School District 4115 Jacksol Drive San Jose, CA 95124 (408) 377-2103 Fax (408) 377-5944 PARENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 2014-2015 California Education Code, Section 48980, requires a school district (hereinafter referred to as “district”) to give parents or guardians (hereinafter “parent”) annual notice of certain parent rights and responsibilities, and of certain district programs listed below. As a parent or guardian, you are invited to request additional information regarding Cambrian School District policies related to these activities or programs, from the office of your child’s school of attendance. We ask that you read this Parents Rights form carefully. MANDATED NOTIFICATION ABSENCES FOR RELIGIOUS PURPOSES: Upon written parental consent, a pupil may be excused to participate away from school property, after attending school for a minimum day, subject to administration regulations and law, provided that absences do not exceed four (4) days per school year. (E.C. §46014) ABSENCES FOR PERSONAL REASONS: A pupil may be excused from school for justifiable personal reasons, including but not limited to, an appearance in court, observance of a holiday or ceremony of his/her religion, or an employment conference when the absence has been requested in writing by parent and approved by the principal pursuant to uniform standards established by the governing board. A pupil absent from school under this section shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests, determined by the teacher of any class to be required, pursuant to the regulations of the governing board, missed during the absence. The tests and assignments shall be reasonably equivalent to those missed during the absence, and upon completion within a reasonable period of time, shall be given full credit therefor. (E.C. §48205) FAMILY LIFE AND SEX EDUCATION: Whenever any part of the instruction in health, family life education, and/or sex education conflicts with religious training and beliefs or personal moral convictions of the parent, the student shall be excused from that part of the instruction upon written request. (E.C. §51550) HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE INSTRUCTION: Parents shall be given written notice, and have the opportunity to prohibit their child’s participation in any instruction in which human reproductive organs and their functions and processes are described, illustrated, or discussed. Materials to be used may be reviewed at reasonable times and places prior to instruction. (E.C. §51550 and §51820) PARENTS RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2014-2015 PUPIL INSURANCE: The governing board may provide, or make available, medical or hospital services for injuries to students arising from school programs or activities. No student shall be compelled to accept such services without his/her consent or, if a minor without the consent of a parent. Parents may obtain further information regarding availability of pupil accident insurance by contacting the school principal. (E.C. §49472) PUPIL IMMUNIZATION: The district may administer immunizing agents to prevent or control communicable disease to pupils whose parents have consented in writing to such immunization. (E.C. §49403) PUPIL MEDICATION: Any student who must take prescribed medication at school and who desires assistance of school personnel must submit a written statement of instruction from the physician and a statement by the parent indicating their desire to have the school assist in administering the physician’s instructions. Inhalers for asthma may be carried by students if the proper forms are completed and the student is capable of self-administering the inhaler. (E.C. §49423) PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS: A child may be excluded from physical examination whenever the parents file a written statement with the school that they will not consent to a physical examination of their child. Whenever there is a good reason to believe the child is suffering from a recognized contagious or infectious disease, the child will be excluded from school attendance. (School children are examined for vision, hearing at selected grade levels.) (E.C. §49451; 49452; 49454; 49455) RESIDENCE WHEN HOSPITALIZED: Notwithstanding compulsory education requirements, a pupil with a temporary disability who is in a hospital or other residential health facility, excluding a state hospital, which is located outside of the school district in which the pupil’s parent resides, shall be deemed to have complied with the residence requirements for school attendance in the school district in which the hospital is located. It shall be the primary responsibility of the pupil’s parent to notify the school district in which the pupil is deemed to reside of the pupil’s presence in a qualifying hospital. (E.C. §48207; 48208) Page 1 of 6 FEDERAL REGULATIONS AND ACTS PARENT COMPLAINT PROCEDURES: The Cambrian School District has primary responsibility for insuring compliance with state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs. Any complaints alleging unlawful discrimination or failure to comply with state or federal laws in consolidated categorical aid programs, child care and development programs, child nutrition programs, and special education programs will be reviewed, mediated or investigated by the district. The complainant will have the opportunity to provide relevant information during the investigation. Within sixty days of receipt of the complaint, excluding the months of school closure (July and August) the district will provide a written report to the complainant. Complaints alleging discrimination