Inv_Multigrade1_UserGuide - geogebrawiki

Construction of Inverse Function
User Guide
Construction of Inverse Function of 𝒇(𝒙) = 𝒙𝟑
GeoGebra Applet: Inv_Multigrade1.ggb
GeoGebra tools:
Insert text: Creates static and dynamic text or LaTeX formulas in the Graphics
Move: Drag and drop free objects with the mouse.
Slider: Creates a slider for a number or an angle.
Perpendicular Line: Selecting a line g and a point A creates a straight line
through A perpendicular to line g.
Intersect two objects: Creates point as intersection of two objects.
Point: Creates new point in the drawing pad in the Graphics window.
GeoGebra commands:
Reflect[Object,Line]: Reflects Object about Line.
Intersect[Object, Object]: Yields intersection point od two objects.
Click on the
Insert text tool and then in Graphics window to insert text. A dialog window
opens (Fig.1). In the Edit window insert text Graph of inverse function of f(x)=xⁿ. (Choose the
Symbols drop down menu to insert xⁿ). Click Ok. The text is inserted in the Graphics window.
Use the
Move tool to change the position of the text in the Graphics window. Click on the
tool then on the text and drag it to new position.
To change the color of the text right click on the text and choose
on the Color tab and choose the color.
Object Properties. Click
Repeat the procedure to insert text n= - 3, f(x) = 1/x 3 .
Construction of Inverse Function
Create slider to make drawing of different curves in the Graphics window step by step as they
are constructed. Click on the
Slider tool and then in Graphics window. A dialog window
opens (Fig.2). GeoGebra suggests a for name of the slider (you can choose another name). Insert
1 for min, 5 for max and 1 for Increment. Now slider can get value that is one of the numbers
from 1 to 5. Moving the point on the slider will cause drawing of different curves one by one in
order to give better visualization of the concept function – inverse function (this will be set later
in the construction).
Click on the Slider tab and choose Vertical to make the slider position vertical in the Graphics
window (default option is horizontal). Uncheck the button
to make the slider moveable
on the screen.
Click on the Animation tab to change the speed of moving the point on the slider (default is 1)
and the way of moving the point on the slider (Oscillating, Increasing, Decreasing and
Increrasing (Once)). Choose Oscillating to move the point on the slider up and down.
Insert text Show curve, Show Line y=x, Show reflected curve, Check inversity (slide point A or
C), change the color of each of them and put them next to the slider a (Fig.3).
Now draw the graph of 𝒇(𝒙) = 𝟑 .
Insert f(x)=1/x 3 in the Input bar in the down left bottom of the GeoGebra window and press the
Enter key. Use the symbol menu in right side of the input bar to insert grade 3. The curve is
drawn in Graphics window and equation of the curve is written in the Algebra window (Fig.4).
To change the look of the curve right click on the equation of the curve in the Algebra window
or graph in the Graphics window and choose Options. Click on the Color tab to change the
color and the Style tab to change style and thickness of the curve.
Type y=x in the Input bar to draw the line of the reflection. The line is drawn in the GeoGebra
window. Look in the Algebra window. GeoGebra names the line b:y=x. (a is already reserved
for the the name of the slider).
Use command Reflect[ <Object>, <Line>] to reflect Object about Line.
Start typing g(x)=Reflect[f(x),b] in the Input bar to reflect the curve of the function f(x) about
line of reflection b:y=x. If GeoGebra suggests the desired command, hit the Enter key in order
to place the cursor within the brackets. If the suggested command is not the one you wanted to
enter, just keep typing until the suggestion matches.
The reflected curve is drawn in the Graphics Window and equation of the curve is written in the
Algebra window (Fig.5.)
Construction of Inverse Function
Make the Vertical line test to determine whether a graph is the graph of a function and the
Horizontal line test to determine if a function has an inverse that is also a function.
How to use vertical line test? Ask: Is it possible to draw a vertical line that intersects the graph in
two or more places? If so, then the graph is not the graph of a function. If it is not possible,
then the graph is the graph of a function.
How to draw vertical line? Use the
Perpendicular Line tool to draw line that passes
through arbitrary point and is normal to defined line. Click on the tool, then in the Graphics
window to mark arbitrary point and then click on x – axis (defined line). There is only one
intersection point of the line and the graph of the curve (Fig.6). The result will be the same, one
intersection point of a line and the graph of the curve, for every drawn arbitrary vertical line. So
the graph is a graph of a function.
The horizontal line test is used to determine if a function has an inverse that is also a function.
We seek to answer this question: is it possible to draw a horizontal line that intersects the graph
in two or more places? If so, then the graph is not the graph of a function whose inverse is also a
function. We also say that if a graph passes the horizontal line test – in other words, if it is not
possible to draw a horizontal line that intersects the graph in two ore more places – then the
graph is one-to-one, another way of saying that its inverse is a function.
Now use the same tool to draw arbitrary horizontal line. There is only one intersection point of
the line with the graph of finction f(x) (Fig.7). That means that the inverse (reflected) graph is
also graph of a function.
Construction of Inverse Function
Now, mark points to check inversity. Click on the
function f(x),x>0 to mark point A.
Point tool and on the curve of the
Functions f(x) and g(x) are inverse of one another if f(g(x)) = x and g(f(x))=x, for all values of x
in there respective domains. So if point A has coordinates (x,y) and lies on graph of the function
f(x), then y=f(x). Then g(f(x))=g(y)=x must be true. That means that point B with coordinates
(y,x) lies on the graph of the function g(x).
Type B= (y(A), x(A)) in the Input bar, where y(A) means y coordinate of point A, and x(A)
means x coordinate of point A and press the Enter key. See that pont B lies on the curve of the
function g(x) (Fig.8). Moving the point A through the graph of function f(x) indicates moving of
the point B through the graph of the function g(x). That means that if A(x,y) is a point that lies
on graph of function f(x), there is only one point B(y,x) that lies on the graph of a function g(x).
Repeat the procedure to mark points C on the graph of the function f(x), x<0 and D on the graph
of function g(x).
Now make the drawing of the constructed curves dependent of a condition fulfilled. This allows
drawing of the curves step by step by moving the point on the slider down and up.
Right click on the graph of the function f(x) in the Graphics window and choose
Properties. Click on the Advanced tab and type a<5 in Condition to Show Object. The graph
of the function f(x) will be drawn in the Graphics window everytime the value of the slider a is
smaller then 5.
Repeat the procedure to make conditional appeareance of the line b (insert a<4), the graph of
g(x) (insert a<3) and the points A,B,C,D (insert a=1).
10. Testing the construction:
Move the point on the slider down or up to make drawing of the curves one by one.
Move the point A or the point C to check inversity.
11. View construction protocol:
From the View menu choose Construction protocol to view protocol of the construction.
Construction of Inverse Function