free links to
all states that have an online sex offender registry, check yourneighborhood for sex offenders
45. Recovered Memories of Sexual Abuse - This page, by Jim Hopper, Ph.D., presents scientific research and scholarly
resources addressing amnesia and delayed recall for memories of childhood sexual abuse.
46. Sexual Abuse - Features more than 200 articles about identifying child sexual abuse, reporting it, and recovering
from the trauma.
47. Sexual Abuse of Males: Prevalence, Lasting Effects, and Resources - Jim Hopper, Ph.D., provides a discussion and
review of statistics on the sexual abuse of male children, and a list of Web resources for males sexually abused in
48. Survivor Haven - A site dedicated to the creativity of survivors of child sexual, physical and emotional abuse, rape
and domestic abuse.
Academic Search Premiere Articles
1. McGrath-Merkle, Clare. "Generativity And The U.S. Roman Catholic Bishops’ Responses To Priests’ Sexual Abuse Of
Minors." Journal Of Religion & Health 49.1 (2010): 73-86. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Jan. 2013.
2. McCarthy, Jennifer A. "Internet Sexual Activity: A Comparison Between Contact And Non-Contact Child Pornography
Offenders." Journal Of Sexual Aggression 16.2 (2010): 181-195. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Jan. 2013.
3. Jeff Truesdell, et al. "How Could This Happen?." People 76.22 (2011): 156-160. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25
Jan. 2013.
4. McChesney, Kathleen. "What Caused The Crisis?." America 204.19 (2011): 13-15. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25
Jan. 2013.
5. Iravani, Mohammad Reza. "Child Abuse In India." Asian Social Science 7.3 (2011): 150-153. Academic Search Premier.
Web. 25 Jan. 2013.
6. Smietana, Bob. "Take It To The BOARD." U.S. Catholic 77.6 (2012): 12-17. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Jan.
7. Annerbäck, Eva, Carl Svedin, and Per Gustafsson. "Characteristic Features Of Severe Child Physical Abuse—A MultiInformant Approach." Journal Of Family Violence 25.2 (2010): 165-172. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Jan.
8. Malesky Jr., L. Alvin. "Predatory Online Behavior: Modus Operandi Of Convicted Sex Offenders In Identifying
Potential Victims And Contacting Minors Over The Internet." Journal Of Child Sexual Abuse 16.2 (2007): 23-32.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Jan. 2013.
9. Jemal, Jibril. "The Child Sexual Abuse Epidemic In Addis Ababa: Some Reflections On Reported Incidents,
Psychosocial Consequences And Implications." Ethiopian Journal Of Health Sciences 22.1 (2012): 59-66. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 25 Jan. 2013.
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Child Abuse: Detection; Prevention & Treatment
10. Hunt, Robyn, and Kerryann Walsh. "Parents' Views About Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Education: A Systematic
Review." Australasian Journal Of Early Childhood 36.2 (2011): 63-76. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Jan. 2013.
11. Tishelman, Amy C., and Robert Geffner. "Forensic, Cultural, And Systems Issues In Child Sexual Abuse Cases-Part 1:
An Introduction." Journal Of Child Sexual Abuse 19.5 (2010): 485-490. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Jan. 2013.
12. Lowenstein, Ludwig F. "The Complexity Of Investigating Possible Sexual Abuse Of A Child." American Journal Of
Family Therapy 39.4 (2011): 292-298. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Jan. 2013.
Other Academic and Government articles on CSA
1. "Child Sexual Abuse". Medline Plus. U.S. National Library of Medicine,. 2008-04-02.
2. Widom CS (August 1999). "Posttraumatic stress disorder in abused and neglected children grown up". The
American Journal of Psychiatry 156 (8): 1223–9. PMID 10450264.
3. "Prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse in Community and Student Samples: A Meta-Analysis". Journalist's
4. Julia Whealin, Ph.D. (2007-05-22). "Child Sexual Abuse". National Center for Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder, US Department of Veterans Affairs.
5. Finkelhor D (1994). "Current information on the scope and nature of child sexual abuse". The Future of
Children 4 (2): 31–53. doi:10.2307/1602522. JSTOR 1602522. PMID 7804768.
