Supplemental Information Dual-Active-Layers a-IGZO TFT via Homogeneous Conductive Layer Formation by Photochemical H-doping Seung-Ki Jeong, Myeong-Ho Kim, Sang-Yeon Lee, Hyungtak Seo and Duck-Kyun Choi 21 10 20 16 -3 10 15 19 10 18 10 17 14 2 10 Hall Mobility (cm /Vsec) Carrier Concentration (cm ) 1. Time dependent doping stability test carrier concentration hall mobility 0 1 2 3 Time (Week) 4 13 5 Fig. S1. Hall measurement results (carrier concentration and hall mobility) as a function of air aging-time. The a-IGZO/glass samples was maintained in the lab air since fabricated. No significant changes in electrical parameters such as carrier concentration and hall mobility was found even after 4 week air aging. This confirms that H doping by UV irradiation is permanent and not due to the transient photocurrent, which is typically subject to several hr recovery due to photocarrier detrapping from defect states. 1 2. XPS data of In3d and Ga2p In3d Ga2p XPS Intensity (Arb. Unit) UV 4hr UV 2hr UV 1hr As-dep In-OH [1] In-OH [2] In 3+ In 448 446 444 2+ Ga Ga-OH [1] Fa-OH [2] 442 1120 3+ Ga 2+ 1115 Binding Energy (eV) Fig. S2. In3d and Ga2p XPS data of the as-deposited and UV-exposed a-IGZO with Gaussian peak deconvolution. Similar to the Zn ion, three types of binding states were observed in each metal ion: (1) O-deficient In2+ and Ga2+ equivalent to the O-vacancy; (2) Inand Ga-O in the full oxidation state (In3+ and Ga3+); and (3) OH-related In/Ga bond (denoted as In/Ga-OH [1] and In/Ga-OH [2] or possibly, In/Ga-O-OH). 2 3. Absorption data of a-IGZO before and after UV-irradiation As-dep UV 1hr UV 2hr UV 4hr 5 -1 Absroption Coefficient (x10 cm ) 3 2 0.5 0.4 As-dep UV 1hr UV 2hr UV 4hr 0.3 0.2 1 0.1 0.0 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 Onset: 3.4 eV 0 3 4 5 6 Photon Energy(eV) Fig. S3. Absorption coefficient spectra for the as-deposited and UV-irradiated a-IGZO taken by spectroscopic ellipsometry analysis. The inset figure shows the magnified spectra at 3~4 eV of photo energy. All samples reveals the absorption onset at ~ 3.4 eV and no significant change in typical absorption edge. This data suggests UV-irradiation does not incur the bulk optical properties in consistent with XPS results showing the strong H-doping effect only at the surface region. 3