Database ID Number Treating doctor consent to interview case obtained Case (or proxy) consent to conduct interview obtained Name of person interviewed (if not case) Yes No Date of consent: / / Yes No Date of consent: / / Yes No Date: Interviewer name Database details finalised / / Typhoid fever (Salmonella Typhi) ATTEMPTS TO CONTACT TREATING DOCTOR AND CASE Date Time Comments LOCAL PRIVACY MESSAGE : The information you provide in this questionnaire is for the purpose of public health follow-up. We do this by trying to find out what is likely to have caused your illness and also by providing you with information to reduce the spread of illness to others. The data collected is kept confidential and identifying information will not be disclosed for any other purpose without your consent. Information read? Updated August 2013 Typhoid fever SECTION 1: DEMOGRAPHIC DATA Case Questionnaire Surname: Other names: Street Address: Suburb/Town: Telephone: Postcode: Home: _________________ Work: _________________ Mobile: ______________________ Date of Birth: or Age: Sex: Country of Birth: Male Female Of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? No Language(s) spoken at home: Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Unknown Interpreter required: Yes No Occupation: Name / Address of Employer or School or Child Care Attended: Telephone: Date Last Attended: / / Contact Person:: High Risk occupational group?* Yes No * High risk occupations are food handlers, health care workers, child care workers, children in child care, and residents of institutions (i.e. aged care) SECTIO N 2: TREATING DOCTOR / HOSPITAL FACILITY Name of treating doctor: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ ED presentation : Date of ED presentation: Admission to hospital: Date of admission: Yes / No Hospital name: ___________________________________ No Hospital name: ___________________________________ / Yes / Fax: ________________________________ / Date of discharge: 2 / / Typhoid fever Case Questionnaire SECTION 3: ILLNESS (SUMMARY) Onset date of illness: ____/____/____ Date(s) of specimen collection: ____/____/_____ ___/____/____ Specimen type: Faeces Blood Other (specify, e.g. urine) _______________________________ Typhoid immunisation history (if known): ________________________________________________________________ Treatment (list antibiotic(s) and treatment duration: ________________________________________________________ Signs & symptoms Yes / No / Unknown Signs & symptoms Yes / No / Unknown Malaise Yes No Unk Body aches Yes No Unk Anorexia Yes No Unk Diarrhoea Yes No Unk Fever Yes No Unk Constipation Yes No Unk Headache Yes No Unk Vomiting Yes No Unk Cough Yes No Unk Other (specify below): e.g. splenomegaly Yes No Unk Rash / skin spots Yes No Unk SECTION 4: RISK FACTORS For the Incubation Period Risk Factor / / to (Date 4 weeks prior to onset) Applies / / (Date 3 day prior to onset) Details Travel - Domestic Yes No Places Visited: ……………………………………………………… Type of Accommodation: ………………………………………… Departure: ___ / ___ / ___ Return: ___ / ___ / ___ Illness while away Yes No Travel – International Yes No Places Visited: ……………………………………………………… Type of Accommodation: ………………………………………… Departure: ___ / ___ / ___ Return: ___ / ___ / ___ Illness while away Yes No Yes No Case Mother Father Country: ………………………………….…………………………. Any symptoms: Yes .…………………................................. No If Yes, go to Section 5 If no travel, was case or their parents born overseas? 3 Typhoid fever Risk Factor Household / Close contact of person known to have travelled overseas? Household / Close contact of person known to have typhoid infection or similar illness Case Questionnaire Applies Yes Details No Relationship: ………………………………………………………….. Country visited: ………………………………………………………. Relationship: ………………………………………………………….. Case name: …………………………………………………………… Database ID No. (if confirmed): ___________________________ Details: ………………………………………………………………….. Yes No Yes No Had previous typhoid, infection? Yes No Approx. date: ___ / ___ / ___ Household / Close contact known to have had previous typhoid infection? Yes No Relationship: ………………………………………………………….. Drank untreated water? Approx. date: ___ / ___ / ___ Yes No Specify type: …………………………………. Date : _____/_____/_____ Location: ……………………………………………………………….. Participated in swimming / water sports? Yes No Activity: ……………………………………..… Date : _____/_____/_____ Type of water (eg. pool, river, etc): ………………………………. Address: …………………………………………………………….. Date: _____/_____/_____ Ate oysters / mussels? Yes No Type / Brand:………………………………………………………….. Where purchased:…………………………………………………… Date: _____/_____/_____ Ate other shellfish? Yes No Type / Brand:………………………………………………………….. Where purchased:…………………………………………………… Date: _____/_____/_____ Ate imported foodstuffs? (if in Australia during incubation period) Exposure to raw/untreated sewage? Yes No Type / Brand:………………………………………………………….. Where purchased:…………………………………………………… Yes No Date: _____/_____/_____ Exposure/activity:………………………………………………………….. 4 Typhoid fever SECTION 5: LOCAL FOOD EXPOSURES Case Questionnaire If the case was in Australia for any part of their incubation period, did they visit / attend any of the following? If no, skip to Section 6. Incubation period / / to (date 2 weeks prior to onset ) Name and address of premises Cafes or restaurants yes no don’t know Takeaway / fast food outlets yes no don’t know Parties or functions with family or friends yes no don’t know Festivals or commercial public gatherings (eg fetes, club social events, markets, Moomba etc.) yes no don’t know Continental deli or specialty grocer (e.g. Asian supermarket) yes no don’t know Farms or growers (farm gate sales or consumption of unprocessed products) yes no don’t know SECTION 6: FOLLOW UP AND EXCLUSIONS FOR CASE 5 / / (date 1 day prior to onset) What was eaten? Typhoid fever Case Questionnaire Exclusion required for high risk occupations (health care workers, food handlers, child care workers). To include children in child care too. § Clearance is defined as: 3 consecutive negative stool cultures. These must be taken under the following conditions – (a) specimens collected ≥ 1 month after onset, (b) specimens collected ≥48 hours after cessation of antibiotic therapy, (c) individual specimens taken ≥24hours apart. ‡ For the Incubation Period / / to (date 2 weeks prior to onset ) Tick box that describes case: / / (date 1 day prior to onset) Institutional resident Child in CCC CCC worker Health care worker Food handler If one of the above is selected, please provide the following information: Name / address of related premises / institution: OR None of these …………………………………………………………………………………………................. Date last attended: ____/____/____ Movements of case at work / CCC / institution: Date:_____/_____/_____ Day:………………………. Hours:…………….