THz Transceiver/Two-Photon Absorption Autocorrelator by Juan Montoya Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY August 2002 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2002. All rights reserved. ........................ A uthor ..... Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science August 9, 2002 Certified by.. Qing Hu uter Science Professor of Electrical Engineering and Co Thesis Supervisor ....... Accepted by ............ Arthur C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students HAA~USETS WKS1ITUTE ~TECHWXOGoY NOV 1 8 2002 BARKER L1RRE THz Transceiver/Two-Photon Absorption Autocorrelator by Juan Montoya Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on August 9, 2002, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Abstract In this thesis I will investigate the design of a THz transceiver and explore a novel application of our device which uses two-photon absorption as a mechanism to detect ultrafast optical pulses. This thesis naturally divides itself into two separate parts. In particular, this thesis is in part a continuation of a previous study done in this group which explores the use of LT-GaAs as a source for opto-electronic generation of highfrequency (- 1THz) signals. In the first part of the thesis, I will present the design considerations of our device which includes a discussion of material properties and coplanar waveguide geometry. Furthermore, this part of the thesis will present and discuss the data which has been obtained through our continued research which has yielded further insight into the temporal response characteristics of LT-GaAs under high illumination and bias conditions. The second section of this thesis will explore a novel application of our device which utilizes a two-photon absorption principle to detect ultrafast pulses. The theory and merits behind this principle will be discussed, along with a model which describes our measurements. This is followed by a brief discussion of the feasibility of using a two-photon absorption excitation mechanism as a source for THz generation. Finally, our experimental data will be compared with alternative methods for detecting ultrafast pulses to verify our results. Namely, we will compare our results with a single-photon absorption measurement technique and a second harmonic generating crystal measurement. Thesis Supervisor: Qing Hu Title: Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Acknowledgments I would like to thank Professor Qing Hu for his leadership, mentorship, and for granting me the opportunity participate in this exciting project and the flexibility to look at it from different angles, and different wavelengths. I would also like to thank all the members in our group for their assistance and invaluable discussions throughout this project. In particular, I would like to thank Ben Williams and Hans Callebaut for their help with the wire bonding of the devices, and Sushil Kumar for the SEM photographs. I would especially like to thank Professor Rajeev Ram for being so generous as to allow me to setup in his lab and use his equipment for the two-photon absorption experiments. I would also like to thank the members in his group, Harry Lee and Mathew Abraham for their help with the equipment. Finally, I would like to greatly acknowledge Song Ho-Cho for his help with installing the fs optics in the laser and for his assistance with the SHG crystal measurements. The formerly mentioned people had a direct impact on the success of this project. I would also like to thank Dr. Nader Hozahbri and Professor Kambiz Alavi for helping me get started in this field, and my family for their encouragement and support. Contents 1 Introduction 11 2 Low Temperature Grown GaAs 15 3 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2 Dark Resistance vs Annealing Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.3 Carrier Lifetime vs Annealing Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.4 Shockley Read Hall Rate Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 27 LT-GaAs Single Photon Absorption CPW Autocorrelator 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.2 Coplanar Waveguide Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.3 Single Photon Absorption LT-GaAs Autocorrelator . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.4 Carrier Lifetime Limited Autocorrelation: Optical Impulse Response . 39 3.5 High Field Effects on Carrier Lifetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 High Field Carrier Capture Lifetime Experiments . . . . . . . 49 3.6 Pump and Probe Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.7 Experimental Setup and Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 3.5.1 61 4 Two-Photon Absorption Autocorrelation Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 LT-GaAs Two-Photon Absorption Motivation . . . . . . . 62 4.2 Two Photon Absorption : Classical Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 4.3 Tensor Form of Two-Photon Absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 4.1 4.1.1 5 4.4 4.5 5 Two Photon Absorption Rate Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 4.4.1 Two Photon Absorption Circuit Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Experiment and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.5.1 79 Two Photon Absorption Discussion of Results . . . . . . . . . Concluding Remarks 85 A Laser Operation 91 A.0.2 Start-Up Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 A.0.3 Beam Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 A.0.4 Mode-Locking the Tsunami Ti:Saphirre . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 A.0.5 Shut-Down Procedure 94 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Appendix: Measurement Circuits 95 C Appendix: Linear Delay Stage 99 6 List of Figures 2-1 Annealed LT-GaAs Density of States from [34]. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Pump and Probe Differential Transmission from [20] for various an- 18 nealing temperatures. Note that the as-grown materialfor the two samples with (.52%) and (.25%) excess arsenic have the fastest response time when compared to the annealed samples. Also note that the sample with .02 % excess arsenic shows a much slower response time as a result of trap-filling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 21 Log plot of Differential Transmission from [20]. At low intensity, the sample with .02% excess arsenic shows a response involving two time constants. The first time constant corresponds to filling the traps. The second time constant describes the trap emptying time, and dominates when the traps are filled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2-4 Electron/Hole Capture and Emission. 3-1 Coplanar Waveguide Geometry illustrating dimensions used for calculating the characteristicimpedence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 28 Top view of the coplanar waveguide illustrating the photoconductive gaps in the center conductor. The shaded region representsgold regions, while the unshaded region represents LT-GaAs. 3-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Cross sectional view of the coplanar waveguide photoconductive gap. The top layer consists of the low-temperature grown MBE GaAs. While the 620 0 C layer corresponds to normal GaAs. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3-4 Photoconductor Geometry used in calculating photoconductance. The current direction is denoted as i. 3-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Carrierlifetime limited autocorrelationperformed at an incident wavelength of 850 nm from which a carrier lifetime of Te = 1.3 ps is ex- tracted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3-6 InterdigitatedElectrodes, 1.8,um gap size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3-7 Nonlinear I- V characteristicsfor various CW intensities. . . . . . . . 43 3-8 Poole-FrenkelBarrierLowering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3-9 I-V Characteristic on a (a)linear scale (b) log-log scale. The solid curve represents the measured characteristic while the dashed curve is obtained from our model. In (b), three regions are shown which correspond to an ohmic region, barrier lowering, and an avalanche breakdown. 50 3-10 Autocorrelation measurements taken at three different bias voltages, showing capture time dependence on applied bias; (a) for time average incident power of Pavg= 4 mW and (b) Pavg=13mW and (c) Pavg=30mW. In (a) and (b) we note two time constants, as the power is increased in (c) only one time constant is observed. . . . . . . . . . 52 3-11 Typical pump and probe measurement, Pg = 30 mW, Vc = 30 V, A = 780 nm........ .................................. 56 3-12 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 4-1 Two-Photon Absorption Dynamics in LT-GaAs from [21]. 68 4-2 Zscan Measurement used to determine the two-photon absorption coef- . . . . . . ficient from [2]. At the position of the beam focus, z=0, the incident intensity is maximum and two-photon absorption reduces the optical transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 70 Intensity spectrum of a gaussian input intensity beam with a 100 fs pulse duration. Also shown is the ideal filter function presented by the 4-4 finite response time of the photoconductor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Circuit for TPA Measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 8 4-5 TPA autocorrelationfrom a speaker measurement at Pag=30mW, A = 900 nm, Bias=30 V. A half wave plate was used to minimize coherence effects and to obtain the minimal pulse width. 4-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 TPA autocorrelationfrom a speaker measurement with Pavg=170mW, A = 900 nm, Bias=-30 V. A half wave plate was used to minimize coherence effects and to obtain the minimal pulse width. . . . . . . . . 4-7 81 TPA Lockin Measurement with A = 900 nm, Pavg=50 mW, Bias = 20V. A half wave plate was used to minimize coherence effects and to obtain the minimal pulse width. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 82 Transimpedence amplifier used to measure photocurrent to perform autocorrelation and pump-probe experiments. The gain is determined by Rf and is set to 1M Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 B-2 Transimpedence amplifier which uses a dc blocking capacitor to remove the undesired dc signal. The high pass filter cut-off frequency is determined by choosing the values of R 1 C1 , and the gain is determine by Rf. ........ .................................... 96 B-3 Load resistor (for low frequencies) which may be used to measure the photo-current. While the resistor loads the low frequency components of the circuit, it presents an arbitrary termination for the high frequency currents propagating through the transmission line. A typical load resistor value of R=1 MQ may be accomplished by using the input resistance of the measuring oscilloscope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 98 10 Chapter 1 Introduction In this thesis we will investigate the design of an ultrafast transceiver capable of opto-electronic generation and detection of frequencies with a 3dB bandwidth of up to 800GHz. This frequency capability has found multiple applications such as optoelectronic characterization of ultrafast laser pulses, communications, spectroscopy, imaging, semiconductor characterization, and fast A/D conversion. The motivation for this study is to develop a high-frequency transceiver which may be utilized for the future development of a high frequency network analyzer capable of producing S-Parameter measurements of high-frequency (> 200 GHz) electronic devices. Prior work in this project by Zamdmer and Verghese et al has established a framework for describing the operation of a THz transceiver. Our goal in this thesis is two-fold. First, we would like to present our results to provide a complementary study which expands on the conclusions which have resulted from previous work by providing detailed models and novel insight which have resulted from our continued research. Secondly, we would like to present a novel method of detecting ultrafast pulses on our transceiver by utilizing a novel principle of operation, namely twophoton absorption. One of the first questions that needs to be addressed when designing a high frequency transceiver involves frequency generation. One feasible method of generating a high frequency signal involves opto-electronic generation. Ultrafast lasers and continuous wave lasers may be utilized toward this end. Since large bandwidth optical 11 frequencies are easily obtainable, the bottleneck to high frequency generation is in the photoconductor. There are multiple photoconductive alternatives which may be utilized to detect high frequencies in a circuit geometry. The three basic types of responses from photodetectors may be categorized into transit time limited, external circuit RC time constant limited, and recombination time limited [5]. The external RC time constant may limit the response of a device based on the geometry of the photoconductor. In our devices, which utilize an interdigitated finger geometry with a gap spacing of 1.8pum and finger width of 200 nm on a 10 x 10 pm strip, the capacitance is approximately .4 fF [29]. The RC time constant of our circuit is determined by using the transmission line impedence as the effective resistance, R=50 Q. Using this value for R, we find that our device is not limited by the RC time constant which would result in TRC = 20 fs. Furthermore, the fastest transit time limited device has been fabri- cated using GaAs with .5 pim gap spacing resulting in a 4.8 ps FWHM response. For our material, assuming a saturation velocity of approximately Vsat = 107 cm/s the transit time would be limited toTtt - 20 ps, which is much slower than our observed transients [8]. Therefore, we conclude that with our geometry our photoconductor functions as a recombination limited photodetector. The first chapter discusses the merits of LT-GaAs as an ideal photoconductor with an ultrafast recombination time. Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) transmission line geometries suitable for the propagation of high frequency signals will be the subject of chapter three. Here we will discuss the geometrical factors which are involved in the calculation of the characteristic impedence of the transmission line. In addition, this chapter will discuss some of the advantages of using a coplanar waveguide. Once the transmission line and photoconductive switch are fully characterized, we present some applications of the high-frequency transceiver. As discussed in chapter three, we will explore an application which involves a carrier-lifetime limited autocorrelation of optical pulses. This optical autocorrelator could be used to characterize pico-second pulses, and could also be utilized as a diagnostic tool to measure the carrier lifetime of low-temperature grown GaAs. A study of this lifetime will be pre12 sented since it is critical for understanding the limitations of the bandwidth in our transceiver. In chapter 4 we will discuss a novel method to detect ultrafast pulses using LTGaAs. This method utilizes a two-photon absorption technique to perform an optical autocorrelation which is not limited by the carrier lifetime of the material. Since twophoton absorption (TPA) requires large peak intensities, it is important to estimate the carrier densities which are being generated throughout LT-GaAs. A model is presented which could be used to estimate the carrier concentrations as a result of using TPA as an excitation mechanism. Moreover, the implications of this model for a THz transceiver are described as well as the limitations of the model. In the conclusion of chapter 4, experimental results will be compared to a second harmonic generating crystal autocorrelator. This allows for verification of our operation principles, as well as validation of our results. 13 14 Chapter 2 Low Temperature Grown GaAs 2.1 Introduction Molecular Beam Epitaxy GaAs grown at temperatures as low as 200'C (LT-GaAs) has been an attractive material for fast photoconductive switching applications due to its unique optical properties [9]. Low temperature grown GaAs incorporates 1%-2% excess arsenic during growth at temperatures below the regular growth temperature of 600'C. This excess arsenic manifests itself in the form of As interstitial (Asi), arsenic antisite (ASGa), and gallium vacancy (VGa) defects [23]. These defects govern the ultrafast dynamics of LT-GaAs and allow for the fastest reported carrier trapping times which have found applications in high-speed electronic devices. The fast trapping time makes LT-GaAs ideal for ultrafast optical switching applications and THz spectroscopy. In its as-grown form, LT-GaAs is too conductive for photoconductive switching applications. However, upon annealing at temperatures above 500'C the excess arsenic atoms precipitate and form arsenic clusters. The corresponding change in resistivity increases from p = 10 Q cm to 106 Q cm [26]. This increase in resistivity is highly desirable for optical sampling applications since it suppresses the dark current. For a device based on a 2x2 pm 2 photoconductive geometry we have measured a dark resistance greater then 10 MQ. It is important to note that for slow detection devices, this requirement on the dark resistivity could be relaxed by using a reverse 15 biased P-i-N structure. However, for ultrafast switching applications this is not a suitable alternative due to undesired capacitance effects which would suppress the fast response. Moreover, other features such as the high carrier mobility and fast trapping time make LT-GaAs a superior material for ultrafast optical sampling applications [9]. The Hall measured electron mobility in annealed LT-GaAs (600 'C) has been reported to be as high as e = 3000 cm 2 /V s [35]. Annealing LT-GaAs has the effect of increasing the mobility from pe =1 cm 2 /V s to pe = 3000 cm 2 /V s [1]. In this section of the thesis, we will discuss some of the growth parameters of LT-GaAs which govern the three properties of interest for our applications. The properties which we would like to optimize for a high-frequency network analyzer would include the carrier lifetime which is inversely proportional to the bandwidth, the dark resistance which improves signal to noise performance by reducing any undesired background signals, and finally the mobility for an improved responsivity. Specifically, in the section that follows we will discuss material growth temperature parameters and subsequent annealing conditions which are necessary for our device. 