must be filed within six months from the alleged occurrence or when knowledge was first obtained. Complainants may also pursue civil law remedies through mediation centers, the county office of education, and public/private interest attorneys. The district follows Uniform Complaints Procedures established in Board Policy #1312.3. Complaints should be directed to the district compliance officer at (408) 377-2103. If dissatisfied with the district’s resolution of a complaint, the complainant has the right to appeal to the California Department of Education within fifteen days after the district’s report is issued. In a discrimination complaint, the complainant has the right to seek legal remedies when at least sixty days has passed after filing an appeal with the California Department of Education. INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES: In accordance with federal and state laws, the district will not discriminate against an individual with disabilities as far as involvement in programs and activities and in the use of facilities. If your child needs special accommodations, please contact the school or district office. NONDISCRIMINATION: The district has a policy of nondiscrimination on basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, mental or physical disability. This policy applies to all students insofar as participation in programs and activities is concerned, with few exceptions, such as contact sports, in accordance with federal law. Complaints alleging noncompliance with this policy should be directed to Mark Loos at (408) 377-2103. Appeals may be made to the district superintendent. ASBESTOS MANAGEMENT PLAN: The district and county office has a current management plan for asbestos containing materials for all district facilities. The plan is available for inspection at the office of the superintendent during normal business hours. PESTICIDE NOTIFICATION: The schools must notify parents and employees about pesticide usage at least annually. The district procedures will be available at the District office for review. WILLIAMS ACT: Ed. Code 35186 requires that the following notice be posted in your child’s classroom: 1. There should be sufficient textbooks and instructional materials. For there to be sufficient text books and instructional materials, each student, including English learners, must have a textbook or instructional material, or both, to use in class and to take home to complete required homework assignments. 2. There should be a teacher assigned to each class and not a series of substitutes or other temporary teachers. The teacher should have the proper credential and subject matter training to teach the class, including training to teach English Learners if present. 3. School facilities must be clean, safe, and maintained in good repair. Good repair means that the facility is maintained in a manner that assures that it is clean, safe and functional as determined by the Office of Public School Construction. 4. To file a complaint regarding the above matters, complaint forms can be obtained at the principal’s office, district office, or can be downloaded from the school district’s or California Dept. of Education’s website. PUPIL RECORDS REVIEW OF PUPIL RECORDS: Parents have the right to question, and receive an answer regarding items on their child’s record that appear inaccurate, misleading, or that invade the child’s privacy. (E.C. §49063, and §49090) NOTIFICATION OF PRIVACY RIGHTS OF PUPILS: Federal and state laws grant certain privacy rights and rights of access to pupil records to pupils and their parents. Full access to all personally identifiable written records maintained by the district or county PARENTS RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2014-2015 office must be granted to: Parents of students age 17 or younger; Parents of students age 18 or older, if the student is a dependent for tax purposes; students age 16 or older, or having completed 10th grade. Parents, or an eligible student, may review individual records by making a request to the principal. The principal will see that explanations and interpretations are provided, if requested. A parent has the right to question and receive an answer regarding items on Page 2 of 6 their child’s record that appears inaccurate, misleading, or that invades his/her child’s privacy. Information that is alleged to be inaccurate, inappropriate, or misleading may or may not be removed by the superintendent or his/her designee. In addition, parents of eligible students may receive a copy of any information in the pupil’s records at a reasonable cost per page. District policies and procedures relating to types of records, kinds of information retained, persons responsible for maintaining pupil records, directory information, access by other persons, review, and to the challenge to content of records are available through the principal or his/her designee. Parents may contact the school to review the log listing those that have requested or received information from a pupil’s file, as required in E.C. §49064. Access to a pupil’s records will only be granted to those with a legitimate educational interest. When a student moves to a new district, records will be forwarded upon request of the new district. At the time of transfer, the parent (or eligible student) may review, receive a copy (at reasonable fee), and/or challenge the records. Parents may contact the school or county office for any policy regarding the review and expungement of pupil records. If you believe the district is not in compliance with federal regulations regarding privacy, you may file a complaint with