6. The Sexual Exploitation of Children, Chart 1: Definitions of Terms Associated With the Sexual Exploitation
(SEC) and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) (p. 4), University of Pennsylvania Center for
Youth Policy Studies, U.S. National Institute of Justice, August 2001.
7. Arnow BA (2004). "Relationships between childhood maltreatment, adult health and psychiatric outcomes,
and medical utilization". The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 65 Suppl 12: 10–5. PMID 15315472.
8. Understanding child sexual abuse: education, prevention, and recovery. American Psychological
Association Retrieved 30 October 2012
9. Frank R. Ascione Cruelty to animals in normative, sexually abused, and outpatient psychiatric samples of 6to 12-year-old children Anthrozoös 16.3 (2003): 194–212. See also:
...[in a study by William N. Friedrich of] 271 cases of substantiated sexual abuse in 2 to 12-year old children
and 879 non-abused children... cruelty to animals was present for 34.8% of the sexually abused boys and
27.5% of the sexually abused girls, rates that [were] 7 and 8 times higher than the rates for non-abused
children. Ascione, Children and animals: exploring the roots of kindness and cruelty Purdue University Press
April 1, 2005, p. 118.
10. WN Friedrich et al Behavior problems in sexually abused young children Journal of Pediatric Psychology,
11.1 (1986): 47–57
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Child Abuse: Detection; Prevention & Treatment
11. "Childhood Sex Abuse Increases Risk for Drug Dependence in Adult Women". NIDA Notes, National
Institute of Drug Abuse, volume 17, no. 1. National Institutes of Health. April 2002.
12. Bonomi AE, Anderson ML, Rivara FP, et al. (March 2008). "Health care utilization and costs associated with
childhood abuse". Journal of General Internal Medicine 23 (3): 294–9. doi:10.1007/s11606-008-0516-1.
PMC 2359481. PMID 18204885. //
13. Chu JA, Frey LM, Ganzel BL, Matthews JA (May 1999). "Memories of childhood abuse: dissociation,
amnesia, and corroboration". The American Journal of Psychiatry 156 (5): 749–55. PMID 10327909.
14. Teicher MH (March 2002). "Scars that won't heal: the neurobiology of child abuse". Scientific American 286
(3): 68–75. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0302-68. PMID 11857902.
15. Arehart-Treichel, Joan (March 2001). "Psychological Abuse May Cause Changes in Brain". Psychiatric News
36 (5): 36.
16. Recovery Program Unit South Oaks Hospital, New York. "Sexual Abuse:Surviving the Pain". The American
Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, Inc..
17. Finkelhor, David; Ormrod, Richard (May 2001). "Child Abuse Reported to the Police". Juvenile Justice
Bulletin (U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention).
18. Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect, Summary of State Laws, National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and
Neglect Information, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
19. Finkelhor, David; Ormrod, Richard (June 2004). "Prostitution of Juveniles: Patterns From NIBRS". Juvenile
Justice Bulletin (U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention).
20. Child Sexual Exploitation: Improving Investigations and Protecting Victims, Massachusetts Child
Exploitation Network, U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, January, 1995.
21. "Responding To Child Sexual Abuse." American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
22. Joint Submission by The Office of the Governor C.L. Butch Otter, Governor and The Office of the Attorney
General Lawrence Wasden, Attorney General January, 2008. "The Prosecution of Child Sexual Abuse in
Idaho July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007" (pdf).
.pdf. Retrieved 2008-01-28.
23. E L Rezmovic ; D Sloane ; D Alexander ; B Seltser ; T Jessor (1996). "Cycle of Sexual Abuse: Research
Inconclusive About Whether Child Victims Become Adult Abusers" (PDF). US Government Accountability
Office General Government Division United States.
24. How We Can Fight Child Abuse, Andrew Vachss, Parade Magazine, August 20, 1989.
25. Child Rape: A Taboo within the AIDS Taboo: More and more girls are being raped by men who believe this
will 'cleanse' them of the disease, but people don't want to confront the issue, by Prega Govender, Sunday
Times (South Africa), April 4, 1999.