2.2 Dark Resistance vs Annealing Conditions In order to explore the dark resistance of LT-GaAs we begin by discussing the density of states for low-temperature grown GaAs. When GaAs is grown at low-temperatures, as much as 2% excess arsenic may be incorporated into the material. The lower the substrate temperature, the more excess As is created [10]. Since annealing LTGaAs changes its material properties, it becomes necessary to distinguish between annealed LT-GaAs and the unannealed form. The convention has adopted to make the distinction between the two forms by referring to the unannealed LT-GaAs as the as-grown material, which we will use here. There are three main defects in the as-grown LT-GaAs. The donor-like defects consist of As interstitial (Asi) and arsenic antisite (ASGa) defects. The acceptor-like defect is attributed to the gallium vacancy (VGa). All of these defects are incorporated 16 as a result of the excess arsenic during low-temperature growth of MBE GaAs. Far infrared absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements have been used to determine the concentration of the various defects. In as-grown LTG-GaAs, the unionized donor-like concentration consists of [ASGa ized fraction of about 5% consists of [ASGa]+ = N 0 - 1020 cm- 3 , and the ion- = N- = 5 x 1018 cm- 3 . In the latter, the acceptor-like concentration attributed to the gallium vacancy NH = VGa is taken to be equal to the ionized antisite concentration. This is a result of charge neutrality and the assumption that the free carriers are negligible in this material with thermal excitation [23]. Accordingly, LT-GaAs obeys a compensation scheme to remain charge neutral. For a compensated semiconductor the acceptors and donors accept and donate electrons from each other and compensate their effects of changing the free carrier concentrations as shown in equation 2.1 [32]. (2.1) n+N- = N+±p With this assumption regarding the free carriers being negligible, it follows that the dark conductivity in the as-grown LT-GaAs may be attributed to hopping between the defect states. It is only after annealing that the hopping conduction is decreased and the resistivity increases to 106 Q cm [42, 9]. After annealing, the overall antisite defect concentration decreases by an order of magnitude from ASGa ASGa - 1019 = 1020 to approximately [42. However, it has been discovered that upon annealing the excess As precipitates and forms large clusters with a diameter of approximately 6 nm and an estimated density of 1017 cm- 3 [40]. These observations have been confirmed by transmission electron microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopes [25]. Moreover, the number of ionized 5 x 1018 cm- 3 to AsGa As+a defects has been shown to reduce from AS+a 1 x 1018 cm- 3 (below the threshold of electron paramagnetic resonance detection). The annealed density of states is shown in figure 2-1. Similarly, the gallium vacancies VGa which act as acceptors in LT-GaAs are reduced from VGa = 5 x 1018 cm- 3 to VGa =1 17 X 1018 c- 3 with annealing [42]. Table As-precipitates AsGa+ <I0 Ef E ASG EA )VGa 1 1 /cm 3 I0m/cm 3"CM 1 EV Figure 2-1: Annealed LT-GaAs Density of States from [34]. 2.2 below summarizes these parameters. Defect As+a Asa As-Grown VGa 5x 10 18 18 5x 10 1 X 10 2 0 Annealed < I X 10 18 1 x 10 19 < I X 10 18 Table 2.1: Defect Concentrations in As-Grown and Annealed LT-GaAs. There are two explanations in the literature for the increase in resistivity of LTGaAs upon annealing. The first proposed model attributes the increase of resistivity of LT-GaAs due to the decreased hopping conduction of electrons between arsenic antisite defects after annealing. This treatment is similar to the as-grown treatment of the hopping conduction. Annealing of LT-Gas reduces the excess arsenic defects which in turn reduces the hopping conduction. Essentially, the defect concentrations remaining pin the fermi level to the mid-gap [40]. The second suggested model proposes to treat the depletion of charge around the metallic arsenic precipitates as metallic Shottky barriers in a GaAs matrix [9]. It is proposed that the overlap in the depletion regions throughout the material result in 18 the insulating behavior of annealed LT-GaAs. As expected, there have also been suggestions for a unified model which describes the evolution of the defect model to the as-precipitate model under different annealing conditions. For weakly annealed undoped LT-GaAs materials, consisting of anneal temperatures below the threshold of 600 0C, LT-GaAs could be described by a defect model [10]. However, beyond annealing temperatures of 600 0 C, the precipates tend to dominate as the model enters the Shottky regime. These results on the annealing temperature have profound consequences on the carrier lifetime behavior of LT-GaAs as we will see shortly. In the section that follows, we would like to model the mid-level defects as carrier trap sites which dominate the trapping time of LT-GaAs. As we will see in the next chapter, point defect modeling will allow us to model the potential due to these ionized defects as coloumbic. While the Shottky model also acts as a capture center for electrons, the potential due to these defects would be different but could also be described by an effective cross section. However, at our annealing temperatures below 600 0 C, the point defect model dominates over the Shottky model. In addition, we have now provided a justification for annealing LT-GaAs in order to increase the dark resistance. Specifically, we have concluded that annealing at temperatures above 600 0C increases our resistivity from p = 10 Qcm--3 to p = 106 Qc- 3 [26]. In the next section, we will see that this increased dark resistance comes at the expense of a decrease in capture time. 2.3 Carrier Lifetime vs Annealing Conditions Since a fast carrier lifetime is desired for a THz transceiver application, we will investigate the carrier lifetime verses annealing conditions for LT-GaAs. Here we will describe the optical pump and probe measurements which were performed by Melloch to characterize various LT-GaAs samples under different growth conditions [9]. These types of experiments are important in that they provide a method to characterize the LT-GaAs material after growth. This experiment could be used as a diagnostic tool to characterize the response time of the material in order to verify 19 growth quality before applying the extra processing steps to develop our devices. In addition, the pump and probe setup requires only slight modification in order to perform the autocorrelation experiments to be described in the next chapter. Finally, the fundamental carrier dynamics are illustrated in this experiment with various intensity conditions. This will have profound implications to be considered when explaining our data in the following chapter. The important results which will be described here will illustrate the effects of saturating the traps at high intensities. In Melloch's experiments, a differential pump/probe experiment was performed in order to characterize the carrier capture time of LT-GaAs [20]. In these experiments, the pump pulse generates electrons in the conduction band and holes in the valence band. These generated hole-electron pairs result in increased band-filling which increases the transmission of the probe pulse. Essentially, the probe pulse absorbs less as the available states in the conduction band are decreased. The decreased absorption that the probe pulse encounters could be described by equation 2.2 as given in [3]. 'N,P,E- In equation 2.2, f, and fc K E VET Eq [f - fc] (2.2) are the fermi-dirac distribution functions described by quasi-fermi levels. These terms describe the carrier dependent absorption. The term with the square-root dependence comes from a joint-density of states, where E = hv and the gap Venergy X b bA.V is " E i-g. T+ _LU F iJii'FJL) -VVO~ then-x +hat as AU theA c1% Ui1.,1i- UJLJLCXU dio AJi-U,1~1 bn stA "JCk1%I OUCUL%, il-.11 p P 1111-U as a result of optical carrier injection, fc increases as the probability of finding an electron increases, and the absorption decreases. The samples used in the experiments which produced the results in figure 2-2 consist of LT-GaAs grown at different temperatures which incorporate more arsenic as the growth temperature is lowered. The various samples were annealed in-situ for 30 seconds at different annealing temperatures. In the as-grown samples with the most excess arsenic (.25% and .52%), a negative transmission dip is seen after approximately 200 fs. This is a result of building a carrier concentration in the trap centers beyond their equilibrium values which could now absorb photons [20]. 20 0,52%_ excess utrOn 0.8 0Q 0.4 - - 0.2 - S0 1 .0 z" -0.2 4own 3 .0.24SQOf 0.6 0.4 .0 10 70 8 time (pe) Figure 2-2: Pump and Probe Differential Transmissionfrom [20]for various annealing temperatures. Note that the as-grown material for the two samples with (.52%) and annealed (.25%) excess arsenic have the fastest response time when compared to the slower samples. Also note that the sample with .02 % excess arsenic shows a much response time as a result of trap-filling. Fascinating dynamics occur for the as-grown material which incorporates .02% In this sample, two time constants are observed for low intensity. The fast time component is a result of the fast trapping time. The second time component illustrates the trap emptying time. As the pump intensity increases, excess arsenic. the first component saturates quickly as the trap states fill up. The response is then dominated by the trap emptying time, and could be described by a single time constant. The response is illustrated in figure 2-3 in a log scale. Moreover, the trends shown in the figure 2-2 illustrate that as the annealing temterms perature is increased the capture time increases. This makes intuitive sense in of reducing the number of capture sites with increasing temperature. Furthermore, the absence of a build up in the trap population as the annealing temperature increases, which would result in a negative transmission denotes that the trap emptying 21 0 I 0,O~2%; excess arsenic' -2 -30 20 40 00 80 100 time (pS) Figure 2-3: Log plot of Differential Transmission from [20]. At low intensity, the sample with .02% excess arsenic shows a response involving two time constants. The first time constant corresponds to filling the traps. The second time constant describes the trap emptying time, and dominates when the traps are filled. time (hole-capture) is not significantly different than the trap filling time. The results of Melloch's experiments express some fundamental relationships which should be considered when modeling the response of our devices. First, it allows for a direct measure of the carrier response times which are exclusive of the bias circuit effects (i.e. contacts, capacitance). Secondly, it illustrates how we could control the response time of the material by growth and annealing conditions. Finally, it illustrates the importance of trap filling on the dynamic response of the material. As we will see, this result will play a significant role in explaining our device's I-V curve under a low peak-intensity continuous wave illumination (low-level injection) and under modelocked illumination (high-level injection). As we discussed earlier in the chapter, for anneal temperatures over 6000C the conduction in LT-GaAs is described by a Shottky barrier model which results from the excess arsenic forming precipitates. It has been shown that increasing the anneal temperature increases the distance that separates the arsenic clusters. Researchers have proposed that the carrier lifetime should increase (become slower) with increasing anneal temperatures as a result of the increasing seperation between the arsenic islands [42, 1]. Here we will describe a model described by Beard which portrays this behavior using a diffusion model [1]. Accordingly, the carrier lifetime represents 22 the amount of time it takes for a carrier to diffuse before encountering another trap. The mean diffusion length after a time t may be described by < L >= v Dt where D is the diffusion coefficient described by the Einstein relationship. Solving for the carrier lifetime, where < L > is the length to the nearest arsenic cluster, one finds the relationship (2.3) < L >2 e pekT Melloch et al have concluded that the carrier lifetime increases as the square of the seperation distance between arsenic clusters which agrees with the above diffusion model [42]. 2.4 Shockley Read Hall Rate Equations The steady state dynamics of LT-GaAs could be well described by the band diagram shown in figure 2-4. The capture and recombination mechanisms all follow from the Shockley Read Hall Model in steady state. Here we will present a summary of the results for completeness but will omit a detailed derivation. To describe an electron trapping process, we will use the following representation adapted from [38] EC ee Ce IFe --- E Figure 2-4: Electron/Hole Capture and Emission. N- + Nt+ + e- (2.4) No + h+ +-+Nt+ (2.5) 23 . This representation illustrates that the trap center has two charge states of either being positive or neutral depending on the capture or emission process. The rate of electron capture from the traps is proportional to the number of electrons in the conduction band and the number of empty traps [32]. Rnc= Cun(1 - ft)N (2.6) In equation 2.6 Nt+ = (1 - ft)Nt is the number of empty ionized traps, consistent with our previous notation. The rate of electron emission from the traps, on the other hand, is proportional to the number of filled traps assuming there are plentiful states in the conduction band (i.e. neglecting band-filling effects) as shown in equation 2.7 Rne = en(ft)Nt. (2.7) Similar equations may be derived for hole capture and hole emmision. In thermal equilibrium, the net electron recombination process Rn = Rnc - Rne is zero as well as the net hole recombination process. We will now focus on a situation that is out of thermal equilibrium as a consequence of steady state illumination. steady state illumination, there is no accumulation of charge in the traps. Under Note that this condition differs from the description of Melloch's experiments described in the previous section in which the transient resulted in a fast population buildup. Furthermore, with steady-state conditions the net hole and electron recombination rates must equal each other which allows us to write the following expressions for the recombination rate [32] Rne = Rp = R R = (2.8) (2.9) TP(n + nt) + Tn(P + Pt) These expressions are difficult to solve in general, but simplify under certain circumstances. For an n-type semiconductor, under low level or high level inject conditions, the minority carrier recombination rate could be simplified as shown in equation 2.11. 24 Similarly, for a p-type semiconductor the expressions could be simplified as shown in equation 2.10. (2.10) R = TP R = $(2.11) Tn Since LT-GaAs is a compensated semiconductor, we would like to propose to use the model originally described by Zamdmer [42] in which both simplifications are employed. The carrier lifetimes may be written as a product of a carrier thermal velocity vn, carrier capture cross section an, and the number of traps. A discussion of the dependences of the carrier capture cross section with an externally applied field will be left for the next chapter in which we treat such effects to describe our data. The dependences of the lifetimes are well understood in the expressions below. As the number of traps increase, there are more recombination sites and the probability of electron capture should increase. This will lead to a faster capture time. In addition, as the thermal velocity of the carriers increase more traps will be encountered per unit time. This will also lead to an increase in capture rate. Finally, the carrier capture cross section mathematically describes how far the carriers must be from the recombination sites before they are captured. n= (2.12) 1/(vthnnNt+) (2.13) Tp= 1/(VthpcrpNt) Using these expressions for the recombination rate, we may write the follow rate equations for our device as given in [42]. d _ IldJe d- = -I hv dt nN>out - dp N0 dt -= Ia hv e dx P--p d 25 + IdVe t ee dx dx (2.14) (2.15) dN+~ d__ = pN'uovt - nN> oivt d dt (2.16) The rate equations shown in equations 2.14, 2.15, and 2.16 are not sufficient to solve for n(x), p(x), E(x), and Nd (x). In order to find a solution to the four unknowns we will require another equation. This last equation results from Gauss's law as shown in equation 2.17. It would be particularly interesting to solve the above rate equations to determine how well we could model LT-GaAs as an ideal photoconductor. For an ideal photoconductor, under uniform illumination, we would like to have the carrier concentrations across the device to be uniform as well. This will allow us to neglect diffusion currents, and use ohm's law to describe the drift current in our device J = q(peLn + Php)E. In addition, since we would like to treat the photoconductor as an illumination controlled resistor, we will require that the electric field across the device remain linear. dE q - =-(N - N.- + p - n). (2.17) Under a low level injection condition, typical for our cw illumination intensities, we would expect that the carrier concentrations N+ and Nd would not be significantly altered from their equilibrium conditions. It is interesting to observe the carrier concentrations which result after a long period of continuous wave illumination. This corresponds to a steady-state condition in which all the time derivatives in the rate equations are set to zero. Although this steady state simplification eliminates time from the problem, we must still face four coupled nonlinear differential equations in the spatial variable x which must be solved in order to obtain the solution for the four unknowns. Unfortunately, the equations must be solved numerically. Zamdmer has solved the above equations by using a numerical integration technique which assumed proper boundary conditions on the electric field and the hole current [42]. Furthermore, with three trial values for n,p, and E at a location as the initial conditions the solution was numerically obtained for all x. The results obtained in reference [42] show that the carrier concentrations are fairly uniform throughout the device, and that the device contains a significant bulk region in which the electric field is linear. 26 Chapter 3 LT-GaAs Single Photon Absorption CPW Autocorrelator 3.1 Introduction In order to characterize high-frequency electronic devices it becomes necessary to develop test equipment capable of receiving and transmitting high frequency signals without considerable losses and distortion. The device we will discuss in this section is a transceiver which is capable of transmitting and receiving signals containing a bandwidth of up to several hundred GHz. This device utilizes a coplanar waveguide geometry which will facilitate the incorporation of a three terminal device to be tested. As an application of this transceiver, we will use it to characterize the optical impulse response of an LT-GaAs photoconductive switch. 3.2 Coplanar Waveguide Geometry The coplanar waveguide was proposed by C.P. Wen in 1969. This waveguide structure consists of a center conductor and two ground planes separated by a dielectric as shown schematically in figure 3-1. By choosing the dimensions of the center strip (S), the separation of the two ground planes (W), as well as the dielectric (Er) and thickness (h), one could determine the characteristic impedence (Zo) and the at27 tenuation coefficient of the transmission line. Furthermore, by embedding ultrafast photoconductive switches, also known as Auston switches, one could optically generate high-frequency signals with minimal dispersion and attenuation. In this section, we will begin by describing the coplanar waveguide devices developed by Verghese et al [39] which employ LT-GaAs as the source material for both the dielectric substrate and photoconductive switches. In order to begin to analyze the coplanar waveguide structure, we need to develop a way to calculate the characteristic impedence as a function of the various dimensions in our circuit. Closed form analytical expressions for the characteristic impedence have been found by using conformal mapping techniques. While the expressions are developed for low-frequencies, they have been shown to be applicable for millimeter wave GaAs IC design [33]. A more rigorous approach would involve spectral domain iterative solutions which would not provide closed form solutions. The characteristic Figure 3-1: Coplanar Waveguide Geometry illustrating dimensions used for calculating the characteristicimpedence. impedence in equation 3.1 is expressed in terms of elliptic integrals K(ko), and K(k') where ko and k' are the modulus of the elliptic integrals [33]. ZO = Here k' = 307rK(k')0 3 SeffK(ko) (3.1) 1 - ko and ko may be calculated by choosing the dimensions S and W in 28 the circuit as shown in equation 3.2 ko = S+2W (3.2) . The effective dielectric constant needed in equation 3.1 which may also be used to calculate the phase velocity of the signal, vph = Er ef 1 is 1 K(k 1 ) K(ko') 2 K(k') K(kko) - In the above expression, the last parameters that need to be determined are k'= (1 - kj), and k, which is provided below [33] sinh(7r/4h) sinh(,r(S + 2W)/4h) In our devices, the center conductor is designed to have a width of S=4.1 pm and a ground plane separation of W=2.95 pm. The thickness of our dielectric is h 25 mm which is approximately the combined thickness of a molecular beam epitaxy LTGaAs growth structure and a GaAs SI substrate as described later in this chapter. Combining these values with the relative dielectric value for GaAs of e, = 12.9, leads to an effective dielectric of Eeff = 17. Using these values in equation 3.1 we find a characteristic impedance value of Zo = 33 Q which is within 5% of the value reported in reference [42] (Zo = 34.5Q) which was obtained using a 3D electromagnetic simulation. There are several advantages to using coplanar waveguide over microstrip transmission line circuits. By carefully selecting the ratio of the planar dimensions of the coplanar waveguide one could control the characteristic impedance of the transmission line, allowing one to scale to a desired length for size reduction. Moreover, since the coplanar waveguide consists of three separate active regions it facilitates incorporation of a three terminal device. Yet another advantage of a coplanar waveguide embodies the ease of fabrication when compared to a more complicated process involved in fabricating microstrip circuits [33]. In general, it would seem reasonable 29 that developing planar technology would require less processing steps. However, a comparison of the dispersion characteristics of a microstrip and a coplanar waveguide indicate that the microstrip has less dispersion at frequencies greater than 700GHz. On the other hand, longer pulses with less bandwidth are less dispersive on a CPW due to the more gradual change of the effective index with frequency at lower frequencies [33]. Therefore from a dispersion point of view, the two types of transmission lines are comparable depending on the bandwidth of interest. On the other hand, on the basis of allowing for the incorporation of 3-terminal structures and on the ease of fabrication, the coplanar waveguide geometry appears to be a suitably more attractive choice for our application. 