Lesson Plan 10 Revision and Editing

Lesson 10
Type of
Jayla Watje
Unit 3- Lesson 10 Revision & Editing
Subject: World History
( ) Introductory ( X) Developing ( ) Maintaining ( ) Refining ( ) Enriching ( ) Reviewing
Common Core Anchor Standards for Reading and Writing
Objective: CCWBAT conduct peer reviews to give and gain useful feedback in order to successfully revise their essay.
Key Points:
1. Do Now
 Students should understand that revision is essential to creating a good essay.
2. HW Review/Collection
Nobody is perfect and able to write without errors.
3. Do Now review
 Its important to understand what is useful feedback and what is useless feedback
4. Model useful feedback using
in order to help your peers with their essay. Also, doing peer review can help your
student example.
essay get better by seeing other examples.
5. Peer reviews in groups.
6. Adjourn
1. LCD projector
2. Laptop
3. Copies of peer review sheets
and edit symbol examples in
Resources for Teaching Writing
4. Red pens
Opening: (10 minutes)
Do Now: (5)
Give 4 examples of “useful” feedback from your peers and 4 examples of “useless”
feedback when doing peer reviews of each other’s essays:
Teacher will read the
instructions verbatim as he
walks around the room.
Homework Review: (5)
Teacher will review homework during the Do Now.
Introduction of Objective:
Teacher will introduce objective and today’s agenda.
Do Now Review (5):
Review answers with the class creating a class list on the board and adding any they might
have missed.
Teacher will focus on
making sure everyone is in
the room and prepared,
particularly students
needing accommodations.
Teacher will help struggling
Introduction to New Material: ( 20 minutes)
-Model useful feedback: Read an essay from a student volunteer (show under
document camera if available) and give constructive feedback along with some
useless feedback and have students identify which are the most helpful.
-Review list of editing symbols.
Group Practice/Transition: (100 minutes)
-Students will now exchange their own essays for peer review and read aloud to members
Teacher will help struggling
of their group.
-Using the peer review sheet, each student will review 2 essays and have their essay
reviewed 2 times.
-Using the editing symbol example sheet, each student will have their essay reviewed for
edits by at least one person (student, teacher, or parent). The person who edited the
paper must sign the rough draft with their name/signature.
-Students who finish early can begin to rewrite their essay to complete a final copy.
Teacher will help struggling
Adjournment: (5 minutes)
Exit Slip: 2 completed peer review sheets for their essay
Homework Reminder and Coach Class Reminder
Use peer review sheets and edits to revise your essay.
2 completed peer review sheets.
The following accommodations and modifications will be provided for students with special needs, as per requirements
of their Individualized Education Program. Those addressed in today’s lesson are highlighted or checked. For specific
students’ IEP Objectives, please see the attached template.
Human Reader for Entire Test (Read the test in a separate
part of room)
o 1: DG
o 3: DG
o 4: MW
Human Reader for Selected Sections (Give explicit
directions to ask me to read to them if confusing)
o 1: HB, JD, DG, JN, LR, TR, DRK, JW
o 3: JA, BB, CB, COD, SL
o 4: LG, KS, LM, CW, MW
o 5: OG, RM, BM, ARH, MW
Books on Tape
o 3: DG
Visual Cues
o 1: DG, TR, JW
o 3: BB, SL, MR. JS
Screen Reader for Verbatim Reading of Selection Sections
o 5: SA
Notes, Outlines, and Instructions
o 1: HB, DG, LR, TR, JW
o 3: BB, SL
o 5: SA
o 1: JD
Monitor Test Response
o 1: JD
o 3: DG, JS
Calculation Devices
o 1: HB, JD, LR, TR, DRK, JW
o 3: JA, BB, CB, COD, DG, SL, MR, JS
o 4: LG, KS, LM, CW, MW
o 5: sa, rm, arh, mw
Spelling and Grammar Devices
o 1: HB, JD
o 3: DB, SL
o 4: CW
Visual Organizers
o 1: HB, TR, JW
o 3: BB, CB, DG, SL, MR. JS
o 5: ARH
Graphic Organizers (Given as notes almost every day)
o 1: HB, JD, DG, JN, TR, DRK, JW
o 3: JA, BB, CB, DG, SL, MR, JS
o 4: KS, LM, CW, MW
o 5: SA, OG, BM, ARH
Extended Time (5-10 minutes to complete assignment at
o 1: HB, JD, DG, JN, LR, TR, DRK JW
o 3: JA, BB, CB, COD, DG, SL, MR, JS
o 4: LG, KS, LM, CW, MW
o 5: SA, OG, RM, BM, ARH, MW
Multiple or Frequent Breaks (modified hall pass privileges,
code when break is needed)
o 1: HB, DG, LR, TR, DRK, JW
o 3: BB, DG, SL, MR, JS
o 4: CW, MW
o 5: SA, OG, RM, BM, ARH, MW
Change of Schedule – Over Multiple Days
o 3: DG, SL
Reduce Distractions to Student (seat changes, special
rewards for working hard and staying focused)
o 1: HB, JD, DG, LR, TR, DRK, JW
o 3: JA, BB, CB, COD, DG, SL, MR, JS
o 4: LG, KS, LM, CW, MW
o 5: SA, RM, BM, ARH, MW
Reduce Distractions to Other Students (seat changes,
special rewards for working hard and staying focused)
o 1: DG, LR, TR, JW
o 3: CB, SL, JS
o 4: CW
o 5: SA, ARH