+THE PARISHES OF SAINT JOSEPH AND SAINT WILFRID+ GATESHEAD A PARISH OF THE DIOCESE OF HEXHAM & NEWC ASTLE REGISTERED CHARIT Y NO.1143450 PARISH PRIEST: FR MICHAEL BROWN PRESBYTERY: ST JOSEPH’S HIGH WEST STREET GATESHEAD NE8 1LX TELEPHONE NOS.: ST JOSEPH’S 477 1631 ST WILFRID’S 477 1524 http://stjosephsgateshead.wordpress.com/ BOOKINGS FOR ST JOSEPH’S HALL: 0795 0173445 email: gateshead.stjoseph@rcdhn.org.uk MASS TIMES, INTENTIONS AND SERVICE TIMES SAINT WILFRID’S DEC Saturday Sunday 13 14 6.00pm 10.00am SAINT JOSEPH’S Kathleen Butler 9.00am People of the Parish 10.30am Elsie & George Dalton 12 noon Extraordinary Form (Latin) Private Intention 12.05pm George & Elizabeth McDonald Brown, Henderson and O`Keefe families Bridget Sidaway Monday Tuesday 15 16 Wednesday 17 12.05pm Thursday 18 12.05pm Friday 19 Saturday 20 Sunday 21 10.00am CONFESSIONS . Sr Vivian`s Intentions Louise Emenogu 12.05pm 11..00am (EF) 6.00pm ST JOSEPH`S CAROL SERVICE: The children of St Joseph`s school will be putting on a carol service in church on Tuesday at 6pm. All welcome. L & d m of Appleby and Connolly families Edmond O`Sullivan Celebrant`s Intention 9.00am Joseph McGuigan Snr 10.30am People of Parish 12.00noon Extraordinary Form (Latin) Private Intention (RBL) 2pm Benediction ST. JOSEPH’S Wed after 12.05pm Mass and Saturday 11.30-12.30pm ST WILFRID`S before 6.00pm Mass Saturday THE ROSARY is recited before Mass on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in Saint Joseph’s. Exposition of Blessed Sacrament on Thursday after Mass to 1.30pm COLLECTIONS: St Joseph’s 07.12.14 9.00am £126.05 10.30am £72.36 12 noon £196.52 Total: £394.93 St Wilfrid’s £186.14. Donations £20 Bonus Ball £143 Many thanks CHILDREN’S ADVENT ACTIVITY This week we encourage the children to take home a Heart to decorate. Families might want to think about the word ‘JOY’ printed on it. We have seen the pink candle on our Advent Wreath lit today, and listened to the readings which tell of the joy that Christ’s coming brings to us all. Perhaps the children can draw or write about something they can do to bring happiness to others. The candles can be brought back to church for our Advent display, or perhaps used as decorations at home. ST WILFRID`S The Christmas draw will take place at the end of Mass tonight, once again many thanks for your wonderful support!! Next week we will be having a collection for the heating, we are lucky here to have a decent heating system to keep us warm during Mass!!! Parishioners are invited to bring into church Poinsettia plants in memory of deceased loved ones. It is a lovely way of remembering them during the festive season and they look beautiful!!! They can be brought in anytime. ST. JOSEPH`S; 1) Please bring your Poinsettias this week to keep with the tradition in memory of our loved ones. 2) Christmas cards; Please make sure you deliver the card to the person intended for as each year 20 to 30 cards are left in church and have to be destroyed. . SUNDAY LUNCH AND BENEDICTION: Next Sunday the monthly lunch takes place in the hall after the 12 noon Mass. Sherry and mince pies will be on offer! Benediction at 2pm. SR VIVIAN: Sr Vivian of the Daughters of Divine Love left this week for a new appointment in Birmingham. Thank you to Sister for her work as parish sister. We wish her every blessing in her new appointment. NORTHERN CATHOLIC CALENDARS FOR 2015. Available at the back of church: £2.50 or £3 or ringbound. DEANERY CONFIRMATION PREPARATION The next Preparation Session in our Deanery Confirmation Programme takes place on Monday, 15th December at 18.30 in Cardinal Hume School. All prospective candidates are expected to attend. Please keep our young people in your prayers. ST JOSEPH`S CHRISTMAS RAFFLE: Three prizes remain unclaimed. Details in the porch. ADVENT CONFESSIONS/RECONCILIATION SERVICE Saturday 20th December 11.30 am to 12.30 pm: Confessions at St Joseph’s. Monday 22nd December 7.00 p.m. St Augustine’s, Leam Lane, service of reconciliation with individual confessions. CARDINAL HUME CATHOLIC SCHOOL ADVENT SERVICE Wednesday 17th December