3.3 Single Photon Absorption LT-GaAs Autocorrelator An immediate application of the CPW THz transceiver involves characterizing the carrier lifetime of LT-GaAs. Since the transceiver is designed to use an LT-GaAs photoconductive switch as a source for the optical generation of high frequency signals, it is important to characterize the limitations imposed by the response time of LTGaAs. Furthermore, since the source of the signal generation is an optical pulse from a modelocked laser, another function of the transceiver involves performing an optical autocorrelation of the laser source, which is limited by the carrier lifetime of the material for the single-photon absorption mode of operation. In the following sections, we will discuss our experimental setup, devices, and results which illustrate the merits and limitations of our transceiver and its applications. In the next chapter, we will discuss a novel application of LT-GaAs which is based on a two-photon absorption principle which allows us to perform a true optical autocorrelationwhich is not limited by the carrier-lifetime of the material. The previous section presents the coplanar waveguide geometry in general terms, and shows how to calculate the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. In 30 this section we will discuss the photoconductive switching operation which allows us to generate pulses containing high frequency content on our transmission line. Our discussion begins with the photoconductive switch geometry. The dark shading in figure 3-2 represents the gold metallic regions, while the unshaded region depicts the semi-insulating LT-GaAs region. As shown, there are two photoconductive gaps embedded within the center conductor of the coplanar waveguide geometry. These photoconductive gaps function as optical switches which effectively provide a conducting path when illuminated and allow current to flow through the gap in the center conductor. In addition, the figure also shows two paths which connect the center conductor to each ground plane. These paths allows us to apply a DC voltage directly across the gap, while measuring the current through the ground plane. There are a variety of circuits which could be utilized to measure the current. A discussion of the alternative methods used to measure the current will be provided in the experimental setup section of this chapter and in the appendix. AI Figure 3-2: Top view of the coplanarwaveguide illustrating the photoconductive gaps in the center conductor. The shaded region represents gold regions, while the unshaded region represents LT-GaAs. In order to begin to discuss the photoconductive switching operation in figure 3-2, we first need to discuss the LT-GaAs thickness and growth conditions. These devices are the same devices used by Zamdmer [42] which were grown at Lincoln Labs in a Molecular Bean Epitaxy system (MBE). The devices were grown on an LEC SI GaAs substrate. The first layer consists of .2 pam of GaAs grown at a growth rate of 1 p~m 31 per hour at a growth temperature of 620'C. The subsequent layer consists of 1.65 Pm of LT-GaAs grown at 2201C. Post growth annealing was then performed in - situ for 10 minutes at 5801C under As overpressure. The fine resolution for the device was achieved by using an electron-beam lithography process, and a lift-off procedure of 20 nm of titanium and 200 nm of gold. The center conductor width of the devices is S = 4.1 pm, while the separation of the center conductor from the ground planes is W=2.95 pm. The ground plane widths are 50 pm, which allows them to be treated as semi-infinite. Various center conductor gap spacing and geometries were tested, ranging from 10 pm - 2 pm for the standard gap devices. In addition, gap spacings as small as 1.8 pum were developed for the interdigitated gap geometry shown in figure 3-6. A cross sectional view of the device is provided in figure 3-3. E=hv /AU ji/A 1.65jim .2pm 220'C GaAs 6200C GaAs SI GaAs Substrate Figure 3-3: Cross sectional view of the coplanar waveguide photoconductive gap. The top layer consists of the low-temperature grown MBE GaAs. While the 620'C layer corresponds to normal GaAs. Now we may begin to discuss the current which flows through the center conductor when the gap is illuminated by a pulsed laser. This current, as shown by Verghese, contains the autocorrelation information of the illuminating pulse. However, if the pulse is shorter than the response time of the photoconductive switch then the autocorrelation will be limited by the carrier lifetime of the material. This optical impulse response then allows us to characterize the ultrafast dynamics of the photoconductor. When a voltage V is applied across the gap in the center conductor, 32 the high frequency photocurrent which propagates down the transmission line is given in equation 3.5 ip(t = V0 V Zo + G(t)-l' (3.5) where G(t) is the time varying photoconductance of the gap under illumination. This equation follows from standard transmission line theory for a pulsed source. Instantaneously, the sending end voltage source sees a voltage divider with the characteristic impedence of the transmission line. This allows us to solve for the transient current which then propagates down the line toward the receiving end. To progress we need to find a dependence on the conductance G(t) in terms of the incident intensity. First we begin by investigating the conductivity. Since the mobility of the electrons is much greater than the hole mobility, we will simplify the expression for the conductivity by neglecting the hole current. In the final analysis, it is only necessary to keep track of the electron contribution since drift is the major contributor to our current. We are justified in neglecting the diffusion currents since at the fields we apply the drift component is much larger than the diffusion current [42]. In order for the above assumption to be valid we will require two conditions. First, we are modeling our LT-GaAs photoconductor as being under uniform illumination. This assumption is valid since our estimated spot size is typically on the order or larger than the gap dimensions. Secondly, we are treating the contacts as being ohmic and neglecting any significant concentration gradients throughout the bulk of our device. a(t) = q(Pen(t) + MAOp(t)) (3.7) G(t) = c-A/L G(t) = qpeW/L j ST (3.6) n(x)dx The conductivity is written in equation 3.6 for a general semiconductor. (3.8) The conductance is found by taking the product of the conductivity and multiplying it by the cross sectional area over the length of the device. The total conductance is then given by integrating a series of infinitesimal parallel conductance sheets with cross 33 X L Figure 3-4: Photoconductor Geometry used in calculating photoconductance. The current direction is denoted as i. sectional area A=dx W, where we have assumed the geometry given in figure 3-4. In figure 3-4, the axis parallel to the illumination direction is x which is normal to the current flow. If we assume steady state is achieved, the carrier concentration becomes the product of the generation rate with the carrier lifetime Ib\Jx) = g (''e - aoe- .. 9) Combining 3.8 and 3.9, we arrive at the following equation for the photoconductance by carrying out the integration G(t) = (W/D)(t)( q(Pee + phTh) hv (3-10) Further simplification is made by approximating the conducting surface area to be equal,W=D, and by rewriting 3.10 in terms of the quantum efficiency rq T7 = Pabs/Pn =(1 - 34 R)(1 - e(aT)). (3.11) Finally, combining these results we arrive at an expression for the photoconductance G(t) (3.12) = Ign(t)r/q(peTe + PhTh) = Vi.(t). Now that the dependence of G(t) on Iin(t) has been established, we wish to illustrate how we can perform an autocorrelation by measuring the photocurrent of our device. As shown by Verghese et al [39], the explicit nonlinear dependence of the photocurrent with intensity is found by taking the taylor series expansion of equation 3.5 with respect to Ii, in equation 3.12. This result, shown in general terms in equation 3.13 is particularly important because it shows that a nonlinearity in intensity I is introduced by utilizing a voltage divider circuit presented by the characteristic impedence of the transmission line. For instance, without a characteristic impedence the second derivative of the photocurrent with respect to intensity would be zero. ZPC = icO + di IO(I d2i14 - Io) + 2di o(I _ I0)2 +- (3.13) In the above expression, the intensity I is the total intensity illuminating the gap. By utilizing a beam splitter, the incident beam intensity could be broken up into two separate components. These components will be labeled I1 and 12. The magnitude of the two beams are typically made equal by using a 50/50 beam splitter. This setup is very similar to one used in interferometry. The difference here being the type of detection we are making is sensitive to the square intensity, which is an intensity autocorrelation. Whereas in an interferometer, one is interested in performing an electric field autocorrelation (i.e. electric field interference). with two beams out of phase by a variable time delay I(t) = Ii(t) + 12(t+ T) Illuminating the gap T (3.14) results in a superposition of the two intensities if the beams are cross - polarized. For the case of two interfering beams, one would also have to take into account an additional 1 1 2 (T) term. This term becomes the familiar electric-field autocorrelation 35 when performing a time averaged measurement, and could affect our measurement of the intensity autocorrelation. Specifically, < I12(T) >=< E 1 (t)E2 (t - T) > and if it is present it will show up mostly as a distorting first order intensity term in the taylor series expansion shown in equation 3.13. The second order contribution of the interference term should be weaker than the first as result of the second order taylor series expansion term being significantly smaller than the first order term contribution. Note that since the nonlinearity in the electric-field is occurring instantaneously in free-space, the detection is independent of the carrier lifetime of the material. Since this statement is a bit compact, we will expand on this. To be more specific, the intensity profile changes spatially where the two beams overlap as the path length is varied. In our experiments, 112 (T) is then sampled at the detector location and changes in magnitude as the path length is varied. This variation occurs when the beams interfere and the path length is less than the coherence length, where l = ~ 40 pm at 900 nm with a 13 nm bandwidth. In general, the electric-field autocorrelation should have a longer duration than the intensity autocorrelation since intensity is the magnitude of the electric field squared I = |E(t) 2. For instance, the width resulting from an autocorrelation of a (sech(±)) with a time delayed version of itself is longer than that which would result from a (sech( ) 2 ) autocorrelation with itself. The question arises as to why one would expect the electric field autocorrelation not to be dependent on the lifetime. At each path delay, one point in the autocorrelation < 112(T) >. To, our device measures We could think of '12 as a virtual beam in free space which contains the information of the electric field autocorrelation which we could measure. Now let us compare to an intensity autocorrelation. When performing an intensity autocorrelation, at each path delay (To) in our autocorrelation we are essentially measuring the autocorrelation of two responses to each beam of the material which decays with the carrier lifetime. Each response to an individual beam will be described mathematically in the next section of this chapter. In general, we would expect that the intensity autocorrelation to have a smaller duration than the electric field autocorrelation if it could be measured without the 36 carrier lifetime broadening. However, when performing an intensity autocorrelation that is limited by the carrier response time of the material (Te =1 ps), we would expect the coherence effect to show up as a small peak on top of our autocorrelation. This follows from the observation that in an intensity autocorrelation, we are essentially performing an autocorrelation of the generated carriers (proportional to the intensity) which relax with the carrier lifetime. In the electric field autocorrelation, however, we are detecting the autocorrelation of the field which is generated instantaneously external to the detector, (i.e. I 1 2 (T) is generated independent of the detector). The intensity-intensity autocorrelation results from the second order term in the taylor series expansion, which will produce a mixed product term involving I,(t)12 (tT). The other terms, 11 (t)I1 (t) + 12 (t - r)12 (t - T) will result in a constant that does not depend on the time delay T when taking a time-averaged measurement. One subtle but important point that needs to be addressed is what it means to take a DC time averaged measurement. From linear-systems theory, we know that if a signal has a zero-frequency component, the zero-frequency component contains the information about the time average of the entire signal. This is most easily expressed in the fourier transform notation as X(j0) = x(t)e(-M)dt (3.15) The subtlety arises because we would like to measure the time average of the highfrequency current in the transmission line which should not have a zero- frequency DC component. However, as we have seen with the taylor series expansion, the voltage divider presented by the transmission line produces a nonlinearity which allows the signal to be mixed to contain a DC component. This is the DC component which we measure on our equipment which contains the time-average information of the entire signal. The higher-frequency components radiate or suffer attenuative losses after leaving the coplanar waveguide before reaching the oscilloscope used to perform the measurement. Explicitly, we will now separate the term from the taylor series expression which 37 contains the autocorrelation, since the other terms will contribute to a background constant (independent of -) when taking a time-averaged measurement. (I(t)I(t + T)) (iPc(T)) oc (diC 2d1c (3.16) A useful figure of merit suggested by Verghese [39] for this autocorrelator is the second order taylor series coefficient, which is the sensitivity of the response to the intensity autocorrelation in equation 3.16. dip 2d1 -Voy 2 Zo (1±ZOIO) (3.17) While the work presented in [39] presents an analysis of the signal to background ratio, we will present a different analysis which illustrates the same behavior. Namely, if we compare the magnitude of the current produced by the second order term in the taylor series, to the third order term, we find that the second order term is larger by exactly 1/(ZoG(t)). Since the photoconductance G(t) = yI is proportional to intensity, the limiting behavior of the latter illustrates that as we increase the intensity the signal to background ratio decreases. Furthermore, equation 3.17 also shows that as the intensity increases the second order term sensitivity also decreases. It is therefore tempting to operate at low intensities, however, we could not lower the intensity arbritrarily since we would also like to have the intensity sufficiently large to overcome fluctuations in the laser power levels, as well as other noise sources in our circuit. We would therefore like to operate at a peak intensity sufficiently high to overcome the third order contribution by at least one order of magnitude. This corresponds to setting G(t)Zo = .1 [39]. While this result is given in [39], the values used to calculate G(t) differed from what we will use here. The values which we will use for our mobilities are somewhat larger and are updated with what appears to be the modern consensus in the literature. The reported values for the mobility have varied from 200 cm 2 V/s to 3000 cm 2 V/s in the literature. These mobility values rely heavily on the growth and subsequent annealing conditions. In addition, we will 38 neglect the hole contribution to the current which we do not believe to be significant carriers of current. This is same conclusion reached by Zamdmer [42] based on the hole boundary conditions imposed on the contacts, as well as results deduced from Hall measurements. Furthermore, we expect the ratio of the hole to electron mobility to be approximately 1/20 as it is in regular GaAs [42]. Using our estimated values of Pe = 3000 cm 2 /Vs, rT = .5, hv = 1.5 eV, Te = 500 fs, and a characteristic impedence of Zo = 50 Q, we calculate a peak intensity value of peak .4x1 07 W/cm 2 which corresponds to G(t)ZO = .1, or equivalently having the second order contribution to the photocurrent at least a factor of 10 greater than the third order contribution. Approximating our focal spot to be uniform within a radius of 10 Pm for a conservative estimate, we find that this peak intensity corresponds to a time average power of 8 mW. Therefore, this analysis shows that for performing an autocorrelation experiment in which the third and higher order terms are present, we would like to operate at a time average power of Pyg = 8 mW. There are other experimental techniques which could be employed to reduce the contribution of the higher order terms in the taylor series which will be discussed in the experimental results section. Namely, by chopping the two beams at two different frequencies using an optical chopper, we could selectively filter out the undesired components of the taylor series. 