Notes and Practice with Weather Maps

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Name: ____________________________________ Period: ____
Key Points on Weather Maps:
1. There are three main types weather maps that help us predict how the weather will
a. Satellite – shows the movement of clouds. Satellites capture infrared and visible
light to determine the height of clouds and where they are moving.
b. Radar – shows precipitation that is falling.
1) Radio waves are sent out by machines on the surface of the Earth.
2) These waves are reflected off of precipitation that is falling.
3) The more precipitation, the more the radio waves are reflected.
4) Doppler radar can tell the direction that wind is blowing by measuring
changes in the wavelength of reflected radio waves.
5) Precipitation is shown on these maps with various colors: green for rain,
pink for sleet, white for snow. Very heavy rain is shown in orange and red.
c. Surface – shows fronts and high and low pressure areas.
1) Sometimes a surface map is combined with a radar map.
2. To read a weather map, follow the steps below:
a. Find the location of interest.
b. Determine the meaning of any nearby symbols.
c. Look for fronts that are “pointing” at the location. Determine what type of front
it is and how this impacts the weather.
d. Look to the west because that weather will move eastward.
Weather Maps: Guided Practice
Local TV
Max Temp
(o F)
Min Temp
(o F)
Wind Speed /
% chance,
1. What do you
notice about the
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Name: ____________________________________ Period: ____
2. Which of these describes the weather forecast for
Mississippi on Tuesday and Wednesday?
1. Tuesday: cold temperatures with light snow
Wednesday: warm temperatures with clear skies
2. Tuesday: thunderstorms with heavy rainfall
Wednesday: cold temperatures with sleet and
3. Tuesday: cloudy with rainfall on and off during the
Wednesday: windy in the morning, clear skies in
the afternoon
4. Tuesday: cold temperatures with clear skies
Wednesday: clear skies in the morning, windy with
light rain in the afternoon
Weather Maps: Independent Practice
Answer the following questions as a scientist would using the weather map below. Explain
WHY using COMPLETE sentences!
1. What type of front is affecting
location #1?
2. Make a prediction for the type of
weather that location #1 is
currently experiencing.
3. What weather feature is affecting
Mississippi (location #2)?
Surface Map for Monday, March 26th
4. Make a prediction for the type of
weather that location #2 is currently experiencing.
5. What type of front is affecting location #3?
6. Make a prediction for the type of weather that location #3 is currently experiencing.
7. Based on your knowledge of wind patterns and the current surface map, predict the
weather in Mississippi on Wednesday.