Employer Vacancy Form Allied Health & Nursing Professionals APPLICANT INFORMATION This form is to be completed by Queensland employers wishing to register an Allied Health and/ or Nursing Professional vacancy with Health Workforce Queensland for inclusion in the Rural Health Professionals Program (RHPP). Completed hard copies of this form can either be: Faxed to: 07 3105 7801; Emailed to: alliedhealth@healthworkforce.com.au or nursing@healthworkforce.com.au EMPLOYER CONTACT DETAILS Contact Details Organisation Name Contact Person: First Name Last Name Position Title Email Web Address Telephone Number Fax Number Page 1 of 4 Health Workforce Queensland | Employer Vacancy Form – Allied Health and Nursing Professionals VACANCY DETAILS Position Title Position Location: Town Postcode ASGC-RA Refer to www.doctorconnect.com.au for RA classifications Is this a full-time position? Yes No If No, please specify FTE Start Date ASAP Specify Date Specify Start Date Completion Date Ongoing Specify Date Specify Completion Date Remuneration How many vacancies for this position type are available? (if positions are similar but contain some differences, e.g. different location, please complete a separate vacancy form for each) Town/Community Characteristics Please provide a brief description of the characteristics and demographics of the town the position is based in (i.e. where the position holder will live). Give consideration in your answers to what is attractive about your community. Suggested inclusions: Answers to the most frequently asked questions surrounding actual location and driving distance from nearest large shopping centre and major cities. Information on schooling, leisure activities and spouse employment opportunities. Page 2 of 4 Health Workforce Queensland | Employer Vacancy Form - Allied Health and Nursing Professionals Profession (tick all that apply) Nursing EN, RN, Practice Nurse, Midwife, Nurse Practitioner Please specify: Dentistry Physiotherapy Social Work Psychology Other mental health professions Please specify: Speech Pathology Occupational Therapy Podiatry Diabetes Education Dietetics/Nutrition Medical Imaging (Radiographer) Medical Imaging (Sonographer) Pharmacy Audiology Osteopathy Chiropractor Optometry Aboriginal Health Worker Exercise Physiology Orthotics and Prosthetics Other Please specify: If other, please also provide a brief description of the need for this profession in the position location: Preferred Area of Clinical Expertise Adults Behavioural Issues Generalist Mental Health Older Persons Youth Children People with Disabilities Other Please specify: Page 3 of 4 Health Workforce Queensland | Employer Vacancy Form - Allied Health and Nursing Professionals Clinical Setting of the Role % of Role for each Clinical Setting (e.g. 50% community, 50% inpatients) Aboriginal Medical Service Acute / Clinical Child Health Clinic Community Inpatient (Hospital) Mental Health Primary Health Rehabilitation Residential Aged Care Community Aged Care Other Please specify: Position Level/ Grade Graduate/ Entry Level Competent Independent Practitioner Senior Practitioner (Clinical/ Education/ Management) Senior Management/ Complex Service Delivery - If a pay scale/award applies to this role please specify………. What percentage of the role is dedicated to primary health service delivery? Please list any employee benefits available for this position Completed hard copies of this form can either be: Faxed to: 07 3105 7801; Emailed to: alliedhealth@healthworkforce.com.au or nursing@healthworkforce.com.au Checklist Completed separate Employer Profile Application Form Completed separate Vacancy Details for each different position registered Attached Position Description for each different position registered Page 4 of 4 Health Workforce Queensland | Employer Vacancy Form - Allied Health and Nursing Professionals