3.4 Carrier Lifetime Limited Autocorrelation: Optical Impulse Response The final point that needs to be made is in discussing the difference between a true autocorrelationand a carrier lifetime limited autocorrelation. The former expressions in equations 3.12 - 3.17 assumed that steady state was achieved and that the carrier concentration followed the intensity pulse. However, when the intensity pulse duration is much less than the carrier response time it becomes necessary to subsitute the impulse response expression for the intensity. The rate equation describing the carrier trapping process could be used to determine the impulse response under non-steady 39 state conditions. dni' dt dt = _a 6 (t)/hv - n/Te The rate equation in equation 3.18 contains a number of assumptions. (3.18) First, it assumes that the number of empty traps is not significantly changed throughout the pump duration. Otherwise, the above dynamics would be more complex and would have to account for trap-filling effects. Namely, this implies we are assuming a low-level injection condition on our intensity. In addition, as before we are assuming uniform illumination, a single level trap recombination process, and we are once again neglecting any diffusion current. With these conditions, the carrier concentration becomes n'(t) = aIio/hVe-/Te . (3.19) In equation 3.19, Ijo is the area of the impulse which approximately equals IpeakAt where At is the pulse duration. For the carrier-lifetime limited impulse response, it follows that all the previous expressions could be modified by substituting I(t) = IpeakAt/Te-'/7_ . A typical autocorrelation denoting the carrier lifetime limited optical impulse response is provided in figure 3-5. This figure shows the exponential shape of the resulting autocorrelation and the carrier lifetime extracted using an exponential fit. Ideally, the autocorrelation signal should be symmetrical. The asymmetry may result from an asymmetrical illumination of the gap. 3.5 High Field Effects on Carrier Lifetime While increasing the electric field results in an increased signal, large electric field carrier transport results in some undesirable consequences in semiconductor devices. Velocity saturation, impact ionization, avalanche breakdown, space charge limited current, and other hot-carrier effects may become evident as a result of applying large voltages which result in strong electric fields across small gaps. A good way to investigate the high-field effects in semiconductors is to gather the I-V characteristics of the device. In LT-GaAs photoconductors, a nonlinear I-V char40 0,8- 0.6 0.4- 0.2 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 T(ps) 0 2 4 6 Figure 3-5: Carrierlifetime limited autocorrelationperformed at an incident wavelength of 850 nm from which a carrier lifetime of -re 1.3 ps is extracted. acteristic has raised curiosity within the scientific community in recent years. Some groups have suggested space charge limited current as an explanation for the nonlinear I-V behavior. However, Zamdmer has argued that space-charge limited current would require a much larger acceptor-like concentration than has been observed in LT-GaAs. Furthermore, Zamdmer argues that the critical voltage required for the activation of space-charge limited current should be proportional to the square of the device length L 2 . After testing devices of various lengths, Zamdmer concluded that space-charge effects are not sufficient to explain the I-V behavior [42]. In this section, we will present our measurements on devices which contain interdigitated photoconductors with gap sizes as small as 1.8 pm which were fabricated using electron beam lithography. These gap features are slightly smaller than the 2 pm devices in [27], and provide a higher efficiency due to the interdigitated electrode pattern as shown in figure 3-6. In addition, we will investigate the model proposed by Zamdmer and verify its validity to our devices. Furthermore, we will develop a similar model which is based on Zamdmer's findings but also takes into account additional subtle details. Finally, we will investigate the applicability of the model to larger intensities where trap filling, auger processes, and other hot carrier effects have been known to occur. In the next chapter, we will also present another feature which must 41 Figure 3-6: InterdigitatedElectrodes, 1.8pam gap size. be considered under large illumination intensities, namely two-photon absorption. figure 3-7 shows the nonlinear I-V characteristics of a device containing an interdigitated electrode pattern across the gap. This pattern contains electrode spacing distances as small as 1.8 pm, with electrode widths of 200 nm as observed in the SEM photograph in figure 3-6. These small gaps allow us to generate large electric fields by applying small voltages. The dark I-V characteristic, which corresponds to no illumination, is linear throughout the voltages considered with the exception of a sharp nonlinearity near 60V. The illuminated curves all begin to show a nonlinear increase at approximately 20V. One important point to be made which will return to later in this discussion is that all the I-V characteristics must be taken under continuous wave illumination in order to be meaningful. This insures that steady state is maintained throughout the duration of the measurement. The difficulty in comparing the carrier dynamics under modelocked illumination with that of continuous wave illumination is that the instantaneous peak intensity is very small in the latter. For instance, a 1 mW source when focused down to 10 x 10 Mm 2 contains a peak intensity of 10 kW/cm 2 . At 840 nm this corresponds to an instantaneous population density of approximately n' = 2 x 1014 cm-3, using an absorption coefficient value of a = 16000 cm- 1 . For the modelocked case, we would expect the instantaneous population density to increase to n'=1 x 42 60 r 13mW 50- 40- 30 C4mW - 201.4m 10Dark 0 -101 0 10 20 30 40 50 Voltage (V) Figure 3-7: Nonlinear I-V characteristicsfor various CW intensities. 101 cm-3 . Therefore, when comparing our modelocked experiments to the continuous wave I-V characteristics it is important to keep in mind that we are comparing population densities which vary over 4 orders of magnitude. More importantly, the population densities which correspond to the modelocked case are on the same order of magnitude as the density of empty traps. This implies that the carrier densities generated under modelocked illumination could lead to trap saturation effects. Zamdmer is the first to explain the nonlinear IV characteristic in LT-GaAs [27] in terms of a Poole-Frenkel barrier lowering model. In [27] the nonlinear effects are ascribed to a modified Frenkel- Poole barrier lowering model suggested by [6] combined with an electron heating correction as suggested by [28], and then a nearest neighbor's approximation is used to account for the low-field dependence [42]. While 43 such a model describes all of the key processes involved, here we will use a more compact model which provides a better fit of our data with fewer fitting parameters. Moreover, this model will allow for a closed form analytical expression that works well over a larger bias range. The original Poole-Frenkel barrier lowering model exists in several modified forms. First we will describe the Frenkel Poole barrier lowering in its original form, and then we will discuss the results in [42]. It is important to keep in mind however, that at the root of all the models one will find the Poole-Frenkel Barrier lowering as the fundamental mechanism. EC rAU 6 AE6 . .... .. AU Figure 3-8: Poole-Frenkel BarrierLowering. 2 4-rcr -qEr (3.20) In figure 3-8 the potential energy due to an ionized trap is shown for both a zero field and an applied electric field. The corresponding potential energy may be written as shown in equation 3.20. The Poole-Frenkel barrier lowering is defined as the amount that the maximum in the barrier is reduced with an applied electric field. This could be calculated by finding the value r where 4 44 - 0 in equation 3.20 in the absence of an electric field. The resulting distance rAU where this maximum occurs is rAu = 1/2 q/(rE). The amount of barrier lowering at the maximum location corresponding to this value of rAu as a function of the applied electric field E is given by AU, which is found by using this value of rAU in equation 3.22 in the presence of an electric field resulting in 3 AU = 2( )1/2E1/2 4wre AU = 4f E.1/2 (3.21) (3.22) In equation 3.22 we have explicitly defined the Poole-Frenkel coefficient as 4f = (7 )1/2. According to the Poole-Frenkel model in its original form, the electric field dependent conductivity is written in terms of an escape probability of an electron in a trap. This mechanism is similar to a Shottky barrier [14, 13] in which the electrons may be thermally excited by reducing the barrier. The resulting conductivity for the Poole-Frenkel effect may be written as a product of the conductivity in the absence of an electric field mulitiplied by an exponential thermalization dependence on the barrier lowering as expressed in equation 3.23 a = -oexp(,3fE 1/ 2 /(2kT)). (3.23) There have been several modified forms as previously mentioned to the conductivity derived by Frenkel. In its original form, the trap has been written assuming a one dimensional barrier lowering model. Dussel has modified the model by a treatment which looks at capture from an effective capture volume point of view, rather than a thermal escape probability from a capture cross sectional area[6, 42, 281. In this model, the radius which is critical for capture is considered to reside 2kT below the Poole-Frenkel barrier lowering maximum (AU), as stated mathematically in equation 3.24. The volume critical for capture is found by calculating the volume enclosed by the critical capture potential which satisfies equation 3.24. The ratio of the capture coefficient with an applied field to that in which no field is applied ("('o) 45 which Dussel derives is given by the change in the effective volume enclosed by this potential in the presence of barrier lowering. Without providing the mathematical details, the effective carrier capture cross section which results depends on E3 /2 at high fields. Zamdmer used this model and modified it by adding another E 3 / 2 term which he attributed to carrier heating to describe the nonlinear behavior in LT-GaAs. This correction factor is necessary since the model does not take into account the electron heating which results from an applied field. The conductivity, which could be derived from the carrier capture cross section would then result in a current characteristic which would depend on E' power. However, if saturation velocity effects are taken into account then the current may decrease to E3 at high fields. 2 U = 4 - qEr = -2kT - AU (3.24) Now that the previously described model has been presented, we see that it essentially contains four fitting parameters which describe the fundamental processes which are occurring with an applied field. Namely, these four separate pieces of the model include electron heating, a capture cross section, a nearest neighbor's model, and velocity saturation. What we will now apply is a similar model which better describes our I-V characteristic by accounting for some additional details. This model incorporates the three tron heating dependence in Zamdmer's model, and the ohmic behaviour at low-biases which we observe in our data. Finally, it will provide a simple closed form solution with an empirically observed fitting parameter. The illustration shown in figure 3-8 shows all of the features of a modified PooleFrenkel Barrier lowering model as proposed in [13, 14]. This modified form extends the Poole-Frenkel barrier to include a three-dimensional treatment as opposed to its original ID form. Furthermore, it considers that the electric field only lowers the barrier to a minimum in a forward direction parallel to the field. The modified form extends equation 3.20 and replaces the potential change due to the electric field, the 46 Er term, with an angular dependence of Ercos(O). Considering the change in the barrier height in all angular directions captures the effect of the barrier increase in the reverse direction, denoted by AE 6 in figure 3-8. Accordingly, Ieda's model suggest that there is a state of energy 6, corresponding to one of the highly excited states in the coulombic trap, at which it is more probable for an electron to become a free carrier by transitioning to a distance rj than it is to become captured. This state 6 may be on the order of kT, which would describe a phonon assisted transition. The q2 /(47rfr6o6). The increment of the field corresponding distance r6 is defined as r6 in the reverse direction could be determined by using this value in equation 3.25. The resulting increase in the barrier height in the reverse direction is as shown in equation 3.26. - AE 6 4 qErcos(O) (3.25) f32Ecos()/46 (3.26) 2 - - In the forward direction, the effective barrier lowering is given as shown in equation 3.27 for the case in which AU > 26. For the case in which AU < 26, the effective barrier lowering is given in equation 3.28. The intuition behind this approximation is as follows, for a given capture radius, namely r6 , we would like to determine the change in the corresponding energy with an applied field. We are interested in keeping track of this energy because it describes a barrier which could be used to calculate the thermal escape probability. The capture radius, rb, is used to determine the lowering of the barrier height in the forward direction which is given in equation 3.27. This approximation is good as long as the Poole-Frenkel radius which corresponds to the location of the maximum of the barrier is greater than our choice of the capture radius r>f > rb. Once the Poole-Frenkel radius is smaller than the capture radius, we must define a new barrier height which is critical for capture. This effective barrier height in the forward direction is given by the energy corresponding to an energy 6 lower from where the maximum of the potential now lies (AU). The reason the critical energy for capture resides at least 6 below this maximum is because 6 physically corresponds to the energy in which a phonon interaction will free the electron by providing it with 47 sufficient energy to overcome the barrier. 6 AEforward = AU - AEforward= , For AU > 26 AE6 , For AU < 26 (3.27) (3.28) Combining the increment of the barrier in the reverse direction and the lowering of the barrier in the forward direction Ieda has developed the following equations for the conductivity shown in equations 3.29 and 3.30 [13]. u = 0 4-Esinh( a2 4-y ) , if ceE'/ 2 < 27 (3.29) 1 -= 0o- a2E [(aE/2 - 1)exp(aE1 / 2 - y) - 2yexp(-C 2 E/4-y) + exp(7) ,if aE 1 / 2 > 2-y (3.30) In equations 3.29 and 3.30, a = #f /2kT and -y = 6/2kT. We used the relative dielec- tric value of GaAs, E. = 12.9, and our measured gap distance d= 1.8 Mm to determine the electric field. We further assumed that the electric field is approximately linear throughout the bulk and used E = V/d to calculate the field. The best fit of our model is shown in the dashed line in figure 3-9 a) in linear scale and in figure 3-9 b) in a log scale for the I-V trace in figure 3-7 corresponding to 13mW incident power. A fit at other intensities provided similar results. The log-log scale is more descriptive sinlc lt SHOWS tat jiiee there are die thrlelt cagLesllU ilpe Wicah WUULU UkreLUspoinUgUl to three different power laws, which may describe three different processes. The first two processes are described by the Poole-Frenkel model. Specifically, the change from the ohmic regime to the exponential dependence regime is due to the barrier lowering effect. The third power law dependence will be described later in our discussion. The corresponding value for the energy state in which the carrier becomes a free carrier is found to be 6 = 2.5 kT, which is a very reasonable value. As a matter of fact, this is close to the 2kT estimate which described the critical radius for capture in Dussel's model [6, 42]. The Poole-Frenkel barrier coefficient, Opf was multiplied by a factor of 1.7 in order 48 to provide a best fit. This scaling factor of the Poole-Frenkel coefficient is usually found to be within the range of 1 - 2, as noted in reference [13, 14]. This could be explained in terms of the shape of the actual potential. For Shottky barrier potentials, the scaling factor is exactly 2. On the other hand, for a coulombic potential the PooleFrenkel factor should be exact as given in equation 3.22. It would be interesting to note what is the cause for this potential deformation. It may be the case that the metallic arsenic precipates which have been known to act as Shottky potential barriers have had the effect of producing an effective Poole-Frenkel coefficient. We will now return again to figure 3-9 which shows the fit of our model in the dashed curve to the I-V trace under 13mW illumination. We observe in our fit to the I-V curve that at high bias levels there appears to be a sudden increase in the conductivity, which is not captured in our model. Note that neither of the previously mentioned models would explain this sudden increase. At these large bias fields it is possible that the bulk is at the threshold of breakdown, and that we are observing some other hot-carrier effects as we approach the critical breakdown field. The breakdown field in LT-GaAs has been reported to be as large as Ecritica x 10' V/cm. By applying 50V across 2 pm, we estimate the field to be 2.5 3 x 105 V/cm which is close to the critical breakdown field strength [42, 25]. Furthermore, in annealed LT-GaAs this breakdown process has been associated with an avalanche impact ionization process [42, 25]. 3.5.1 High Field Carrier Capture Lifetime Experiments As originally proposed by Lax, a trap which is described by a coulombic potential contains multiple excited states in which a carrier may reside. The capture of a carrier involves a cascade process in which a carrier funnels down the coulomb potential through a phonon assisted process. Through each successive transition, the electron has a certain probability of being re-emitted and being captured. Accordingly, the effective carrier capture cross section critical for capture is one in which the probability of being emitted is equivalent to the sticking probability. As discussed in the last section, Dussel estimated a capture radius to correspond to a potential energy of 2kT 49 (a) 60 50 - 40- 30- C) 10 - 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Voltage (V) (b) 102 10 - 10O 10' Voltage (V) Figure 3-9: I-V Characteristic on a (a)linear scale (b) log-log scale. The solid curve represents the measured characteristic while the dashed curve is obtained from our model. In (b), three regions are shown which correspond to an ohmic region, barrier lowering, and an avalanche breakdown. 50 under the maximum height of the potential barrier which is subject to change by a Poole-Frenkel barrier lowering process with an applied electric field [6, 42]. The change in the capture radius is used to find an effective carrier capture cross section. Once the carrier capture capture cross section is determined, one may calculate the carrier capture time as described in chapter one using equation 2.13. Zamdmer modified Dussel's expression for the capture cross section to include electron heating effects and found a carrier lifetime which depends on the applied electric field. This bias dependent carrier capture time has an effect on the current-voltage characteristics of the device as expressed in equation 3.31. Zamdmer found a fit to the IV curve of his device, which was attributed to a change in the carrier capture time [42]. I - g(P)(Te(E)ve (E) + Th/hE)A (3.31) Similarly, we would like to relate our model which describes our nonlinear I-V characteristic to an increase in lifetime. We would expect the lifetime to increase as the probability of being captured decreases with barrier lowering. We feel our model well describes the thermal ionization of electrons which is evident by the Maxwell Boltzmann exponential dependence of our conductivity expressions with an applied field in equations 3.29 - 3.30. Zamdmer further carried out carrier-lifetime limited autocorrelation experiments to verify his carrier capture time increase [27]. Here we will report the results of our experiments. While our data supports the conclusions drawn in [27], our new data shows some previously unrevealed characteristics which require further explanation. Figure 3-10 shows autocorrelation measurements at three different intensities. In figure 3-10 a) and b), the carrier capture time at first glance appears to be broadening. This is consistent with what we would expect. However, upon closer inspection it is observed that there appears to be two distinct lifetimes. The first time constant is much faster than the second time constant which appears as shoulders in the plots shown in a) and b). We notice that as the bias is increased, the percentage of the signal which is described by the first time constant is decreased. This data 51 (a) 1.2- 0.840V 0.6- 20V < 10V 0.4 0.2 S-j -0.2' -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 1 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 T(ps) (b) 1.2- 40V 0.8- 20V 0.6- < 10V 0.4- 0.2- 0-0.2 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 T (ps) (c) 1.2- 1 - 40V 0.8- 20V 0.610V 0.4- 0.20-0.2' -8 -6 -4 -2 0 ' (ps) Figure 3-10: Autocorrelation measurements taken at three different bias voltages, showing capture time dependence on applied bias; (a) for time average incident power of Pavg= 4 mW and (b) Pavg=13mW and (c) Pavg=30mW. In (a) and (b) we note two time constants, as the power is increased in (c) only one time constant is observed. 