26. "Child rape in South Africa". Medscape. Retrieved 201012-31.
27. Child rape on the rise in eastern Congo
28. Radford ; Lorraine ; Corral ; Susana ; Bradley ; Christine ; Fisher ; Helen ; Bassett ; Claire ; Howat ; Nick and
Collishaw ; Stephan (2011). "Child abuse and neglect in the UK today" (PDF). NSPCC. p. 5.
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Child Abuse: Detection; Prevention & Treatment
29. "Child Sexual Abuse". Facts for Families, No. 9. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. May
30. ^ Child Sexual Abuse Fact Sheet. (PDF). Emily M. Douglas and David Finkelhor.
31. "Study on Child Abuse: India 2007" (PDF). Published by the Government of India, (Ministry of Women and
Child Development).
32. "Parliament passes bill to protect children from sexual abuse". NDTV. May 22, 2012.
33. "United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child". Office of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights. 1989. "Parties shall take all appropriate
legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical
or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation,
including sexual abuse... States Parties undertake to protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation
and sexual abuse. For these purposes, States Parties shall in particular take all appropriate national,
bilateral and multilateral measures to prevent: (a) The inducement or coercion of a child to engage in any
unlawful sexual activity; (b) The exploitative use of children in prostitution or other unlawful sexual
practices; (c) The exploitative use of children in pornographic performances and materials."
34. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
35. World Health Organization Report on Sexual Violence, 2002
Survivor of Abuse and Support Groups
1. Aching Heart - A resource for women survivors of sexual abuse and incest.
2. Adult Survivors of Child Abuse - Provides information, materials and on-line e-meeting for Individual and group
support program for adult survivors of physical, sexual or emotional child abuse or neglect.
3. After Silence - A non-profit organization, message board and chat room for rape, sexual abuse, and sexual assault
4. Becoming Gold - Virtual support network for survivors of childhood sexual abuse, that encourages balance to the
healing process through creativity, education and support.
5. Butterfly Gardens - A site dedicated to victims/survivors of sexual abuse and incest.
6. Confronting Collusion in Churches - This site offers a source of support for survivors, church leaders and survivor
advocates struggling with clergy sexual abuse, domestic violence and incest.
7. Dancing In The Darkness - Help and support for survivors of rape and sexual abuse. A safe place to share stories,
hope and courage.
8. Fort Refuge - Supporting community for survivers of all types of abuse including Child abuse, incest, rape, ritual
abuse, psychological and verbal abuse.
9. Generation Five - A movement to end child sexual abuse in five generations through survivor leadership, community
organization and public action.
10. Healing Broken Angels - Information and help for survivors of sexual assault and rape.
11. Healing Minds - A site dedicated to survivors of abuse and sexual assault.
12. Healing Wounds - Healing Wounds is a safe haven dedicated to survivors, a forum to talk about their trauma's and to
13. I Am A Survivor Not A Victim - A survivor shares her story of sexual abuse.
14. - A non-profit online community center for abuse survivors providing anonymous discussions boards,
chat rooms and other resources.
15. It Happened to Alexa Foundation - A resource for victims of sexual assault to receive money to ease the burden of
attending a criminal trial.
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Child Abuse: Detection; Prevention & Treatment
16. Journey to Healing - Offers help and healing for sexual abuse, incest and rape victims.
17. National Association for People Abused in Childhood ( NAPAC) - NAPAC is a registered charity, which has been set up
as a result of a key recommendation by the National Commission of Inquiry into the Prevention of Child Abuse.
18. Safe Haven - A site for survivors of sexual abuse and rape. Includes personal stories, poetry, tips, advice on coping
day-to-day and an interactive message forum.
19. Safeline - This UK site provides information and help for adults who were sexually abused as children.
20. Survive - Survive is a registered voluntary organization that provides support and help to survivors of child sexual
21. Survivor Matters - Information and support forum for any survivors of any type of abuse. Created by survivors for
22. Survivors UK - Provides information, support and counselling for men who have been raped or sexually abused.
23. The BirdSong Organization - A NYC based non-profit self-help group for female incest survivors offering a variety of
support services including regular weekly meetings.
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