Flat Stanley Instructions

To: You (name)_____________________________________________________age__________________
From: Headquarters, Museum of the American Military Family
Subject: Temporary Duty (TDY) for Flat Stanley
1. Your mission is to send Flat Stanley out to a military family to get stories and
photos from them.
2. Gear needed for the trip:
a. Crayons, markers or colored pencils
b. Envelope (included)
c. Stamps
d. Address of a military family
3. Decorate Stanley to look like you. Cut him out. Put him in the envelope to send
to your Military Family.
4. Write your name on this sheet, as well as on line 8 of the sheet for your military
family. Once you have filled out the attached sheet, send Flat Stanley on to a
military family with your information sheets in the envelope. Please make sure
you tell your military family to mail Flat Stanley to the Museum of the American
Military Family c/o the Albuquerque Special Collections Library no later than 30
July 2013.
MAMF Flat Stanley/Stella Project
Special Collections Library
423 Central Avenue NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
5. If the family you send Stanley to chooses to answer the questions via e-mail and
take digital pictures with Stanley, rather than send them by mail, please have
them email their contributions to this e-mail address:
6. Thank you for your support of our nation’s military families!
Circe Olson Woessner, Executive Director, Museum of the American Military family
Military Family Name_______________________________________________________________
1. Draw or take a picture of your family. Circle the person (s) who is/was in
the military.
(Draw it on another piece of paper and send it back to us or scan it and
send it as a PDF.)
2. Circle the seal for the branch of the military for your family.
Tell us a little bit about where you live. What makes your town or base
unique? (Feel free to attach extra sheets of paper)
Take a picture of you and Stanley at your favorite place in the town where
you live. Why is it your favorite?
What is a typical day like for the sponsor of your family? What is a typical
day for the spouse and/or other family members?
7. What makes your military family special?
8. What life lesson(s) have you learned that you would like to share with the
Hello Fellow Military Family!
The Museum of the American Military Family is a three-year old 501 C 3 nonprofit
with a big mission:
To bring together people with shared experiences showcasing and honoring those who
also served--America's Military Families.
Our Vision is to be a Learning Center where people with shared and converging paths
come together as community, inspiring a sense of place and history. As a repository for
their stories, we shape the future by preserving our heritage, recording its evolution,
and inviting dialogue by sharing our experiences with the world.
The Albuquerque Special Collections Library and MAMF have partnered with school
children in Albuquerque, NM, to launch a Flat Stanley/Stella project. You have been
invited to participate.
This project kicks off in April (National Library Week and Month of the Military
Child) and culminates with a Flat Stanley/Stella exhibit in November (Military
Family Appreciation Month) at the Albuquerque Special Collections Library.
Afterwards, any “hard copy” items will become a permanent part of “Operation
Footlocker”, a mobile mini traveling museum.
You have been sent a template of Flat Stanley or Flat Stella by someone who has
identified you as a military family member. They, and we, would love for you to
participate in our project, as we share the military family story with the world.
How this works:
1. Answer the questions on the attached sheet. You can answer them either in
writing or via email.
2. Take some photos of you and Flat Stanley/Stella as you go about your daily
routine. For every photo you submit, please caption it so that we can learn
more about the picture.
3. If you choose to submit your questions and photos via postal service, or if you
want to donate a memento or item to be displayed in the November exhibit or in
the Flat Stanley/Stella Footlocker, the mailing address is as follows:
MAMF Flat Stanley/Stella Project
Special Collections Library
423 Central Avenue NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
4. Please be aware that your submissions will become part of a permanent Flat
Stanley/Stella collection, and any digital responses will be posted on our social
media sites and the official Flat Stanley website.
5. We do appreciate privacy concerns and will not share your email address or
physical address with any one else. If you do not want to answer a particular
question, we understand.
6. If you wish to send Stella or Stanley to another Military Family or to an
organization or school, feel free!
7. All items/responses need to be returned to us (via email or postal service) on or
before July 30, 2013 to ensure we have time to properly prepare for our
November exhibit.
8. We appreciate your support and interest in helping
______________________________________________________________be a part of this endeavor.
Thank you so much,
Circe Olson Woessner, Executive Director
Museum of the American Military Family
e-mail: militaryfamilymuseum@comcast.net
telephone number: 505 504-6830
website: www.museumoftheamericanmilitaryfamily.org