52 suggests that the signal described by the first time constant is associated with barrier lowering as we will explain. One possible interpretation of this data is that the traps are quickly becoming saturated during the first time constant at which point the traps start emptying due to hole capture which is described by the hole capture time. It would then follow that as the barrier is decreased, less electrons are captured before the traps start emptying significantly. This behavior would explain the smaller percentage of the signal which is described by the first time constant in figure 3-10 a) and b) with increasing bias. Secondly, this model explains why the second time constant appears to begin at the same time in each plot. This is also consistent with Melloch's observations involving trap saturation effects using optical-pump and probe experiments. In Melloch's experiments it was shown that when the traps are nearly filled, the bottleneck for further decrease of carriers in the conduction band is limited by the hole capture time. Our estimated peak carrier density corresponding to our operating intensity is on the order of n' =1018 m-3. As we alluded to earlier in this section, this is at least four orders of magnitude larger than carrier densities generated by CW illumination. Furthermore, this carrier density is on the same order of magnitude as the number of empty traps. The data in figure 3-10 c) shows our measurements for a more intense beam corresponding to an average power of P = 30 mW. These results show that at a higher illumination intensities the transient is described by a single time constant. This is consistent with our hypothesis, namely, that as the intensity is increased the traps saturate in a time scale beyond the resolution of our experiment and the resulting bottleneck is a single time constant described by the hole capture time. We have observed in our previous measurements that the sinusoidal speaker motion, and the subsequent averaging, may result in a smoothening of the slope discontinuities. It is a possibility that using this measurement technique, combined with measuring the full width half maximum of the pulse as opposed to an exponential fit, could lead to the observation of a single time constant which is significantly broadening. Our measurements were performed using a slow scan technique using a linear delay stage on a lockin amplifier. The details of our measurement technique will be 53 described in the experimental setup section of this chapter. However, we would like to emphasize at this point that are results are indicative of a carrier capture time broadening which is consistent with the results found in reference [27]. Our measurement technique, along with the inclusion of higher intensities have provided additional insight into the dynamic carrier capture time behavior with bias and illumination. Lastly, we would like to point out how we ruled out another potential explanation which we considered which involves a coherence peak interpretation. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, a coherence peak due to interference will appear as a sharp peak in the signal when the autocorrelation is carrier lifetime limited. While this may explain the two time constants, we did not find this explanation to be valid since we would expect the coherence peak to scale with the applied bias. Therefore, this behavior would not be consistent with the observation of a reduction in the percentage of the peak signal with applied bias. In addition, our experiments were performed with a half-wave plate in one of the arms to cross polarize the two beams in order to minimize coherence effects. In conclusion, we find our results to be complimentary to observations drawn from previous work in the group and we have validated the same conclusions regarding the increase in the carrier capture time. Namely, that the carrier capture time increases as the result of the potential barrier lowering in the traps. Our experiments at large pump intensities, corresponding to modelocked operation, suggest that the hole capture tiImC (tlap-elllptylllg timeIC) is non-trivial Uld plays a sglilgicalut role in te allil dynamics. Our data further suggests that this time constant may vary, although not greatly, with bias as shown in figure 3-10 c). 3.6 Pump and Probe Experiments The optoelectronic pump and probe experiments are similar to the autocorrelation experiments. The key difference between these experiments, is that the pump and probe experiments use two different photoconductors connected through high-frequency transmission lines. One advantage of using two different isolated photoconductors 54 in which the two incident beams do not overlap is that optical interference is no longer an issue. The pump photoconductor is illuminated to generate a pulse which then propagates down the transmission line toward the probe photoconductor. When the optical pulse which is illuminating the probe photoconductor, and the electrical pulse which propagates down the transmission line from the pump photoconductor coincide, an output is generated. This experiment is best visualized by considering that the probe photoconductor functions as an optical switch, which allows the pump generated pulse to pass through. In these experiments, both ground planes are shorted to ground. The output is taken directly from the center conductor output of the probe switch. The motivation behind the pump and probe experiments is to investigate the propagation characteristics of our coplanar waveguide. The ultimate goal is to optimize the signal strength and bandwidth for a high-frequency network analyzer application. Ideally, we would like to optically beat two continuous wave sources with radian frequencies wi and w2 to generate an electric signal corresponding to the difference frequency w1 - w2 . This would allow us to control the frequency of the incident sinusoidal signal up to several hundred gigahertz for measurement of the 312 (transmission) S-parameter of a device to be tested. As a first step toward this goal, we would like to optimize and characterize the waveguide for a pulsed modelocked source illumination. This will allow us to determine and optimize the propagation characteristics of the waveguide, which include high frequency loss and sensitivity, as well as dispersion. Although for a narrowband sinusoidal application, the dispersion effects which result from a varying index with frequency will be minimal. For other potential types of frequency diagnostic applications of our network analyzer, such as determining the time domain impulse response of a device, we would still like to keep the dispersion to a minimum. Initially, the pump and probe experiments were begun by Zamdmer using various circuit geometries. The results of our experiments are shown in figure 3-11, which were performed using a rapid scan speaker measurement to be described in the experimental setup section of this thesis. The resulting signal is found to be significantly 55 distorted after taking several averages. This could be explained by the photoconductive switch geometry of our devices. These devices differed from the variety used in the autocorrelation experiments in that the gap spacing was found to be on the order of 10pm for each device. This large gap geometry poses three detrimental consequences to our signal quality. First, the electric field generated across the gap is decreased by a factor of five when compared to the previous devices. Secondly, the benefits in sensitivity from using an interdigitated electrode pattern are no longer achieved when using a regular gap geometry. Finally, this type of geometry is easily susceptible to modal distortion which results from asymmetric illumination of the pulse. One consequence of using a coplanar waveguide is the modal distortion that occurs between the even and odd modes. These modes of propagation describe the electric field symmetry across the center conductor to the ground planes. 10.90.8 - r (ps) Figure 3-11: Typical pump and probe measurement, P, 780 nm. = 30 mW, Vc = 30 V, A As a suggestion for improvement, it will be noted that Zamdmer achieved significantly better results by using a novel mode discriminator geometry [411. In order to reduce the modal distortion, Zamdmer devised two photoconductive active regions symmetrically oriented about the center conductor. This scheme allows for applying a bias signal on each side of the center conductor through the active region for compensating the modal distortion. 56 While the suggestions for improvements will be summarized in the concluding remarks of this thesis, it will suffice to say that two immediate improvements to be made for progress toward a high frequency network analyzer would include using an interdigitated photoconductive switch geometry and designing new devices which incorporate modal compensation. Although the devices used in the autocorrelation experiments contained interdigitated fingers, the center conductor was disconnected in the middle of the device making them inapplicable for pump and probe experiments. These devices were fabricated this way using a mask which was designed to incorporate future quantum device experiments in which a quantum device would be inserted in the center conductor. In summary, we have presented our initial pump and probe experiments and have discussed the applications and motivation behind these experiments. Finally, our experimental results indicate the need for redesigning the geometry before proceeding to perform continuous wave mixing experiments. In addition, two suggestions for immediate improvement were presented as a future step toward making progess toward designing a THz bandwidth network analyzer. 3.7 Experimental Setup and Measurements Two different types of modelocked lasers were used in our experiments. Initially, a Spectra Physics Tsunami Ti:Saphirre modelocked laser with FWHM pulse widths under 100fs were used to perform autocorrelation and pump and probe experiments. The tuning range of this laser is from 720 nm-820 nm for the single photon absorption experiments. In order to achieve a wavelength optimal for two-photon absorption, to be discussed in the next chapter, and suppression of single photon absorption a Coherent Ti:Saphirre modelocked laser was utilized generating pulses of a FWHM duration of 100 fs as determined by using a second harmonic generating crystal autocorrelator. This laser is tunable from 810-910 nm, allowing us to perform both single photon and two photon absorption experiments. figure 3-12 shows our pump and probe/ autocorrelation experimental setup. 57 Two types of measurements were performed. In the first measurement, a speaker with a mounted retroreflector was used as a delay stage. The speaker frequency was set to oscillate at 20Hz, and a synchronized signal with the speaker drive was used to trigger the oscilloscope. The output of the autocorrelation was displayed in real-time. Here the signal is in real time in the sense that we could make mirror and device position adjustments while monitoring the signal on the scope. In order to calibrate the time scale, a motorized micrometer stage of the second beam was moved a distance of x=.1 mm, and the movement of the signal on the oscilloscope was monitored. This motion corresponds to a round trip path delay of T = 2x/c = 2/3 ps which allows us to calibrate the time scale on the oscilloscope. A second type of measurement utilizes a chopper and a lockin amplifier combined with a linear delay stage to detect the signal. The lockin amplifier and motorized linear delay stage allow for a slow scan of the signal. This technique has certain advantages over the formerly described measurement since the speaker may create distorting effects that result from a nonlinear delay, speaker wobble, and gravity. Indeed, since we are focusing the device onto a 2 pm photoconductive gap a beam angle deviation from the central axis of the speaker motion could result in a sinusoidal scan of the gap. This results in an intensity variation as a function of is an undesired source of distortion in our measurement. T which During an oscilloscope measurement, this may be seen by observing a sinusoidal background modulation with super position of the desired autocorrelation signal. While the latter effects are undesired, the speaker measurement does offer the advantage over the lockin measurement of displaying the signal in real time. The slow scan lockin measurement on the other hand does not suffer from the same disadvantages as the speaker scan. Although the slow scan may result in a linear scan of the photoconductive gap for slight angle deviations, this linear effect allows for simple correction. In the lockin measurement scheme, both beams, 11 (t) + I2 (t - T), are chopped at two different frequencies of approximately 1 and 1.5 kHz using the inner and outer slots on the chopper. The signal is then detected at the sum of the two frequencies using a lockin integration time constant of 1 s. As a rule of thumb, the 58 sum frequency is used in order to improve the 1/f noise, however, since the difference frequency is sufficiently large in this case the performance gain may be negligible in choosing the sum over the difference frequency. The lockin measurement is performed at each step of the delay stage throughout the range of approximately 1 mm. The delay stage moves in step sizes of 10 um which corresponds to equal delay increments of 66 fs. Another advantage of using a lockin amplifier measurement over the speaker measurement is the reduction of the background signal. During our discussion of the autocorrelation signal to background ratio, it was observed that a low intensity is required to increase the autocorrelation signal to background ratio. Reducing the intensity has the deleterious consequence of reducing the signal strength. The background signal may be viewed as resulting from higher order taylor series terms in the nonlinear expansion of the photocurrent as a function of intensity. By chopping at two different frequencies and using the lockin amplifier to detect the sum of the two frequencies, we are essentially filtering out the higher order harmonics which would be present in the taylor series expansion. The result is that this type of measurement reduces the signal to background ratio, and allows us to operate at higher intensities. 59 - Laser Me Attenuator Speaker Retroreflector Linear Delay AL (~Z2~ BS, Device Lens M3 BS2 5 Chopper OSA Figure 3-12: Experimental Setup 60 Chapter 4 Two-Photon Absorption Autocorrelation 4.1 Introduction Two Photon Absorption is a nonlinear process which occurs when an incident photon has energy greater than half the energy gap E,/2 of a semiconductor but less than E, [15]. In a semiconductor, an electron making a transition from the valence band to the conduction band by this nonlinear process simultaneously absorbs two-photons through a virtual state which effectively gives the electron twice the incident photon energy [21]. This property is described by a two-photon absorption coefficient 3 which determines the strength of this absorption due to the peak incident intensity I. The advent of commercially available ultrafast lasers capable of producing the large peak intensities required for two-photon absorption have spurred research in this area. Recently, two-photon absorption induced changes in conductivity, which are nonlinear in intensity, have been exploited for commercial ultrafast autocorrelator applications. There are several advantages to using two-photon conductivity as a method for performing an ultrafast optical autocorrelation. The traditional method of using second harmonic generating crystals usually requires a stringent phase matching condition which makes it difficult for optical alignment. Moreover, the signal resulting 61 from a SHG crystal is usually much weaker than the fundamental frequency and requires additional components for filtering, sensitive detection using a photomultiplier tube, and subsequent amplification. Two-Photon Conductivity (TPC) autocorre- lators greatly benefit from their simplicity. By using a TPC scheme, the detector acts as the nonlinear intensity element thereby reducing the number of components. Moreover, TPC is relatively insensitive to polarization and phase matching. Two photon Absorption (TPA) has been demonstrated in LT-GaAs by using transmission based pump and probe experiments at wavelengths with photon energies below the energy gap [21]. Although the applicability of TPA to LT-GaAs autocorrelation based devices has been suggested [21], it has yet to be demonstrated. Recently, other groups have developed two-photon absorption based autocorrelators using different materials and devices such as AlGaAs [16], ZnSe [30], and GaN [36]. Moreover, researchers have recently shown a 451 fs impulse response at 1.55 pm which they attribute to two-photon absorption effects in LT-GaAs at power levels of 1 mW [11]. However, others have argued that at such low intensities and at that particular wavelength single photon absorption effects using a two-step mitigated process from mid-level traps are likely to be the dominant excitation mechanism for the optical impulse response [37]. In this thesis, the theory for a proposed two-photon absorption based autocorrelator will be developed and demonstrated experimentally. The results will be compared toa+r V"'. iocystAlatcretr.n mria Lk %,"JLJIJ.,L '.JL L this type"nf aut+ocrrelai aditi H "LLkl .. L j' " JUuA. UIL& U".~(.~ L 'JlLLv"X~ . 1.1.1 (,LtA A UXl'JXl , VXXX Uj VJL (1( V nf~ . will be compared and contrasted with the method discussed in the previous chapter using single photon absorption. 