…… Location:..…………………………….. Date:_____/_____/_____ Day:………………………. Hours:…………….…… Location:..…………………………….. Date:_____/_____/_____ Day:………………………. Hours:…………….…… Location:..…………………………….. Date:_____/_____/_____ Day:………………………. Hours:…………….…… Location:..…………………………….. Date:_____/_____/_____ Day:………………………. Hours:…………….…… Location:..…………………………….. It is required that if the case is in a high risk setting / occupation, they be excluded from attendance / work until cleared. § Exclusion required‡? Yes No Exclusion discussed with case / guardian / next-of-kin. Yes No Letter sent to contacts at premises? Yes No Date sent: ____/____/____ Environmental Health inspection required? Yes No Contact date: ____/____/____ Contact name: ………………………………………………………………….. Action required: ………………………………………………………………… Feed back received: no yes, ………………………….. Clearance stools taken§ Yes No #1: ___ / ___ /___ #2: ___ / ___ /___ #3: ___ / ___ /___ 6 Detected Detected Detected Not Detected Not Detected Not Detected Typhoid fever Case Questionnaire SECTION 7: FOLLOW UP (AND EXCLUSIONS) FOR CLOSE HOUSEHOLD / TRAVEL COMPANIONS OF CASE §IIf yes, contact to report to GP, or CDC to arrange clearance testing via ACT Pathology. § Clearance is defined as: 2 consecutive negative stool cultures. These specimens must be taken individually and ≥24hours apart. ‡ Exclusion required for high risk contacts (health care workers, food handlers, child care workers). Name and contact details Name: _______________________________ _______________________________ Address: _______________________________ _______________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Relationship to case Household contact Travel companion Other ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Symptoms? Yes§ No High risk occupation status / exclusion‡ High risk occupation? Yes No Clearance testing required Yes§ No If ‘Yes” specify below & record detail in notes Food handler Healthcare worker Childcare worker Aged-care Worker ____________________________________ If ‘Yes” indicate via GP (provide name and contact details) ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ via CDC / ACT Pathology High risk occupation status / exclusion‡ Clearance testing required Results Stool 1. / / ________________ Stool 2 . / / ________________ Notes: Name and contact details Name: _______________________________ _______________________________ Address: _______________________________ _______________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Relationship to case Household contact Travel companion Other ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Symptoms? Yes§ No High risk occupation? Yes No If ‘Yes” specify below & record detail in notes Food handler Healthcare worker Childcare worker Aged-care Worker ____________________________________ Notes: 7 Yes§ No If ‘Yes” indicate via GP (provide name and contact details) ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ via CDC / ACT Pathology Results Stool 1. / / ________________ Stool 2 . / / ________________ Typhoid fever Name and contact details Name: _______________________________ _______________________________ Address: _______________________________ _______________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Case Questionnaire Relationship to case Household contact Travel companion Other ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Symptoms? Yes§ No High risk occupation status / exclusion‡ High risk occupation? Yes No Clearance testing required Yes§ No If ‘Yes” specify below & record detail in notes Food handler Healthcare worker Childcare worker Aged-care Worker ____________________________________ If ‘Yes” indicate via GP (provide name and contact details) ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ via CDC / ACT Pathology High risk occupation status / exclusion‡ Clearance testing required Results Stool 1. / / ________________ Stool 2 . / / ________________ Notes: Name and contact details Name: _______________________________ _______________________________ Address: _______________________________ _______________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Relationship to case Household contact Travel companion Other ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Symptoms? Yes§ No High risk occupation? Yes No If ‘Yes” specify below & record detail in notes Food handler Healthcare worker Childcare worker Aged-care Worker ____________________________________ Notes: . 8 Yes§ No If ‘Yes” indicate via GP (provide name and contact details) ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ via CDC / ACT Pathology Results Stool 1. / / ________________ Stool 2 . / / ________________ Typhoid fever Case Questionnaire SECTION 8: EDUCATION Hygiene and preventing transmission discussed with case Need to show clearance discussed with case Information requested by case / guardian / next-of-kin No No No N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes, date sent: _____ /_____ /_____ Name of completing officer: ________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____ /_____ /_____ INVESTIGATION NOTES Attach extra investigation sheets if necessary 9