at 6.30pm. Headteacher Nick Hurn would like to invite you all to the annual school Advent Service. Please note that although entry is free of charge, it is strictly a ticket only event, tickets can be collected at the door. If you would like to attend please contact Helen Moffitt at the school on 0191 4877638 or by email : info@cardinalhume.com and Helen will be delighted to reserve you a place. An arrival time of 6.15pm is advised with refreshments available afterwards and any donations to our CAFOD fundraising greatly appreciated. CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES: St Joseph`s Christmas Eve 5pm vigil Mass, Christmas Day 10.30am. St Wilfrid`s Christmas Eve 6.30pm, Midnight (Latin). Carol singing half an hour before Christmas Eve Masses. ST WILFRID`S Christmas cards and a limited number of 2015 diaries and calendars are available at the back of church. Tickets will also be available for the Christmas raffle. LATIN FOR BEGINNERS. Continues on Tuesday 7.30pm GATESHEAD HOMELESS PROJECT (JOE'S PLACE) Joe`s Place project offers hot snacks, tea and coffee to those who are either homeless, on low or no income or live with substance addiction. Open every Wednesday 10am-1pm in. St. Joseph's church hall. The project needs food donations, if you can help there is a container at the back of church ASYLUM SEEKERS Please remember that we collect tinned food for those who live in great need in our own area. There is a box at the back of St. Joseph’s under the table near the side porch for anything you can give GOING INTO HOSPITAL? For all hospitals in an emergency ask the Ward Sister to contact the on call Roman Catholic Chaplain not just a Chaplain. Contacts: Queen Elizabeth Ring 0191 4452072 RVI & Freeman ring St Andrews 0191 2321892 and leave a message. Parishes of Saint Joseph & Saint Wilfrid Gateshead Third Sunday of Advent: Year B (OF) Third Sunday of Advent (EF) 13th /14th December 2014 ST HILDEGARD OF BINGEN Abbess, artist, author, composer, mystic, pharmacist, poet, preacher, theologian-where to begin describing this remarkable woman? Born into a noble family, she was instructed for ten years by the holy woman Blessed Jutta. When Hildegard was 18, she became a Benedictine nun at the Monastery of St. Disibodenberg. Ordered by her confessor to write down the visions that she'd received since the age of three, Hildegard took ten years to write her Scivias (Know the Ways). Pope Eugene III read it and in 1147 encouraged her to continue writing. Her Book of the Merits of Life and Book of Divine Works followed. She wrote over 300 letters to people who sought her advice; she also composed short works on medicine and physiology, and sought advice from contemporaries such as St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Hildegard's visions caused her to see humans as "living sparks" of God's love, coming from God as daylight comes from the sun. Sin destroyed the original harmony of creation; Christ's redeeming death and resurrection opened up new possibilities. Virtuous living reduces the estrangement from God and others that sin causes.Hildegard was no stranger to controversy. The monks near her original foundation protested vigorously when she moved her monastery to Bingen, overlooking the Rhine River. She confronted Emperor Frederick Barbarossa for supporting at least three antipopes. Hildegard challenged the Cathars, who rejected the Catholic Church claiming to follow a more pure Christianity. Between 1152 and 1162, Hildegard often preached in the Rhineland. Her monastery was placed under interdict because she had permitted the burial of a young man who had been excommunicated. She insisted that he had been reconciled with the Church and had received its sacraments before dying. Hildegard protested bitterly when the local bishop forbade the celebration of or reception of the Eucharist at the Bingen monastery, a sanction that was lifted only a few months before her death. In 2012, Hildegard was canonized and named a Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI. Feast December 17th Americancatholic.org