4.1.1 LT-GaAs Two-Photon Absorption Motivation An advantage of an LT-GaAs two-photon absorption autocorrelator over the single photon autocorrelation technique discussed in the last chapter is that it will result in a true autocorrelation that is not limited by the carrier lifetime of the material. This is a consequence of the virtual intensity nonlinearity being instantaneous. While the principles behind the operation will be discussed in greater detail, for the moment it 62 may be advantageous to compare to the similar case of a second harmonic generating crystal. For a SHG crystal, the nonlinear intensity propagates in free space and a slow detector is then used to detect the square-intensity. The analogy with a twophoton conductivity autocorrelator is that one could also imagine a virtual squareintensity V being generated instantaneously and also being detected simultaneously. Interestingly, both principles of operation are described by a nonlinear polarizability. For a nonlinear medium, the induced polarization may be written as a taylor series expansion in terms of the incident electric field as P = XNE + X2EE + X)EEE (4.1) In equation 4.1, XM is the first order susceptibility associated with a constant index of refraction or constant absorption coefficient. The second order susceptibility x(2 ) is associated with second harmonic generation, which is not significant in our material. The third order susceptibility which is responsible for two-photon absorption creates an intensity dependent index of refraction, or an absorption coefficient which depends linearly on intensity [31]. Frequently, nonlinear optics text books treat the third order susceptibility as it relates to an intensity dependent index of refraction. While that particular description is useful in certain applications, in the sections that follow we will develop a description in terms of how X(3) relates to a TPA induced change in conductivity of a material since this process forms the basis of operation in our application. Another motivating reason to investigate a two photon absorption autocorrelator encompasses the supplemental range of wavelengths with which we could operate the LT-GaAs autocorrelator. The traditional single photon absorption autocorrelator could now cover a greater spectral range of mid-infrared operation by utilizing TPA. This is a desired feature for optical communications applications since fiber coupled devices typically operate at a 1.5 pm wavelength where they have minimal dispersion. The last chapter discussed how the LT-GaAs CPW autocorrelator has already been shown to work for above the band gap light A < 870 nm. The TPA regime of operation 63 will allow for it to work with additional photon energies within the mid-gap to the conduction band. The corresponding additional optical wavelength could then range from 900 nm - 1550 nm for an upper estimate. Finally, for an ultrafast THz transceiver, the response of the material is of critical importance. To optically generate high frequency signals, it is important to characterize the decay time of the optical impulse response of the material. A study of the capture time of two-photon absorption generated carriers may provide novel insight into the feasibility of using optical wavelengths with the equivalent photon energy of a TPA process, (i.e. 450 nm), as a source of THz signals. Moreover, TPA will also allow us to further characterize the material under the high illumination intensity conditions in which nonlinear processes may occur. 4.2 Two Photon Absorption : Classical Model In general, there are several types of symmetry conditions which must be considered when describing a nonlinear optical interaction within a medium. These symmetry considerations are important because one may eliminate certain nonlinear processes solely by examining the symmetry of the medium. The first symmetry consideration which we will utilize is that which results when the material is noncentrosymmetric. This property implies that the material does not contain a symmetry property known as inversion symmetry. This symmetry consideration determines whether or not X(2) exists. GaAs is considered a noncentrosymmetric medium, and therefore may exhibit a second order susceptibility X With this consideration in mind, we will choose an appropriate classical model to describe the second and third order susceptibility. This model is essentially a modified form of the classical Lorentz model [4]. The Lorentz model treats the atom - electron interaction as a radiating dipole, in which the electron motion could be described by a harmonic potential. In a modified form of the Lorentz model, the electron motion may be written as 64 + 2F + w2x + ax 2 (4.2) -eE(t)/m. In equation 4.2 the restoring force is depicted as Frest -mwx - amx2 , and the damping force is 2mF± [4]. Note that by utilizing a nonlinear restoring force, where a determines the strength of the nonlinearity, we have modified the original Lorentz model to account for a nonlinear response due to the electron's displacement from its equilibrium position [4]. The potential energy due to this nonlinear restoring force may be found by integration. This will result in the familiar harmonic potential of the original Lorentz model, as well as a cubic term due to the inclusion of the nonlinear correction in the restoring force as show in equation 4.3 U 1 2 = 1 + ±Mx 3max3. (4.3) The solution to equation 4.2 may be found by utilizing a pertubation expansion which is a similar procedure to the pertubation theory used in quantum mechanics [4]. In pertubation theory, the solution may be written in the form of x Ax() + A2X(3 ) + . . _ 5) + where the superscript denotes the order of the expansion. defining a linear operator, L = L{x(l) + Ax - 2 d By + d + o2, we may rewrite equation 4.2 as ) + A2 X(3 )} = -eE(t)/m - aA(x(') + Ax( 2 ) + A2 x(3)) 2 (4.4) where we have replaced a in equation 4.2 by Aa. By insuring that each component within the braces on the left hand side of equation 4.4 satisfy the equation individually while preserving the order of A, one obtains the following three coupled equations L{x()} = -eE(t)/m (4.5) = -a(x( 1 )) 2 (4.6) -2ax()x( 2 ) (4.7) L{x( 2 )} L{x( 3 )} - It is interesting to note that the solution to equation 4.5 involving the first order 65 term in the pertubation expansion is the same as the solution to the classical Lorentz model in its original form. This solution is then squared to provide for a second order correction in equation 4.6. Finally, the first order and second order corrections are supplied into the third order term of equation 4.7 which is of interest for calculating the third order susceptibility. For two-photon absorption processes, we will consider the electric field to be in the form of E(t) = Eie(jw") + c.c., where c.c. denotes the complex conjugate. The third order polarizability is written in terms of the number of atoms N and the third order solution to the coupled equations as P(3 )(w) = -Nex( 3 . (4.8) Since the third order susceptibility may be written in terms of the polarizability as P( 3)(w) = X( 3)(w)JE(w) 2 |E(w), we need to find the solution to equations 4.5 through 4.7 to calculate the third order susceptibility. The solution for the third order susceptibility is shown in equation 4.9. In equation 4.9 we have defined a function given by or(z) = (w2 - z 2 + jFz)- 1 to reduce the notation 2a 2 N X(3) 4 [7] (0 (73()-(-Wi))(2-(0) + u-(2wi)). (4.9) The above calculation of the third order susceptibility is useful because it illustrates the frequency dependence of X(3 ) (w). Furthermore, this simple model is a good approximation when the excitation frequency w is far from any resonance wo in the material. Finally, this formalism illustrates the complex nature of X(3). The complex behavior of X(3 ) is important because the real part of x(3) is associated with a non- linear refractive index, while the imaginary part is proportional to the two-photon absorption coefficient # [12]. An expression for the two-photon absorption coefficient in terms of the third order susceptibility is given as 2 2 con Cf X(3 )', where X (3)' is the imaginary component Of X(3) [12]. 66 (4.10) A more detailed expression relating / to X(3 is found in reference [12] which takes into account the tensor nature of 0. Tensor Form of Two-Photon Absorption 4.3 Up to this point we have opted to describe the third order susceptibility as a scalar quantity for simplicity. In this section, we will discuss the true tensor nature of X(. In general, X() in equation 4.1 is a second order tensor, X( is a third order tensor, and X(3) is a fourth order tensor as shown in equation 4.11 [4] p) (wO + Wn + Wm) =D Z X1 (WO, Wn Wm)Ej (WO)Ek(Wn)E(Wm). (4.11) jkl In equation 4.11, the indices j,k, and 1 represent a summation over the coordinate axis, and D is a degeneracy factor associated with the distinct permutations of frequencies WO, Wn, Wm [4]. In general, there are 81 third order susceptibility tensor elements. However, calculation of the tensor elements may be simplified by taking into account crystal symmetry considerations. For the zinc-blende structure of GaAs, (symmetry class 43m), only 21 of the 81 third order susceptibility elements are non-zero. Furthermore, only four of the 21 elements are independent [12]. These four elements correspond to X 3) ,3) (3) and X(3) Various approaches have been adopted to calculate these susceptibility elements by using methods developed in quantum mechanics. In spite of the simplifications achieved by symmetry considerations, the fourth order tensor nature of the third order susceptibility remains ill adept for analytical manipulation and a numerical analysis is beyond the scope of this thesis. The interested reader is referred to a simulation performed by Hutchings et al on regular GaAs [12]. In the remainder of this thesis, we will continue to treat the two-photon absorption coefficient as a scalar quantity. We will note, however, that variations on the two-photon absorption coefficient in LT-GaAs may occur depending on the incident polarization orientation as a result of the anisotropy in the fourth order tensor nature of X( 3 ) in GaAs. 67 4.4 Two Photon Absorption Rate Equations In the analysis that follows, we will develop the rate equation description of twophoton absorption and a circuit model which illustrates our measurement. First we Recently, Smith et al have developed begin with the diagram shown in figure 4-1. n CB A T3N la t -Cl T 2hv hv 4 AL Et j2jP 2hu T 2 VB Figure 4-1: Two-Photon Absorption Dynamics in LT-GaAs from [21]. a rate equation model which illustrates the two-photon absorption dynamics in LT68 GaAs. The corresponding rate equations are written as follows di- =dt + 1/ hv 2hv dN dt .t (4.12) T4 73 I aJo N +n -=---+-(4.13) hv 71 73 dNi -Iait NT N ri -= -+ - + dt hv T2 71 74 (4.14) Here Nt is the electron concentration in the traps, N is the electron concentration in the bottom of the conduction band, and n is the electron concentration in the upper excited states in the conduction band. It is interesting to note that at 900 nm, the corresponding two photon energy is E = 2hv which corresponds to 2.75 eV. Consequently, n electrons excited into this upper state have an excess kinetic energy of 1.32 eV above the energy gap of E. = 1.43 eV. The absorption coefficient from the traps is given as at, and the linear two-photon absorption is described by atpa = 1. The carriers excited from the mid-level traps at 900 nm are excited to a state of 2.09 eV, which contain an excess kinetic energy of - 662 meV. At this particular wavelength, the SPA from the traps and the TPA excited carriers are excited into different regions in the upper conduction band, and we have illustrated this with the gray region corresponding to n carriers in figure 4-1. For an excitation energy closer to the mid-gap, near 1500nm, the energy separation between the TPA carriers and the SPA trap carriers is reduced (~ 130 meV). The first measurement of the TPA coefficient / in LT-GaAs was performed by Smith [21] using a standard measurement technique known as the z-scan. In this experiment, a single incident beam is focused onto the sample and the transmitted optical power is measured. As the position of the sample is translated along the focusing axis, the incident intensity strength varies on the sample. For single photon absorption, the transmitted power increases as the input intensity increases due to absorption saturation effects. For a two photon absorption process, on the other hand, the transmitted power decreases as the incident intensity increases as shown in figure 4-2. This is a result of the increased absorption due to pumping into excited 69 states in the upper conduction band from a TPA process. From these experiments, the TPA coefficient was determined for various growth and annealing conditions at a wavelength of 900 nm. In our device, we will assume a nominal value of #3 = 35 cm/GW which corresponds to the value reported by Smith for our growth and annealing conditions [21]. 1.1o 0.9 V .8 0 - 0. 4 -0.1 0 -0.05 ExperimenoI 0.05 0.1 z (mm) Figure 4-2: Zscan Measurement used to determine the two-photon absorption coefficient from [2]. At the position of the beam focus, z=O, the incident intensity is maximum and two-photon absorption reduces the optical transmission. We would like to use this value of the two photon absorption coefficient, 0, in rate equations 4.12 through 4.14 which describe the processes shown in figure 4-1. Before doing so, however, we need to determine the time constants which will allow us to estimate the resulting carrier concentrations in the bands. The time constants reported in [2, 21] by Smith et al are shown in table 4.1. It is worthwhile to examine these time constants since they illustrate the carrier dynamics of interest in our devices. The experiment used to obtain the data in table 4.1 involves a pump and probe optical transmission setup. In this experiment, carriers are pumped with an intense saturating pump beam consisting of 150 fs pulses at a wavelength of 870 nm. This intense pump beam saturates the absorption at the bottom of the conduction band due to band filling. Note that 870 nm is at the edge of the conduction band where both 70 T_ Value (ps) 1.4 T2 3 73 100 _4 .31 Time Constant Table 4.1: Time constants describing TPA dynamics as reported in [21]. two-photon absorption and single photon absorption processes take place, albeit at different locations in k-space. The probe beam, which is much weaker than the pump is then focused onto the same spot. Subsequently, the transmitted output power is collected as a function of the time delay between the pump and probe optical pulses. While the time constants extracted from the formerly described experiments show optimistic results for reducing the carrier capture time with excitation energy (i.e. T4 < Ti), the explanation as to why this occurs is suspect. The explanation for the reduced carrier capture time with excitation energy provided by Smith et al is given in terms of the increase in carrier velocity with excitation energy [22]. Applying the increase in the carrier velocity to a model which relates the carrier lifetime to a coulombic trap potential cross section and thermal velocity (4.15) e is not sufficient to explain the reduction in capture time. While the thermal velocity of the carriers vt oc E / 2 , will increase with energy, we expect the carrier capture cross section to reduce as o- cx E- 1 for an optical phonon transition to o- cX E- 3/ 2 for an acoustic phonon transition [19]. This implies that rather than having the capture rate become faster with excitation energy, the capture time actually increases and becomes slower. This makes intuitive sense in terms of the lessened coulombic attraction from an ionized site at a further distance in the energy band. The latter discussion illustrates the importance of analyzing the dynamic processes behind two-photon absorption excitation. If the time constants were to indeed decrease by a factor of 1/2 for carriers excited higher into the conduction band through 71 a TPA process, when compared to a SPA process, this would have profound consequences for THz devices. This would imply that we could double the bandwidth in our devices by using high energy excitation. Our interest in such phenomena initiated our investigation. A recent study of high energy excitation was performed by Beard et al in which a 400 nm pulsed source was used to study the transient photoconductivity of LT-GaAs. The results from these experiments produced more conservative values for the time constants with the behavior we would expect [1]. Namely, that the bottleneck for high-energy excitation relaxation is through an LO phonon-assisted relaxation into the bottom of the conduction band (~ 1ps) followed by a carrier trap- ping process [1]. We will modify the time constants in table 4.1 by using a value of T3 = 1 ps, and T4 = o0 ps. In the latter, we are assuming that a direct capture into the traps, by a radiative or by other means, is much longer than the other relaxation processes. Table 4.2 shows the time constants which we will use in the steady state rate equations. The rate equations 4.12 through 4.14 could be used to find the Time Constant Ti Value (ps) 1 3 T2 T3I 1000 T4 Table 4.2: Time constants corresponding to figure 4-1 which are used in the rate equations to calculate the steady state carrier concentrations. steady state carrier concentration due to optical excitation. We will calculate the carrier concentrations which correspond to a total time averaged power due to both the pump and probe beams of Pav, = 30 mW. The two beams are focused onto an approximate 10x10 pm 2 area providing us with a time averaged intensity of 'avg = 30 kW/cm 2 . For a modelocked beam with a 100 fs pulse duration, at a repetition rate of 100 MHz, this average intensity corresponds to a peak intensity given by Ipeak Iavg AT 72 (4.16) where AT is the pulse duration and T is the period between pulses. For our operating conditions, we achieve an instantaneous peak intensity of ',eak = 3 GW/cm2 . The latter is significant because it allows us to determine the relative strength of the two photon absorption generation rate relative to the single photon generation from the traps. Using this calculated value for the peak intensity, the net two photon absorption is given by atpa = 1#I = 105 cm-. Therefore, at these operating conditions the two-photon excitation mechanism is about an order of magnitude less than the single photon absorption contribution from the traps. Note that the single photon absorption for a band to band transition is zero since we are operating at photon energies below the band gap. The single photon absorption coefficient from the traps is taken to be at 1 4000 cm- 1 [21]. Using this value for the absorption coefficient, and the time constants in table 4.2 in the rate equations, one may obtain an estimate of the peak carrier concentrations shown in table 4.3. In order to estimate the peak carrier concentrations under pulsed illumination, one may make a few simplifying assumptions. The first assumption we will make is that the carrier relaxation from the upper conduction band to the lower conduction band during the pulse duration (AT) is negligible since AT < 3 < T 4 . This allows us to estimate the initial value of the carrier concentration in the top of the conduction band, n in equation 4.12. We find that by assuming a constant generation rate throughout the duration of the pulse, nr gAT = 5.8 x 1018 cM-3. After the pulse has passed, the upper conduction band carriers exponentially relax into the lower conduction band with a time constant 73 in our model. Since equations 4.13 and 4.14 are linear first order differential equations, the analytical solution may be found. Table 4.3 shows the resulting peak carrier concentrations after solving the latter equations and analyzing the peak values in each of the respective bands. The above simplified model may be used to produce an estimate of the carrier concentrations and to illustrate the dynamics involved. However, we must proceed with caution when using the simplified rate equation model. While the latter model uses empirically observed time constants, it does not take into account more complicated processes. In particular, we note that to the first order, the model has allowed 73 Steady State Concentration n = 5.8 x 1018 cm- 3 N = 2.14 x 1018 cm-3 Nt = 2.9 x 1018 cm-3 Table 4.3: Peak carrier concentrations calculated by solving equations 4.12 to 4.14. us to estimate the carrier concentrations involved. However, since the carrier concentrations are so large, we note that a more accurate model would be required to take into account the large carrier density (i.e. bandfilling, trap saturation). 