the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The district also makes certain student directory information available in accordance with state and federal laws. This means that each student’s name, birth date, birthplace, address, telephone number, major course of study, participation in school activities, dates of attendance, awards, and the most previous public or private school attended, may be released to certain specified agencies. In addition, height and weight of athletes may be made available. Appropriate directory information may not be provided to any private, profit-making entity other than employers, prospective employers or to representatives of the news media. Upon written request from the parent of a student age 17 or younger, the district will withhold directory information about the student. If the student is 18 or older or enrolled in an institution of postsecondary instruction and makes a written request, the pupil’s request to deny access to directory information will be honored. Requests should be submitted within 30 calendar days of receipt of this notification. (E.C. §49060-49078) PUPIL PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT CARD: A copy of the district’s accountability report card may be obtained from the school upon request (E.C. §35256). The School Accountability Report Card is also available on the Internet at the Cambrian web site EXCUSED ABSENCES: No pupil shall have his/her grade reduced or suffer a loss of academic credit on account of an excused absence when missed assignments and tests that can reasonably be provided are satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time. An excused absence defined in Education Code §48205 as: PARENT MEETING with TEACHER and PRINCIPAL: Upon reasonable notice, parents have the right to meet with their child’s teacher and principal. (E.C. §49091.10) (a) PARENT NOTIFICATION: Parents have the right to be notified concerning their child’s classroom and standardized test performances, and to be informed about school rules, attendance policies, dress codes, school visiting procedures and the person to contact should problems arise with their child. (E.C. §49091.10) Notwithstanding Section 48200, a pupil shall be excused from school when the absence is: 1. 2. 3. 4. ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS: Parents have the right to be informed of the academic expectations of their child. (E.C. §49091.10) 5. PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING: Parents have the right to receive information about psychological testing the school does involving their child and to deny permission to give that testing. (E.C. §49091.10) PARENTS RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2014-2015 6. Due to his or her illness. Due to quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer. For the purpose of having medical, dental, optometrical, or chiropractic service rendered. For the purpose of attending the funeral services of a member of his/her immediate family, so long as the absence is not more than one (1) day if the services are conducted in California and not more than three (3) days if the services are conducted outside California. For the purpose of jury duty in the manner provided for by law. Due to the illness or medical appointment during school hours of a child of whom the pupil is the custodial parent. Page 3 of 6 7. (b) For justifiable personal reasons, including, but not limited to, an appearance in court, attendance at a funeral service, observance of a holiday or ceremony of his/her religion, attendance at religious retreats or attendance at an employment conference, when the pupil’s absence has been requested in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or a designated representative, pursuant to uniform standards established by the governing board. A pupil absent from school under this section shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed during the absence that can be reasonably provided and, upon satisfactory completion within a reasonable period of time, shall be given full credit therefor. The teacher of any class from which a pupil is absent shall determine the tests and assignments shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the tests and assignments that the pupil missed during the absence. (c) For purposes of this section, attendance at religious retreats shall not exceed four (4) hours per semester. (d) Absences pursuant to this section are deemed to be absences in computing average daily attendance and shall not generate state apportionment payments. (e) “Immediate family” as used in this section, has the same meaning as that set forth in Section 45194, except that references therein to “employee” shall be deemed to be references to “pupil.” RETENTION: The school shall notify the parent as early in the school year as practical if their child is at risk for retention. Parent has the right to consult with school personnel and to appeal the decision. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: All primary and supplemental instruction materials and assessments, including textbooks, teacher manuals, films, tapes, and software, shall be compiled and stored by the classroom instructor and made available promptly for inspection by a parent in a reasonable time frame or in accordance with district or county office policies or procedures. (E.C. §49091.10) OBSERVATION: Upon written request, a parent has the right to observe instruction that involves his/her child or for the purpose of selecting a school in accordance with board policies on interdistrict and intradistrict transfers. Any observation will be done in accordance with policies established to ensure the safety of pupils and school personnel and to prevent undue interference with instruction or harassment of school personnel. (E.C. § 49091.10(b)) BELIEFS: A pupil may not be compelled to affirm or disavow any particular personally or privately held world view, religious doctrine, or political opinion. No pupil shall be relieved of any obligation to complete regular classroom assignments. (E.C. §49091.12(a)) CURRICULUM: The curriculum, including titles, descriptions, and instructional aims of every course offered by a public school, shall be compiled at least once annually in a prospectus. The prospectus is available for review upon request and for copying at a reasonable charge. (E.C. §49091.14; 49063) SEXUAL HARASSMENT: A copy of the district’s written policy on sexual harassment, as it pertains to pupils, is available upon request by calling the district office. A list of referral sources outside the school district is also available upon request.) E.C. §48980) PARENTS RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2014-2015 UNEXCUSED ABSENCE: Parents shall be notified in a timely manner if their child is absent from school without permission. (E.C. §44670.5; 51101) ANIMAL DISSECTION: A pupil who has a moral objection to dissecting or otherwise harming or destroying animals as part of an instructional program, has a right to request an alternative educational program. (E.C. §32255-32255.6) INSTRUCTION ON AIDS PREVENTION: The parents of pupils in grades 7 through 12 are entitled to written notice prior to AIDS prevention instruction being provided. Following the distribution of this annual notice, 10 to 15 days notice will be given when an outside organization or guest speaker that has not already been noticed, is scheduled to present AIDS prevention instruction. Parents may obtain from the district or the county office, copies of Education Code Sections 51201.5 and 51553 (AIDS instruction). MINIMUM DAYS AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT: Calendar which includes a schedule of minimum days and pupil- free staff development days will be sent to parents at least annually. Parents will also be notified during the school year of any additional minimum days and pupil-free staff development days. (E.C. §48980) prospectus is available for review upon request and for copying at a reasonable charge. (E.C. §49091.14; 49063) EVALUATIONS: A pupil may not be tested for behavioral, mental, or emotional evaluation without the informed written consent of his/her parent. (E.C. §49091.12) Page 4 of 6 PUPIL DISCIPLINE RULES: A copy of the school’s pupil discipline rules may be obtained by contacting the principal or his/her designee. The parent of a pupil who has been suspended by a teacher may be required to attend a portion of a school day in his/her child’s class. (E.C. §35191; §48900.1) ABSENTEES, TEMPORARY INSTRUCTION & ENROLLMENT OPTIONS HOME INSTRUCTION: Except for pupils receiving individual instruction provided pursuant to a district or county office-sponsored program, a pupil with a temporary disability which makes attendance, in the regular day classes or alternative education program in which the pupil is enrolled, impossible or inadvisable, shall receive individual instruction provided by the district in which the pupil is deemed to reside. (E.C. §48206.3) INTERDISTRICT ATTENDANCE AGREEMENTS: A pupil may attend a school in a district other than the pupil’s district of residence pursuant to an interdistrict attendance agreement. Contact the school for an interdistrict application. (E.C. §46600, 48209, et seq.) RESIDENCE BASED ON PARENTS’ EMPLOYMENT: Under certain conditions, a pupil may attend schools of the district within which one or more of the parents are employed. Contact the district in which the parents are employed for further information. (E.C. §48204(f)) INTRADISTRICT ATTENDANCE: The district has adopted a policy(s) for intradistrict residence. Contact your school of residence. (E.C. §44660, 48209 et seq.) PUPIL SAFETY AND MEDICAL TREATMENT FINGERPRINT POLICY: Information concerning the district’s or county office’s pupil fingerprint policy is provided at the time of enrollment. CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL SERVICES: Pupils enrolled in grades 7 through 12 may be excused from school for the purpose of obtaining confidential medical services without the consent of the pupil’s parent. (E.C. §46010.1) CONTINUING MEDICATION: A parent is required to inform the school, if a pupil is on a continuing medication regimen for a non-episodic condition, of the medication being taken, the current dosage, and the name of the supervising physician. With a parent’s consent, the school nurse or other designated employee may communicate with the physician with regard to the possible effects of the drug on the child’s physical, intellectual and social behavior, as well as possible behavioral signs and symptoms of adverse side effects, omission, or over dosage. (E.C. §49480) PUPIL SAFETY: Parents have the right to have a safe and supportive learning environment for their child. (E.C. §51101(a).) RELEASE OF STUDENT TO PEACE OFFICER: If a school official releases your child from school to a peace officer for the purpose of removing him/her from the school premises, the school official shall take immediate steps to notify you or a responsible relative of your child, except when a student has been taken into custody as a victim of suspected child abuse. In those cases, the peace officer will notify the parent or guardian. (E.C. §48906) MISCELLANEOUS INTERNET POLICY: In the instance where a district or county office provides pupils with access to the Internet or an