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Certification of production objects by the terms of work
Toleugali S. T
RSE Republican Scientific and Researches Institute of Labor Security of the MHSD
In this the article is reported: Certification of production objects in Kazakhstan
Certification of production objects assumes the complex analysis of labor
conditions, include tool (harmful and dangerous factors) and expert assessment
(weight and intensity of work) by results of which the certifying commission from
structure of the working group defines professional risk of workers on each
concrete workplace, makes surcharges to a tariff rate, considers additional labor
holiday, delivery of milk or special food to workers in harmful working conditions,
the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 5,
2011 No. 1458 About the approval of Rules of delivery to workers of milk,
treatment and prophylactic food, special clothes, special footwear and other
personal protective equipment, providing workers with collective protective
equipment, sanitary and common rooms and devices at the expense of finances of
the employer; norms of delivery to workers of milk at the expense of finances of
the employer; norms of delivery to workers of treatment and prophylactic food at
the expense of finances of the employer. The general order of the organization and
carrying out certification of workplaces is stated in the Resolution of the
Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 5, 2011 to No. 1457
About the approval of Rules of obligatory periodic certification of production
objects by the terms of work. Certification of production objects at the enterprise is
obligatory action which has to be carried out at least, than time in 5 years. Within a
framework carrying out certification actions the Resolution of the Government of
the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 5, 2011 No. 1457 About the approval of
Rules of obligatory periodic certification of production objects by the terms of
work is guided. The management P 2.2.755-99 "Hygienic criteria of an assessment
and classification of working conditions by indicators of harm and danger of
factors of the production environment, weight and intensity of labor process".
Registration number ADZ RK No. of November 30, 2000. The
management P 2.2/ "Hygienic criteria of an assessment of working
conditions and classification of workplaces during the works with sources of
ionizing radiation" Addition N 1 to the management P 2.2.755-99. It is approved
resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 25, 2012
No. 168 Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to
atmospheric air in city and rural-type settlements, soils and their safety, the
maintenance of territories of city and rural-type settlements, working conditions
with sources of the physical factors making impact on the person". In the course of
carrying out certification can allocate some stages.
Creation of a certifying commission
According to an order of certification of workplaces, at the opening phase,
the order on creation Certification the commissions in the organization is formed
where the Chairman certification the commissions and members of the
commissions is appointed, realizing the methodical management and continuous
control of the process course. On the committee are employees of the certified
organization who is engaged in legal, personnel, financial, technological and
medical issues, and also heads of structural divisions.
Drawing up the list of the certified professions
Before direct carrying out certification the list of workplaces of entitled to
certification is formed, an inspection on compliance of names of professions on
SWSRB also compliance of their functions and a code of a workplace are in
parallel carried out. The list of dangerous and harmful production factors on these
workplaces is formed then accounting cost of certification of workplaces is
defined. The following stage is providing the request for carrying out certification
of workplaces addressed to the head of the certifying organization, drawing up the
Contract on rendering services where prescribes service period, quantity of
workplaces, the price etc.
Carrying out certification of workplaces.
Within a framework certification the following questions of labor protection are
touch on:
assessment of harmful and dangerous factors;
determination of intensity and weight of work;
assessment of tools and the equipment on compliance to standards of safety;
assessment of supply with personal protective equipment.
The tool assessment of harmful and dangerous production factors, characteristic of
labor process is made with use of the special measuring equipment included in the
state register of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the National Center of Examination
and certification all used measuring devices annually undergo regular testing and
The order of execution of certification by the terms of work includes an assessment
of degree of risk of each concrete workplace within a framework which is made
safety of the equipment applied within labor process, tools and materials;
security of workers with personal protective equipment and their compliance
to the actual influence of harmful or dangerous factors;
degree of awareness of workers about actions and means of ensuring of labor
Receiving results
Following the results of the enterprise receives the document "The Report on
results of certification of production objects by the terms of work". These
documents show a real condition of working conditions on workplaces, establish
norms of compensations for work in harmful conditions of this enterprise, and also
allow to correct the normative documents a enterprises relating to safety measures.
"About the statement of branch norms of delivery at the expense of finances of the
employer of special clothes, special footwear and other personal protective
equipment to workers of mining and metallurgical industry and metallurgical
productions and other industries".
(with changes of 30.06.2011)