4.4.1 Two Photon Absorption Circuit Model In this section, we will begin to develop a circuit model that describes our measurement. Proceeding as we did in the single photon absorption case, we begin to derive an equation for the sensitivity by starting with the photoconductivity. -(t) = q(upen(t) + php(t)) 0-(t) = Udark + (4.17) 'photo(t). The conductivity above has been written explicitly in terms of the dark conductivity and the photo-induced change in conductivity. For our DC measurements, its really the conductance that we are interested in. So we proceed to construct an equation involving the conductance assuming a square illumination area G(t) = o-(t)A/L G(t) = (4.18) Gdark + Gphoto(t). Now we could investigate the steady state carrier concentrations. The electron concentration absorbed beyond the surface into the bulk may be written as n(x) = g(x)Te. 74 (4.19) We would expect the intensity to decay into the the bulk exponentially with a decay constant given by at, since the single photon absorption from the traps is greater than the two-photon coefficient. To be more quantitative, the differential equation which describes the intensity absorption depth is written as [17] d(x) (-a - 31(x))I(X). dx (4.20) For our conditions, /1(x) is an order of magnitude less than the single photon absorption constant and the volume over which the carriers are generated is essentially the same as the SPA case. Note that equation contains an analytical solution and may be solved for the general case in which #1(x) > a. Proceeding to integrate equation 3.9 leads us to an equation for the desired conductance. Note, that in this case the quantum efficiency 71 should decrease for our device. This results since our bulk thickness L = 1.65 pm was optimized for above the band gap illumination in which the absorption depth is less than the absorption depth for below the band gap illumination. For below the band gap illumination, our thickness L is approximately 1/2 the absorption depth L = 1/(2at). In order to improve the quantum efficiency for future design considerations, the thickness of the device should be optimized such that L > 1/at. Expressing our photoconductance below in terms of the quantum efficiency and material parameters, we develop the following expression Gphoto(t) = 71q(pe - Ph) (a + /3o(t))Io(t) Y(a + NO 0(t)1 0 (t) (4.21) Gphoto(t) Gspa(t) + Gtpa(t). (4.22) hva As noted above, the photoconductance has been written explicitly in terms of the single photon absorption and a two-photon absorption contribution. Similar expressions have been derived in the literature for other structures [18]. From a systems perspective, it may be advantageous to view the photoconductance in terms of an output of a system due to an intensity input as is shown in figure 4-3. The impulse response of the system h(t) decays as an exponential with the dominating carrier lifetime of the 75 material T. In the frequency domain, the photoconductor acts as a low pass filter with a cut-off frequency given by f, = 1/(27T). Figure 4-3 depicts the spectrum due to a gaussian input intensity of 100 fs pulse duration and an ideal low pass filter with cut-off frequency T, fc. The filter cut-off frequency corresponds to a carrier lifetime of = 500 fs, which results in a cutoff frequency f, = 318.8 GHz. Accordingly, the po- tential bandwidth due to this cut-off frequency would be BW = 318.6 GHz. In order Ith(t)e G (t) Intensity Spectrum 2 1~~ I I I I I I I 1.51 1 Ideal Filter IH(f)I 0.5 0 -1 1 -10 -8 ' ' ' ' ' 0 f (THz) 2 4 6 8 ' I~ -6 -4 -2 10 Figure 4-3: Intensity spectrum of a gaussian input intensity beam with a 100 fs pulse duration. Also shown is the ideal filter function presented by the finite response time of the photoconductor. to continue our development of the autocorrelator model, a few key points need to be observed. The above intensity spectrum contains a combination of high frequency 76 components, and additional low-frequency components. In traditional communications applications, a signal is typically upconverted to a high frequency where the entire signal sees a transmission line with a characteristic impedence ZO. Since that is not the case here, we could take advantage of using superposition to treat the input as a sum of a high frequency component and a low frequency component in order to solve for the output due to the broad spectrum. In our autocorrelator, we observe that the low frequency component of G(t) will not require a characteristic impedence transmission line model (distributed model) and the circuit could be treated as a lumped element. However, the high frequency components will see the characteristic impedence and should be modeled as in the previous chapter. <GO> <Gspa> V0 <iHF( RL Figure 4-4: Circuit for TPA Measurement. In our new model, as shown in figure 4-4, we depict the high frequency contribution for the conductance as a voltage dependent current source and the dc component as a lumped element. The reason a current source is chosen is due to the observation that changing the macroscopic load (DC resistor RL) should not change the value of the dc 77 current. This result comes from treating the termination as some effective impedence for high frequencies which does not depend on the macroscopic large load resistor RL. Intuitively, one may imagine that most of the energy of the high frequency signal will radiate or suffer attenuation before reaching the macroscopic load. The complete circuit model is as shown in figure 4-4, where the high frequency current source amplitude may be calculated using equation 3.5. For a d.c. measurement across the resistor RL, the output voltage VR VOGTRL iHFRL 1+RLGT 1+RLGT VRL is given by where GT is the total time averaged photoconductance. For optimal operating conditions, we would like to have the high-frequency current source contribution minimized and a linear output voltage with respect to the time average conductance. This imposes a constraint on our load resistor RL. Specifically, we will require that RLGT << 1. With this simplification, we could rewrite equation 4.23 as VRL VRL (4.24) VoGtRL + iHFRL V(< Go > +< Gspa > +< Gpa(T) >)RL) +iHF(T)RL The only terms in the above equation that depend on the delay (4.25) (T) between the pump and probe beams are the two-photon absorption time averaged conductance contribution, and the high frequency current source contribution. For a reasonable estimate, lets approximate the two-photon absorption conductance as being smaller than the single photon absorption conductance by a factor of 10. Moreover, lets approximate 1/ < Gtpa > as being 10 MQ, which corresponds to a single photon absorption time averaged resistance of 1 MQ. Now we will choose a value of RL = 100 kQ which satisfies RLGL << 1. This will result in a two-photon absorption peak signal of V0/10 = 3V. A worse case time averaged high frequency current source contribution of 1 pA will result in a 100 mV of a background signal. From Verghese's signal to noise analysis and our discussion in the previous chapter however, we would 78 expect the current source which represents the single photon absorption from the transmission line nonlinearity to get weaker as we increase the intensity. 4.5 Experiment and Conclusions In this experiment, the same setup was utilized as in the single photon absorption experiments discussed in the previous chapter. Namely, an interferometric setup in which the two beams were cross polarized using a half wave-plate and focused onto the photoconductive gap in our coplanar waveguide was utilized. A portion of an unused beam which was transmitted through one of the beamsplitters in our setup was feed to an HP Optical Spectrum Analyzer to monitor the central wavelength. The laser was tuned to a central wavelength of 900 nm. In addition, spectral broadening of the pulse was observed when modelocking was enabled. Two types of measurements were performed. In the first measurement, a speaker with a mounted retroreflector was used as a delay stage. The results of this experiment are shown in figure 4-5 for an incident power of P, 9 = 30 mW and in figure 4-6 for an incident power of Pg = 170 mW. For a second measurement, a lockin amplifier is used in conjunction with a linear delay stage and a chopper as discussed in the previous chapter. Both beams are chopped at two different frequencies and the signal is detected at the sum frequency. The results are displayed in figure 4-7. 4.5.1 Two Photon Absorption Discussion of Results In order to verify our results, we compared our measurements to a commercial autocorrelator produce by Femtochrome. Femtochrome's autocorrelator uses an LiIO 3 second harmonic generating crystal for an intensity-intensity autocorrelation. Their setup contains an optical filter which blocks out stray radiation near the fundamental of 900 nm, which is close to the visible spectrum where ambient light would otherwise overwhelm the detector. In addition, the filter is a band pass near the frequency of the second harmonic 450 nm. The detection is performed using a photomultiplier de79 2 - 2 SHG Crystal - LT-GaAs Device 1.5- 1 -- 0.5 - -0.5- - 1111111111 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 t 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (ps) Figure 4-5: TPA autocorrelationfrom a speaker measurement at Pavg=30mW, A = 900 nm, Bias=30 V. A half wave plate was used to minimize coherence effects and to obtain the minimal pulse width. tector. The delay stage comprises of a rotating mirror arrangement at 10 Hz, which may lead to a more linear scan over our speaker setup. The output of the photomultiplier is then sent to an amplifier with variable gain for subsequent amplification. The signal is monitored on an oscilloscope which is triggered at the rotating mirror frequency. Our measurements were performed with an incident power ranging from 30 mW to 180 mW. At lower intensities, the signal to noise ratio was too low to obtain a good measurement. The best measurements occur at the higher incident power levels where we would expect a greater peak intensity and two-photon absorption signal. In 80 2 1.5- - ---SHG Crystal LT-GaAs Device 0.5- -0.5- -1 -0.5 1 -0.4 1 -0.3 1 -0.2 1 0 1 -0.1 t 1 0.1 1 0.2 1 0.3 1 0.4 0.5 (ps) Figure 4-6: TPA autocorrelationfrom a speaker measurement with Pavg=-l 7 0mW, A = 900 nm, Bias=30 V. A half wave plate was used to minimize coherence effects and to obtain the minimal pulse width. addition, as we increase the power we would expect the single photon absorption signal to decrease as a result of two different mechanisms. The first mechanism responsible would be the decrease in the absorption coefficient as a result of band-filling. At these high pump intensities we expect to be significantly releasing carriers from the traps which results in a decrease of the net trap absorption coefficient as a result of the reduced available states in the conduction band as discussed in chapter one. The second mechanism which results in the decrease of the SPA signal follows from our signal to background ratio analysis of SPA discussed in the previous chapter. In the analysis in chapter three, we concluded that as we increase the intensity the single 81 2- SHG Crystal LT-GaAs Device 1.5- 0.5- -0.5- -1 -0.5 1 -0.4 1 1 1 1 1 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 t 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (ps) Figure 4-7: TPA Lockin Measurement with A = 900 nm, Pg=50 mW, Bias = 20V. A half wave plate was used to minimize coherence effects and to obtain the minimal pulse width. photon absorption sensitivity should decrease. Furthermore, at low intensities we did not observe a SPA carrier lifetime limited signal. This is expected since for below the band-gap illumination the absorption coefficient is lowered and we are generating less carriers per unit volume. Moreover, since our device thickness is not optimized for below the band-gap illumination we would expect the SPA autocorrelation signal to be negligible. In order to minimize coherence effects, the beams were cross polarized using a half-wave plate. As the half-wave plate is rotated, the pulse-width of the measured autocorrelation signal decreases. We have observed the measured FWHM width of the 82 autocorrelation signal to decrease from 500 fs to 300 fs. This is the effect of reducing the electric field - electric field autocorrelation signal that results from interference. Since our autocorrelation is not limited by the carrier lifetime, we would expect the electric field autocorrelation signal to be broader than the intensity autocorrelation. This result follows since the intensity autocorrelation is essentially the autocorrelation of the square of the electric field which makes it narrower, which is consistent with our observations. The autocorrelation signal performed by using TPA resulted in a FWHM of 300 fs which is much narrower than what would be possible with a single-photon absorption carrier lifetime limited autocorrelation. For a lifetime limited autocorrelation, the carrier lifetime could be extracted from the FWHM by using FWHM = '[). This would result in a carrier lifetime of 216 fs which is much faster than the reported values for LT-GaAs. We also note that our signal closely matches the SHG crystal measurement, with an appropriate sech 2 (t/A) shape which gives us confidence in our results. Using a 1.5 deconvolution factor, we find that the inferred optical pulse width is 200 fs. 83 84 Chapter 5 Concluding Remarks In chapter 2 we discussed the material properties of low temperature grown GaAs. We concluded that low-temperature grown GaAs has a high mobility, a large dark resistance, and a fast capture time which makes it attractive for our transceiver application. It is interesting to make a comparison of LT-GaAs to other materials which have also shown merit for this application. A table comparing the figures of merit of similar devices from [8] is provided in the table below. On the basis of carrier Material CarrierLifetime (ps) Mobility (cm 2 /Vs) Cr:doped GaAs 50 - 100 1000 Amprphous silicon MOCVD CdTe .8 - 20 .45 1 150 lifetime and mobility, LT-GaAs seems to be the material of choice. When considering other features such as the dark resistance one may conclude that LT-GaAs is an even more promising material for our transceiver application. One will find in the literature that the mobility values of annealed LT-GaAs have been reported to range from lze = 400 cm 2 /Vs ([24]) - e = 3000 cm 2 /Vs [1, 35]. The reported values may differ on the basis of annealing and growth conditions. In addition, Zamdmer [42] has suggested that the discrepancies which arise when comparison is made for the same growth/anneal conditions may reside on the influence of the semi-insulating substrate on the Hall measurements. The lower reported mobility values have been obtained by removing the substrate from underneath the LT-GaAs layer. However, in this 85 thesis we have adopted to consistently use the upper estimates for the mobility since it seems to represent the measured consensus in the present literature. In either case, we will note that the mobility is well within a reasonable value when compared to the electron mobility in regular GaAs y, = 7000 cm 2 /Vs. As we increase the annealing temperature, we expect the material properties to converge toward regular GaAs as the defects introduced during low temperature growth are reduced. The general trend of mobility should still hold, that is for the as-grown material the mobility is reported to be pe =1 cm 2 /Vs, whereas for the annealed LT-GaAs this value should increase considerably. After discussing the material properties of LT-GaAs, this thesis investigated the various applications of our ultrafast transceiver. Chapter three focused on autocorrelation experiments which were used to characterize the response time of the circuit. In this chapter we discussed the factors which effect the sensitivity of our circuit. One of the schemes to improve the efficiency, is to use a particular geometry in the photoconductor which includes interdigitated fingers. Our finger spacing is sufficient to neglect the parasitic RC capacitance which is associated with the external circuit geometry as opposed to the bulk properties of the material. Future improvements on this interdigitated finger geometry may lead to improved efficiency at the expense of a more complex design process. Studies have shown that an optimal electrode width of 300 nm, with a gap separation between neighboring electrodes of 300 nm, could lead to an improved efficiency and still remain recombination limited [5]. However, electrode spacing of less than 200 nm have shown an RC time constant limited response which is larger than the recombination limited response. In addition, by not noticing a characteristic dependence on the FWHM of the signal with applied bias a transit time limited response is ruled out for the 300nm electrodes. It would be interesting to develop these types of devices in the future for an improved efficiency. Chapter three also discussed the influence of the incident intensity on the carrier lifetime. It is important to emphasize that the instantaneous carrier densities generated under continous wave illumination and modelocked illumination with pulse widths on the order of 100 fs will differ by four orders of magnitude under our fo86 cusing and incident power levels. These effects must be taken into account when making a comparison between continous wave generated data, and modelocked data. Moreover, the results suggest that under high illumination intensities, trap filling effects must be taken into consideration when resolving the capture time. Under the higher illumination intensities, which may correspond to incident time average power level of 30 mW which is only a fraction of the 700mW typically available from a modelocked laser; the data suggests that hole-capture or trap emptying time is the bottleneck for the carrier response. With these observations, it becomes necessary to put everything into the perspective and to discuss the results in terms of the implications for a high-frequency network analyzer design. These results suggest that under continuous wave photo-mixing, in which the instantaneous intensities are so low as to make a negligible pertubation on the equilibrium trap densities, the carrier capture time would be on the order of 200 fs. This could lead to a desired 3dB bandwidth of 800GHz, in which a 1 THz generation could be produced or detected although with considerable attenuation due to the subsequent roll-off beyond the cut-off frequency. For other developing applications which may be of interest to this technology such as time-division mulitiplexing in which the short pulse durations may be exploited, our results indicate that the incident intensities must be considered when prediciting the carrier capture time response. In addition to the intensity experiments, chapter three presented our results on the bias dependence verses the carrier capture time. These results are in agreement with the conclusions of Zamdmer et al which state that the capture time is related to the barrier lowering of the coulombic trap potential with an applied electric field [27]. We have applied a modified model which takes other subtle details into account, such as the barrier increase in the reverse direction and a thermal escape probability, which provides an ohmic fit at a low bias range which is in agreement with our data. Furthermore, the nonlinear increase in the current verses voltage behavior is predicted by the model with a fairly good fit. As the applied voltages approach 60V, it is observed that the model no longer holds and we have suggested impact ionization to be the dominant mechanism at these applied voltages corresponding to electric field 87 strengths on the order of 10' V/cm. A novel autocorrelation method using LT-GaAs is presented in chapter 4 which utilizes two-photon absorption to produce a carrier concentration which is nonlinear in intensity. Since two-photon absorption has the effect of doubling the incident photon energy, we have observed that utilizing a wavelength of 900nm places the carriers high into the conduction band through a TPA process with an excess kinetic energy of 1.32 eV over the conduction band minimum. In order to account for the carrier dynamics, we have provided a model which was originally proposed in reference [21, 2] which utilizes empirically observed time constants. This model allows one to predict the carrier concentrations under steady-state conditions, and has been suggested to provide an estimate for our transient experiments. In developing the model, we have investigated the response time of carriers excited high into the conduction band and have concluded that they become trapped with a capture time which is slower than carriers excited into the conduction band minimum through a single photon transition. Our conclusions are based on the assumption that new recombination channels are not introduced at these high energies and that the dominant trapping processes bottleneck is through the traps which present a coulombic potential. While our studies and discussion in chapter four have suggested that the mechanism responsible for the increase in capture time with TPA excitation may be related to a decreased capture cross section, we would like to offer some more interesting details regarding these high excitation energies. It is interesting to take note that the carriers excited with this much excess energy (1.32 eV) may scatter into the L or X valleys which reside at .3 eV and .46 eV above the F valley minimum respectively [1] in LT-GaAs. Here the electrons have a lower mobility than in the conduction band minimum due to an increasing temperature, and a larger effective mass due to the different curvature in these valleys. The mobility may be written as Pe e< TcoII > /m* where m* is the effective mass, and < r,0u > is the mean scattering time. The lower mobility implies increased scattering events. It would be interesting to perform UV experiments with excitation wavelengths at 450 nm to determine if any hot carrier effects may be involved in creating new recombination channels at these wavelengths. 