on-line service, the policy regarding access by pupils to Internet and on-line sites is available at the district office upon request. (E.C. §48980(h), 51870.5) The School Accountability Report Card is also available on the Internet at the Cambrian web site . STAFF: Parents have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher, including: whether the teacher has met state credential or license criteria for grade level and subject matter taught; whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status; baccalaureate PARENTS RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2014-2015 degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held; or whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals, and, if so, their qualifications. INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES: The district is included in the Santa Clara County Special Education Local Plan Area (“SELPA”). Individuals with disabilities, as defined by Education Code §56026, have a right to a free, appropriate public education. If you believe your child is in need of special education services, contact your school principal or the Cambrian District Office at (408) 377-2103. Page 5 of 6 PARENT RESPONSIBILITY: Parents are liable for all the damages caused by the willful misconduct of their minor children which result in death or injury to other students, school personnel, or school property (E.C. §48904, C.C. 1714.1) ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS: California state law authorizes all school districts to provide for alternative schools. Section 58500 of the Education Code defines alternative schools as a school or separate class group within a school which is operated in a manner designed to: a. Maximize the opportunity for students to develop the positive values of self-reliance, initiative, kindness, spontaneity, resourcefulness, courage, creativity, responsibility and joy. b. Recognize that the best learning takes place when the student learns because of his/her desire to learn. c. Maintain a learning situation maximizing student selfmotivation and encouraging the student in his own time to follow his own interests. These interests may result in whole or in part from a presentation by his/her teachers or choices of learning project. d. Maximizing the opportunity for teachers, parents and students to cooperatively develop the learning process and its subject matter. The opportunity shall be a continuous, permanent process. e. Maximize the opportunity for students, teachers, and parents to continuously react to the changing world, including but not limited to, the community in which the school is located. In the event any parent, pupil, or teacher is interested in further information concerning alternative schools, the administrative office of this district has copies of the law available for your information. This law particularly authorizes interested persons to request the governing board of the district to establish alternative social programs in each district. Contact the Assistant Superintendent, Student Services (408) 377-2103, for more information. (E.C. . §58501) FREE OR REDUCED PRICE MEALS: Needy pupils are entitled to free or reduced price meals. Contact the school for eligibility information. (E.C. . §49510, et seq.) PERSONAL PROPERTY: The district is not responsible for personal property. Students are discouraged from bringing noninstructional items to school such as radios, skate boards, etc. Please refer to the Student Handbook and school rules. ANNUAL PESTICIDE NOTIFICATION Assembly Bill 2260 (Healthy Schools Act of 2000) requires annual notification to all parents and staff of the names of all pesticides that are planned for use during the year at school sites. This includes the use of herbicides. Cambrian School District has adopted an Integrated Pest Management approach. This means that it is desirable to utilize the least toxic method first and work up to the use of chemicals only if warranted. The following pesticides and their purposed have been identified for potential use during the 2007-2008 school year: Product Manufacturer Use Primary Ingredient Other Drax Waterbury Ants Orthoboric Acid Ant kill gel Borid Waterbury Roaches Orthoboric Acid CAS #10013 Cynoff EC Vopak Wasps/Bees Cypermethrin Prod. Code 1167 Cy-kick Whitmire Ants Cyfluthrin CAS #68539-37-5 Roundup Pro Monsanto Weeds Glyphosate CAS #38641-94-0 Turflon DowElanco Broadleaf Triclopr EPA #62719-258 Contrac Bell Lab Rodentcide Bromadiolone EPA #12455-69 Demon WP Zeneca Ants/Roaches Cypermethrin EPA #10182-71 Drione Aventis Termites Silica Gel EPA #432-992 Suspend SC Aventis Insects Deltamethrin EPA #432-763 Wasp Freeze Whitmire Wasps Allethrin EPA #499-362 Bait Maxforce Ants/Roaches Hydramethylnon EPA #64248-19 Gel Maxforce Roaches Fipronil EPA #6248-14 Advance Whitmire Ant Bait Abamectin B1 CAS #71751-41-2 Bait Stations Maxforce Ants Fipronil EPA #64248-12 Tempo Bayer Roaches Cyfluthrin EPA #3125-377 Bait Stations Whitmire Cockroaches Abamectin EPA #499-467 Demand CS Zeneca Cockroaches Lambda-cyhalothrin CAS #91465-08-6 Chipco/Ronstar RhonePoulenc Pre-emergent Oxadiazon CAS #19666-30-9 The above listed products are only used by staff or contractors that have received appropriate application and safety training. If you wish to be notified personally prior to a particular pesticide application, please notify the Director of Buildings and Maintenance, in writing at Cambrian School District, 4115 Jacksol Dr., San Jose, CA 95124. For further information please visit the California Department of Pesticide Regulation’s Website at: PARENTS RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2014-2015 Page 6 of 6