88 One suggestion for performing such an experiment would be to utilize a frequency doubler (SHG crystal) at 900nm to characterize the capture time using single photon absorption experiments. Although experiments have been performed on LT-GaAs at these wavelengths [1], they have not been performed at intensities large enough to excite the high carrier densities in which hot-carrier phenomenon become prominent. Our results have shown that it is possible to use LT-GaAs as a two-photon absorption autocorrelator. The two-photon absorption coefficient in LT-GaAs / = 40cm/GW has been reported to be nearly twice as large as it is in regular GaAs. In addition, other materials such as GaN, and ZnTe, contain a lower value of 4 = 16 cm/GW and =_6 cm/GW respectively [36, 30]. However, this increase in the two photon absorption coefficient in LT-GaAs comes at the expense of a residual single photon absorption (SPA) from the mid-level traps, which is minimal in other materials such as regular GaAs. In conclusion, we have shown TPA may be used to perform an autocorrelation which does not depend on the carrier lifetime of LT-GaAs. Moreover, this may be a suitable alternative to SHG crystal autocorrelators in terms of parts reduction. 89 90 Appendix A Laser Operation Two different laser systems, in two different labs, were used to perform the experiments described in this thesis. This was necessary in order to cover the broad spectral range required in our experiments. Namely, the single photon absorption experiments required a laser tunable with wavelengths less than the band gap of LT-GaAs (A < 870 nm), whereas the two-photon absorption experiments require wavelengths (A > 900 nm). Here we will discuss the laser system used to obtain the single photon absorption data in Professor Qing Hu's lab. This laser system comprises of a Spectra Physics Argon-Ion laser and a Tsunami 3960 Ti:Saphirre fs laser. The current optics set in the Tsunami laser allow for a tunable wavelength of 700 nm - 850 nm. The specifications provided with the laser state that typical pulse width is between 80-130 fs. The repetition rate of the laser is 82 MHz. An outline of the procedure to operate the laser is provided below [42]. A.0.2 Start-Up Procedure 1) In order to start the laser system, one must first turn on the chilled water which flows into the lab by opening the two valves on the left wall when first entering the lab. One may verify that the water is on by looking at a glass window in the pipe which contains a spring that will vibrate when there is flow. 2) Next, one may proceed to turn on the mechanical pump located on the floor by 91 the Neslab heat exchanger. This pump increases the flow rate and should be sufficient to turn off the flow indicator on the Argon-Ion laser status indicator. The pressure should read 100lb/in2 3) Before proceeding to turn on the Neslab Heat Exchanger, one should verify that the water is filled up to approximately one inch from the top. This heat exchanger uses untreated water and may be filled as required. Once the water level is sufficient, the Neslab heat exchanger may be turned on. This heat exchanger forms a closed loop which passes through the Argon-Ion power supply. The water temperature of the laser should decrease to about 60 0F as read on the thermometers on the wall for both the supply and return readings. 4) Located underneath the optical table is a separate closed loop system for the Tsunami laser. This system is controlled by a Neslab chiller which should be operated at 20 0 C. After this system is turned on, the Argon Ion laser is ready to be turned on. 5) Turn on the Argon Ion Laser and allow for it to warm up for atleast a half hour before use. The laser power should be set for a 3W warm up temperature. This should be set by placing the laser in current mode and increasing the current to 3W. Then the laser should be placed in power mode and the power should be increased to 3W. Once the laser has been allowed to warm up, the power could be increased to the desired pumping power. The suggested power for modelocking is obtained by setting the Argon-Jon laser to apower setting between 6W to 7WA. This is accomplished by first setting the Argon-Ion laser in current mode and incrementing the current until the output power is achieved. Subsequently, the laser should once again be placed in power mode and the power should be increased until 7W is achieved. The power mode on the laser attempts to maintain a constant output power by stabilizing the current fluctuations. A.0.3 Beam Alignment Beam alignment adjustments may need to be made from time to time in order to optimize the power output of both the Argon-Ion laser and the Tsunami saphirre 92 laser. If the power output on the Argon-Ion laser is saturated at a low value, the first adjustment that should be made is located on the external controls at the rear of the argon ion laser. Using this and the Beam-Lok steering electronics which indicates the position of the beam, the beam should be centered with the Beam Lok off. Once the beam is centered on the Beam-Lok stearing module, the Beam Lok should be turned on in order to allow for beam drift correction. If this does not solve the power problem, refer to the Argon-Ion laser manual. Similarly, the output power on the Tsunami laser may be optimized by performing external adjustments. These adjustments should be made by balancing the output coupler (M10) adjustments with the high-reflector (MI) adjustments. Please refer to the Tsunami manual for details about how to optimize the power. On rare occasions, it may be necessary to make internal alignment adjustments. This should only be done as a last resort when the performance could not be obtained by the external adjustments. A.0.4 Mode-Locking the Tsunami Ti:Saphirre There are a few alternative methods to determine if the Tsunami laser is modelocked. The most unambiguous way to determine the quality of the modelocking is to use an aligned autocorrelator setup in which the zero-path difference is already achieved. However, since these are not readily available one must usually rely on methods which will indicate if the laser has initiated modelocking but will not provide information about the quality of the generated pulses. To initiate modelocking, turn on the mode locking electronics module. The modelocker enable button on the Tsunami electronics module should be suppressed. The enable LED will then turn on and the pulsing LED should become stable if a pulse is detected at the AOM rate. Alternatively, one may monitor the output of the photodiode through a BNC connector on the monitor output located on the 3955 module. The output should be monitored on a oscilloscope by using the sync output of the module as the trigger to determine if a signal is being generated at the pulse repetition rate [42]. 93 If the laser is properly modelocking, the output spectrum of the laser pulses should increase. If one has access to an optical spectrometer, this could be a good indicator of modelocking. Alternatively, one may us the Jbovin Spex spectrometer located on the optical bench. This uses a grating/photodetector to determine the output spectrum as the selected wavelength is tuned by a motor-driven dial. Software was written for this spectrometer and is available for LabView. Note that Hewlett Packard makes fiber coupled spectrometers, similar to electronic spectrum analyzers, which would serve nicely for this purpose since the speed of the acquisition is greatly increased. The last alternative which serves as an indicator of modelocking is to view the speckle pattern off of a low intensity portion of a card or object placed in the beam path. If the laser is modelocked, the beam spot should become less speckled [421. Note that the laser beam should never be viewed directly, and proper laser safety precautions should be taken at all times. This indicator is mentioned only because it may aid the more experienced user who will recognize it. For a new user to the system, this step should be avoided since it will not be a sufficient indicator of modelocking performance and is not easy to determine. A.0.5 Shut-Down Procedure The shut-down procedure is similar to the reverse of the start-up procedure. 1) First bring the power down to 3W. This is done by decreasing the power in constant power made to 3W and then by switching to current mode and repeating the ramp down to 3W. This ensures the laser will start up by ramping up to this power level during the next start-up. 2) Next, the Argon Ion laser should be turned off. The Tsunami chiller is then turned off followed by the mechanical pump and Neslab chiller. It is very important that the cooling system is turned off when not in use to avoid condensation build up on the laser rod which may permanently damage the laser. Finally, the water valves should be closed. The mode-locking electronics module should also be turned off when not in use. 94 Appendix B Appendix: Measurement Circuits In order to perform the measurements described in this thesis, it becomes nececessary to convert the current out of the device into a voltage which we can monitor on an oscilloscope. In this section, we will illustrate various alternative circuits which we have used in order to fulfill this task. The first such circuit, is a transimpedence amplifier as shown in figure B-1. This configuration allows us to set the gain we require, typically R = 1MQ. It essentially provides a zero input impedance into the circuit so that it does not load our device. During our speaker autocorrelation measurements, described in chapter 3, we sinusoidally change the path of one of the two beams. This has the effect of periodically reproducing the autocorrelation signal with the period determined by the speaker motion. Typically, the speaker is set to oscillate at 13Hz with an 8V peak-peak driving voltage which allows for a speaker motion of approximately 4 mm peak-peak. In our taylor series analysis of chapter 2, we noted that along with the autocorrelation signal (the second order term in the expansion) we also produce a first order dc term which does not contain any information of the autocorrelation signal. The circuit illustrated in figure B-1 passes both the sinusoidal signal and the undesired dc signal. In order to suppress the dc signal, the circuit shown in figure B-2 is used. This circuit uses a dc blocking capacitor which only allows the ac signal to pass through. Equivalently, one may see that the overall circuit acts as a high pass filter with a gain determined by Rf and a corner frequency of 95 f, = 1 )* RiO 1 Since the Rf <i HF() V0 Figure B-1: Transimpedence amplifier used to measure photocurrent to perform autocorrelation and pump-probe experiments. The gain is determined by Rf and is set to 1MQ. speaker oscillates at 20 Hz, and during proper alignment the autocorrelation signal repeats at twice the speaker frequency, we will provide sufficient margin by choosing a cut-off frequency of 20 Hz. In other words, since our sampling rate is at 40 Hz without any aliasing one may conclude that the maximum frequency content in our base band signal is 20Hz. The sampled signal is then centered at 40Hz, with a bandwidth less than 20 Hz, which allows us to choose 20Hz as a cut-off frequency. frequency may be accomplished by using a value of R1 = This cut-off 500 kQ and C1 = .1 paF. R, <i HF(C>, R1 VO Figure B-2: Transimpedence amplifier which uses a dc blocking capacitorto remove the undesired dc signal. The high pass filter cut-off frequency is determined by choosing the values of R 1 C1 , and the gain is determine by Rf. For simplicity, the circuit shown in figure B-3 may be used. This circuit comprises 96 of a single load resistor RL. Note, that while this circuit indeed loads our device, the high frequency current contribution which we are measuring using our measurement scheme should be independent of this loading value. This is because our macroscopic resistor does not look resistive at high frequencies. In other words, this load resistance termination will not significantly alter the load presented to the high frequency signals on the transmission line. It is our assumption that the high frequency signal will radiate and will quickly be attenuated upon encountering the mismatch at the end of the transmission line before reaching our macroscopic load resistor. It follows that changing the value of the macroscopic load resistor, should not change the degree of mismatch at the termination of the transmission line to high frequency signals. The resulting measurement on the load resistor will be a superposition of two signals. The first signal will be a dc signal that results from the dc component of the device (a voltage divider between the dark resistance and the load). The second signal will comprise of a time average of the high frequency signal which propagates on the transmission line which subsequently becomes mixed back down to dc as a result of the nonlinearity of the photocurrent. This nonlinearity results from a voltage divider presented by the characteristic impedance of the line (see chapter 3 for further discussion). The advantage of using this load resistor for a measurement of the autocorrelation signal results from its simplicity. This resistor is completely passive and does not require the dc biasing which is needed in the transimpedance amplifiers to operate the operational amplifiers. Finally, the desired load resistor value (RL =1 MQ) may easily be obtained from the input impedence of the measuring oscilloscope. All one needs to do is to setup the oscilloscope directly to the device to be measured and the voltage read out will correspond to the voltage across the 1 MQ load (input impedance). Another method of performing the autocorrelation measurements is by the use of a lockin amplifier as discussed in the experimental setup section of chapter three. The latter circuits were used primarily in the speaker measurement setup. A fourth alternative is to use a lockin amplifier and an optical chopper to perform the mea97 <iHF(T)> V0 RL 7 77 Figure B-3: Load resistor (for low frequencies) which may be used to measure the photo-current. While the resistor loads the low frequency components of the circuit, it presents an arbitrarytermination for the high frequency currents propagatingthrough the transmission line. A typical load resistor value of R=1 MQ may be accomplished by using the input resistance of the measuring oscilloscope. surement. The speaker should be turned off in this measurement, and the lockin amplifier reference should be set to correspond to the sum or difference frequency of the two chopped beams. The scan is accomplished by using a linear motor driven delay stage to be described in appendix C. At each step in the linear scan, a lockin amplifier measurement is performed. The current signal from the device should be feed directly into the input of the lockin amplifier, since the lockin amplifier contains internal transimpedence stages. Good measurements on the lockin were accomplished by setting the integration time to Is. 98 Appendix C Appendix: Linear Delay Stage In the beginning of this project, labview code had to be written on an IBM Windows environment in order to control the linear motor driven delay stage. In this section of the appendix, some of the basic commands will be listed as a reference. The linear scan used to perform the autocorrelation experiments utilized a motordriven stage manufactured by DynaOptic Motion. This stage allows for 25 mm of travel (DynaOptic Part Number CTC-163-1) with a resolution of up to .1 pm. In our experiments, the scan increments were done in steps of 10 pim well beyond the resolution limit given in the specifications. This corresponds to a temporal increment of 67 fs. The motor driven translation stage is controlled by a motor controller (DynaOptic Part Number CTC-290-102s) which is housed in a computer casing. In order to communicate with the motor-controller, a cable was designed to establish RS-232 communication with a PC operating under a Windows 98 operating system. The cable mapped out the 25 pin RS-232 interface on the controller to the 9 pin interface on the personal computer. Only 3 of the 9 pins are utilized which correspond to RX, TX, and ground. When configuring the RS-232 settings in the windows environment, it is important to ensure that the Hardware handshaking is disabled. Once the communication is established, the motor controller may be programmed remotely with the programming software of choice. A program was written in National Instruments LabView which allows for a graphical user interface and simplicity in 99 programming. This program controlled the delay stage motion, and simultaneously took data readings from a lockin amplifier. The programming sequence consists of initializing the RS-232 interface, setting the motor parameters, and then programming the motion commands. An example of some of the labview motion commands are provided below: Description Command Initialize Settings and Velocity Move Motor Read Positon 1SV%d, 1SA10000, 1DS10000, 1SG300, 1DB5, 1DT100 1MN, 1MR%d, 1WT, 1MF 1TP Table C.1: Example of some of the labview commands to control the linear delay stage. In table C, the %d in the command section is the parameter to be input by the user. For the velocity section, %d should the input of the desired velocity in mm/s multiplied by 4067109 which is a conversion factor that converts the units of mm/s into an equivalent motor revolution unit. For the move motor and read position commands, %d should be replaced by an input parameter in the units of mm which must be multiplied by a constant 62059.16 to convert to the required units. Further details are provided in the DynaOptic Motion manuals. 100 Bibliography [1] Mathew C. Beard, Gordon M. Turner, and Charles A. Schmuttenmaer. Subpicosecond carrier dynamics in low-temperature grown GaAs as measured by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics, 90:5915-5923, 2001. [2] S. Benjamin, H.S. Loka, A. Othonos, and P.W.E. Smith. Ultrafast dynamics of nonlinear absorption in low- temperature-grown GaAs. Appl. Phys. Lett., 68:2544-2546, 1996. [3] B. Bennett, R. Soref, and J. Del Alamo. Carrier-induced change in refractive index of InP GaAs p. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 26:113-122, 1990. [4] Robert Boyd. Nonlinear Optics, pages 25-54. Academic Press, New York, 1992. [5] Stephen Y. Chou and Mark Y. Liu. 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